#to be fair this isn't Gora's fault this one is all on GoHands
ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
Your thoughts on Fushimi's outfit on k 7 stories when he was still with Homura? Personally I find that thing UGLY AF. Like, how dare you gora for putting that shit on him. Should've stick to that purple hoodie just like the one on manga and novel ffs
You mean the terrible pants, right? Let's talk about the terrible pants. Like...just look at these.
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What the fuck is happening with those pants? Why do they have zippers where no zippers should be? Are they the kind that you unzip and turn into shorts, is Fushimi wearing the kind of pants my dad used to wear to go on vacation? And the weird....metal things, or whatever those are supposed to be at the top. In some of the official art it's clearer that they're supposed to be textured but the actual animation is colored so poorly it looks like he's wearing pants that are half-fishnet (and I remember that one official art with Homra playing pool and when the small teaser was released everyone thought he actually was wearing fishnets, honestly would have been better. At least fishnets can be stylish). There is no reason for the pants to look this way. And I think they look odd on Fushimi anyway because they're these weird baggy cargo things and he's almost always drawn wearing tighter pants, Yata is the one who wears the oversized stuff not Fushimi.
Though the rest of the outfit is just weird too. Like what is up with those random cut-out bits in the side of the shirt, are those more useless zippers (why so many zippers Saru, did you just finish playing a Final Fantasy game and got inspired). He's apparently wearing a hoodie wrapped around his waist like Yata is but for some reason he has it tied under his existing shirt instead of over so now on top of his silly pants it looks like he has a random black cover over his crotch. And the whole thing looks even weirder from the back:
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Again, the poor art quality is not helping at all here, Fushimi and Yata both look like they suddenly changed into skirts or hakama or something. If it wasn't for those side cut outs the shirt wouldn't be terrible, I like the wide neck on him and I actually do like the necklace because Fushimi's been shown to wear jewelry in other media, but all together the outfit just feels so...over-designed, and not in a good way. I don't know why they didn't just go for the hoodie from the Homra official art, which feels like it would have been simpler to draw and looked more in line with casual wear that we've already seen him in.
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