#to a LOT of other ppl at concerts like... ''omg i met the rose there uwu''
roseband · 5 months
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janiedean · 6 years
(1) Can I just say I hate all this Freddie Mercury biopic wank with a passion? Like, this hellsite went from "Queen is one of those boring 'classic' bands all whites are obsessed with bc they won't even consider new music by diverse artists u.u" to "WWRY is clearly a song about rebellious queer youth, cishets don't touch Queen u.u" after someone pointed out Freddie's ethnicity and sexuality, to "why aren't they making Freddie gay in the biopic!!!11" and... whatever they're whining about now.
(2) And I HATE looking at all this bs and thinking "fake fans", bc I'm pretty damn sure that by most standards, *I* count as a "fake fan", too. I mean, most stuff I know about the band's history is actually stuff about Freddie, thanks to a few documentaries centered around him and my mom, the long-time fan with a big crush on Freddie who introduced me to Queen when I was a kid. Hell, I couldn't even name all their albums or anything needed to be considered a "true fan". But ppl on here... ugh. (3) It's like they're really embarrassed bc they were called out on mistaking "woke" stuff for "unwoke" stuff, and now they have this desperate need to prove their ability to discern wokeness by getting offended about something they don't even care all that much about, as loudly and dramatically as they can.
okay so, tldr: I hate this discourse and I honestly hope that it dies within two weeks out of the biopic for a whole lot of reasons amongst which the ones you said, but like, this discourse actually highlights a shitload of issues with the usual tumblr discourse which I will gladly go into now because I’m fucking tired and this movie isn’t out yet.
now, premise: while I don’t think that true fans are a thing - at most there’s casual fans or in-depth fans but I mean, a fan is a fan so I don’t believe in the *fake* fans thing..... the problem here isn’t that they’re fakes. it’s that they aren’t fans. period.
other premise: from what you’ve said you’re a casual fan which is normal and you DON’T count as fake I mean if you like them and listen to them and know something it’s basically being a casual fan same as I am with idk the rolling stones, I like the famous stuff, I have the fundamental records and I like them when they’re on but that’s it.
but, yours truly is a Not Casual Queen Fan in the sense that a) I got into them when I was seventeen and I’m thirty now so thanks it’s been a while, b) I own all the records, c) I own a decent portion of roger taylor’s/brian may’s solo records (and I have listened to all of them that I couldn’t buy), d) I went to see them live once (k it was with paul rodgers but nvm guys not my fault if I wasn’t born in time for freddie) and I love queen’s music and I’m also fucking cishet and you know what? these people Are Not Fans and they should stop pretending they are and just stop making themselves look like assholes.
the movie’s not out yet and I’ve had to see FIFTEEN ‘FRIENDLY REMINDER TO ALL CISHETS THAT FREDDIE MERCURY WAS GAY (at least a couple said he was bi and they were less asshole-ish) AND POC AND IF YOU DON’T KNOW YOU’D BETTER LEARN NOW HAHAHAHA YOU THOUGHT HE WASN’T. spoilers: every fucking casual queen fan who has bothered to buy three records knows that. yes, also the cishets. like, as someone who went from VERY CASUAL (ie: I know three songs) to NOT CASUAL in the span of two months I can 100% assure you that before getting into queen the usual preconceptions are that freddie was gay and that queen = freddie + three other people. the first three things you learn when getting into queen are (more or less in order but it can change) that a) the band was actually brian may + roger taylor first, b) that roger brought freddie in because they knew each other already, c) that mary austin was a fundamental person in freddie’s life and that she was also brian may’s ex and knew him first before they got together, d) the members’s backstories including where freddie was born, so like...... this idea that CASUAL CISHET FANS wouldn’t know that freddie was a) not heterosexual, b) poc is just something a NON-FAN would say because guess what, most queen fans even at a casual level are 100% aware that freddie was a) not heterosexual, b) not ethnical british. and saying that OMG CISHETS DON’T KNOW it’s ridiculous because guess what, everyone knows and if they have no idea they do, though luck, we did;
(spoilers: I also am 99% sure that those ppl have no idea that roger and brian actually sing on the records and composed a shitload of the music and queen =/= ONLY FREDDIE but okay)
they have no idea that rock music in the 70s/80s was not so heteronormative and was not the cishetmalething they think it is. like, please look at led zeppelin (ie THE PEOPLE WITHOUT WHOM YOU WOULDN’T HAVE HEAVY METAL) and tell me they were heteronormative. like, you saw robert plant? yeah, me too. and the thing was that queen were revolutionary in the sense that they brought an operatic/theatrical approach to the music that no one tried before but guess what, the point is that they made it sell. the thing that I would like tumblr Woke People to grasp is that what made queen groundbreaking as far as Wokeness goes is that they managed to sell and become the monster-moneymaking group they were (while keeping things quality) with a frontman who was Not Heterosexual, Did Not Try To Pass For Heterosexual One Day In His Life and Never Shied Away From It. like, idk if people are aware that while the scene was way less heteronormative than they think it still wasn’t the most openly talked about topic around (I mean guys elton john did marry a woman at some point X°DDD), but going around in the seventies flaunting your non-heterosexualness around and selling millions of copies making your stage persona a selling point of your music wasn’t exactly common. like ffs one of the most famous queen songs has a video where for 3/4 of the time they’re in drag and the other part has freddie performing with the royal ballet (and guess what the song was actually written by john deacon and the idea of doing the video in drag was roger taylor’s and none of them as far as we know is Not Heterosexual, but never mind giving the rest of the band some credit when it came to Not Caring About Heteronormativity) and fine, that video was banned/controversial, but it still was a huge british hit and it’s in the top five queen songs Everyone Knows. and tbh I’m terrified of that video being shown in the biopic (which it should since the works was from ‘84 and they stop at ‘85) because I’m 100% sure that those people have no idea it exists and when they find out how long is it gonna take them to decide that IT’S PROBLEMATIC? I mean, Woke Kids on here think the rhps is problematic, I’m shuddering at the thought of what they’d think of the i want to break free video;
actually a lot of us cishet queen fans might have had a wake up call including, er, finding out certain preferences, thanks to either their music or their shows or their videos (*cough* I 100% assure you that watching roger taylor in drag was what made me realize crossdressing was my thing for good like I knew before but I didn’t actually put two and two together until I saw that video and went like ‘............. AH WELL SHIT THEN THAT’S IT FAIR ENOUGH’), and a lot of us cishet queen fans who weren’t, like, strictly playing to heteronormative rules back in the day found a lot to relate to in their music even without being queer ourselves and guess what I’ve never met a single queen *fan* who could give less of a damn about freddie’s ethnicity or orientation (as in: everyone was a-okay with it) regardless of their background. that was what made them groundbreaking and extremely important as well, because they managed to be that kind of record-selling records-breaking band while not shying away from having a Not Heterosexual frontman AND Not Heteronormative Heterosexual Band Members Who Also Didn’t Give Two Fucks About Their Lead Singer’s Sexuality so going like OMG NOW WE’RE GONNA TEACH YOU THAT FREDDIE WASN’T HETEROSEXUAL BECAUSE WE’RE WOKE is ridiculous because dearest susan, we already knew and we already were woke about that and to us he was the frontman of a band we liked for a bunch of reasons;
also I don’t think people realize that freddie was a role model/example for the entire next generation of rock bands frontmen even in genres that had zilch to do with him - I mean guys AXL ROSE had a hero-worship for freddie and sang bohemian rhapsody at the freddie memorial concert WITH ELTON JOHN and grn really aren’t the same exact sphere as queen jsyk, but if you look at axl on stage esp. when he was younger? guys. it’s obvious. like you can see the influence. but lmao, now ALL the very cishet(-ish) singers who OPENLY SAID FREDDIE INFLUENCED THEM DIDN’T KNOW ACCORDING TO TUMBLR DOT COM?
LIKE, fuck’s sake, one of freddie’s major accomplishments in that sense was to ending up being a role model for younger singers in a genre where heteronormativity is way less common than everyone thinks BUT where not many people esp. back in the day would be open about their sexuality because it still was a taboo-ish thing -- like, gender roles were a lot more blurred but you wouldn’t hear many of those people admitting openly they were bi or gay or Not Heterosexual and the entirety of the rock scene especially mainstream but also not was entirely fucking aware of it, do these people think THE FANS wouldn’t?
also, we will rock you was WRITTEN BY BRIAN MAY AND IT WAS ABOUT A FUCKING ENCORE WHERE THE FANS SURPRISED THEM AT ONE SHOW IN LIKE MID-SEVENTIES which already shows that They Know Nothing because if they think freddie wrote all the queen songs then it’s already obvious they have no fucking clue about how queen worked as a band because all the members contributed something (guys john deacon wrote at least two of their major hits, roger taylor sang on all the records along with brian may and if you hear the back harmonies on ‘39 he goes way higher than freddie and a part in seaside rendezvous has both him and freddie mimicking other instruments with their voice and you wouldn’t know if no one told you first, brian may wrote a SHITLOAD of music for queen and it was an all-four effort, not just freddie + three other generic british dudes for fuck’s sake) so like, anyone saying that is already giving ample proof that they have no idea;
now of course you can interpret it as whatever the hell you want, but assuming that all of queen’s music that might relate to queer issues was written by freddie ABOUT QUEER ISSUES (this when freddie’s main topic of interest was... not really discussing his sexuality especially in the seventies like again, I want to break free is one of the queen to-go songs everyone brings up when it comes to that topic and IT WAS WRITTEN BY SOMEONE ELSE and the video concept was THANKS TO SOMEONE ELSE) just shows that a) you don’t know shit about the band’s history, b) you’re not a fan because you didn’t even bother to look it up on wiki, c) you’re trying to look woke at all costs;
they have NO FUCKING CLUE that most people in the 70s/80s/90s in the business were NOT politically correct according to their standards LIKE LITERALLY NO ONE WAS;
goes unsaid they probably haven’t listened to one full queen album from beginning to end not even the greatest hits.
tldr: I hate that they don’t seem to realize that things existed before 2005 and that music in the 70s/80s COULD and WAS diverse and *woke* already before they were even born, I hate that they decided that ALL CISHETS DIDN’T KNOW when thank you I think even my damned parents know and they don’t listen to rock music, I hate that they decided that queen APPARENTLY DIDN’T HAVE A FANBASE BEFORE THEM (lol) or that that fanbase didn’t understand them (triple-lol), I hate that they’re reducing freddie to his sexuality when he didn’t want that in the first place, I hate that they’re falling into THE MAIN MISCONCEPTION AROUND ABOUT THIS BAND as in THAT IT WAS FREDDIE + THREE OTHER PEOPLE and not an all-around group effort of people who were friends and deeply loved/respected each other and put the same share of work into it, I hate that they moment they see the movie and are introduced to the actual music/the actual story they’ll MOST LIKELY find problematic things to wank about because like hell they wouldn’t and I hate that they’re basically pretending to give a fuck about a band that I love and have loved dearly in a very non-casual way when they actually fucking don’t.
fucking hell please never let anyone make a biopic about either springsteen or led zeppelin or other people I actually like because this is bad enough, I don’t even want to think of what tumblr ppl would say if they knew anything about any rock artist of medium-large fame back in the day. peace.
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agentstegosaurus · 7 years
Taegi Celebrity!AU
Summary: Just a bunch of HCs ft. Actor!Taehyung and Rapper!Yoongi ninja dating
-Yoongi is the lowkey sort of artist. He’s the sort to come out with an awesome album that became everybody’s anthem, became a classic at one point in time and then he just suddenly disappears lmao. But he produces lots of quality music for other artists since he sometimes venture to other genres other than R&B, house and etc so ppl just know that he’s actually around and didnt just MIA-ed.
-Taehyung is the sort of actor that, at one point, appears in a lot of dramas and movies during his teen years till he reached an older age and starts choosing his works. 
-While Yoongi may have appeared in one online article when he was suspected of dating a non-celebrity, Taehyung always had LOADS of that; none of which were true and none of which his company never bothered clarifying since some were borderline “??????” bcs “Um no. Mr. Kim is very busy being secretly gay” (but of course they didnt say that lol). 
-In actuality, both of them never got around to dating people because they were already busy dating each other. YEs. They were the ninja couple in the flesh. They were the sort that came from different backgrounds, from different entertainment companies and had no connection what so ever (as far as the public was aware of) + both of them were very privy about their personal lives anyway. They never even mentioned their sexual orientations, tho Yoongi did collaborated with other rappers, RM and HS, on a song that celebrated freedom in expressing one self (ft. lyrics talking about accepting all sorts of love) and Taehyung made an ambiguous remark on national tv during a talkshow, commenting about how a western LGBTQ movie he watched gave him hope or something ((idek)) and netizens were surprisingly chill about it (only bcs Tae always maintained a good, clean image and never caused any controversies even when he was at his peak so the article was just meh and got lots of downvotes for some homophobic comments).
-Both of them are known to be very generous donors when it comes to giving charity (also how they initially met). 
-The ONLY one time they were EVER photographed together by a journalist was during a charity event during one summer. Nothing glamorous. The photo was also very shaky with bad lighting + Yoongi’s eyes were closed when the camera went off. It was just a photo of Yoongi with model-turned-actor celebrity, Jin (they were really close friends) smiling at the camera. Taehyung was at the very back of the photo. His arm was the only thing included in the shot LMAO. 
-How they got together was nothing special. They just had many common friends like Jin, NJ, HS, JK (solo artist) and JM (choreographer). They just started dating from there. 
-Why journalists never suspected anything is bcs even when they hung out a lot as a group, they do rlly mundane stuff at rlly mundane places like chilling at anybody’s house, playing video games at anybody’s house (lots of activities within their own homes), eating at food stalls in less crowded areas, going to far away beaches etc. 
-As a couple, they were rlly good at being LOWKEY even tho on several rare occasions, their respective fans would see them together and make posts on the Internet 
((Blurry photo of Tae hollering at Yoongi’s concert; dressed in all black from top to bottom with snapback and mask and a merchandise light stick))
OP: OMG! Is TH friends with YG??? I saw him at the concert just now! Other ppl also saw JM and JK next to him. He had a huge bouquet of roses with him??? 
((Shaky photo of Taehyung and Yoongi’s backs at the beach))
OP: I saw two rlly good-looking men today at Jeju!! Do you guys think they are celebrities???
Comment: ??? Isnt that TH? That also looks like YG????? 
-but nobody rlly pay mind to them bcs it’d always boil down to ppl saying: “looks like YG’s manager. YG’s manager is tall after all” or that ���lmao this is so random. why would they hang out with each other” and “pls stop posting stuff like this” or at the very least “maybe they’re friends. It’s not weird”.
-Otherwise, no blind items and no suspicions. Tho at one time, both of them went MIA for a period of time and people found out (much later after that) that coincidentally, they were both in Daegu for a few weeks and then a month after that, both of them were doing activities in the US with Taehyung being casted for a role in a Hollywood movie and Yoongi on break/holiday. But there were still no photos of them together. Also, it was normal for artists to coincide at the same places for different occasions. 
-How it DID break out was via accident. 
-It broke out via Hoseok’s instagram account. There was a post of a photo of two males with no caption. It was a photo with dim-lighting, there were fairy lights around, flowers everywhere, both of them clad in tuxes and a number of people around them. It looked like they were dancing and it seemed like a very private occasion in the attendance of a very selected few. 
-Though it was too dim and of low quality and the faces of the two males couldnt be seen in the photo, the post was quickly deleted and any articles on the net was rapidly removed. 
-Hoseok’s fans kicked up an uproar, thinking that it was Hoseok but he clarified as quickly as it started that it wasn’t him in the photo ((but he never mentioned who the couple was either, he refused to)).
-In the end, nobody knew what that photo really meant. But Hoseok later posted another photo of similar setting with 5 pair of hands in tuxes forming a huge ass love sign with the caption: “We are proud of you. Pls have lots of babies <3″ 
 ***((Taehyung was the one who went on to Hoseok’s instagram account and made the post bcs BTS were drunk one night of chilling/hanging out at JM’s house + he lost a bet + Yoongi was whining about how he wanted Tae to stop having dating rumours with leggy girl group idols lmao. So Tae, in his drunken state, thought “why not let the public know that I am already happily married to Min Yoongi for almost 3 and a half years just so they can stop shitting with us?”)) 
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