#to be me AND luo wenzhou fucking sobbing with our hearts gutted okay
mejomonster · 1 year
Genuinely don't know how one writes zhoudu without a Little daddy kink. I appreciate u Luo wenzhou for both having a grip on the emotional reality of things and handling it maturely and waiting for Fei Du to communicate. But then also being a petty dramatic bitch who needs his Fei Du to call him Shixiong and ask if he's getting punished for being a bad boy and then Instead of even a sexy punishment, Insistently smacking him gently or pinching his ear or squeezing his wrist instead (or the dreaded taking alcohol away from him and babying him to death - oh I'm sorry Luo wenzhou you meant babying him to spoiled rotten coddled cause u want him alive and safe my mistake)
To be fair Luo wenzhou does kiss him goodbye, and grab his waist (which is so !!! Intimate a casual touch they have) and hold his hand regularly too. But Luo wenzhou Also likes being treated as daddy very much and the easiest way for fei du to butter him up/apologize/seduce him is to just start crooning shixiong ive been bad give me an order and forgive meee (in fact the more he whines the better ToT)
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