#to be fair i lived in the netherlands which is like the bike capital of the world or something
in-tua-deep · 5 years
How do you think things would have changed if Five has come back even younger than in canon? Like if he came back as 7 or 8 or even younger? Also, I love your writing. You’re an amazing writer and I love reading your stuff.
first of all that would be hilarious because as much as media has tricked you into thinking older child actors (who are easier to work with) are younger (I mean case in point, Five is supposed to be thirteen but the actor is fifteen and those two years can make a big difference at that age) or animated movies can’t decide on a size for their character, but for real seven-year-olds in real life are BABIES
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that’s like. the equivalent of a second grader?? I think i was about to go into year three living in the netherlands. I thought the year six kids were ancient. I didn’t care about bodily harm and would just hurl myself into cartwheels and handstands (nowadays not so much)
That was about the age I was losing teeth for the Very First Time and also the age I almost gave myself a concussion playing on the playground equipment (I blacked out and woke up in the nurses office lmao) and I thought the singing talents of Sandy from Hamtaro were the greatest in the world (the twirling ribbon song was formative for me)
seven was also the age for me that i realized that romance was The Worst because my best friend george decided that the pulling pigtails version of bugging me was a sure fire way to get my attention or something like that. but like,, george and me had chicken pox together. we pretended we were cheetahs in our treetop bunkbed nest together (we had a very loose grasp of the difference between cheetahs and jaguars and other big cats, admittedly). He was my best friend he didn’t need to pull my hair or anything rip
like can you even IMAGINE if five came back as a second grader?? yeah like maybe someone would serve thirteen-year-old Five black coffee but no one is going to just hand this baby child anything with caffeine are you kidding me
his feet wouldn’t even be able to reach the peDALS OF THE CAR
wow this would inconvenience him so much
i can’t even find a picture of my brother that young smh but here’s him and me when he was? probably about nine or ten and I was actually probably about six and smiling with a closed mouth to hide the fact that i was missing teeth or something smh
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that is TWO WHOLE BABIES right there i’m just genuinely dying at the thought of Five popping out and he’s just. a gradeschooler. that suit would have been swimming on him and he’s got little chubby cheeks built to absorb shock and whatever atrocious child haircut he had at that age 
(i have posted before about my genuine shock that five was ten in the comics. ten!! that’s a whole baby! a child! W H A T)
but?? does he pop up from jumping through his portal and look in the mirror and find that he’s missing some teeth? Can he whistle air through the gaps? i’m just picturing seven-year-old five getting socked in the face and losing some teeth or something and diego is right there to patronizingly tell him that it’s okay they’re probably just baby teeth and five is about to punch diego’s teeth out in a second if he keeps that up by jove
imagine five jumping and standing on the counter and he still can’t reach the marshmallows because they’re on the top shelf of the cupboard do you know how angry that would make him?? he would have about 60% less time for his siblings bullshit than normal because his small stature can only hold so much emotion at any one time and he has decided to go with seething rage for the foreseeable future
can you imagine how difficult that would be for Allison though?? Five at thirteen was bad but Five-at-around-Claire’s-age??? a billion times worse and she’s probably going to either be super avoidant because it’s painful or full on protective mama bear
it would definitely change a lot of plot stuff because i mean. no one’s going to let this tiny child drive. he can’t reach the pedals, duh. however, he might persuade one of the siblings (diego and klaus, probably) to drive him to griddy’s instead? Because with the options being “so help me i will walk there myself. alone. at night. as a small and innocent looking child” and driving him and keeping him company i think the latter wins out
(i’d nix griddy’s altogether but i’m way too invested in hazel and agnes getting together tbh)
hey wait does being that young mean that five doesn’t have his umbrella tattoo?? huh. well regardless if diego and klaus accompany him then the plot point of agnes telling the assassin squad about the tattoo can still happen so i guess it’s a moot point
but honestly the drama of having this tiny child just. completely annihilate the hit squad is hilarious to me, and it would also hit home the fact that hey! five might be telling the truth about everything and isn’t messed up by time travel! i mean whomst the fuck else would walk into a room and zero in on the seven-year-old no one else knows exists or is assumed dead by literally the whole ass world (and even if they didn’t he’s supposed to be 29) and demand he come with them and shit like man
Klaus: hey five what do you have
Five, stabbing his own arm to take the tracking device out: a knife
Diego: NO
other fun points include: the siblings bodily picking five up and five behaving like a very aggressive small breed of dog while simultaneously being super touch-starved and secretly appreciating being carried but would never admit it (whilst sober that is)
either they kept the old uniforms and five wears that or they have to scrounge up whatever they can find which means that five is dressed in some of claire’s clothes allison found stuffed in the bottom of her suitcase until they can go shopping and i’m not sure which is better tbh
hazel and cha-cha assuming that five is actually either diego or klaus bc those were the two adults in the coffee shop with the umbrella tattoo and eventually being confronted with the fact that their legendary adversary is a gradeschooler
five just being. so tired. all the time. my bedtime at seven years old was probably like. 8:30PM. kids need a lot of sleep!! so just five trying to keep himself awake because he has important stuff to do!! but doing the nod and bob because he can’t keep his eyes open
the trying-to-be-helpful but mildly-condescending strangers who stop five or talk down to him increase by tenfold. Teenagers out an about on the street along? eh. a seven-year-old? five is going to get so many concerns “where are your parents, sweetheart?” that he IS going to snap and kill a well meaning middle aged woman in the middle of the street
in a similar note the number of people who assume that he is the child of whatever sibling he happens to be in proximity to also increases tenfold and five does Not Appreciate This (and neither do half the siblings tbh bc now they have to pretend that they are responsible for this tiny feral child)
“FUCK” five says, loudly, prompting gasps from the delicate natured passerbys. 
“you can’t fucking say that, dude, you’re like. a baby.” klaus says, equally loudly and making everyone in earshot 70% more scandalized
“I am not associated with them” diego informs the masses with an edge of desperation
luther is just. so massive next to this tiny version of five. he could hold him in like, one hand. and maybe luther at one point was really good with kids but with his new body he’s awkward and it’s very sad
no one bats an eye at child Five toting an Entire Half of a Mannequin that is probably as big as he is around. Billy’s kid is currently emotionally attached to a brick he found in the alley behind his school. Gertie’s granddaughter refuses to leave the house without an old sock filled with pebbles tucked under her arm. Gary’s stepkid found a piece of driftwood on the beach and now it’s in their bed every night. Kids are weird and at least Five’s has a face for him to talk to i guess??
instead of luther threatening dolores he just looks at five with this gun that is way too big for him to have a hold of really and just. reaches out and scoops five up under his armpits and he’s just furiously wiggling and growling and luther is like “nope not putting you down until we agree that murder is not a solution”
every interaction with the handler is probably about 112% more creepy honestly but also what about the job?? either five a) gets an appropriately child sized desk like the ones you find in an actual gradeschool or b) he gets some kind of boosterseat for his chair and just has to sit at this desk that is comically oversized for him
the squad go to a restaurant and the server brings over the menus and hands five a children’s menu. without a word klaus just plucks it from five’s hands and substitutes it for his own because they have been kicked out of six whole restaurants and he is willing to eat the children’s chicken nugget meal if he had to god damn it
the apocalypse doesn’t happen because vanya is literally incapable of hurting a grade schooler right in front of her regardless of how pissed off at her family in general she is. that is a whole child. vanya works with children for her job. she can’t hurt an entire child in front of her?? like she can destroy the world and all the abstract children but this one child right in front of her? who is also her long lost brother and former sole confidant as children who wasn’t there for any of the general bullshit she just went through?? not so much
but like. even after the stop the apocalypse there’s still the issue of what to do with this entire child. like at least as a teenager five would be able to be somewhat independent but seven-year-old five can’t reach the sink to wash his hands without a step stool 
just the squad coming together to look after five without quite letting five know that’s what they’re doing because they don’t want to wake up to a knife in their chest or anything smh
five and claire meet and become an unstoppable duo of terror. patrick is an actually competent parent who is so exhausted 24/7 from raising his daughter that he just accepts five immediately because?? his brother-in-law being a time travelling 58-year-old in the body of a grade schooler who is partially feral from over forty years alone and probably has untreated ptsd? okay might as well happen
patrick “i didn’t trust allison with a child and yet i still trust her way more than the rest of you so i’m going to schedule five a doctor’s appointment or something because god knows he’s probably not up to date on his vaccinations and he’s hanging around claire and i doubt any of y’all even thought about that” hargreeves
the hargreeves all go to an amusement park as a family bonding activity. the mistake becomes clear when it’s revealed that five is too short to go on half the rides. the resulting meltdown gets them all kicked out and Diego just has five tossed over his shoulder still hurling insults at the ride attendant as they hoof it out of there
the family has to figure out everywhere they can go within walking distance because there’s still a cold war going on between allison and five over whether he has to be in a booster seat for any car rides or not
it’s basically just shenanigans with the family and five trying to figure out how to coexist and compromise and also look after one another when it’s been every man for themself pretty much all their lives
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thedeadlyd · 6 years
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Deadly D’s SE Asia Tour 2018 "Tales From the Road" What's Up! Magazine (Bellingham, WA) July 2018 Issue “Well it’s been a year Gary, what we doing this time?” I asked in regards to our last tour, one that consisted of 7 states in 5 weeks. After considering if we should hit the same route and build on what we started or go somewhere new, the DJ’s response was simply, “Go big or go home”. I already knew what this meant. Seeing how our availability to hit the road is limited, we need to maximize our time spent away. Should we hit the east coast this time? Or should we head somewhere that would add to our passport’s stamp collection? One thing we discovered on our previous excursion-something initially done out of a desire to cut down on accommodation costs-was that hostels are awesome. Not only could you save yourself some coin but also they made it possible to meet a hell of a lot of people from all over the globe. Ones just like us, seeking adventure and new friends. This is pretty tough to do holed up in some hotel room. From a traveling hip hop duo’s perspective, this element proved to be indispensable in our attempt to spread our music. With this mind, we began thinking where we could find a location that provides a hostel circuit worthy of our cause. After some microbrew infused research sessions at McKay’s Taphouse, it was decided that Vietnam and Thailand were the destinations of choice. Enter Deadly D’s “Plant the SEADD Tour 2018”. Both countries attract hostel goers from around the world. If you can accept that your life for the next month plus will consist of dorm style living with complete strangers, you will be introduced to a magical world that can only be discovered by stepping out of your comfort zone. Knowing that booking shows in such a foreign land would be difficult, we figured the environment would help streamline the process. With so many new people with insider tips, local staffers that could point us to the closest open mics and nightly activities such as pub-crawls accompanied by late night karaoke and freestyle cyphers, we figured we’d have little issue unearthing opportunities. So we decided to commit ourselves to find out and booked our flight to Vietnam. A week before we set out I received a message from an old high school friend that read, “What time does your flight land in Ho Chi Minh? I’m picking you up”. As it turned out my buddy Matt now lived there. Seeing our flight arrived at 1am, having a familiar face greet us upon arrival was a much better introduction to this new land than deliriously showing up at an airport with no idea of where to go. After a quick stop at Bui Vien-the street that never sleeps-for a beer and a banh mi, we crashed out a Matt’s apartment to rest up for our first day in the nation’s capital. The first question raised in the AM was “Holy shit. How many people live here? And better yet, HOW MANY SCOOTERS ARE THERE?!” Turns out 8.5 million residents followed by 7.5 million motorized bikes. And by the looks of it, they all run and I swear they ALL do at the same time. It’s honestly something you must witness in person. Seeing how that many motorists, driving from all directions, can actually make it work. It’s the definition of organized chaos. The way it was put to me, “You can only focus on what’s directly in front of you. Don’t worry about what’s behind you because everyone there is doing the same thing”. Regardless, we figured it would be best to save our first scooter experience for another city. One amazing aspect we discovered out there was the local expat communities (expats being individuals now residing in a country they weren't born in) and their willingness to help fellow foreigners navigate this distant land. Utilizing each city's expat Facebook group page turned out to be one of the most useful tools during our trip. In Ho Chi Minh City-or Saigon if you will-this process linked us up with our first show, only 2 days into our journey. Given the opportunity to link up with Ass Kicking Crew, the city’s #1 B-Boy posse, we couldn’t of asked for a better introduction to the local hip hop scene. Welcomed with open arms we were invited to play a show at Cipherz, a venue owned and operated by one of the crew’s OG’s Style D. The talent and humility of these cats was unreal. Representing hip hop in such a way that the US did in the 80’s, they could do it all. MC, DJ, break, graffiti. All 4 elements were on full display. Gary learned some new tricks on the tables from his new friend Phu. I was passing the mic back and forth with B-Boy Xell. Shit was ill. After many Larue beers and a spread of local street food, our first show in Asia came to a close. But not before we were invited to the weekends festivities: Ass Kicking Jam 2018. HCMC’s annual B-Boy summit just happened to fall on our first weekend and we had no idea what we were in for. Bringing his Canon 80D, Gary figured this would be a prime opportunity to put his videographer skills to the test. With over 150 break dancers from Vietnam, Germany, Ukraine, Australia and beyond, what we witnessed was something even a camera can’t properly describe (though we will try.. Video coming soon!!). The creativity, originality, pure dexterity and stamina exhibited was incredible. We got to see the lil’ homie Xell take on and battle the entire Ass Kicking Crew as his initiation into the group. Proud to say he succeeded and we were able to witness history. Even Phu who informed me that he doesn’t break and just cuts records proceeded to get into the action. Our first stop was insane. Alright, Vietnam. We see you. From there we took a jumper flight to Da Nang. Hostel on point. Hopped in on a food tour and pub crawl to get the lay of the land. It was here where we worked up the courage to attempt our first scooter excursion. We'll be okay if we can make it out of the city to the coastline where traffic is a little less intimidating right? Wrong. Within minutes we were convinced we would become one of those horror stories you hear of tourists who get acquainted with pavement in a bad way. Luckily this wasn’t the case and we finally made it to the beach unscathed. Good thing we did because this led to the most amazing jaunt up Monkey Mountain and built up a confidence to utilize the most effective mode of travel in SE Asia, which we capitalized upon the rest of the trip. Equipped with a GoPro on Gary’s helmet we scooted on down Hoi An. Took a pit stop at Marble Mountain, pulled some touristy shit and let go paper lanterns in the Thu Bon River via longboats and partied after hours at Tiger Tiger 2 Bar with our new friend and local guide Nguyen AKA “call me Justin”. After a late night cruise and Gary’s abrupt brush with death as he stepped off a cliff when attempting to take a leak, we made it somewhat safely back to the pad. From there we proceeded north to Halong Bay, where we kayaked through caves and explored lagoons surrounded by islands occupied by communities of monkeys. We paid a local fisherman to take us and our newly formed production team of youngin’s from the Netherlands to a deserted dreamlike island for a music video shoot. Captain Bird took to the air for his drone’s inaugural flight. Vietnam is insane y’all. It’s such a beautiful place and the people are incredible. Visiting a place with a history coinciding with our own in the way that it does is humbling to say the least. Taking a walk through the war museum or a Buddhist orphanage to visit with kids still being affected by the tragedies their country faced due to our past influence, you can understand why emotions can run a little high at times. We will forever be grateful for all we experienced in this amazing place. We could of spent our entire tour in Vietnam and still not even come close to seeing it all. But this would have to wait; we had to pick up our singer in Bangkok! So off to Thailand we go! Having lived there once upon a time ago, Lydia would not only act as our fellow bandmate but as a personal tour guide and translator as well. Which was great for a couple of clueless tourists. Another perfect timing “yeah we meant to do that” realization was that we showed up during the Thai New Year, Songkran. As a nation we should take notes because we’re doin’ it all wrong. Seeing entire cities engaged in an all out water gun warzone is waaaay more fun than fireworks. Especially spending it in Bang Saen, a place where locals who seem to have never seen white folk go for the holidays. Pure unhinged, positive energy. We then made our way to the jungles of Chiang Mai, hit up the all night hip hop club “Spicy” and swam with elephants. Yeah you heard me. After we said peace out to the big homies we had to catch a flight back to Bangkok for one of our more influential shows. Connecting with SuperFly, Freshly Squeezed Sounds and everyone at Live Lounge BKK, opened up a world of possibilities for when we make our return trip. Nearing the end of our tale we decided on our next destination. With Lyds headed back home it was up to us to finish this thing out strong. We'd be put to the test as we dropped our pin on Phucket and the infamous Bangla Road. Booking our stay at Slumber Party hostel, we discovered it lived up well beyond what its name might imply. This is where you go to party. This is where you go to dance at clubs with a capacity that could squeeze in all of Bellingham, a place that can really make you feel your age. I’m proud of how we faired. Well there we were. Finish line in sight. A little over a monththat felt like a lifetime yet went by in the blink of an eye. We returned to HCMC for a final farewell jam session with our Ass Kicking brethren before we headed home. Though this felt like home too. Guess that’s why we do this. Always trying to find that Highway Home. Guess that’s why we’re already planning the next journey. ‘Til next time friends. ~Deadly D Article Link: https://www.deadlyd.com/news/deadlydseasiatourrecap
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dorenekvance · 6 years
Where to go on holiday this summer? 13 incredible destinations in Europe
When summer comes, we always ask ourselves the same question: sun and beach or cultural tourism? The answer to this question can only be chosen by you. It is true that you can organize your vacations enjoying both pleasure and knowledge, but are you going to miss enjoying the magic that Europe can offer you? In this continent there are many cities capable of offering you the charm that others on the other side of the Atlantic cannot. That is why you should not always choose between going to the beach or sight-seeing a city, in Europe you can do both things whilst spending an exciting holiday.
In this post we are going to talk about the different European cities that are worth knowing and if you still do not know where to go this summer, we will make it easier for you!
Where shall I go on holiday in Italy?
Visit the charms of Rome
If you want to enjoy la dolce Vita, without a doubt you are going to have a spectacular summer in one of the most touristic cities. In Rome you will find thousands of historical corners all around the city, from Roman Forum and the Coliseum to glamorous boutiques near Spanish steps, also known as Piazza Spagna, passing by wonders such as Vatican Museums, Michelangelo’s frescos, Trevi Fountain, or Piazza Navona.  Rome is a dreamy destination where to go in holiday due to its wide cultural offer, Mediterranean weather and proximity to some Italian beaches.
 Enjoy the Venice channels
Traveling in gondolas surrounded by charming and delighting architectonical masterpieces in the iconic city is a perfect idea of where to go in holidays. You could stare at the magnificent Piazza San Marco where the impressive and outstanding Byzantine St Mark’s basilica stands. If you are an art-lover, you will be amazed by the artwork of Italian masters such as Titian, Tintoretto or contemporary 20th century artworks in the Peggy Guggenheim Collection. Do not forget to take a trip on board a vaporetto down the Grand Canal and Slip on a Venetian carnival mask.
Fall in love with Florence
Florence is waiting for you, it will gift you with impressive museums, Renaissance views, cafés, nightlife and cultural ambiance. Let yourself be surrounded by the artistic atmosphere around the city, where you can be close to Uffizi’s treasures, and Botticelli’s paintings such as “The birth of Venus”, take a look at Michelangelo’s David’s perfect figure, gaze one of the most gorgeous skylines, be at the top of the Duomo, taste the delicious Toscana gastronomy and the best ice-creams in the world. And if you still miss a splash, you may swim in the outdoor urban beach, Costoli.
Where to go on vacation in Spain?
Discover the charms of Madrid
The Spanish capital offers a huge variety of different activities to do from cultural itineraries to the funniest nightlife, remembering La Movida. You can explore the museums and galleries to contemplate masterpieces of the history of art. The Prado museum, Reina Sofia, Thyssen-Bornemisza, and CaixaForum are the “musts” of the artistic panorama. You can be delighted by the beautiful parks like Casa de Campo, Madrid Arena, El Retiro, El Palacio Real, Debod Temple; where you will relax and enjoy the sun. We also recommend you to attend one of the many musicals and plays on stage in the emblematic theatres such as “Teatro Alcalá”.
Tan your skin in Gran Canaria
If you were wondering where to go on holidays to enjoy the beach and the sun, Gran Canaria is the ideal spot for you. With the best weather in the world and more sunlight hours per day, the island is a perfect destination for you to spend your beach vacation. You can also visit some of the many natural parks, ride camels in the Maspalomas dunes, discover the captivating towns, practice water sport, taste delicious wines, and ogle cultural spots in the historical center. Gran Canaria is the ideal location to spend your summer holidays in family with children, with your partner and your friends.
Live the colors of Seville
It is said that Seville has a special color. The two most important dates to go to Seville are Easter and the April Fair, when you could enjoy the colorful and flowery balconies of the traditional houses. However, Seville is at your disposal any time of the year. There you can visit Plaza de España, Real Alcázar, and the immense Gothic Cathedral with the Giralda, María Luisa Park and the Metropol Parasol. Do not miss the typical tapas and sangria in the picturesque neighborhood of Triana.
  Bathe in the crystalline water of Menorca
The Balearic Island is surrounded by the turquoise water of the Mediterranean Sea, where a wide biodiversity inhabits. The island hosts infinite sandy beaches and attractive landscapes. In the island you could lay on the warm sand of the small idyllic bays such as Pregonda or Cala Mitjaneta, where you can also do water sport such as snorkeling, surfing, windsurfing, or kite-surfing; visit monuments such as the Cathedrall in Ciutadella, and savor the Mediterranean gastronomy.
Where to go on holidays in France now?
Visit the city of love; Paris
Paris is one of the most fascinating places where to go on holidays because of its cultural and inspiring atmosphere. It has been setting of multiple movies, you can also be part of the Parisian scene and be mesmerized by its impressionist-like settings such as The Orsay Museum, which hosts artworks of Cézanne, Monet, Manet, Van Gogh, Gaugin, among others; or the Louvre where to stare the Mona Lisa, The Venus del Milo, Hammurabi code, or the Winged Victory of Samothrace, and many more masterpieces. Besides the dozens of museum and galleries you can visit, you can also wonder around the quarters, the streets and the gardens such as the Luxembourg garden. You can also walk on the Seine river-side at night while you sip on a French wine under the lights of the city and live a romantic serenade.
Know the secrets of the streets of Marseille
This gorgeous Mediterranean city in the South of the France fits the most exigent demands with its wide offer of cultural thing to do and magnificent beaches. You can visit the impressive and beautiful Notre Dame de la Garde Church, The eclectic MuCEM, wonder around Le Panier neighborhood and Port, castles around the city, and the coast Calanques which is a lovely beach where to relax, do kayak and explore the cliffs.
Where to go on holidays in The Netherland?
Cycle through the city of Amsterdam
Hop on a bike and ride the entire city. You will encounter art in the Jordaan neighborhood, culture in the Museum plein that homes the Rijksmuseum, the Van Gogh Museum and the Stedelijk Museum of Modern Art, the lovely tulip-flowery bridges over the channels, and a huge variety of independent-mood festivals and markets. You should not miss it.
Where to go on holiday in Portugal?
Enjoy the landscapes of Lisbon
If you are looking for a quiet and unique destination where to go for a cheap holidays, Lisbon is a lovely and beautiful city that has nothing to be envious of the rest of the European capitals. Among the many things to do in Lisbon, we suggest you take the tram to sightsee thee city, walk around the Alfama neighborhood from where you will get amazed by the landmark, or the historic Belem that hosts the city’s most important museums and monuments, also reach to the colorful Sintra. You won’t regret it!
Where to go on holiday in Greece?
Visit a paradise in Mykonos
A paradise where to enjoy the Mediterranean Sea breeze, sun and good weather, but also where to soak up on the Greek culture. You will have fun in the Little Venice, with its nightlife, restaurants, and shopping spots in a beautiful setting. You will get delighted by the archeological monuments in Delos islands; overlook the windmills, and get fascinated by the simply beauty of the sunset behind the Paraportiani Church. An unforgettable holiday!
Where to go on holiday in Czech Republic?
Find magic in the streets of Prague
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful city that seemed to be taken straight out from a fairytale and still exits today. It was called Prague. With its breath-taking Castle, St Vitus Cathedrals and Charles Bridge, it is the ideal setting for a magical tale. You can also get amazed with the charming Old Town Square, Astronomical Clock, Old Jewish neighborhood, and the grounds of the mysterious Golden Lane. Do not forget to get lost in the backstreets of Mala Strana and navigate the Vltava.
Have you already chosen a destination for this vacation? Undoubtedly all these European cities contain many secrets and are worth discovering. Decide to enjoy the sea or a safe city that you will spend a holiday full of emotion and know many new things.
If you decide to choose Gran Canarias as a holiday destination, do not hesitate to contact us through our website. We will be happy to advise you and help you plan your vacation.
    The post Where to go on holiday this summer? 13 incredible destinations in Europe appeared first on Villa Gran Canaria | Holiday Rentals | Villas.
Where to go on holiday this summer? 13 incredible destinations in Europe published first on http://blog.villagrancanaria.com/
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