#to be clear this is not me trying to do that ‘edgy’ creepypasta thing where i make a cute kids’ show dark and gruesome
aj-lenoire · 7 months
i’ll freely admit i was a big my little pony fan in my teen years (the last episode i remember watching is the one where they go to that town where no one has a cutie mark / everyone has the same cutie mark; i was like 16 by this point and coming out of that phase) and i’ll still have moments where i sit and be pulled back towards it a bit because it just has so much potential like, world-wise
cutie marks, okay? they’re your talent+passion and demonstrably completely unique. so if you’re on the run for whatever reason, is your cutie mark put up on the wanted posters alongside your headshot?
what are the cultural attitudes towards tattooing your cutie mark? in crimes where someone might damage a person’s face, that sense of control and robbing of identity, are cutie marks also disfigured in this way? do some ponies choose to reject their cutie marks and have them tattooed over or otherwise defaced? would some cultures consider it a crime in itself to deface your or someone else’s mark, even consensually?
and if you’re in, idk, witness protection or something, do you need to get it tattooed? are you forced to abandon your greatest talent and joy because that in itself, engaging in it, could get you recognised? what life are you left with? is it even a life worth living at all?
and in areas with lots of ponies, how does the socioeconomical aspect of a cutie mark function? how does every location seem to have every individual needed to function, like food, healthcare, education, etc?
is there some latent biological hive mind that decides ‘oh this village doesn’t have anyone in the agricultural sector—we need a couple harvester or farmer cutie marks so people can still eat’? in which case, what is the nature of free will and identity?
is the concept of a cutie mark a biological incentive to make propagating the species seem innately pleasing, like the rush of hormones after someone gives birth so the pain of childbirth is offset and they bond to the baby and they’re more likely to go through it again, furthering humanity?
like, your genes making you truly, deeply believe that harvesting food is your special talent, and your favourite thing to do, but is that just because the local area needed some more food workers and your personality, your self, evolved to fit that niche?? what even is free will?! what is selfhood??
or if not, is there a concept of being ‘reassigned’ to an area because hey! this city needs more teachers so we’re forcing some teacher ponies in this area with too many teacher ponies to relocate?? or are ponies whose cutie marks aren’t particularly ‘useful’ forced to do something as a job that isn’t their passion because elsewise they can’t pay bills? what’s the cultural consensus on NOT having a job related to your cutie mark? is it viewed negatively, or is it seen as noble? if it’s negative, does that negativity fall back on the system of government forcing them into this situation, or is the individual themselves deemed as defective by denying their true self?
would hiring for a job be swayed by seeing a pony’s cutie mark and knowing how well they fit? is asking for ponies with ‘X-type cutie marks’ allowed? is cutie-mark-discrimination a thing? is it illegal? is it even frowned upon?? or is it justified as ‘you want someone who will be the best at this job’? are you required to cover your cutie mark in job interviews?
what about those whose cutie marks aren’t easily accessible? what if yours is a creative endeavour but you can’t afford to make a career out of something so fickle as writing or singing or acting? it takes time to build up notoriety/a portfolio to the point you can live off it, so are you forced to take other jobs in the meantime? or are there ‘cutie grants’ where you can apply for money to pursue your cutie mark?
in that episode with starlight glimmer we get an idea of the cultural attitudes towards not living as your cutie mark indicates you should live and work as your mark indicates, but then also you have things like prince blueblood whose cutie mark (and therefore his talent and purpose) is uhhhhh being a prince?? so is the concept of an absolute monarchy just baked in to this species’ genetics? blueblood doesn’t even rule!! what does he do? at least with bees the queen is the one giving birth to all the new bees!
what if someone’s cutie mark is just, fucking, idk, murdering other ponies?? like they get that cutie mark as a preteen-ish and… are they just locked up for the rest of their lives, as a precaution? is the nature of pony society honour bound to find a way for them to explore and fulfill their purpose in some manner? and if we refer back to the biological niche theory, what would this mean? is it a sign that this area is too densely populated and the local land cannot sustain its size?
i’m going to extremes here but like… the worldbuilding, guys. the implications.
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spillurhearts · 8 days
Not to be rude, but you say dni proship in one post. So, you’re opposed to “problematic ships,” not the right definition of proship but we’ll say it means that here. but then you make another post
where the only thing you can describe the ship is as a problematic ship. I mean, ship it, it makes you happy and doesn’t hurt anyone, the real definition of proship. But I’m conflicted. Creepypasta yume/self shippers apply to proshipping, and often times problematic content.
first and last time i'll be involved in any type of discourse! i also apologize for any mistake i can make, english is not my first language. it is also late in france so i'm sorry if my thoughts aren't articulated well.
if i follow your reasoning, everyone shipping with villains then applies to pr.oshi.ppin.g? because of the problematic actions their f/o has done?
exploring darker themes in your selfship doesn't equal to being problematic as people like to over and misuse that term so much, especially if your f/o possedes a 'dark' canon. it's just exploring a more mature way selfship, including the obstacles it can entail: pr.os.hip.pi.ng actively encourages abusive relationships. in this post i said the relationship could be somewhat a bit 'toxic' mainly due to the enemies to lovers arc i have with the pr.o.x.ies but the relationship is nowhere near abusive, it's complex and layered, which is two different things and while my wording could've been better, the meaning behind it still stands. obviously it's going to be a bit dark, again, it's about the canon like most people with villain f/os. there is no issue with exploring it and toying with it. there is an issue when it starts involving downright concerning and disgusting content.
the pro.ship.ping community, in selfship or not, is problematic in the way that it actively encourages incest, pedophilia, abusive relationships etc, not in the way that they think villains are hot and want to kiss them/make them kiss each other. there is a difference in problematic behavior, views and impact and 'problematic' characters - and even then, there's a scale in characters deemed problematic, there's a difference between a canon r4p1st and a bad, way too edgy 2009 oc.
moreover, p.rosh.ipp.ing, which goes along with c.om.ship.ping, denies the fact that fiction has a drastic impact on reality by ignoring scientifical and real facts. the whole "ship it if it doesn't hurt anyone" thing is just plain wrong as it hurts your own perception of the world, of what's real and what's fake and encourages people that might stumble accross it to do the same. i am in no way part of that nor are my self ship which i use to cope, and will forever refuse to be a part of that community.
i feel like you were trying to prove a point, and if you did then you failed miserably. you were rude by trying to make me fit in a plain disgusting community. if you didn't and we're genuinely confused, then i'm sorry.
i'm guessing that you may be a pro.s.hipp.er due to the wording of your ask. next time, please refrain from asking - the only thing i know is there is a type of community that supports a certain type of content that i do not wish to see on my dash and that i do not wish to interact or engage in anyway with. i'm staying in my lane, so stay in yours.
i would also appreciage if there wasn't any follow up to this ask, whether it be in reblogs, ask, dms... whatever. i have made my opinion and stance clear.
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mruczega · 5 years
"We are just gonna pretend he an adult for this one" Do you think before you post? Ben is literally a child. In fact, him and Sally are the same age. Does someone need to hold your hand and tell you why writing self-inserts with him is a bad idea?
No, Ben will not be headcanoned as a child:
Thank you very much for your concern but you could have reached out to me directly and in a less hostile way, I would have been happy to talk. Nevertheless, I hope that you see my reply to you. Idk if you guys get notifications that your post has been replied to if you send it anonymously.
I said that because I haven’t headcanoned an age for Ben yet. I suppose I could have phrased it better because I do understand how that could be misrepresented - at the time I was in a bit of a rush and didn’t really think of that. I just wanted to make it clear that my version of Ben is not a child. 
Ben is not the same age as Sally. (Sidenote, they aren’t related either) At the time of his death (In 2002), Ben was about 12 years old. If we do the math on that, he should be about 29 years old right now or 17. This depends on if his age restarted after his death. I will also need to consider whenever ghosts/spirits/viruses age at the same speed as normal humans and/or if the concept of age even affects them. The youngest I will make Ben will be 17 (that is if I decide that the concept of time actually affects him.) Overall, I will need to take a lot of things into consideration before I headcanon an age for him. I do plan to make most/all of the creepypastas in their 20s or 30s. I want to distance myself from the typical idea of the Mansion in the forest with edgy depressed teenage murderers in it that go on crazy rampages every night. 
Furthermore, my headcanons for Ben have all been 100% SFW. That is unless you believe that homework/assignment help, talking and protecting someone are 18+. Actually, my version of Ben is incredibly almost absolutely impossible to sexualize. Idk how someone would even do that with him not having a physical form.
Feel free to review my previous posts on him if you wish to confirm whenever my posts are SFW: 
The one area where someone does need to hold my hand is when it comes to how to do more than half the stuff on this website but that’s because I’m new and kinda a bit of an airhead sometimes. Anyways I hope that this cleared it up. 
Side note: Rules update coming out soon and I will try to set up a schedule for when I post. New options available and list of characters I will headcanon for the time being.
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