#to clarify this isn’t about ableism racism sexism transphobia etc exhibited by people within the community
litres-of-cocaine · 1 month
okay as much as i agree that groups under the lgbtq+ umbrella are stigmatised by other people in the community please be so fr and stop calling it ‘double discrimination’ you just want to say ‘monosexual privilege’ but are aware people get kind of mad about that
#queer discourse#to clarify this isn’t about ableism racism sexism transphobia etc exhibited by people within the community#it’s more about the presentation of stigma witin the community as a disparate and equal thing to bigotry coming from outside the community#like it’s all coming from the same place guys just being wielded by other oppressed people#like lesbians do not represent a unique evil to bi women and vice versa#or trans men exhibiting transmisogny is not a result of their transmasculinity it’s white supremacy and patriarchy#it’s not a sign that these groups of people are your enemy#(disclaimer: this is completely online problem no one under the age of 14 genuinely seems to push this irl as their brains aren’t rotting)#and i’m not saying that bigotry from other queer people should be ignored bcs NO we need to be pulling each other up#but framing it as a ‘double’ discrimination instead of the same goddamn thing is just saying you’ve got it worse than everybody else#if someone attacked me for liking coffee and then a different person /also/ attacked me for liking coffee that’s not double discrimination.#that’s the same type of discrimination done by different people#we are a goddamn community force the internet leeches OUT of your brain don’t let them take you alive#it’ll suck the joy out of everything#this is largely in response to a long as text post that had some great points but this glaring welt of online behaviour in the middle of it#i’m also aware no one is going to read this i just can’t be arsed to waste any real life person’s time in discussing it#godspeed campers
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