#to be honest. shamefully. im not SUPER well versed in the knuckles side of archie because i Could Not get through it and i really did try
cartoonrival · 2 years
in your au would knuckles still have his own echidna lore just all the others fucking died so edmund and dimitri are friends and not brothers. or would that be axed and make him more like game knuckles with the archie lore that has been preserves going to julie su. and why would the dark legion care about angel island if not for the echidnas. is it a master emerald thing (side note is the master emerald always the master emerald or is it like in archie where it used to be singular chaos emerald) or is there some other sus shit going on
knuckles lore is pretty tight to the game lore, only difference is that hes still really tight with the chaotix instead of being essentially a loner on the island, and he obviously leaves a lot more cause he goes on missions with them, maybe watching the emerald moreso in shifts sort of like they do in later archie, but knuckles still bears the brunt of the responsibility. how knuckles was actually born isnt really explained by the games either so im not super sure what it would be, but he isnt any more aware of echidna/his own history than he is in the games.
not ALL the echidna lore is being switched over to the tenrecs; the whole origin story of angel island proposed in archie with edmund and dimitri and comet or the chaos siphon didnt happen at all; the master emerald has always been the master emerald. the legion is much younger than it is in archie because its something that was born near the beginning of the war, making it only like 10-ish years old. im thinking dimitri is the founder of the legion but he was extremely old when he founded it, or maybe he was somehow injured in the war, and has been using the tech to try and keep himself from falling apart, so IG he can still be a head. as a treat. maybe he still had a brother edmund who tried to convince him against starting the legion and being evil and everything, but instead of edmund starting a line of guardians he gets killed in some sort of tech-related accident.
since the legion is so much younger and it no longer has the angel island-centric feud at the center of it, they kind of jump to being the first chapter of the dark egg legion, since they dont really become an international problem until they partner with eggman a few years into the war. so their motives arent related to conflict with the dingoes or angel island, but about global control under eggman. if that answers the question. a lot of the stuff they did in archie, they didn't do at all.
they might still have interest in the emerald independent from eggman for similar reasons that finitivus was, maybe when they learn about knuckles' connection to the emerald theyre curious about how far they can push that connection, which could loop knuckles back into the story some and maybe create some sort of enerjak-adjacent phenomenon cause i really like that one bit where he becomes enerjak for a spell.
if i were ever to make a comic with this idea, there would probably be other random conflicts that they were responsible for to keep the chaotix busy, but they would be totally different from the stuff that happened in the original because there are no dingoes, no tasmanian devils, no echinaopolis or albion, etc.
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