#to round off these tags tho Squeaky Jo just got me thinking of The Boots episode from spongebob ☠️☠️☠️
My man has not been marinating in his sins under three layers of leather for this 😔😔😔
But I mean. Okay. Incredibly funny choice of materials for a very serious assassin though right... if the sound designers were BRAVE ENOUGH they would've added So Much Creaking when he moves...
Also, congrats on Masato! If it were down to Jo, Arakawa, and Masato, who wins drip-wise?
he did not bake in that leather shirt and crocodile suit to lose to ODA 😭 but on the real though PLEASE Y7 but every jo scene has the underlying sound of leather and gator skin squeaking ☠️☠️☠️
a fashion competition between the arakawas though.... how evil i love all of their outfits so much and i can easily make a case for all of them..... i think i do have to say 2019 jo does take it for me: i really do love all the textures on his outfit and the spots of purple from his patterned tie and the small sliver of white from his vest are SO good....
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