#to say that their song conveys the comprehension in an instant
whatscallion · 6 years
holiday fluff challenge.
Summary: Once out and about in the stars, the Guardians are bored, which would be fine and dandy if Quill didn’t know what day it was back on his home planet. Tis the season for him to be homesick for a holiday he had fond memories of. So, after a tumultuous regalling of what Christmas entailed, the stars were painted in yuletide joy with the best patchwork family he could ask for. 
Written for @buckysbeardliness‘s holiday fluff writing challenge! Yaaaay!!
Word Count: 1,703
The stars always shone the brightest between galaxies. Amidst the vast emptiness where most saw desolation and solace, there was so much more to the cosmos than that. Colors in every shade reigned supreme in giant displays of reality’s making and unmaking. Unfathomable giants tower through the void, granting hues beyond the comprehension of what most believed to be beautiful. Against the velvet backdrop, the beauty of the universe acted as a painting of creation’s design, forever bent to the will of the wild beauty of the unknown.
With every twinkle from a far off star, the Prince of Spartax was forever reminded of his youthful days on Earth, where the same hues burned brightly against the gutters of houses or contorted into some semblance of Santa or his reindeer. There had been times before where he’d grown almost despondently homesick, but a special kind of lament overcame him around this time every year. The holidays that only he seemed to know about reminded him of the solace he’d willingly enshrouded himself with by staying away from his home planet.
More than once Peter Quill found himself wondering if other planets and races had their own traditions like Christmas, for there was nothing quite like it on Earth. He wondered- . . .
“You have been staring out the window for an hour.”
The sudden appearance of a hulking mass next to him was enough to make Quill nearly jump out of his skin. The yuletide trance he’d been in while staring out over a cluster of stars that greatly resembled Christmas lights shattered to pieces in an instant. He might’ve peed a little bit.
“Dude- Drax. How many times do we have to go over this? It’s like I need to put a bell on you or something.” It had grown increasingly difficult to have these brooding moments without interruption as of late. It might be time to take respite somewhere and stretch the crew’s legs. They could really only take so much of each other’s company in the Milano before the screeching and threatening started.
“Putting a bell on me would defeat the purpose of a surprise attack, Peter. What if I needed to sneak up on a space pirate on the ship and slit his throat? A bell would give me away.” Quill leveled his stare on the bigger alien if only for a moment.
“When has there ever been a space pirate on my ship?”
“There was not a space pirate on my ship yesterday!”
“That’s because there was no bell on me when I killed him. Silent. Invisible.”
“Oh my god, not this again.”
The general clammer of the argument of Drax’s invisibility ( or lack thereof ) echoed through the small vessel, basically alerting everyone within that something of a storm was brewing. This only served to bring Gamora to roll her eyes and delve her attention further into sharpening her blade, Rocket to sneer and sneeze while working away on the next planet destroyer, and Groot barely looked up from his video game.
It took roughly ten minutes of arguing that Drax did not master the art of invisibility in order for the berserker to quietly assume he simply needed to work harder at his craft. It had left the patchwork team to settle around the table strewn with various parts to various machines, random bits of what was hoped to be food, and the occasional relaxed leg, as if having feet firmly planted on the ship’s floor wasn’t enough to convey how relaxed one was.
“Whats’a matter, Quill? You look chunky when yah pout.” It was naturally Rocket who’d noticed the underlying morose veil now coating Peter as they all sat there, convening out of boredom. Truth be told, Gamora had noticed, but it’d never been in her nature to say these things out loud and in the presence of others.
Before Peter could answer, Drax added his own delightful comment.
“It’s the posture,” the Destroyer said without looking up from peeling his fruit. This naturally brought about a scowl on the half-Terran’s face, allowing for a subtle change in his stature. Shoulders squared, back straight, chin raised a bit - and all it did was bring the verdant beauty across the table to glance at him with a subtle smirk. If he didn’t know any better, he would’ve thought Gamora found great joy in others tormenting him.
“It’s not- It’s just around this time I get a little homesick.” It was an admission of vulnerability, bringing a sense of weakness with it. Rare was it that an opportunity to prey upon him was given ( purposefully ), and yet the far off jingle of sleigh bells had him lamenting over the yuletide joys of his past.
“Why?” All eyes were on the soft voice that spoke, mostly out of surprise that it’d been Gamora to take it upon herself to open a can of worms in a gentle manner. Across the table, she watched him with curiosity, half expecting this to be some kind of attempt to lead their flock astray with delusions of a planet no one else had ever gone to. It’d happened once or twice before, though she wouldn’t dare admit she had believed him for a second.
“Christmas,” he stated just as quietly. And thus, the mistake was made that he had assumed everyone knew what the holiday was.
“What,” was all Rocket could say. That was when it hit Quill that he’d have to explain this.
“It’s a holiday on Earth.” He figured that’d be enough. But he was wrong.
“There were holidays on my home planet, but I do not get sick for them,” Drax spoke, albeit somewhat pensively. There was almost always an air of constant confusion with the Destroyer.
“No, it’s just a holiday you spend with your family. I just uh, remember the times with my mom- . . .”
“Your sentiment is showing,” chuckled Rocket, earning him a harsh glare from Quill.
“Dude, it’s a nice holiday with lots of food, gifts, and just- . . .”
“Gifts? What kind of gifts? If we are going to celebrate Chrysler. . .”
“Then I have truly given the greatest gift of all.” Leave it to Drax to be humble. Expectant eyes were on him as a smugness overtook his normally rigid features.
“I have kept you all alive. You’re welcome.”
This had naturally sparked a debate over what was to be considered “alive” and how it did not include the general well-being of those kept alive. While such a hot topic was broached upon fairly regularly ( mostly after every job they did as a team ), it still boiled down to the fact that Drax was somewhat right - they were all still alive. It may not have been Drax’s fault that they were all alive, but he could at least take partial credit for it. It’s what teams did.
It’s what family did.
Once the heat had settled somewhat ( for the fifth time that day, it felt ), the explanation began of what Christmas was without going into great depth. Peter didn’t have it in him to explain the birth of Christ and everything that entailed that particular story. Instead he mostly skimmed over the general idea of the holiday. How it was a time for togetherness, for happiness, for food, for company - all of which they generally had on that cramped ship.
Quill couldn’t have smiled more when they asked specifics about his favorite day, which led to the crew coming up with ideas on how to make the ship more festive for the season that was on another planet at the other end of the galaxy. After promptly coaxing Groot out of his room, which was a feat in itself, they’d managed to find the emergency tethers - the same that were supposed to be used if they were out in space and needed to something to grab onto in order to get back to the Milano.
In no time at all, they hung loosely from Groot’s form, and he was none too pleased about how it limited his movement. It was when it was touched on that he was allowed to play his game all he wanted, just so long as he stood there, that he seemed to get more in the holiday spirit.
“He needs a star,” Quill said as they all stood back to look at Groot, who honestly didn’t care at all that he was being ogled.
“Why?” This time, it’d been both Drax and Rocket speaking in unison. Quill might’ve glossed over why a tree needed a star at the top.
“It just makes the tree prettier- . . .”
“I am Groot,” he said in an obviously offended tone.
“I said prettier. Or what - more handsome? I don’t know how to describe a talking tree.” This had to be worth the effort, and Quill was sure of it. With a glance around the ship, they were all coming up short on what to put on his head. As it turned out, Groot had his own surprise. Atop his head, glimmering spores sprouted as a crown of flowers burst to life. It brought the shabby compartment to life with soft lighting, the lights dancing around the group much like they had on Xandar. It’d become a reminder that they had all come together as each other’s family, whether they liked it or not.
If Quill had been a lesser man, he would sniffed loudly. Rather, he let himself fall back into the nostalgia of it, the sense of the holidays engulfing him completely, settling new memories atop old. So lost was he in this newfound feeling that he barely felt the smaller hand slip into his own, bringing him to pull his gaze to the side, meeting that of rare comfort.
“Just one more thing,” he whispered, reaching into his pocket for a remote. From the speakers of the Milano, an unmistakable song came on, giving the final touch to their evening. Jackson 5′s ‘Santa Claus is Coming to Town’ couldn’t have been a better addition to the moment. 
Gamora’s smile widened, turning her head away from him so she could rest her temple against his shoulder. His grip on her hand tightened, signifying his gratitude that she was simply there, existing, living.
Thanks to Drax, who was inquiring loudly about who Sandy Claws was.
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hurstdigital · 4 years
30 Ways Video Marketing can make your marketing budget go further
PART 1: 30 Ways Video Marketing can make your marketing budget go further
Get Animated!
May 17, 2017
30 Ways Video Marketing can make your marketing budget go further – Part 1
KEYWORD: “video marketing”
This three-part series of posts talks about how video marketing makes your marketing budget go further. 
Video marketing isn’t a complete replacement for all the other ways you get your message across, but if you’re not doing it already you really should be including video in your marketing mix – for so many reasons.
And this series looks at one of those reasons – perhaps the most important one:  the bottom line.
Videos just work so much better at conveying information, no matter what kind.  For example, a study written up in the British Journal of Ophthalmology compared video-based teaching material with more traditional methods – this in a subject as complex and unfamiliar as cataract and glaucoma surgery.
It concluded that the use of video animations “led to a better understanding of difficult surgical topics among medical students”. 1
And if video can increase comprehension when it comes
to complex matters such as eye surgery, then it’s going to give your prospects a much better understanding of your sales message – and how to act on it.
Videos are now standard fare for so many demographics:  Adweek tells us that Snapchatters watch ten billion videos a day 2 … while Bloomberg tells us 82% of tweeters watch videos on Twitter 3 … and as for Periscope, its users watch over 110 years of live video every single day – so they say. 4
Video marketing is perfect for people in a hurry – who’s got time to read these days, anyway?  Animoto tells us that four times as many customers would rather watch a video about a product than read about it. 5
And it’s not just people who move fast these days – it used to take time for people to find out about any kind of newsworthy event, but in this era of instant smartphone videography, all kinds of breaking news can be all over the internet in a matter of seconds.  Talk about immediacy.
How useful would that be if you could tie in your product or service to a news story that’s starting to appear onscreen and – perhaps more importantly – is already right up there at the top of the search engines?
When created for or by a company, video marketing gives that company the humanity it needs to make a personal connection with its audience.
But it works the other way round, too:  video is the perfect way for dissatisfied customers to air their grievances.  A perfect example is United Airlines, whose baggage handlers got themselves a bad name some years back thanks to the viral video of a song aptly entitled “United Breaks Guitars”. 6
And not so long ago, of course, we all watched video footage of a passenger being forcibly removed from a flight to make room for an airline employee … and even more recently Simon – potentially the biggest rabbit on the planet – might just have survived a United flight had video been available for his owner to keep an eye on him. 7   However, this series isn’t about bashing United, so we’ll leave out the story of the couple flying to their wedding getting chucked off a United flight … or a mother being handed a cup to wee into instead of being allowed to use the aircraft’s onboard facilities – which we’d never have found out about if video isn’t so universal these days.
On a much happier note, enjoyment of video ads increase purchase intent by 97% and brand association by 139% – and that was figured out by Unruly some years back 8 but it’s not very likely those figures have changed much – if at all.
Here’s one example of how one very small company generated 20 million positive takeups thanks to some excellent video marketing costing a handful of small change.  And then the company found itself being purchased for a billion dollars, all because that initial promotion was based on one of the most enjoyable videos on the internet at the time.  I’m talking, of course, about the Dollar Shave Club. 9
And if you’d been watching Dollar Shave and thought of a few friends who’d enjoy it too, sharing it with them was only a tap or a click away.
But those taps and clicks weren’t – and still aren’t – limited to online video fun:  Forbes told us that 54% of senior executives share serious, work-related videos with their colleagues. 10
And that’s not surprising, really: according to MWP 59% of executives agree that if both text and video are available on the same subject, they’re more likely to choose video. 11
And it goes without saying that with so many smartphones and tablets these days, marketing videos can be watched anywhere, any time, even on the way to viewing a property for sale.
And they work, too – especially when it comes to viewing properties: estate agency listings with videos can get more than 400% more enquiries than those without. 12
If you haven’t started using video marketing yet – or even if you have – visit www.getanimated.uk.com where you’ll discover just how watchable, how memorable and how effective your marketing video could be when created by the Get Animated production team.
1 British Journal of Ophthalmology study: http://bjo.bmj.com/content/89/11/1495.full
2 AdWeek / Snapchat:  http://www.adweek.com/digital/snapchatters-watch-10-billion-videos-every-day-171130/
3 Bloomberg / Twitter:  https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-04-28/snapchat-user-content-fuels-jump-to-10-billion-daily-video-views
4 Periscope:  https://medium.com/periscope/year-one-81c4c625f5bc#.6yxjbzwe1
5 Animoto / watching videos: https://animoto.com/blog/business/video-marketing-cheat-sheet-infographic/
6 “United Breaks Guitars”:  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/07/24/united-breaks-guitars-did_n_244357.html
7 United / Rabbit:  http://money.cnn.com/2017/05/09/news/united-airlines-dead-giant-rabbit-damages/
8 Ad enjoyment:  https://unruly.co/news/article/2012/09/07/unruly-opens-worlds-first-social-video-lab /
9 Dollar Shave Club:  https://stratechery.com/2016/dollar-shave-club-and-the-disruption-of-everything/
10 Work-related video sharing: http://tubularinsights.com/forbes-insights-releases-2010-study-clevel-executives-video/
11 Executives choose video: https://mwpdigitalmedia.com/blog/10-statistics-that-show-video-is-the-future-of-marketing /
12 Estate agency enquiries: https://www.facebook.com/SKYminion/videos/938357789533542/
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spookywinnerpainter · 7 years
We should always welcome that Progress eight also will have sub-measures for every ‘bucket'
New Post has been published on http://articlesworldbank.com/2017/05/07/we-should-always-welcome-that-progress-eight-also-will-have-sub-measures-for-every-bucket/
We should always welcome that Progress eight also will have sub-measures for every ‘bucket'
We should always welcome that Progress eight also will have sub-measures for every ‘bucket’
Progress eight – There square measure a lot of queries than answers…
I generally raise myself what if any square measure the qualities that I wake up the role of ASCL vice chairman. An information of knowledge, the expertise of operating in an exceeding type of completely different colleges, a background in instructional research? affirmative, all of those have an exact worth, however, I need to admit that at the instant an in-depth information of the history of the genre has most likely tested my most helpful contribution.
Over the past few months, the ASCL knowledge team has been meeting frequently with the info team at the DfE, running over the detail of the new Progress eight live and making an attempt to confirm that it’s enforced in an exceedingly method that’s executable for ASCL members. We’re happy that some progress is being created during this regard, like the modification to discounting rules on dance and drama.
During our conferences the words of Jonny Nash’s Nineteen Seventies hit ‘There square measure a lot of queries than answers’ have unbroken running through my mind. while the affiliation between 70s dance palace and DfE added methodology might not seem at once obvious, the title will appear to crystallise the continued uncertainty that runs aboard the new life. ASCL is broadly speaking in favor of the larger breadth drawn by Progress eight, relating to it as less slender than abode upon the trivia of English and arithmetic results of a little range of threshold borderline pupils within the manner inspired by levels of progress. but to mention that the questions about the new live add up the answers would be a real understatement.
Some queries square measure technical. Changes to grading over the approaching years build it terribly onerous to assess the impact of the life. we tend to could even have a transmutation section wherever some qualifications square measure measured on a replacement scale while different inheritance GCSEs stay on the present grading system. There also are considerations regarding combining GCSE and line qualifications in one live, since each square measure assessed mistreatment completely different systems.
The technical queries square measure comparatively simple compared to those concerning policy. colleges will choose into the live from 2015, however, the incentives to try and do thus square measure aloof from clear. a visible question would be ‘How can Ofsted regard the new measure?’ to that the solution is ‘I am approximately sure’. If they arrange to take into account Progress eight however still provide precedence to levels of progress that will leave most queries unrequited, since there’s actually no guarantee that the 2 measures would say identical regarding however a faculty was playing. If my Progress eight score in 2015 or 2016 suggests that I’m adding lots important can that have a big influence upon Ofsted’s grading of my school? sensible question, want I knew the solution.
All of that takes U.S.A. back to the song titles we tend to began with. the issues with Progress eight and so all measures of added were summed up utterly by the frenzied Street Preacher’s anthem ‘This is my truth, tell Maine yours’. accessing the reality regarding however an establishment is playing isn’t straight-forward and forever involves the utilization of over one life.
Indeed, as we glance into the longer term, the title of diode Zeppelin’s album ‘The song remains the same’ seems notably relevant. Policy manufacturers and people concerned in class analysis can still explore for one thing that conveys in one life however a faculty is playing. while this can be comprehensible it’s additionally misconceived, since colleges and faculties square measure too difficult to possess their performance measured thus simplistically. For this reason I feel that we should always welcome that Progress eight also will have sub-measures for every ‘bucket;, and it will a minimum of attempt to cross-check a broader crosswise of subjects and appears in any respect pupils and will settle for that thus referred to as educational and line subjects each have a vital half to play. However, while hospitable it because of the worst resolution out there, I hope that the DfE and Ofsted bear in mind that those queries square measure still expecting answers.
Edited By articlesworldbank.com
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eridianshores-blog · 8 years
Yes, I Just Sat Through Sharknado 4
Look, I know these movies are supposed to be ridiculous as shit, but I firmly believe that Sharknado: The 4th Awakens is the death knell for the once watchably-schlocky series.
None of these movies are worth scholarly, comprehensive criticism, but the phenomenon of “so-bad-it’s-good” versus “just plain bad” is worth examining.  See, the first film was pretty much like any other high concept SyFy film; yeah it was dumb and unapologetic, but it still basically tried to be a film.  Even though it became this massive “hit,” I think what a lot of people fail to realize is that it was made like any other P.O.S. SyFy movie.  I mean there’s nothing wrong with liking Mega Python vs. Gatoroid or Mansquito but let’s be honest about what they are - high concept schlock made on a shoestring budget.  And that’s all Sharknado was.  Why did it catch on?  It’s hard to say.  
My thought is that it was simply seen by enough people.  All it takes nowadays for something to go viral is a tweet or two from the right influential people, and boom, instant exposure.  It’s very possible these days for a single tweet or like or share to be the difference between “just another random piece of internet fodder” and “next big thing (for 15 minutes - or less).”
Popularity points aside, there are plenty of B-movies better than Sharknado.  It does have a few things going for it though.  The acting, while uneven, isn’t completely awful and the most cringeworthy parts seem to be the result of an unnatural script rather than a failure of acting talent.  Another plus is that it attempts to take itself somewhat seriously.  It’s stupid, but also shameless.  And let me be clear, when it comes to low budget film making, there is a difference between between being fun and shameless, and then being outright self-deprecating.  As the series wears on, it pokes fun at itself with reckless abandon and gets a little too comfortable with the self-referential shit.  What’s worse is that it never really breaks any new ground behind the “sharks falling from the sky” concept, nor does it use its newfound fame to do something like hire a better scriptwriter or spring for some help in the FX department.
Getting back to what specifically makes The 4th Awakens such a travesty captured on celluloid, let’s take a quick look at the plethora of “-nados” featured.  Actually, it might’ve been sortta cool if they’d spent more than 2 seconds on them:
I mean...I just...fuck.
Tommy Davidson plays some kind of corporate mogul science guy in the most annoying way possible, and all the while the film vacillates between portraying him as a sketchy businessman and a courageous do-gooder.  It’s confusing.  Plus he delivers one of the worst lines of the movie.  His advisers are telling him about how the current technology won’t work on he new “-nados” and he blurts out, “We just need a solution!”  Well no shit, Sherlock.   Then someone says some goofy shit like, “we could try adding more isotopes to the base” and he’s all like, “yeah, you go with that” in a tone that reads somewhere between facetiousness and incredulity.  The guy flits and screams in every scene he’s in like some kind of black Adam Sandler.
In the first flick, maybe even the first 2, the actors did a reasonable job of “interacting” with the green screen.  Maybe it’s because the “action” scenes were less ridiculous (hard to believe anything in Sharknado could be described as “less ridiculous” than anything else...), or maybe it’s because they just got lazy...I don’t know.  
Tara Reid - man, how far has she fallen? - delivers another atrocious line; while using her new cyborg powers to save a kid from a car, she claims to be “Iron Man’s wife” in order to comfort the kid and get him to run and find his mom.  First of all, what does being “Iron Man’s wife” have to do with getting the kid to run away and find his mom?  Secondly, where the hell did this line even come from?  It’s just goofy.  It’d be different if a joke - or even a bad joke - followed, but no, it’s just all, “I’m Iron Man’s wife, go find your mommy.”  It’s WEIRD.
Oh and Gilbert Gottfried ups the annoyance factor for good measure...to quote the first film’s tagline, “’nuff said.”
I’ve seen plenty of films from the Asylum (the production company responsible for this type of stuff), but never have I see one with such an inability to properly convey perspective.  We get a long shot of one of the various “-nados,” then our characters standing around with some wind blowing, and all of sudden they’re right next to the damn thing.  It makes very little sense.  I know we can basically chalk it up to the poor FX and CGI, but they could do a better job with the establishing shots.  Also, it can take these ‘nados 15 minutes to move 200 feet or 5 minutes to cut through 4 states.  I’m not even sure what the point is in switching locations every scene.
There is a lot of terrible dialog in the movie - among the worst I’ve ever heard in something proclaiming to be a feature film - but perhaps even more sickening is the film’s heavy-handed and absolutely pointless insertion of references to other films.
Example 1:  Being a horror nut, I found this one particularly egregious.  It actually starts off somewhat subtle and tasteful.  The gang is in Texas (they just magically hop around the country, popping up hundreds of miles away in a matter of minutes) and find themselves in need of a chainsaw.  (I’m not sure why the chainsaw became such a staple of the series; from the get-go it seemed to be directly ripping off Evil Dead’s blatant fascination with the device, and the deal was sealed when April (Reid) had her hand severed and then got some kinda mini-chainsaw robo-attachment.)  So anyway, they end up at a chainsaw shop...in Texas...run by Dog the Bounty Hunter (remember that weird-ass Hulk Hogan-Paul Hogan wannabe?) and some crazy woman.  She makes a comment about how their relative “Gunnar” uses a specific chainsaw to scare off neighborhood children.  Cut to a quick shot of Gunnar to reveal a burly, surly guy with a face etched out of granite.  Now if they’d ended the reference there, I might’ve even gone so far as to call it “clever.”  But no.
Don’t get it?  That’s ok.  References are supposed to be oblique.  I mean it doesn’t really count when they beat you over the head with it.  And that’s exactly what Sharknado 4 proceeds to do.  To explain the original reference, I’m sure most of you have heard of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and the main villain, Leatherface.  Although not as well-known as Robert Englund or even Kane Hodder, big horror buffs will know the actor Gunnar Hansen as the actor who played Leatherface in the original 1974 film.  See?  At this point it was a well structured reference.  But...
The whole family ends up outside cutting up sharks with chainsaws while our main character goes and gets in a ditch-digger (it’s supposed to look like a giant chainsaw).  Dog (the Bounty Hunter) shouts, “the saw is family!” in the most unconvincing manner possible, and then the crazy woman goes, “it wouldn’t be Texas...without a chainsaw massacre!”  Ugh.  Infuckingcredible.
Example 2:  This is a crossover which leads into a reference.  Our crew meets up with some guy from SyFy’s Lavalantula movie who gives them a car named “Christine.”  Of course the giveaway (before the name drop) is painfully obvious as the quintessentially 50′s car rolls up playing quintessentially 50′s pop music, you know, those wistful teen tragedy songs.  The guest character makes all these comments about “she knows where to go” and “she’ll know how to find him later,” So what does all this business of the “living car” lead up to?  Nothing.  Literally nothing.  The world’s largest ball of twine is chasing them, but since it’s “coming too fast,” the guy stops the car, everyone gets one, and they all start running...because that’s how you outrun a massive ball of twine propelled by a tornado.  POINTLESS.
Example 3:  Here we have 3 references to the same movie.  Team goes into a house in Kansas, gets picked up by a Sharknado, and travels all the way to Chicago without someone even so much as having a brush with a shark.  Anyway, the house lands on the bitchy major, and we then see her legs, complete with striped socks and red shoes, just before her toes curl up.  Was the major even wearing this shit?  Also, the storm picks up some “yellow bricks” and then trops them, and Fin tells everyone to “follow the yellow brick road.  And then his kid’s all like, “I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore...”
More Examples:  There’s plenty more that are just stupid and out of place too.  April rescues Fin and says, “Come with me if you want to live.” (Terminator 2)  There’s a stupid, stupid “homage” to Baywatch where some chicks run in slow-mo before getting eaten.  Fin tells someone, “Don’t get cocky, kid.”  The kid pulls a mini-chainsaw out of a rock a la The Sword in the Stone.  Oh god, and then there’s a scene where April is testing out her cyborg features; her dad tells her to “use the force,” whereupon she produces a lightsaber blade from her wrist, and then says, “may the force be with you.”  What in the living hell.
I guess I could keep going on about the nonsensical choices of the characters (for example, they need a large body of water, so they pick the highly-dangerous Niagra Falls instead of like, one of the Great Lakes...or a fucking spot by the goddamn ocean), or the bad acting, or the exceedingly poor CGI, but I think it all boils down to the creative forces behind the film not giving a shit.  Instead of cutting corners due to budget concerns or other practical limitations, it was like they started cutting corners because they “needed” to make a “bad” movie.
Bottom line: this ship has sailed.  One of the things that even the worst movies have going for them is creative envelope pushing, but not here.  The gore has worn a little thin, and there’s only but so many times that it’s fun to watch sharks land on people or pull off these well-coordinated bites while zipping through the air.  The story is just an excuse to throw all these weird “shitnados” into the mix, and while they could’ve been interesting and posed some unique threats, for the most part they’re quickly glossed over.  The “nuclear sharks” are able to generate a few chuckles I suppose, as is Al Roker’s deadpan delivery of stuff like, “technically we saw a sand-sharknado.”  But overall it was just a sloppy, jumpy film that adds nothing to the series.  Besides, the only reason sharks were initially able to survive was because they were contained in waterspouts; there’s never any reason for how they stay alert and aggressive amid a dust devil, hailstorm, or flaming oil. But whatever.  I actually had a little fun watching the first two.  The third one was mildly irritating, but this fourth installment is just aggravating and insulting.
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spookywinnerpainter · 7 years
We should always welcome that Progress eight also will have sub-measures for every ‘bucket'
New Post has been published on http://articlesworldbank.com/2017/05/07/we-should-always-welcome-that-progress-eight-also-will-have-sub-measures-for-every-bucket/
We should always welcome that Progress eight also will have sub-measures for every ‘bucket'
We should always welcome that Progress eight also will have sub-measures for every ‘bucket’
Progress eight – There square measure a lot of queries than answers…
I generally raise myself what if any square measure the qualities that I wake up the role of ASCL vice chairman. An information of knowledge, the expertise of operating in an exceeding type of completely different colleges, a background in instructional research? affirmative, all of those have an exact worth, however, i need to admit that at the instant an in-depth information of the history of the genre has most likely tested my most helpful contribution.
Over the past few months, the ASCL knowledge team has been meeting frequently with the info team at the DfE, running over the detail of the new Progress eight live and making an attempt to confirm that it’s enforced in an exceedingly method that’s executable for ASCL members. We’re happy that some progress is being created during this regard, like the modification to discounting rules on dance and drama.
During our conferences the words of Jonny Nash’s Nineteen Seventies hit ‘There square measure a lot of queries than answers’ have unbroken running through my mind. while the affiliation between 70s dance palace and DfE added methodology might not seem at once obvious, the title will appear to crystallise the continued uncertainty that runs aboard the new life. ASCL is broadly speaking in favor of the larger breadth drawn by Progress eight, relating to it as less slender than abode upon the trivia of English and arithmetic results of a little range of threshold borderline pupils within the manner inspired by levels of progress. but to mention that the questions about the new live add up the answers would be a real understatement.
Some queries square measure technical. Changes to grading over the approaching years build it terribly onerous to assess the impact of the life. we tend to could even have a transmutation section wherever some qualifications square measure measured on a replacement scale while different inheritance GCSEs stay on the present grading system. There also are considerations regarding combining GCSE and line qualifications in one live, since each square measure assessed mistreatment completely different systems.
The technical queries square measure comparatively simple compared to those concerning policy. colleges will choose into the live from 2015, however, the incentives to try and do thus square measure aloof from clear. a visible question would be ‘How can Ofsted regard the new measure?’ to that the solution is ‘I am approximately sure’. If they arrange to take into account Progress eight however still provide precedence to levels of progress that will leave most queries unrequited, since there’s actually no guarantee that the 2 measures would say identical regarding however a faculty was playing. If my Progress eight score in 2015 or 2016 suggests that I’m adding lots important can that have a big influence upon Ofsted’s grading of my school? sensible question, want I knew the solution.
All of that takes U.S.A. back to the song titles we tend to began with. the issues with Progress eight and so all measures of added were summed up utterly by the frenzied Street Preacher’s anthem ‘This is my truth, tell Maine yours’. accessing the reality regarding however an establishment is playing isn’t straight-forward and forever involves the utilization of over one life.
Indeed, as we glance into the longer term, the title of diode Zeppelin’s album ‘The song remains the same’ seems notably relevant. Policy manufacturers and people concerned in class analysis can still explore for one thing that conveys in one life however a faculty is playing. while this can be comprehensible it’s additionally misconceived, since colleges and faculties square measure too difficult to possess their performance measured thus simplistically. For this reason I feel that we should always welcome that Progress eight also will have sub-measures for every ‘bucket;, and it will a minimum of attempt to cross-check a broader crosswise of subjects and appears in any respect pupils and will settle for that thus referred to as educational and line subjects each have a vital half to play. However, while hospitable it because of the worst resolution out there, I hope that the DfE and Ofsted bear in mind that those queries square measure still expecting answers.
Edited By articlesworldbank.com
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