#to be honest... i want to know what connor's mom was like. because i'd be willing to bet she'd be a lot like stewy.
kenzie-ann27 · 1 year
and yet another thing I'm still not over is kendall's "maybe the poison drips through" bit in the election episode. so.
I know it was meant as kendall's admission that he's not a good father, but I like to think of it as a general showing of how like a lot of things our parents do are going to inevitably become things we ourselves do, whether we're really aware of that or not. logan's uncle beat him, so he beats his kids, etc. etc. but in terms of romantic relationships, the poison absolutely drips through, and it's a terribly addictive one.
I don't know if any of the women who loved logan genuinely loved him. he was a brute, as kendall said. and as I would say, he was a monster. and I'm not sure if any of those women saw any good part of him, or maybe they just wanted to believe they saw something good in him. and of course, I believe the same of stewy. that there's too much affection involved for him to not think it's love, to not think kendall is good in some way. and I think that's why both marcia and caroline seem to like stewy, they can spot it a mile away. he's the child weaned on poison. he's the one that picks kendall over and over again. he's the kicked dog. he's the one in love with someone who will break their heart and replace them the next day.
and kendall kicks him! he breaks his heart! he says he'd kill stewy if he fucked him over, and stewy said he'd do the same! they kick each other! because that's how kendall shows love. that's how he saw love between his parents. and it's what he does to stewy, but stewy comes back. rava doesn't come back, naomi doesn't come back. and I don't know if stewy recognized that it was just some stupid test or not, but he passed it!
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mrbexwrites · 23 days
Sibling Q&A Tag
Tagged by @spideronthesun here- thank you <3 Leaving an open tag for anyone else who'd like to do this, as my brain is not working at the moment 😅 I was going to answer this for my Memento Mori siblings, but the questions fit Mavis & Connor best!
1. Who looks the most like Dad?
Connor: Mavis. Mavis: We're twins. I feel like we both have a lot of his features. Unfortunately. Connor: You more than me, though. You have his frown, and you wear it all the time. Mavis:...
2. Who looks the most like mom?
Both: Colleen. Connor: She definitely takes after Mum. She got her eyes, which definitely helps.
3. Who eats the most?
Mavis: Connor. You've put some weight on, recently. Maybe time t cut down. You've got a wedding suit to squeeze into. Connor: Don't fat-shame me! I've been stress eating, and Hadley says my having a tummy means that there's more for me to love!
4. Who has been in the weirdest situations?
Connor: Mavis. 100% Mavis. I mean...you've met her right? She's pretty effed-up.
5. Who sleeps the most?
Mavis: Connor. He lies in bed well past sunrise most days. Connor: Some of us just sleep a normal eight hour night, and can't survive on whatever sleep they can snatch. Mave, getting less than four hours of sleep per night isn't healthy!
6. Most stable romantic life?
Both in unison: Connor.
7. Worst habit of each one?
Connor: Mavis has a lot of unaddressed anger issues. She's going to need a lot of therapy. She likes to horde tins of food, but I think that's a trauma response. She doesn't use her words to tell us how she's feeling, she'll just sulk and lash out, expecting us to know what's wrong with her. She's pretty grumpy most of the time. But she does like to keep thins neat and tidy....a little too neat and tidy. Like 'everything has a place' tidy. So, yeah... Mavis: ... Mavis: Connor chews with his mouth open.
8. Who's the most dramatic?
Connor: Mavis Mavis: Connor. Connor: Wait...! What?! How am I the most dramatic? Mavis: You cried when you got punched in the face. Connor: That's not being dramatic! That's being in pain! You're the dramatic one! You blew up an art gallery just because Arnauld was in it! Mavis: That's not dramatic. That's being thorough. Connor:...
9. Who had a weird phase?
Mavis: Connor. He went through his emo phase. With a stupid fringe and lip piercing. The long chain hanging from his jeans. The poetry! Connor: It was a phase! yes, it was super cringe, but who wasn't a total little weirdo when they were 13 years old?
10. Best cook of the family?
Connor: Mum. 100% Mum. She bakes her own bread, makes her own yoghurt. She can take anything and turn it into a banquet. Honestly, you should come round. She'll never see someone go away hungry.
11. Best memory together?
Mavis: That day we went fishing in the river, and you caught a fish. I helped you reel it in. Connor: We were five or six. That's your favourite memory of us? Mavis: *shrugs*
12. Worst memory together?
Connor: There was this one time when Mavis kidnapped me, and took me to our father. He tortured me. That wasn't great.
13. Dream trip together
Connor: Pretty much anywhere. We've been apart for most of our childhood. Maybe a camping trip so that we can have proper time spent in nature, bonding, reminiscing... Mavis: I'd rather go to Hell than go on a holiday with you.
14. Would you rather not be able to shower for a month or have the same clothes for a month?
Connor: Shower. I'd hate not being able to shower. I want to be cleeean! I could always air out my clothes, or spray them with deoderant to try to mask the smell. But I want me to be clean and fresh. Mavis: I not fussed. Done both, if I'm honest. No-one complained. Connor: It's a good thing that smell isn't something that can travel over our psychic link...!
15. Who's the older one?
Connor: Mavis. But only by a couple of minutes.
16. Role model?
Connor: Arnauld. He's so cool, and has shaped me into the man I am today. Followed closely by Gary. Mavis: Father.
17. Who usually has the worst ideas?
Mavis: Connor. He's an idiot. Connor: Says the person who blew up an art gallery !!
18. A GIANT insect is on the wall, who's taking care of it?
Both: Mavis. Connor: I'm squemish. Mavis will get it. Mavis: He usually begs for me to just trap it and throw it outside. It's easier to kill it, but he usually asks nicely, and I'm trying to be a better person, so I'll just scoop it into my hand, and throw it out a window.
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shawnpetermuffins · 5 years
How's It Feel (CG pt 2 again)
A/n: I'm reuploading this because something when wrong when I did it the first time.
Summary: Shawn's starting to feel how you did for way too long and he's realizing he can't cope with the pain.
Requested: yes, by so many of you for god knows what reason
The hole in my chest had only grown since y/n walked out of our apartment. I tried texting her, calling her. I tried everything until eventually my messages didn't go through anymore. My calls went straight to voicemail. All of her stuff was gone when I got back from the studio one day too, and if it was even possible, my heart broke all over again seeing that.
And as if not being with her wasn't already messing with my head, having to tell my family was even worse. Mum was pissed, didn't talk to me for three days, Aaliyah over a week. (I’ll be honest, she probably still wouldn’t be talking to me had I not broke down in front of Mum when I went to go work things out with them.) It was torture not being able to talk to two of the most important women in my life, about the other other single most important girl in my life. One who no longer wanted me.
I knew I fucked up, there was no denying that. But I never intended to hurt her the way I did. I took her love for granted, I know that now, but knowing that just makes it hurt worse.
So I spent almost every night following our no-so mutual breakup at the bar, drinking the strongest liquor I could get my hands on because beer just wasn't going to cut it. If I was going to drown in anything, I'd rather it be in alcohol than in my own self pity. And it worked… until I met her.
Jordan's presence slammed into my like a ton of bricks. She was everything that the media thought I should be with. Long, flowy blonde hair. Legs for days. That "natural glow" that very obviously was just a dewy foundation - something y/n never wore because she thought it made her look more oily than dewy. By all means, she is who I wanted. Or more accurately, she is who I wanted to want.
Jordan was probably the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen. There's not a doubt in my mind. But she wasn't y/n. She didn't stay the night. She hardly ever called, not unless I had promo events or award shows. So I guess lucky for me, it was award season. But these were the only times I'd see her. Only times I'd talk to her. Not that I didn't want to. I did, and I tried. But my messages would go read and unanswered. She never wanted to hang out with me and my friends, and on the ever-so rare occasion that she did accept my offer, it always ended with a quick fuck and she was out the door. There were no cuddles, there was no snuggling. I didn't get to wake up to make her breakfast like I used to do for y/n before I let things go so wrong.
I wonder if this is what y/n felt when I was out the door before she ever got the chance to open her eyes. I wonder if she felt this every morning for the last eight months of our relationship. That's how long it was, I realized when it was much too late. I blew off plans, and I didn't come home, and I didn't talk to her for eight months. But I still expected her to do things for me. Go to my awards shows even when I know she told me she had things she needed to do for work. I called her unsupportive more times than I can count and I unintentionally, but somehow knowingly let her slip through my fingers.
Come over???
Jordan read the text three hours ago and still hasn't bothered to respond. Not that I was expecting her to anymore. Unless I ask her to come to an award show with me, I won't get a response for days.
So I'm here, logged into Brian's Instagram looking through y/n's most recent posts because she blocked me on literally everything, not that I can blame her. She knew me well enough to know that after the way we ended things I would want to check up on her. Even though I didn't do it enough while I had her.
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Kinda_yourname Carnival nights call for impromptu photo shoots
📸: @connorbrashier
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I throw my phone onto the coffee table, suddenly sick to my stomach.
Connor. She still talks to him. They still hang out. I knew they had gotten close on the SM3 tour but I'd never realized that they were still close. It shouldn't bother me - she's, in fact, not mine anymore no matter how much I wish she were - But it does. It bothers me so much. Because who is he to be taking pictures like this of the girl I used to call my own? How is someone I considered a friend going to betray me this way?
I want so badly to throw something, to scream, and punch and kick like a dramatic child who's just been told he can't go play outside with his friends because it's far too hot. Other than the fact that my phone is no longer in my hands, and that my fingers are pressed firmly into the denim encompassing my legs, anyone watching me wouldn't be able to tell that I was in such serious turmoil.
I want to go back to feeling something. Even if it is just contempt for myself and the way I let things get so out of hand. But something inside me won't let it happen. I've become nothing but a hollow shell of what I used to be. I feel nothing. I want for nothing. I do nothing. It’s been hell on my music, too. Selfishly, I thought that being heartbroken would help me write another album, but now I have no inspiration. My muse is gone.
I'm sitting in the dining room with my mum who seems to be a little on edge while I'm talking to her. She keeps looking toward the door when she thinks I'm not looking, but I can't bring myself to ask why she's acting so weird. I should have.
"Where's Liyah?" I asked.
"Getting ready. She's going out with a friend."
I nodded, "Who?"
Mum shook her head and dismissed the question with wave of her hand, "You don't know her."
"Now, uh, what's going on?" She clasped her hands together.
I furrowed my brows, but shrugged off the uneasiness radiating through her body language. "I uh… I messed up."
"What do you mean?"
"With y/n."
She sighed, "Shawn. It's been three months."
"Yeah. And I haven't been able to write a song since we broke up."
"I thought you said you were dating that new girl."
"Jordan," I mumbled.
"Yes, her."
"It's complicated." I took in a deep breath, "Every time I try to make an effort, it's never reciprocated. She never texts me back, or calls me. She only ever wants to get together when I tell her I have an award show to go to or like I'm doing press. And I don't get that same feeling that I used to get when y/n would look at me. I don't love her, mum. Hell, I don't even know if I really like her or if I'm forcing myself to because I'm trying to compensate for what I don't have with y/n anymore."
Mum didn't say anything, but the look in her eyes told me everything.
"It's nothing."
"It's something. What? What are you thinking?"
"Now, honey you know I love you. And I will support you through anything." She took my hands in hers from across the table. "But it sounds to me like you're getting a taste of your own medicine."
"Excuse me?"
"Don't get upset, Shawn. But that's exactly what you did with y/n. She texted and she called and you only wanted her when you needed someone next to you. You didn't treat her like your girlfriend. Not even a little bit. She was 'arm candy.' And that, it pains me to say, is what you are to this Jordan girl."
I run my hands through my hair, frustrated. "I don't want Jordan anymore. And it's clear she doesn't want me. I have to end things with her."
"If that's what you want, then I support you."
"I want y/n, mum… What do I do?"
"There's nothing you can do... Y/n isn't going to take you back."
"You don't know that," I said desperately, even though I knew she was right."
“Sweetheart, you know I love y/n. We all do. And you also know that I wouldn’t be telling you this if I thought that she would take you back. But Shawn… you hurt her. No, that’s not right. You broke her. That whole last year of your relationship shattered her into a million pieces. She’s trying just as hard as you - if not harder - to pick herself back up after this.”
“She’s hanging out with Connor. Did you know that?”
“And what does that matter? You’re with someone else.”
“It’s Connor! He and I are friends!”
“Shawn -”
"Karen! I hope you don't mind. I used my key, is Aaliyah -"
I stilled at the sound of the voice of  both my dreams and nightmares. A voice I never thought I'd hear again. I slowly turned around and was met with her frighteningly pale skin, she looked like she'd seen a ghost, and I knew I probably looked the same.
"Hi," I said like an idiot after a minute of full on staring at her, taking in every single thing I could.
She didn't say it back, just shook her head and averted her eyes and cleared her throat. "Karen, is Aaliyah ready?"
"I'm ready!" My little sister beamed, entering the now overly tense dining room. “Oh... Hey, Shawn.”
“What are you doing here?” I asked, only to y/n.
“Liyah, you got your stuff?”
She nodded. “Yeah, let’s go.” She crossed the room and pressed a kiss to Mum’s cheek. “I’ll be back later.”
“Is it cool if I take her out to dinner?” y/n asked, still not looking at me. "There were a lot of people at the mall when I passed by, we might be longer than expected.
“What the hell is going on?” I exclaimed, and I knew eyes were on me now, but not the eyes I so desperately wanted to be on me. "Did you know she was coming over?" I asked my mom.
She didn't answer me and that was response enough. “That’s fine, honey. But come back for dessert, okay? Manny and I were thinking sundaes with all the fixings.”
“You know the way to my heart, Karen. We’ll be back by eight.”
Aaliyah was now standing next to my ex-girlfriend once again and my heart ached watching them. They started walking toward the door, and I was going to leave it alone. Let them walk out the house without a problem, but my body reacted before my mind could catch up. “Y/n, wait.” When she didn’t turn around, I took her wrist. “Baby, please. Can we talk?”
“Let go of me, Shawn,” her voice was barely above a whisper.
“Not until you look at me,” I said, desperation lacing between every word.
She sighed and fished her keys out of her pocket, “Hon, can you wait in the car? I’ll be right there.”
My sister nodded and walked out of the house without so much as a glance my way. And when the door shut behind her, those y/e/c eye finally met mine, breaking me even more because they didn’t hold that light they used to.
"What, Shawn? What could you possibly want?"
I open and close my mouth like a fish gasping for water.
"Well?" She arches an eyebrow at me, making me feel small beneath that stare that I desperately wanted just minutes ago, but now I wish she would look away. Because seeing that hurt and hatred behind her eyes is killing me. "What do you want?" She asked again.
And I broke. "You. Always fucking you!"
She scoffed, "No you don't!" She exclaimed. "You don't want me, you're lonely! I'm not your pet, Shawn! I'm not gonna come at your beck and call. I'm a human being. A human being with real feelings. A human being still trying to fix what you broke," her finger jabbed into my chest. "You don't get to say that you miss me after the way you treated me."
"I know, but-"
"Do you seriously think you can defend yourself here?" Y/n crosses her arms over her chest and it only makes me more upset.
"What makes you think you have any right to defend yourself?"
"Excuse me?!"
"Yeah, you're out there fucking around with one of my close friends, right? What? Are you gonna say he's just a friend? That he's just looking out for your well-being? Because that's definitely not the case."
"WHO?! Which of your 'close friends' am I supposedly fucking around with?"
Hearing her curse that way reminds me that we're in my parent's house and I suddenly feel really bad for causing this scene in front of my mum, but we're already too far gone.
"Oh, don't play dumb!"
"Enlighten me." She won't budge from her spot, but I've paced so much and so quickly that I was starting to leave a path in the carpet.
"With Connor. I saw you were together on your instagram."
"How could you even see that if I blocked you?"
"Are you gonna deny it?"
"Am I not allowed to have friends, Shawn? Because last I checked, you weren't my boyfriend, and you sure as hell weren't my 'keeper.' You don't have any right to tell me who I can and can't hang out with. So what if I'm hanging out with him? We got close on tour." She said with a shrug, "not that it's any of your business, but we are just friends"
“I haven’t written since you left,” I said lowly, suddenly much too tired to continue this screaming match that literally just started. “And I’ve been seeing this girl,” I said and tried to find some type of emotion behind her eyes, but there was nothing.
"Then why the hell should it matter if I'm with Connor? Even as friends?"
I couldn’t answer her yet, so I continued, “She never wants to hang out. She’s only there for awards and stuff. It kind of sucks actually.”
She scoffed, “That’s funny. Because that seemed to be exactly what you were wanting while we were together.”
“That’s not what I wanted, y/n. I just lost sight of what we had, my feelings got confused, and they shouldn’t have. I didn’t mean to hurt you that way.”
“But you did! And now you’re complaining for what? Because she’s not waiting around for you like I was?”
“No! You don’t get to call me that anymore! You have no right!”
“Okay,” I hold my hands up in defense. “I’m sorry. I just, I don’t know what to say to make this better. I didn’t realize that you felt this way until it happened to me. And it’s the worst feeling. I feel like nothing I do will ever be good enough.” I sigh, “and I’m miserable without you,” I confessed.
"I'm sorry to hear that. But that's not my fault. You made the decisions that you did and you lost me in the process. That was all you."
"I want to go back. Forget that it's over."
"But you can't," she said, finally uncrossing her arms.
"But if we could?"
She shook her head, "even if we could. I'm not willing to forget."
"Will we ever be okay again? Be the way we used to be? Before we started dating."
She sighed and her gaze dropped once again. "As far as I'm concerned," she started. "You and I were strangers before we got together… and we're strangers once again." With a heavy sigh and a quick run of her fingers through her hair, she turned her attention back to the door that my sister walked out of just minutes ago. "I have to go. Your sister's waiting."
Don't go, I think to myself. Let me fix this. Let me try. But of course I don't say this. I watch her fingers curl around knob and my own fingers twitch, just aching to reach for her. But then the door closes with a soft click behind her and I find myself leaning against that same hard wood, tears blurring my vision.
I slide to the floor, my head in my hands, shoulders shaking with my uncontrolled sobs.
I never thought I'd feel this heartbreak. It's even worse the second time, somehow. Maybe because I know now that this is it for us.
Because I was always the master of words, and her of action. But in this moment, there are no words to save me, nor weapons to save her.
We are caught, defenseless, on seperate sides of the door.
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Opening up
Clare: smiled. “I hope that means it teaches stuff other than how to get a girl to sleep with you. Like how to treat women like human beings not sex objects. Of course I don’t think you need to be taught to respect women or about consent...but lots of boys do. Even our old principal the Shep had to take sensitivity training.” She mock gasped at Kota’s confession. “Unacceptable! It’s a dark toned fantasy with magic, dragons, and violent dynastic struggles among the realm's noble families for the Iron Throne. And it’s loosely based off real medieval European history. What’s not to love? We’re watching the first episode tonight. Please just give it a chance. I won’t make you watch more episodes if you don’t like it for some strange reason.” Clare gave Kota her best puppy dog eyes look. “Yeah. Connor gets that weird tofu crap from his sort of sister, Emma Nelson. So you’ve already done a survey?” She laughed. “We’ll make do. I like teriyaki chicken stir fry, rice and noodles, soup. Cauliflower soup is my favorite.” Clare named a few different types of food she could eat in Japan. “This trip just keeps getting better.” She proclaimed after Kota approved of date nights. It would be very nice to go out together on a regular basis with no friends or family tagging along. They’d still be spending plenty of time with Emi, Alli, Connor, Eli, K.C, Yohio, and the new friends they were going to make. “I won’t break up with you by kissing someone else.” Clare promised, scrunching up her nose. “Sounds like a really mean way to end a relationship. Even K.C. told me he wanted to break up before he ran off to makeout with Jenna. I don’t want to break up and I like your kisses best.” She squeezed his arm affectionately. “Thank you. There might be things I don’t recognize at all like meat dishes. Don’t let me eat shark either!” Clare nodded. “My parents will be impressed by your academic accomplishments. Winning them over completely is hard but not impossible. They love Alli, Adam, and Connor. K.C not so much. Eli not at all. Jenna they felt sorry for. Before she had a baby. Dad’s easier to get along with. Unfortunately, Mom is secretly in charge.” Her parents fought all the time now but Dad never came out the winner. Clare looked back and forth between Kota and Melanie curiously as the singer brought up a footballer player from school and Kota mentioned being busy during free periods. “No one became nasty about it?” She’d never witnessed anything extreme but Clare was often caught up with her own extracurriculars at school. “Awesome!” Clare told them after looking at the screencap of Jimmy Fallon. “Oh come on. It is.” She scoffed. As she got out of the car at the mall, Clare looked past Kota, staring at the boy. Did he go to Degrassi? She didn’t recognize him. What had he done to make Kota hate him so much? The boy looked harmless and the mention of Owen caused her to stiffen. Why was Kota standing up for the school bully? She didn’t understand any of this. Clare started to walk away with Kota and Melanie. The girls stopped soon as Kota did and Clare edged away from her boyfriend. She gave Melanie a confused look and motioned for the singer to stand out of the way with her. They heard every word of the argument and Clare was embarrassed. She NEVER thought she’d be grateful to see Owen but after he separated Kota and the boy from school, Clare decided Kota might have a better reason to be friends with Owen than she had to dislike him. “Yes, where do you want to go Melanie?” After Melanie decided, Clare turned back to Kota. “I want an explanation. Who IS that kid? What is going on?” She hissed in a whisper
Kota: sighed at Clare's question. "Sadly there's no class for that." he stated honestly. "Clare, I"m sorry, but I can't watch the episode with you tonight, I have a lot of stuff to do before the trip." he apologized. "I didn't really do a survey, it's just that they asked." he shrugged. "In Japan everything is made different. Teriyaki there is made with Sake, the alcohol is cooked out, but you can still taste it. We can have ramen too.. they top them with either a hard boiled egg or soft boiled, you can ask to leave it off and the ham comes in a whole slice off a ham you buy in the store for holidays." he said a little excitedly and kissed her cheek when she mentioned the trip getting better. "I'd hope you wouldn't leave me by kissing someone else." he laughed jokingly, he knew she was being honest and kissed her chastely. "I like your kisses most too." he smiled and laughed when she mentioned not letting her eat shark. "I don't eat shark and I won't let you eat cat, dog, turtle, sting ray, octopus, raw horse meat, fish sperm, or kimchi either. Unless you like fermented vegetables." he promised. "But I do like squid, fish, and other things you won't." he said honestly. "I'm glad I stand a chance. I mean I have a job too does that count?" he asked curiously. He looked at Clare when she asked about Todd. "He goes to our school, his name is Todd. He works on the yearbook, he takes pictures at the dances and school festivals for now." he said honestly and saw Anya walking towards him as they neared the mall. "You said I can talk to you, right?" she asked curiously. "Yea, but can we talk later?" he questioned motioning to Clare and Mel. "Can I stay over?" she asked. "I'll text my mom. You'll probably have to share a room with my sister." he said and texted his mom only for her to hug him. "By the way, Todd is in the parking lot. I almost beat the shit out of him." he admitted. "And you'll get charged with assault." she said. "I'm going to school with a fucking rapist and I can't hit him a few times?" he asked a bit sarcastic. "You can't sleep in your own room, I can't get the images out of my head. Every time I see him I want to beat the fuck out of him and Simpson just wants to ignore it because the cops won't do shit." he fumed. "They searched his house." Anya shrugged. "I'm going to get the pictures one way or another, I promise you that." he huffed as Anya walked off and he looked at Clare. "Yea, we're going to school with a known rapist and since the cops ignored it so Simpson is too. How do I know Todd raped her? She was completely drunk and I went to check on her since she told me she wasn't feeling well and was going to lay down in her room, I walked in to see Todd on top of her taking pictures as he raped her. I threw him against the wall and went to hit him, but Drew pulled me off of him as Owen called the cops. We can't find the pictures and without them there's no proof." he explained.
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