#to grandma&039;s house we go
grandmashousediy · 6 days
To Grandma's House we go! (Wednesday Link Party #418)
Welcome to the To Grandma’s House We Go Link Party #418. Well Lodi and I just binge watched season 2 of House of the Dragon and (as you would expect) are all kinds of bummed that its over lol. I’m still not sure if it was better when we had to wait a week for each episode. We don’t get a ton of TV time together so our being able to watch it all at once when we’re both there to enjoy it is kind of…
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grandmashousediy · 13 days
To Grandma's House we go! (Wednesday Link Party #417)
Welcome to the To Grandma’s House We Go Link Party #417. So much of the US is still suffering a crazy heat wave while we’re over here looking at low 40s at night lol. My nephew just headed back for school in California and said they were looking at ten days (at least) of over 100 degrees every day! We’re looking at highs in the 80s for a couple of weeks now so at least summer isn’t over for us…
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grandmashousediy · 20 days
To Grandma's House we go! (Wednesday Link Party #416)
Welcome to the To Grandma’s House We Go Link Party #416. Well we really tried to take advantage of what us here in north country call the “Last Hurrah” of summer. Fall is in the air. School is starting or has already started and many folks are packing up to head back southward for the winter. Thus Labor day weekend is kind of known as our last real weekend of summer. As for us locals its both…
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grandmashousediy · 27 days
To Grandma's House we go! (Wednesday Link Party #415)
Welcome to the To Grandma’s House We Go Link Party #415. Well I got what I wished for when I was lamenting about not seeing very much hot weather this summer! Its been STEAMY here the last few days. That feeling is definitely in the air though – fall has arrived here in north country. Everyone is talking about tackling the last few weeks of harvest in their gardens and most of our perennials are…
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grandmashousediy · 1 month
To Grandma's House we go! (Wednesday Link Party #414)
Welcome to the To Grandma’s House We Go Link Party #414. My gosh how summers just fly by! Not to mention the years lol my last blog post was all about how ten years have gone by since I bought this home and started working on Grandma’s house. My second eldest nephew just graduated… not to mention his older brother is almost old enough now to drink legally. One of them said he couldn’t believe he…
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grandmashousediy · 1 month
To Grandma's House we go! (Wednesday Link Party #413)
Welcome to the To Grandma’s House We Go Link Party #413. Brrrrr – it has cooled down WAY too much for my liking! We saw low 40s at night a couple of times last week. Fortunately it won’t be lasting though and we’re heading back up into more summer like temps. Hope you’re all having a lovely August! Now, on to the party! Continue reading To Grandma’s House we go! (Wednesday Link Party #413)
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grandmashousediy · 2 months
To Grandma's House we go! (Wednesday Link Party #412)
Welcome to the To Grandma’s House We Go Link Party #412. How on earth does the summer fly by so dang fast? I love it and I hate it lol We had a few days of some seriously hot weather (at least seriously hot for us in northern MN) so I got myself all ready this last Saturday. Bathing suit on, towels in hand, determined to hit the beach at least ONCE this summer. And then it stormed lol and now we…
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grandmashousediy · 2 months
To Grandma's House we go! (Wednesday Link Party #411)
Welcome to the To Grandma’s House We Go Link Party #411. Moving in to the hot and wonderful dog days of summer. How does it go by so fast every year? My gosh how is it almost August!? We’ve been really fortunate to have some pretty amazing weather so far this year. Maybe next winter we can hope for another hot one there too. We had almost no snow this last winter which I’m pretty sure set all…
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grandmashousediy · 2 months
To Grandma's House we go! (Wednesday Link Party #410)
Welcome to the To Grandma’s House We Go Link Party #410. I’m such a summer person its always been really strange that my birthday happens to be in February. I just read a cute story online of some gal who, after years and years, found out the secret of her Grandma’s birthday. I guess she was a summer person too because they always celebrated her birthday in August. Nope, her birthday was in…
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grandmashousediy · 2 months
To Grandma's House we go! (Wednesday Link Party #409)
Welcome to the To Grandma’s House We Go Link Party #409. Well I finally got myself motivated and have started in on taping and mudding out the sheetrock in the stairwell. I at least confirmed why I had a good reason for my procrastination. I don’t like having to stand at the very top of a ladder in a stairwell! Its no fun! I finished second coat last night though and plan and slapping a third on…
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grandmashousediy · 3 months
To Grandma's House we go! (Wednesday Link Party #408)
Welcome to the To Grandma’s House We Go Link Party #408. I still can’t complain that we’re getting rain even if it kinda ruined our towns fourth of July celebrations last week lol. We’re getting some heat and sunshine now but I know we’ve been very fortunate not just with seeing enough rain but also by not seeing the major heat wave most of the midwest has been getting hit by. Lodi worked the…
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grandmashousediy · 3 months
To Grandma's House we go! (Wednesday Link Party #407)
Welcome to the To Grandma’s House We Go Link Party #407. Well we’ve still managed to avoid the major heat wave most of the Midwest is under right now though the wind has still been pretty brutal. Usual the fourth of July for us is a killer but this year we’re only seeing high seventies which I think everyone is appreciative of. We have eighties coming though so summer is still set to arrive! Now,…
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grandmashousediy · 3 months
To Grandma's House we go! (Wednesday Link Party #406)
Welcome to the To Grandma’s House We Go Link Party #406. My gosh, you guys, how is it already coming to the end of June? We’re still feeling incredibly fortunate for a long spring with plenty of rain and sunshine in equal amounts. Lots of days in the 70s, not too hot, not too cold. We’ve barely used our air conditioner at all and our forecast looks like much of the same. I admit this nice weather…
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grandmashousediy · 3 months
To Grandma's House we go! (Wednesday Link Party #405)
Welcome to the To Grandma’s House We Go Link Party #405. Well we’re continuing our streak of plenty of rain and some truly fabulous mild summer weather. I’m very excited with how our lawn is growing in and looking so much better than last year’s sand pit. I’m missing my gardening something fierce but am placating myself with dreams of the new garden we’ll be building this year. Can’t wait to…
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grandmashousediy · 3 months
To Grandma's House we go! (Wednesday Link Party #404)
Welcome to the To Grandma’s House We Go Link Party #404. Lodi and I just got back from camping in Itasca state park for our anniversary! Yes, the first night we woke up with frost on our noses lol. We actually ran back to the farm for ALOT more clothing and blankets after that first night. There is no describing the beauty of being out there though – it is my place of peace. With that said, I am…
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grandmashousediy · 4 months
To Grandma's House we go! (Wednesday Link Party #403)
Welcome to the To Grandma’s House We Go Link Party #403. Our weather has been just stunning as of late and I just hope it sticks around for a long long time! We’ve been getting plenty of rain which was so badly needed since the drought of last year. This coming weekend Lodi and I will be spending our anniversary camping and its looking like the good weather will follow us the whole way! Now, on…
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