#to the orangemen en masse and that the southern irish dont deserve that
handweavers · 2 years
somewhat related to prev post but my white irish side are all men of orange protestants but in the weird way where they don't identify with scottishness at all and are only protestants because they were the church that took them in. my grandpa is very much a "proud irishman" and doesn't care about scotland at all, and i think that's bc he's from donegal rather than the other northern provinces (donegal is in the republic but it was historically part of the plantation of ulster) and he has native irish ancestry and also his first language wasn't english it was irish gaelic, which is the case for many in c. donegal where he was born and raised. that doesn't mean his politics aren't shit, they're terrible, but thankfully he's not as rabid an orangeman as you get in the north (or in the canadian prairies lol) but it's still so depressing. the indoctrination into the ideology is insane btw
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