#to be clear I'm fortunate not to get bombarded with hate here
hpowellsmith · 7 months
I just want to let people know about my games and have some gentle chat with the people who play them or are interested in them, and learn about other games and books I might like without my words getting scraped or being bombarded with hate or bots every time I open it up, how is this too much to ask
I'm planning to stick around here for the moment but if you're planning not to do Tumblr anymore please follow me on itch, subscribe for free to my Patreon, or follow my Honor Bound thread on the CoG forum to keep up with what I'm up to. I hope to keep on doing this writing thing, but if no one knows what I'm making that possibility will fade out very fast!
Mostly due to panic, I'm very vaguely considering doing a free devlog newsletter, possibly folding my £1 Patreon newsflashes into it (they include more detail about what I've been writing, the writing process, and small previews), but have no idea about logistics or how much it costs - do you think you'd be interested in that?
to be clear, the newsletter would be free not paid!
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bergoose · 5 months
i said this in discord but i think it's important to put here
there was no usability research done for this, at least from what i can see
like absolutely no interest checks were done at all or else I feel like they would have realized this is not feasible or at least the way they did it wasn't
none of the paterons mods knew, barely any fans knew (also there was a leak which makes a little worried for their website security)
what i think they needed was some user research before they did the launch. because all the feedback, the critism, the hate (yes even the hate) is the kinda of feedback that would SHOULD have been given BEFORE. during the production stages not NOW after the launch. it would have made everything a lot smoother for them
(by feedback i mean things like: users are interested in different tiers, users are think the price doesn't justify how much product they're getting with the service, users are confused due to misinformation, etc.)
and like testing and interest checks stuff like this would have been essential to make this launch have a better reaction from the fan base
more UX stuff below the cut but
TL:DR Watcher hire a UX designer please this would have solved all your problems OR JUST DO SOME USER TESTING NEXT TIME JESUS
my biggest thing is there's a lot of companies (big and small) that tend to make these types of big changes (whether it's to better their product, bring in more people, appeal to a new demographic, whatever their goal may be) but in the process they forget their core userbase (in this case Watcher's current audience) which are arguably the most important group to factor in company decisions bc they're the ones that are going to stay long term
idk if I'm making any sense but i hate seeing this trend of what's basically just picking up other companies "trending feature" (for example tiktok becoming popular and all other platforms adopting short form video content, Instagram/Snapchat stories becoming popular and other social media like WhatsApp and Twitter tried it too) only for the feature that originally made them appeally in the first place to fall to the wayside
and the ones who jumped on the trend aren't guaranteed to stay, and now you've lost your loyal userbase
and even tho Watcher didn't do exactly that it still kinda feels like they did u know? I'm certain (and hopeful) this will work out but the execution was just absolutely not it at all, and i wish there was more research done because it helped so much and they wouldn't be bombarded the way they were now
i get it this was something that may have been a long time coming but it is clear that it wasn't ready, both the product and your userbase. also the method of dropping was also absolutely not it
(also i am critiquing it because i want to buy it, i am fortunate enough to be in the position to do so but i won't forever and i know many who also can't and are understandably upset about it)
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bmongmong · 3 years
Chapter 6 - Interesting
Blue pill or red pill - Jungkook
Description: You're a young girl, who's a little bit introverted and afraid to be under everybody's eyes. You only have your best friend, but it's ok for you. You don't want to be popular and believe in minimal things. One day you meet a guy. Or two?
Jungkook x Reader
The imagines I used are not mine Credit to the owners
Y/n pov
"ROSE' I'M FREAKING OUT!" I shout over the phone. I called my best friend to tell her EVERYTHING, as soon as I got into my room.
"So" she says taking a small break "basically you got to the twins' house, thinking that you and Jungkook were going to be alone. Then you see Jungwook shirtless doing push-ups. After that you studied and you almost kissed with Jungkook. His brother interrupted you two and they almost started a fight. You stopped them and rushed out of the room. You were having a panic attack and Jungkook calmed you down, while hugging you. You both apologized to each other and he insisted to get you home. Once you arrived at your house you gave him a kiss in the cheek and then ran away."
It took me almost an hour to explain her what happened and she just summarized everything in less than two minutes.
"Umh, yeah that's basically it." I say, fascinated by her talent.
"I'll tell you what I think" as she says this I feel nervous, but also curious. Like a kid who discovers new things day by day. "On one side there's Jungwook, who acts like a bully but at the same time, he saved you from those girls and keeps teasing you. He's the classic bad guy that falls in love with the cute girl"
As she talks about him that way, I feel like gagging. It will never happen. Me and Jungwook? No way. She then continues:
"On the other side, there's Jungkook, who's the perfect guy that treats you amazingly, but also told you that you're only one of his close friend. He's also jealous of his brother flirting with you, that's why he almost punched him. He's the cute boy that wants to protect his girl, but at the same time is too shy to say what he feels"
She's doing a very detailed description. I'm amazed by her sixth sense.
"So basically, you're in between two fires" I can feel her evil smile as she tells me that.
I suddenly start to feel nervous and guilty. I don't know why, but I feel like something bad is going to happen. I'm also a bit scared, I don't want to be the reason for a fight.
It's morning and I wake up with mixed emotions. I smile as I remember about the sweet and warm hug between me and Jungkook. But then reality hits me and I also remember about Jungwook and the whole drama.
The morning went pretty normal at school. Jimin and Rosé kept flirting and kissing, Jungkook and Jungwook kept giving death stares at each other. And I was just in the middle of them. Like Rosé said.
"I want to do something fun" Jungwook says grinning and looking at me. He didn't really whisper, so Jungkook heard what he said. I hope these two won't fight here. I'm sweating a bit and starting to feel hot. Luckily Jungkook doesn't answer, he just glances at him and then gets back to his homework.
Now I'm going back home with Rosé, who is talking to me about Jimin, as always:
"He's so sweet y/n. Why did I wait this long? Oh right! His birthday is coming in a couple of weeks. He wants to invite us at his villa." She says smiling. But I'm not so convinced with this idea. I hate crowded places, and knowing how famous Jimin is, he's going to invite tons of people. I guess my best friend noticed my concern.
"Y/n" she says taking my hand as we walk "He said that this year he wants to do something smaller than the previous ones. He said that he's going to invite only the four of us: me, you and the twins."
"Really?" I say a bit surprised. I guess it will be fine, as long as I'm with Rosé. I just nod and accept the invitation.
As I get home I feel observed by both of my parents.
"What happened?" I ask confused "Did I do something wrong?" I wonder what's wrong with them. They're just silent. I feel the palms of my hands sweating, this is killing me. After ten awkward seconds, in which I raised an eyebrow at them, my mum decides to talk:
"You have nothing to tell us?"
What? What do I have to tell them. I show them my confused face, as I think about what it could be. But nothing comes to my mind.
"Do you have a boyfriend?" my dad gets my attention with his sudden question.
"WHAT? A B-BOYFRIEND?" what is wrong with them. They know I'm single.
"Yesterday Rosé came here to give you this" my mum says showing my one of my notebooks.
"That's my notebook! I couldn't find it anywhere." I say smiling and lifting my hands to take it, but my mum quickly snapped it.
"You said that you were going to meet with Rosé yesterday." My dad says.
My smile drops. I'm sweating even more. I don't feel nervous, I rather feel pressured. They see that I can't come up with an excuse, so my mum decides to keep talking:
"She told us that you went to 'Jungkook's house'"
That's it. I'm doomed. They're going to kill me. Not that they don't want me to have a boyfriend, but they want me to tell them everything. I clench my fists and lower my head, hoping that they won't scold me too hard, but I hear a giggle coming from my mum's mouth. I slowly look up and see the both of them smiling like crazy.
"Is he cute?" my mum asks.
"How old is he? Can I trust him?" my dad takes over.
They're bombarding me with questions. My jaw drops and I'm in disbelief, expecting a totally different reaction from them.
As they keep questioning me things about him I just stop them:
"He's not my boyfriend! We're just close friends and we met just to study!"
"Yeah sure...FRIENDS" my mum says emphasizing that particular word. I swear, they're starting to get on my nerves. How do I get out of this? As they keep teasing me, I feel the anger growing inside me. I could explode in any second. But then I receive a call from Rosé.
"Oh Rosé is calling me, I have to go, byeee" I say rushing into my bedroom.
As I get inside I answer the call.
"Hi y/n!"
"Hi Rosé, you just saved me"
"From what?"
"My parents. They know about Jungkook. Kinda"
"Really? How?" by the sound of her voice, I can understand that she's playing dumb.
"AHAHAH I didn't mean to, really. I honestly thought that you've told them. Or at least that you've told them that you were going to study with a friend" she has a point.
"Anyway...why did you call me?" I try to change the subject as soon as I realize that I'm wrong.
"I know we just separated only half an hour ago. But today I don't feel like staying at home. So I wanted to ask if you wanted to come with me to the same café"
"Oh sure!! I'll wear something cute and get there! Bye" and I hang out.
Rosé took me to some clothes shops and made me buy a lot of new clothes. I'm looking for a cute one.
It's nothing too special, but I still like it. I slowly open the door, preventing it from cracking and tiptoeing outside. Fortunately my parents didn't hear me and I run as far as I can.
As I walk I receive a message from Jungkook.
Hi Y/n! what are you doing? 😊
I'mgoing out with Rosé 😊
You're so cute :D <3
My heart skipped a beat on that. I didn't expect that at all. As I keep walking I suddenly look at a window shop, in which I can see my reflection. I'm smiling so hard and I didn't even realize that. I feel so happy right now.
Without realizing I start hopping happily and arrive to the cafè, where I see Rosé waiting for me.
"Someone seems happy" she says as soon as I reach her.
"Yesss, he called me cute" I say looking at the clear sky. This sensation feels great. It seems like my life is going to the right path.
"I can literally see your eyes becoming heart shaped" she says laughing.
After a bit we eventually decide to sit at a table outside. As we keep talking about random stuff, I seem from a distance Jimin with Jungwook waving at us.
"Rosé look. There's Jimin!" I say to her, and she immediately wave back at him and gesturing them to come over.
Why is she calling them? I mean, I know she wants to greet her boyfriend, but there's also Jungwook! I hope he doesn't do or say anything wrong.
"Hi girls!" Jimin says as he kisses her girlfriend. "Is everything fine?"
"Yes!!" Rosé says showing her best smile. She looks so happy with him. I wish I could find someone like she did. I mean, there's Jungkook, but I don't know if he feels the same way.
The two boys ended up sitting at our table and getting something fresh to drink.
"So y/n" Jimin asks me "Rosé told me that you'll come to my birthday! I'm so happy" he says smiling wide.
"O-Oh yeah, I'll come and have fun with all of you!" I say trying to not look at Jungwook, who now starts talking:
"Oh yes, we're going to have a lot of fun" he smirks. I really want to punch him.
"Oh Rosé" the blonde guy says "I need to talk to you about something, can we go in that silent street? It's something private" I widen my eyes. I hope she gets my signals. I don't want to be left alone with the other one. But she doesn't seem to look at me and she just says:
"Is it really important?"
"Yes, it is" her boyfriend says.
"Ok lets go. Y/n I'll be right back" and with that they left.
It's really awkward. At least for me, because it looks like Jungwook is enjoying this, way too much. To feel less awkward, I decide to take my phone and chat with Jungkook. I swear, this scene looks so absurd. I'm sitting next to a guy and at the same time I'm chatting with his twin.
"You seem busy" Jungwook says.
"Yes, I am" I say coldly.
"Who is it?" he says stretching his head and leaning towards me to see the screen of my phone.
"None of your business" I say putting the phone on my chest.
"I see..." he looks suspicious.
As I keep texting with Jungkook, the guy next to me stays quiet.. I guess he got it now. But I spoke too soon.
He suddenly snaps my phone out of my hands and reads the messages. I try to get it back, but he stops me by putting his arm over me.
"Oh oh oh, look what we have here. My cute little brother. You two looks so happy" he says as he keeps scrolling up our chat.
"Give it back!" I shout finally managing to take my phone back.
"Uhhh someone is mad" he says in a teasing tone. I just ignore him, I don't want to mess with him. Thinking that now he would probably shut up, I hear him saying something:
"You know y/n. I like to mess with people, just for fun. And I really like to see people's different reactions every time. And now I want to see your reaction to one of my spites..."
As he says so I look at him and...
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...he's smirking like crazy. He's seriously scaring me right now. I feel my stomach hurting a bit and my hands shaking. But I have to look confident.
"W-What are you t-talking abo-" he cuts me off smashing his lips on mine. I widen my eyes in surprise and freeze on my spot. He suddenly bits my lower lip hard, making me gasp and open my mouth. He takes advantage of that moment and slides his tongue inside my mouth. He's actually a good kisser, but I'm not giving into the kiss. I push him away and look at him shocked, as I wipe my mouth with my arm.
"Things are going to get interesting" he then says liking his lips. I stand up and run away from him.
As I walk fast I bump into Rosé, who was now coming back to our table.
"Y/n where are you going?" she asks me confused, but then she sees tears in my eyes "Oh my god what happ-" I didn't let her finish the sentence and just run away.
I run as fast as I can, but at some point I stop, feeling too tired. I bend down and put my hands on my knees, to find some support. I suddenly feel a knot on my stomach. I start to cry and sob really hard, as I feel the pain growing and pervading every inch of my body. My throat feels clogged and I feel like I'm running out of hair, so I start breathing really hard and fast.
It's not my fault, he did that all by himself. I didn't do anything, but why do I feel like this? Sad? Angry? No...guilty.
As I get home I quickly run to my rum and lock myself inside. how could he do that? Why does he have to interfere? Does he enjoys watching people getting hurt? He's the devil. My stomach starts to hurt even more and I can't contain my loud whines. Then I receive a text message from Jungkook.
By the way, do you have something to do next Thursday? We can hang out and maybe eat an ice cream together ^^
As I read the message I start crying harder and harder, at the point that I almost puke.
Rosé's pov
Why was she crying? I ask myself. But then I remember that she was alone with Jungwook.
That bastard.
I walk at a face pace towards him and shouts:
"What did you do to her?!"
"Me? Nothing" I see him grinning, as he pronounces those words.
"I'm going to beat you up if you don't tell me" I say, but Jimin cuts me off by saying:
"Rosé, calm down" he then looks at his friend "What did you do?" he doesn't sound mand. It's like, he's given up. Almost if it's an habit seeing Jungwook making troubles.
"I just wanted to spice things up" Jungwook says flicking his tongue.
"Tell me what you did!" I shout expecting him to get surprised, but all I earn is an evil grin on is mouth. He then says:
"Why don't you go and ask y/n? I think she didn't mind it at all"
As he leans back on his chair, I feel the anger building up inside me. It has never happened before. Not this much. I clench my fists and start running to y/n's house. I can hear from afar Jungwook saying to Jimin:
"Don't follow her. I think she'll need time alone with her best friend"
Seriously, I hate him so much. What did he ever do to make y/n cry?
I run as fast as I can, and now I'm finally at her house. I knock on the door several times and her mum shows up.
"Hi Rosé! What are you doing here?" she says smiling. I guess she didn't see y/n crying.
"Can I see y/n?" I say out of breath.
"Of course, she's in her room!"
I quickly run to her bedroom and open the door without knocking and I see the most heartbreaking scene I've ever seen.
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