#to see how much I can emulate the oav look
kernelongeforce · 2 years
I will animate it but idk when so have this quick travelling.
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icharchivist · 3 years
hey icha! i’m looking to get into FF7 and, outside of the original game, have no idea where to start! so i turn to your expertise for help, if you’re willing. what game(s?) and films should i play/watch to best understand all the lore? and in what order? no pressure to answer of course and i hope you have a wonderful day either way!
omg hi nonny!! a pleasure to see you there! and so sweet to see you trust me with this DLKFJDLKFD
a friend asked some tips to get into ff7 a while back as well as a few links so i'm linking this to you as well hoping it may serve you!
If you want to be sure to get the lore in order of how everyone got it, you can watch it in release order, but, in my opinion without specifically entering into details, i would recommend in order:
-The Original Game (1997). This is where everything started. Every single other entry in the saga will spoil this game in some way or another. Even the remake is taking a lot of liberties (+ isn't covering everything anyway yet) and has been spoiling events that will happen further in game all over. So, OG it goes. (it exists in every plateform, from PS1 to ps4 remaster to Steam, if you want to play it the graphisms and translations will be best on latest versions. Watching it is a possibility as well but since the game is pretty old and not voiced it could get boring + some scenes can differ depending on who you have in your party and some of your choices and personally i'm never content with the playthrough i find DLKFJDF.)
-Crisis Core (2007). It is a prequel Game to the Original Game and a lot of the others entries have been incorporating the new elements from Crisis Core into it. A Must play/watch. (personally would recommend playing because the gameplay is good and is used to give you emotions and i think that's the best kind of gameplay- it's a PSP exclusive though but i think you can find it on Emulator online. Watching it works as well, just know a lot of lore are hiden in details in this game that often escapes cutscenes movies. + if you watch a cutscene movie you will not know who Kunsel is and that's criminal.)
-Advent Children Complete (2009). It's the direct sequel movie to the Original Game. The movie originally came out in 2005 (with an OAV called "Last Order" to sum up the events of Crisis Core - this OAV is now outdated and not canon due to the extension Crisis Core was, but it can still be an interesting watch for you (+ it's like 20mins long)) but got a remaster called "Advent Children Complete" in 2009 that included new scenes, some of which referred more to events from Crisis Core, which is why i recommend CC first. The 2009 version also came with an OAV called "Denzel Episode" which just explains a bit more about a character from AC that left people confused back in 2005. Complete expend on the character so it's not as confusing but you may want to check out Denzel Episode if you're curious! (but yeah check the Complete version not the normal 2005 one, Complete is superior in every single way and is leaving 2005 in the dust).
-Dirge of Cerberus (2006). It's a sequel game to Advent Children. this one has a bad rep in the fandom because the plot isn't executed at its best, but a lot of the lore developed in it has been important to the saga later. It came out before CC so its lore influenced CC, but not in a way where it has to be played before (in fact i think it's a bit more impactful with watching DOC afterward). The major lore developed in DOC has also been incorporated into the remake. It's worth checking out. (personally only watched a cutscene movie that was relatively short (4 hours long i think??). Can't say if there's more interest playing it but it's a 3rd person shooter and apparently the gameplay is really tedious. the game came out in PS2 and you can find it on emulator eventually).
-The Remake (2020). The remake has been remaking the beginning of the OG so far (it will come out in multiple parts) while incorporating the lore of all the others entries of the game and including a lot of original stuff into it. It's not a complete redux however and i would loath to spoil but the remake isn't actually exactly a remake in some ways, and works as a continuation to the saga. It makes sense if you played the game but i can't explain it too hard without entering too much spoilers territories. (you can easily watch it off youtube but yeah else it's fun to play i have no doubt and it's a clever reimagining of the OG while taking the rest of the plot into account)
Those are the major parts of the saga that are worth taking into account and to check.
I should also mention that a mobile game called Before Crisis came out near DOC at some point and is set during the CC period while covering lore elements revealed in DOC. This game however has only ever been released in Japan so a lot of what /we/ westerners know about it is from wikis and stuff like that. Mostly i don't know if it's NECESSARY to know about it, it's mostly that the game will connect the lore from CC and DOC in a more obvious way. Only read about it if you're really hardcore into FF7. (for the funfact, some of the characters from Before Crisis make an appearance in the OAV Last Order)
That would be all i would mention about it :3c it can seem like a lot so take your time and don't let it overwhelms you. Start with the OG, have fun with it, and then if you want to expand on it take it one step at a time. You can even disregard my order if it's easier for you to, say, watch the movie before CC or whatever- i gave you my spoiler-free reasoning as for why that order anyway, so it's up to you if you want to follow through.
i am so happy that you feel like getting into ff7 though!! i hope you enjoy the ride <3
Take it easy, and take care :3c
Wishing you a wonderful day!
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