#to act like mob violence would obviously be the end result of literally everything
Hannibal Episode-by-Episode Meta/Analysis: Episode 1, Season 1 (Apéritif)
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The series start with Will Graham in a crime scene doing what he does, which is resurrecting crime scenes for further evidence and possible insight into the criminal’s mind and motives. What is interesting about this first scene is that for a first-time viewer, for the first a few minutes, it is not clear if what we are watching is a possible reenactment or it is actually a memory. That doubt gets cleared in a minute but until then, we don’t know if he is imagining or is he remembering. Is he a guy with a powerful imagination helping FBI who literally puts himself into the killer’s shoes or is he the killer itself, hiding in plain sight? To my thinking, the very first opening to the story does say a lot about the end of it all as well.
“This is my design”
Why not say plan, but design instead? Planning is something mechanical, strategical. It is the result of motive and effort of a rational brain rather than an acted-on urge. There is no much room for subjectivity or creativity since efficiency is the ultimate goal. However, design has a more artistical ring to it. It is like, its prior aim is not to be useful, but to be beautiful. Designing is done when aesthetics is of concern. We would say, Michelangelo designed David, plan would not look right there. It would be accurate as for explaining the mathematical part of it, the disciplined and patient hours that has been put into it, but it would not do justice to the inspiration, passion, and desperate need of the artist for his creation to materialize. A planner would not adore his work, but a designer would. And Will understands the difference a bit too well.
Later, talking with Jack Crawford, we learn that Will finds the name of Evil Minds Research Museum “hammy”. I do not think there is anything hammy about the name, it’s quite literal. It is not an ennobler name but why does Will find it so though? Does creativity and originality need to be perceived as abhorrent just because it was given birth by someone evil? This all-cautious way of approaching and overthinking things is a reflection of something dark within. Afterall, what is seen has at least a little to do with the seeing eyes, if not more.
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Jack exhibits a disturbingly dominant way of communication with Will. He corrects Will’s eyeglasses, the guy who he knows is not comfortable with any kind of interpersonal interaction, within the minutes of their chat and holds down his bag to slow down his moving on. He is trying to make sure that Will feels Jack is the alpha and also that deep down, Will does not have the option to not cooperate. And more Will gets convinced to help for one step, stronger Jack drags Will into it for one more.
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The first time we see Will interacting with any victim-related people, it is confusing. Being an empath and claiming that he can not only relate to narcissists and sociopaths but anyone, he does not seem to empathize much with the victim’s parents, cutting into the conversation about parents’ doubts on their daughter’s likelihood of being alive with a non-emotional, case related question. It almost makes you question if his ability to emphathize is just stronger with the dark side of the force than it is with the light one. Yes, the primer focus is to catch the killer and stop whatever malice is going on but after all, Jack came to Will with the need of help, so Jack must care about the case resolving more than he does. Yet, Jack seems more understanding of the parents’ feelings than Will, although Will is an ultimate empath. We even see Jack’s disapproval when Will cuts into the conversation. It is a brow mover.
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Next, we get more insight about Will as he meets Winston. He finds him on the road roaming, tries to get close to him but cannot, so he drives all the way to his home to get something to lure him with and comes back to the dog. He is willing to go lengths to add a new dog to his pack, to his ‘family’, to his ‘social circle’. Something he is not willing nor comfortable to do for a person. Will's preferring an animal's company to a person's may say more than obvious. Afterall, he chooses Hannibal over Jack too, doesn't he?
Will who has already started to get traumatized by the case, is ambushed in the bathroom by Jack with an unforgiving mobbing, forcing ideas out of Will and stirring him up in the expense of his stability. Later on in his little chat with Alana, Jack’s intentions and priorities are further put into perspective. The way he talks about Will shows that for him, Will is more of a means to an end than an actual colleague. His insistence about “putting Will out there” despite Alana’s warnings and his admission of not being absolutely capable of protecting Will’s mental health just crowns that he does not genuinely care about Will. In fact, he even knows the risk of what he is doing, and he is trying to draw Dr. Bloom in to share, if not all together blame it on, the responsibility if something may go wrong.
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We finally meet Hannibal in his office in a therapy session with his patient. The look Dr. Lecter throws when Franklyn blows his nose and places the dirty napkin onto the table… Up to this scene, we were not given any clue to suggest that Hannibal Lecter is a killer but after all, we do know who he is. And him being the first actual predator in the series we meet, we do not see him acting on brute violence or inelegant butchering. His first reaction depicted is unrest against rudeness. So the audience is welcomed into the mind of Lecter with an easily apprehensible act that can be shared by almost anyone. Almost to suggest that, this act of Franklyn’s may be enough to justify a wrath that may come upon him.
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Jack shows up in Hannibal’s office unannounced and mistakes Franklyn with Hannibal. Hannibal, of course slightly annoyed, tells Jack to wait in the waiting room and invites him in with his own timing. Being a bossy and dominant guy he is, this takes Jack by surprise and it also tells us that there is an even stronger alpha here. So Jack realizes he cannot dominate Hannibal into his will like he did with Will. He may have to try something else. As Jack asks questions that are getting more specific and personal as they come, we see Hannibal getting cautious. Taking his scalpel into his hand and eyes widening. He lowers his guard only when he learns that he was referred to Jack by Dr. Bloom, his eyes visibly getting smaller, which are almost the only window to his thoughts anyway. So after seeing the sophisticated aura leaking not only out of Hannibal but everything around him, Jack chooses to sweet talk him into cooperation.
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When Jack, Hannibal and Will first come together in a room, it is the first time in the show where Will makes such a long, non-blinked eye contact with someone, that being Hannibal. And we see mixed emotions and thoughts on Hannibal’s face. He is amused, intrigued and curious at the same time with the way Will thinks. He makes a quick analyze of Will which results in making him fling out of the room. Being the controlled, non-impulsive, strategic guy he is; even Hannibal himself is a little surprised with the sudden blurbing of his perception of Will. So maybe this first scene having Will and Hannibal together is another kind of first as well with both men doing something not typically them.
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Hannibal, telling Jack that “he may help Will see the cannibal’s face”, he copies the crime of Minnesota Shrike. At the first look, this looks like an attempt of toying with the FBI and confusing them. But considering Hannibal’s last conversation with Jack, this feels more like a tribute, a helping hand for Will. Hannibal knows that Will would know that this is not the same killer the second he sees the crime scene. As Will later says to Hannibal, this was done to show Will a negative so that he could see the positive. So, we see from this point on that Hannibal’s wit does not focus on FBI, it does on Will. We see Hannibal eating and smiling, joyous of the fact that he now has an object of interest. Will imagining of a stag right after this, as stag will be the subconscious symbol of the Chesapeake Ripper / Copycat Killer before Will knows who he is and later when he does, of Hannibal; it shows that Hannibal literally entered his life and mind in more than one way.
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Hannibal shows up in Will’s house very early and obviously very impatiently. So he does not only plan to interfere Will with being the Copycat Killer but through his ‘person suit’ as well. Feeding Will the meat of the girl he killed is also exciting for Hannibal as this manipulation game he has set to play with Will gets to be sicker for a normal human perception.
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The breakfast scene is also the first time where Hannibal is looking for some ill-intent or killing inclination in Will, while Will denies having so. He wonders how much being able to empathize with killers say about Will’s own potential to do so. Hannibal suggests that Jack is treating Will as he is “a fragile little teacup, only used for special guests”. And that he himself sees him as “a mongoose that he would want under the house when snakes slither by”. He suggests that Will is not a pray that should be afraid to get hurt, that he is the predator. By that Hannibal does not only encourage the destructiveness Will may be trying hard to keep buried to come alive, but also the false perception that Will’s mind is strong enough to take any challenge Jack may throw his way.
Hannibal warning Garret Jacob Hobbs is literally setting the pieces in position of his will to get Will where and how he wants. He does not know what will be waiting in Hobbs’ house for Will but in the end, it does not matter so much since he just wants to see what happens.
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When they arrive at the house, seeing Hobbs leaving his wife on the threshold her throat cut, Hannibal stands still. Is it because he is so confident that Will will be too frantic to ever look back and notice that, or is it because deep down he just does not feel like putting his person suit on in front of Will? I think both. When Will shots Hobbs and tries to tend Abigail on the floor, Hannibal walks in and sees Will caring hard for the girl. Hannibal’s face looks curious about what is going on but more than that, again, his focus is on Will more than it is on anything else. He sees all these humane emotions that Hannibal himself has always been somewhat stranger too on Will, those emotions that he thought, cannot come in a package with all the destructive ones. But maybe they can. And those emotions may even look nice. Because it almost does on Will. Although how the events would turn out Hannibal did not know, it was certain that the way he pushed things, there would be blood and there would be Will doing something that will change him one way or the other. After all, they have undergone a traumatic (for Will) and exciting (for Hannibal) circumstance together and it is a known fact that people who experience a significant situation together tend to develop emotional bonds. Maybe this was the least of what Hannibal hoped for. If that was the case, he got more than he wished. Will got to kill someone even if it was for a just reason and there happened to be an orphaned girl that Will desperately bonded the moment he killed her father, who maybe a manipulative tool for Hannibal in his game. The last scene where Will finds Hannibal holding Abigail’s hand in the hospital room highlights this perfectly. Now, Hannibal and Will has a mutual asset that Hannibal may use to draw Will closer to himself despite of Will’s initial reservations to do so.
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
6 Actors Who Did The Same Crimes Their Own Characters Did
At the beginning of every episode of Jackass, the show has to practically beg you not to try any of what you’re about to see at home, which seems a bit redundant when the guys start stapling their own testicles to an enraged bull. But it’s necessary. Some people truly can’t help doing whatever they see onscreen, no matter how bloody, stupid, or painful the results. Sometimes that even goes for the actors pretending to do it …
A Sopranos Actor Was Implicated In A Real Mob Execution
Michael “Big Mike” Squicciarini was typecast as, well, himself, and his role as “Big Frank” on The Sopranos was no exception. Though it seems impossible for a guy who has played everyone from “Thug Joey” to “Henchman #2,” his real-life rap sheet had more mob stereotypes than his IMDb page. While he worked for the DiMeo crime family on the show, he worked for the family they were based on, the DeCavalcantes, in reality.
HBOHis quotes include, “Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh that’s-a spicy meatball, capisci?”
Read Next
6 Hilarious Loopholes Normal People Used To Beat The System
Big Mike served five years for aggravated assault before officially graduating to murder in 1992, when he lured rival drug dealer Ralph Hernandez to a nightclub owned by mob capo “Joe Pitts” Conigliaro. Pitts was in a wheelchair because he and his partner failed so hard at shaking a dude down that they accidentally shot each other at the same time, but he didn’t let that hold him back. Someone (we don’t know for sure if it was Big Mike, but it, uh … it was probably Big Mike) locked Hernandez in a room with Joe, but didn’t stick around to see Pitts shoot the man in the forehead.
That would have been the end of it, had Big Mike not gotten stars in his eyes. Police were still investigating the crime, but all they had was a nickname, and you’d be surprised at the number of Big Mikes residing in that part of the country. Then they noticed that this Sopranos guy seemed suspiciously good at gangstering …
Bill TurnbullWhen they needed to make sure nobody snitched about the ending of the series, who do you think they called?
Witnesses were shown a few episodes of the show, and confirmed that it was an entertainment thrill ride (and also that Big Mike totally helped kill that guy). By then, Big Mike had turned his life around, but his crimes came back to haunt him. He passed away before he could stand trial, and Joe Pitts himself was eventually knocked off in a mob hit. Scorsese himself couldn’t have done better.
The Actor Who Played Young Ricky Bobby Really Did Like to Go Fast
In Talladega Nights: The Ballad Of Ricky Bobby, there’s a flashback to a ten-year-old Ricky, played by Luke Bigham. Bigham’s career soon fizzled out, meaning that Talladega Nights was somebody’s acting high point, and dammit if he wasn’t intent on reliving it.
Columbia PicturesLooking like “Young Will Ferrell” is a bit of a niche career.
Eight years later in Alabama, Bigham caused a five-car pileup after crashing his sedan going 80 mph in a 35 mph zone. It wasn’t Bigham’s last brush with the law. Later that year, after recovering from his minor injuries, he was arrested on domestic violence charges for pushing his mother down the stairs. In the film, Ricky Bobby’s kids are awful to their parents, and Bigham had apparently decided to method act for the rest of his life.
Louis C.K. Has Been Warning Us That He’s A Sexual Predator For A Long Time
For years, Louis C.K. dismissed accusations of sexual misconduct — specifically, that he’s forced women to watch while he masturbates — only to recently admit the stories were true. But if we had been paying attention, we would have seen him trying to confess in slow motion over the course of his career.
20th TelevisionOr sometimes point blank.
In one scene of his FX series, Louis appears on a talk show to defend the merits of masturbation. He’s introduced as an “aficionado of masturbation” who “even brags about it,” which came across as a silly bit at the time, but obviously did not age well. After apparently winning the debate, Louis turns to his pretty, young evangelical opponent and says, “You know what, I’m going to jerk off to you later and there’s nothing you can do about it.”
He may as well have signed that confession note.
O.J. Simpson Attacks A Woman With A Knife In An Unaired TV Pilot
Before O.J. Simpson was a professional murderer, he was an actor (before that, he did something with football, which certainly sounds like a real sport). But shortly before being arrested and put on trial for the murders of Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown in 1994, O.J. had appeared in an unaired pilot for a TV series called Frogmen.
NBCUniversal Television“What if we take the volleyball scene from Top Gun and add wetsuits and O.J. Simpson?”
Simpson starred as John “Bullfrog” Burke, a Navy SEAL on a mission to rescue an old friend who has since married his ex-wife. At one point in the pilot, Burke is surprised by his daughter, whom he believes to be an intruder, and briefly holds a knife to her throat. Of course, Nicole Brown famously died of multiple knife wounds, mostly to her throat. We can’t help but wonder if O.J. had some “creative input” on the scene.
NBCUniversal Television“CUT! O.J., man, you gotta stop yelling ‘I’LL SHOW YOU, NICOLE!’ That’s not the line.”
NBC had already declined to pick up the show by the time the murders occurred a few months later, and the pilot remains unaired, sealed in a vault at Warner Bros. When asked if they would ever consider releasing it, executives reportedly burst into laughter and then said “no” 17 times with 17 different inflections.
The Guy Who Played Ricky’s Killer In Boyz N The Hood Became A Murderous Gangster
Lloyd Avery II was a nice young man who grew up in a middle-class neighborhood, attended Beverly Hills High School, and played water polo. He was basically Carlton Banks. Then, everything changed when he met John Singleton, who cast him as the gang member who kills Ricky Baker in Boyz N The Hood. Because movie roles for young black men in the ’90s generally ranged from “Dead Thug #1” to “Dead Thug #2,” Avery continued to be cast as gang members until he apparently decided to cut out the middleman and become one. He moved to a crime-ridden neighborhood un-affectionately called “The Jungle,” got the word “Junglez” tattooed above his eyebrow, and eventually ended up sentenced to life in prison for double homicide, for which face tattoos are a notorious gateway.
Columbia PicturesDid you notice how his hat is color-coordinated with the car? That’s not by accident.
Sadly, life in prison wound up being a short sentence. While Avery did attempt to reform behind bars, he met way badder dudes than he could have ever hoped to be. Specifically, his Satanist cellmate, who killed him, created a pentagram with his blood, and performed a Satanic ritual over his body after an argument about — surprise! — religion.
An Actor In Rosemary’s Baby Went On To Start A Cult
Remember this guy from the party scene in Rosemary’s Baby?
Paramount PicturesWere talking about the creepy guy. Well, the creepy guy on the left.
That’s Michel Rostand. This is his only notable film appearance, and he apparently took it for an instructional video, because he soon founded a horrifying sex cult. The Buddhafield was ostensibly all about hippy enlightenment, and it began innocently enough, with a yoga class and some nature hikes. But as time went on, the focus shifted from personal enlightenment to worshiping Michel himself … literally. One follower carved sculptures out of fruit salads to give Michel every morning, while others carried his folding lawn chair around like a Roman emperor’s throne.
WRA ProductionsHe insisted the sculptures be made out of fruit because mashed potatoes seemed a bit too on the nose.
Now, the kind of power implied by human transportation and fruit art is notoriously corrupting, and things soon took a sinister turn. Michel started raping all the young men in his group. He had brainwashed them to the point where if any of them objected, he convinced them that they weren’t mad at him, they were mad at themselves, and this obviously meant they should continue having sex. Ah yes, the old “Why are you hitting yourself?” method of mind control.
When the group began to draw unwelcome attention from the normies, they bounced from California to Texas, then ultimately to Hawaii, where he’s still operating and presumably having sex of dubious consent to this day. That’s right: Somehow, impossibly, Roman Polanski was not the biggest creep involved in making Rosemary’s Baby.
Paramount PicturesReminder, Satan is also in the movie.
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For more examples of life imitating art, check out 8 Bizarre Movie Scenes You Didn’t Know Really Happened and 5 Absurd Action Movie Scenes That Happened in Real Life.
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Read more: http://www.cracked.com/article_25453_6-actors-who-did-same-crimes-their-own-characters-did.html
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2pgqpMy via Viral News HQ
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
6 Actors Who Did The Same Crimes Their Own Characters Did
At the beginning of every episode of Jackass, the show has to practically beg you not to try any of what you’re about to see at home, which seems a bit redundant when the guys start stapling their own testicles to an enraged bull. But it’s necessary. Some people truly can’t help doing whatever they see onscreen, no matter how bloody, stupid, or painful the results. Sometimes that even goes for the actors pretending to do it …
A Sopranos Actor Was Implicated In A Real Mob Execution
Michael “Big Mike” Squicciarini was typecast as, well, himself, and his role as “Big Frank” on The Sopranos was no exception. Though it seems impossible for a guy who has played everyone from “Thug Joey” to “Henchman #2,” his real-life rap sheet had more mob stereotypes than his IMDb page. While he worked for the DiMeo crime family on the show, he worked for the family they were based on, the DeCavalcantes, in reality.
HBOHis quotes include, “Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh that’s-a spicy meatball, capisci?”
Read Next
6 Hilarious Loopholes Normal People Used To Beat The System
Big Mike served five years for aggravated assault before officially graduating to murder in 1992, when he lured rival drug dealer Ralph Hernandez to a nightclub owned by mob capo “Joe Pitts” Conigliaro. Pitts was in a wheelchair because he and his partner failed so hard at shaking a dude down that they accidentally shot each other at the same time, but he didn’t let that hold him back. Someone (we don’t know for sure if it was Big Mike, but it, uh … it was probably Big Mike) locked Hernandez in a room with Joe, but didn’t stick around to see Pitts shoot the man in the forehead.
That would have been the end of it, had Big Mike not gotten stars in his eyes. Police were still investigating the crime, but all they had was a nickname, and you’d be surprised at the number of Big Mikes residing in that part of the country. Then they noticed that this Sopranos guy seemed suspiciously good at gangstering …
Bill TurnbullWhen they needed to make sure nobody snitched about the ending of the series, who do you think they called?
Witnesses were shown a few episodes of the show, and confirmed that it was an entertainment thrill ride (and also that Big Mike totally helped kill that guy). By then, Big Mike had turned his life around, but his crimes came back to haunt him. He passed away before he could stand trial, and Joe Pitts himself was eventually knocked off in a mob hit. Scorsese himself couldn’t have done better.
The Actor Who Played Young Ricky Bobby Really Did Like to Go Fast
In Talladega Nights: The Ballad Of Ricky Bobby, there’s a flashback to a ten-year-old Ricky, played by Luke Bigham. Bigham’s career soon fizzled out, meaning that Talladega Nights was somebody’s acting high point, and dammit if he wasn’t intent on reliving it.
Columbia PicturesLooking like “Young Will Ferrell” is a bit of a niche career.
Eight years later in Alabama, Bigham caused a five-car pileup after crashing his sedan going 80 mph in a 35 mph zone. It wasn’t Bigham’s last brush with the law. Later that year, after recovering from his minor injuries, he was arrested on domestic violence charges for pushing his mother down the stairs. In the film, Ricky Bobby’s kids are awful to their parents, and Bigham had apparently decided to method act for the rest of his life.
Louis C.K. Has Been Warning Us That He’s A Sexual Predator For A Long Time
For years, Louis C.K. dismissed accusations of sexual misconduct — specifically, that he’s forced women to watch while he masturbates — only to recently admit the stories were true. But if we had been paying attention, we would have seen him trying to confess in slow motion over the course of his career.
20th TelevisionOr sometimes point blank.
In one scene of his FX series, Louis appears on a talk show to defend the merits of masturbation. He’s introduced as an “aficionado of masturbation” who “even brags about it,” which came across as a silly bit at the time, but obviously did not age well. After apparently winning the debate, Louis turns to his pretty, young evangelical opponent and says, “You know what, I’m going to jerk off to you later and there’s nothing you can do about it.”
He may as well have signed that confession note.
O.J. Simpson Attacks A Woman With A Knife In An Unaired TV Pilot
Before O.J. Simpson was a professional murderer, he was an actor (before that, he did something with football, which certainly sounds like a real sport). But shortly before being arrested and put on trial for the murders of Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown in 1994, O.J. had appeared in an unaired pilot for a TV series called Frogmen.
NBCUniversal Television“What if we take the volleyball scene from Top Gun and add wetsuits and O.J. Simpson?”
Simpson starred as John “Bullfrog” Burke, a Navy SEAL on a mission to rescue an old friend who has since married his ex-wife. At one point in the pilot, Burke is surprised by his daughter, whom he believes to be an intruder, and briefly holds a knife to her throat. Of course, Nicole Brown famously died of multiple knife wounds, mostly to her throat. We can’t help but wonder if O.J. had some “creative input” on the scene.
NBCUniversal Television“CUT! O.J., man, you gotta stop yelling ‘I’LL SHOW YOU, NICOLE!’ That’s not the line.”
NBC had already declined to pick up the show by the time the murders occurred a few months later, and the pilot remains unaired, sealed in a vault at Warner Bros. When asked if they would ever consider releasing it, executives reportedly burst into laughter and then said “no” 17 times with 17 different inflections.
The Guy Who Played Ricky’s Killer In Boyz N The Hood Became A Murderous Gangster
Lloyd Avery II was a nice young man who grew up in a middle-class neighborhood, attended Beverly Hills High School, and played water polo. He was basically Carlton Banks. Then, everything changed when he met John Singleton, who cast him as the gang member who kills Ricky Baker in Boyz N The Hood. Because movie roles for young black men in the ’90s generally ranged from “Dead Thug #1” to “Dead Thug #2,” Avery continued to be cast as gang members until he apparently decided to cut out the middleman and become one. He moved to a crime-ridden neighborhood un-affectionately called “The Jungle,” got the word “Junglez” tattooed above his eyebrow, and eventually ended up sentenced to life in prison for double homicide, for which face tattoos are a notorious gateway.
Columbia PicturesDid you notice how his hat is color-coordinated with the car? That’s not by accident.
Sadly, life in prison wound up being a short sentence. While Avery did attempt to reform behind bars, he met way badder dudes than he could have ever hoped to be. Specifically, his Satanist cellmate, who killed him, created a pentagram with his blood, and performed a Satanic ritual over his body after an argument about — surprise! — religion.
An Actor In Rosemary’s Baby Went On To Start A Cult
Remember this guy from the party scene in Rosemary’s Baby?
Paramount PicturesWere talking about the creepy guy. Well, the creepy guy on the left.
That’s Michel Rostand. This is his only notable film appearance, and he apparently took it for an instructional video, because he soon founded a horrifying sex cult. The Buddhafield was ostensibly all about hippy enlightenment, and it began innocently enough, with a yoga class and some nature hikes. But as time went on, the focus shifted from personal enlightenment to worshiping Michel himself … literally. One follower carved sculptures out of fruit salads to give Michel every morning, while others carried his folding lawn chair around like a Roman emperor’s throne.
WRA ProductionsHe insisted the sculptures be made out of fruit because mashed potatoes seemed a bit too on the nose.
Now, the kind of power implied by human transportation and fruit art is notoriously corrupting, and things soon took a sinister turn. Michel started raping all the young men in his group. He had brainwashed them to the point where if any of them objected, he convinced them that they weren’t mad at him, they were mad at themselves, and this obviously meant they should continue having sex. Ah yes, the old “Why are you hitting yourself?” method of mind control.
When the group began to draw unwelcome attention from the normies, they bounced from California to Texas, then ultimately to Hawaii, where he’s still operating and presumably having sex of dubious consent to this day. That’s right: Somehow, impossibly, Roman Polanski was not the biggest creep involved in making Rosemary’s Baby.
Paramount PicturesReminder, Satan is also in the movie.
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For more examples of life imitating art, check out 8 Bizarre Movie Scenes You Didn’t Know Really Happened and 5 Absurd Action Movie Scenes That Happened in Real Life.
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Read more: http://www.cracked.com/article_25453_6-actors-who-did-same-crimes-their-own-characters-did.html
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2pgqpMy via Viral News HQ
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