amoresomnia · 8 months
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amoresomnia · 1 year
and i thought i’d grow numb[er] to it
but still i raise weeping eyes
towards a vaulted ceiling [again, again, again]
to give penance
to a god i’d forgotten
left wayside [again, again, again]
and man weighs heavier
disregard the casket
it still takes six to carry him
to rest [again, again, again]
faith takes you so far
and faith takes you so far from it all
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amoresomnia · 1 year
a sigh escapes beneath the eaves—
thoughts in pieces,
little piles —
outside’s fallen leaves
you were good
and i was not
you were good
and i was not
in times spent—
feel so much
better if we forgot
and it’s not often but it’s a lot
and it’s not often but it’s a lot
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amoresomnia · 1 year
sick of memoirs of the million men, billion men, then trillion:
“I have written this biography with the blood of those whose bodies now form the pyramid this dragon’s hoard of gold was built upon.”
Equivalent exchange would dictate that for every gain there is a loss.
For every profit, an expense.
And these books’ jackets won’t tell whose backs this capitalist success was truly built on.
Not at whose expense these profits come.
Not of whose bodies wither with strain as their efforts accumulate value for someone else.
Are we to be but fodder? Fattened sheep sheared bare and then sent out to pasture when our usefulness has waned?
My hourglass sand is falling fast and my pockets are empty.
My pockets are empty.
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amoresomnia · 1 year
facial hair
and olive tapenade
always the fixing, friendly, giving—
a falsely altruistic smile flashes
but those pearly white can’t hide
the hollow darkness that dwells behind
waiting for the opportune
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amoresomnia · 1 year
cuneiform written on
the walls of the cubicle
S - Sierra
A - Alpha
V - Victor
E - Echo
Y - Yahoo
O - Oscar
U - Uniform
R - Romeo
S - Sierra
E - Echo
L - Lima
F - Foxtrot
lukewarm coffee
gripped by unpolished cuticles
humdrum drone of the red secondhand
ticking away the moments until the closing bell rings
lights, fluorescent, flicker
and the monitor pings to remind you you’re not alone
but it’s all monotone gray
but it’s all monotony, gray
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amoresomnia · 1 year
- july -
and my eyes were bloody yellow
face pressed against the ivory
singing the song of lonesome fellows
drowning in their misery
maybe i was better then
better men before me
speak of better when’s than
we see now
maybe i am better than
the better men before me
for the better men implore me
to make this “when” better than before see
i can be a better man
i can be a better man
i can be a better man
funerals and furnaces
maybe the next step
isn’t as pretty as we once
dreamed it to be
smoke and mirrors precede choking on ash
another loss in the war for self control
clear brown liquor sinks deep, muddy water
abolishing the aims for inner peace
but still this vice grants momentary zen
for the soul
for the soul
drink until you sleep
to dream of raking hot coals
atop a clay bowl,
to heat the self-harm within
falling victim to old habits again
wrapping wire against the post
to vaporize, and victimize, yet to realize
this is not a beautiful means to fade away
but practiced methodical erosion
which recipe is it today
that you’ll imbibe to numb the pain
which chemistry have you chosen
- june -
the flame slides down the wick
unaware the wax puddle it has melted will smother it
burdened boy bent out of shape
become the broken man with no control over his fate
- may -
my father planted trees so that i may rest beneath their boughs
and now for three seasons i can’t see the sun
til winter rots the autumn leaves and barren branches scar my view
how will i measure up to you
how will i measure up to you
who for so long sowed seeds
so that i may reap rewards
who am i to be
who am i to be
what am i to do
what am i to do
allocating every grain of sand
inside my hourglass
creatures of habit
Teddy succumbed to his
and Betty dons hers daily
but i’ve been thinking it’s not for me
the rut in the floor from my day-to-day
seems to have already run six foot deep
selling pepsi cola on the corner
high on my own supply
but it won’t be the rush that kills me surely
sat waiting for my demise
nor the lack of will to rest at peace
when the sun refuses to rise
and i’m too numb to be ill at ease
but while we keep repeating
all the silly same old things
our paths are being drawn in dirt
and while we can stop moving
no one says it will not hurt
it all sounds the same i think
as we keep pressing forward
further and further we sink
- april -
following the footfalls and follies of my fathers
years left of youth
not spent
but instead squandered
drowning in my vices,
forgetting only time is priceless
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amoresomnia · 1 year
favoring flawed vases
cracks lined with gold
in kintsugi
remembering false places
with clean slates and
finding they lack the character
that’s so desired
i want you damaged, broken, marred
scream the masses at the stars
a perfect picture has no value
they want you weathered
with time and grime
they want growth
from past mistakes
they want missteps and faltering
follies and foibles
leave their mouths watering
appetites whetted
the crowd opens wide
ready to devour it all
regrets we brought to light
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amoresomnia · 1 year
late summer-cicada singing
but its lonely song
goes unanswered
and i too have fallen asleep on the train
only to be roused after it hits end of line
the conductor asks if i need a lift back to the city
and i nod my head
and i nod my head
and i nod my head
and i nod my head
until it rolls off my shoulders
and i awake again alone
atop the plastic seat
neck sore from a lack of support
as the intercom intones a station name
one i’m not familiar with
so i sing of home
and my song goes unanswered
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amoresomnia · 2 years
and lately it seems
it’s all out fucking war
and all of my dreams
ain’t worth fighting for
feels like all of my time
still isn’t enough
soy no mejor
and rest don’t bring relief
sleeps a bittersweet reprieve
___ all my thoughts are running
rampant in my head
and im a victim of the faucet
expelling never ending dread
anxiety is draining me
and i can’t see anything
except for the things that you said
i’m ruminating
spiraling out
drowning in doubt
there’s violence in our nature
it’s peace we had to learn
but my trigger fingers itchy
i’m ready to let these lessons burn
as you reject these huddled masses
the tired and the poor
who in skewed history classes
we taught to know better than to yearn
broken glass and fresh tomatoes
red hot tongs burn hands after the day’s tornado
winds down and jars shatter
the pots painted orange-red
with wet fruit splatter
and she sniffs
because none of this has been as easy
as it sounded in her head
so i grip the fractured pieces
while she mans the ladle
in the hopes that we can salvage something
but the shards spilled into the purée
couldn’t all be found anyway
feel like i’ve got a lot to say but really it’s all just rambling
rumination and further repetition
broken vessel setting out on another mission
to massage the message we’re blessed with
into something resembling the truth
and still i can’t stop rambling
how much of me am i
how much of this is mine
do i live inside your mind
have i managed to breach your manifold
seeped deep my roots and taken hold
or am i just another toe on the line
how much of me am i
when i’ve shared so many pieces
of myself
darkness blinks
with a white corona
until the light pinholes out
and leaves my vision black
but restless
something pulses in flashes
and i just want to stop cycling
through these things that flash
too fast through my psyche.
god forbid i feel the fear sleep brings
cause these dreams don’t mean a damn thing
don’t mean a damn thing
eye lids flutter
half in mind
each breath erases
another line
another line
til i’m left empty
a melancholic sigh
red maple leaves drift slowly down
to make ripples and move the lotus blossoms
that dot the surface of the placid water
i’m putting on
my second skin
to better face
the elements
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amoresomnia · 2 years
stories laid down like chisel strikes
against the marble
and now i’m a masterpiece
that remembers every blow
rattling pipes and
a midnight cry
mama won’t get no sleep tonight
rose bush is spilling over the road side
and no one’s there to cut it back
and no one’s there to cut it back
petals are meeting the pavement
spreading red upon the black
spreading red upon the black
felt too deep for far too long
and now i can’t feel much of anything at all
i’m numb to how youre feeling
become numb to how you’re feeling
the flames fueled by your love
are seen just as gentle warmth
and i’m so numb to all this feeling
the levee broke
and i awoke
a lonely island outcast
with dreams of smoke
and fires stoked
was i meant to outlast
my fathers hopes
and miles of rope
wound to pull me back
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amoresomnia · 3 years
there’s a sea of shit to wade through
but surely there are kernels of truth
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amoresomnia · 3 years
listenable recording dump - 2020 / 2021
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amoresomnia · 3 years
poor in feelings
poor in cents
  pouring deep
to kill the scent
  your porous soul
seeped too intense
  into this fabric
of mine
  now my pillow reeks
and my sleep don’t speak
  like whiskey bourbon
spilled, once neat
  our pleasures gone
the treasured dawn
  comes to beat
me down again
  like winter mornings
with the curtains drawn
  i’m on my own
in my own
head again
red skies
a sign of storms ahead
  white lies
your words better left un said 
  be baptized
by the light of the life you led
cause i can’t seem to grow at all
with these two black thumbs i stand
prepare to climb the wall
  backs against the ropes and im already anticipating the fall
  can’t help but get going
going with the flow
can’t help never knowing
that we can’t know
  so we put up no resistance
saddle up a sad existence
is all you’ve have to show
how many conversations can i simulate
before the voices (in my head) stay forever
  codeine kicks the fever dream
but i’m not feeling any better
  there’s a warm sky that lie
somewhere deep within my bones
  and i think i might die
before i ever make it home
want to speak
to the melancholia in you
  i want to speak
the darkest flavors of blue
  the sleepless mornings
sleepless nights
  a begging feeling for a light
  i want to speak so i can see
the misery of love atrophied
the bitterest pill of blessed be
a highlight lining what you need
  i want to breathe your ragged air
i want to breathe your ragged air
  take the sunshine never share
your life is priceless beyond compare
  but i want to speak
if only to see
  a little darkness underneath
every drop in the bucket makes a ripple
sweet temptation
she calls me by my first name
needing to find the means to monetize our leisure
  the way that man is measured
  a man’s time is his most precious treasure
feeling like i’m filling time
listless and just killing my mind
actions in apathy speak for my unwillingness to climb
  like each and every thing we seek
will eventually be fine
will eventually be fine
  Why i gotta be this way
Been feeling blind to others thoughts of me
Less of a feeling and more a furtive display
taking actions to display my apathy
wondering what the watchmen see
wondering what it really means
  is this another depressive episode
another tick tack beat on the metronome
ten missed calls and ya mamma left wondering when you coming home
wondering what’s it like when ya left alone
  where’s the means to make amends
where’s the bridge i’ve burnt at both ends
  maybe i can just pretend
  maybe i can just pretend
each of my hours cost me days
the end is still forever and a day away
the melancholy of a forgotten dream
  the broken pieces never fit back together it seems
  at least not in the way that we mean
and i can curve my spine into an s shape
  last week i ate a berry in the woods so i could see
deaths face
  and sometimes i think about how we’re all staying in
this place
  the same state
  somebody shelter some more
the house you built see it gon’
keep you dry and safe from the storm 
  this sickening shame
slurred words share no blame
keep blending it together til everything
feels the same
  it’s all so awfully humbling
when these walls can all come crumbling
  then we’d be in the
  same state
and they said i was the oldest one
  born to break the records
fated to steal the sun
  oh they said i was the oldest son
  picture perfect
memorabilia on the wall
  gloria gloria
why can’t i hear ya
as i continue this eternal fall
  to slip as easily as me
to fall from grace
  who’s to say
now that i’m not the only one
and i been feeling like an echo
and i am just a passing moment
walking through
  stranger over yonder
yes that sense of sonder
  i feel it too
  i am just a passing moment to you
it’s not funny this is a nervous laughter
  what comes from the work
  follows after
  the most recent episodes
  of our disaster
  this is a nervous laughter
what’s the use
in using
  decisions made without our choosing
  pinpricks gave us the solution
  can’t save us from this ablution.
  Said i don’t wanna feel this way
  mama i’m only tryna numb the pain
“If you have the ability, then come.”
  The sound of leather boots brushing across fallen leaves moves forward.
  The clean image of the morning’s light fog is shattered.
  One clean cut of the blade slices a falling leaf and the mist around it.
  Feet shuffle two steps back as the split leaf flutters to the ground.
  A second cut, this time a collision. The crisp clink of two honed edges turned against each other.
  A step. A slide. The men dance in the wind kicking up dirt. Two yearning urgently to spill the day’s first blood. To tinge red the rising sun.
  The birds have long silenced and the stillness is only broken by the beaten breathing of two who lie on the floor.
  Swordsmen and traitor stricken in fighting made little more than stains upon the earth beneath the shade but still ever so far from hearth.
chasing fates flow
a dusting of snow on the  shingles
lightens and whitens the roof
while the bird feeders have frozen over
  grandma’s in the kitchen
where there’ll be breakfast in a moment
  this quiet northern home
stands still for but a second
in the morning
so she said savor every second
  cause each moment could be our last
  although  it’s not forever
we’ll keep pushing past
  making sweet memories
  that we won’t recall
come morning
  making sweet memories
  it’s a storm come without warning
  it’s something we’ve been searching
so ever hard to find
  it’s a little less than so much more
if we can bide our time
  and savor every second
cause in this moment i swear
i’m dyin
and to all a piece
of the validation machine
we submit
i still feel a filter
a thickness engulfs me
  i just wanna connect
but i can’t quite see
  something’s been ticking
the wrong way
something been ticking
inside of me
ain’t quite say i’m sick
or dying
but there’s a weakness speaking out
inside of me
  said i still feel some static
my attitude crude and dramatic
  it’s a poison i’ve been seeking
  it’s a poison i’ve been thinking
  it’s a poison silly sinking
  somewhere deep inside of me
  ain’t been nothing more than
platitudes and gratitude
for the people pick me up
from the floor.
Maybe we were meant to toil
  Under this blazing sun. Bare backs burned by the blistering heat.
  Maybe we were meant to have our hands, till-deep, in the soil.
  Sifting seeds between our fingers
searching out the signs of life and
planting them deep within the land.
  Maybe we were meant to toil
  Not for
this comfort and complacency.
Not for
this sweet space we seek.
from the sun and from the storm.
  Maybe we were meant to toil
i think
i’ll lie awake and
look lovingly
at this
vague shape
that’s sleeping next to me
  cause i can’t quite
make out
your features
your facets
or your lines
cause the lights gone
and nights come
and i’m just
a little bit blind
but i know
it’s you
that’s sleeping next to me
that’s sleeping next to me
  so tonight i
think that i’ll lie
awake and take a
second just to breathe
soak in just a moment of
your lovely vague shape
  while you’re sleeping next to me
next to me
deep beneath
the surface
purpose is
but a lie
  how ya gonna live your life?
like god's little flies
we are dropping one
by one
last goodbye i’ll offer
youve taken every penny
every copper from my coffers
the most effective way to enact change is to participate in it
Big capital speaks louder than the cry of common man
  When the dollar has been made by creating shortcuts
  How much is that dollar really worth
your lips are stained blue
from all that you’ve been drinking
and no amount
of blood that they’ve been sinking into you
will be enough to save ya now
handed a glass
half full
  they drank it
til it’s dry
  said this is the state of the world
  and not a single tear’d they cry
and i’m thinking about boats and
  a placid lake with murky water choked by reeds
  and i’ve been thinking about boats and the sound that thinking’s been making lately
  for me
  you see when you place one boat one ship on this inland sea see it’s all alright
  there’s room to move or sail or go forward in any direction
  and then you place another ship another boat on those calm waters
and you don’t falter not for one second
  you still have space on this peaceful lake
  the wind is carrying the breeze and these ships across the ride and
  then you place another ship
and another ship
and another ship
  and the wakes these ships create start to intersect and the waters that were peaceful feel a fearful rising tide and
  then you place another ship and there’s no room to move and it’s bow to bow and scrapes along the side
  but you can’t just take the ships out
  where would they go
  and now upon your placid lake a laden waste made manifest you start to think
  and hope for that wide clear wave to ride a peaceful placid hope to hide within
  so you start to sink the ships
  the boats have aged have weathered and worn their rails have scrapes sails untethered and torn
  and they go down beneath the surface and the fresher spawn have room to breathe while asleep and out of sight the old sink deep
  still a piece of the lake
but left to apathy
  and you have a nice pristine water to weave across with your less populated crest
  and then you add another ship
and another ship
and another ship
  until the bottoms ready to give in a mountain made of wreck to ruin this blessed home you’ve learned to stew in
  born out of a desire
to be free
  but then
  when there is no more space
  what then
fresh blades of green burst through
the ivory horizon
foreboding the first false coming
of spring
  before the frost snaps and
breaks bare any inch of color
that dare pervade
the pure still space
placid lucidities
angry and afraid
we fail to see
all that’s been made
in our solemn search
for agency
dirty jilted sister
left beside the waterfall
whiskey bourbon
turned to mist
to satisfy the masses
mend it all
  accomplishments are minced
til satisfaction stalls
and all these things
we’d missed
hang like mirrors on the wall
for too long we been
looking out instead of in
dancing freely to the
cadence of our sin
  They say do what you love
and youll never work a day in your life
more like
broken glass
under apathetic feet
There’s a difference
Between Control and Concern
And i’m not quite sure
You’ve learned how to discern
it just yet.
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amoresomnia · 3 years
maybe i’ve been saving all my woes
maybe i’ve been holding all these lows
and penning them on paper
storing them for later
so that the highs will feel much higher
set my happiness on fire
so that i can breathe a little lighter
cause even memories expire
even memories expire
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amoresomnia · 3 years
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amoresomnia · 4 years
they said democracy would die in the darkness
but here we see it crumble from within
limestone fires soon be raging
amongst the crowd
amidst the din
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