#to the point you have folks who dont know how to sail the seas. much less dont even know thats an OPTION
charrfie · 5 months
Reminder that giant monopolistic corporations and subscription services and paywalls are bullshit and that at any given opportunity you should be preserving the media you love by any means possible
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kylandara · 5 years
The show does not do subtlety very well. As a result, many people who watch the show think Daenerys has been a hero with the best of intentions, someone who is fighting for other people’s freedoms and to make the world a better place. And if you think that’s who she is and who she’s supposed to be, then her turn to outright brutality in the episode “The Bells” is nothing short of shocking.
The problem is, that’s never been who Daenerys is or who she’s supposed to be. This is much clearer in the books (though many book readers still miss it) but the evidence is still present on the show. The problem is, the show often emphasizes visual spectacle over character development, and it does visual spectacle very, very well.
So the things that stand out in people’s minds are scenes like the people of Meereen chanting “Mhysa”, which means “mother”, after she’s freed the slaves, while the music soars. Or they remember her flying on Drogon over the Dothraki hordes and rallying them to do something they’ve never done before — board ships and sail across the sea, and they are so in awe of her that they do it. Or they remember her walking naked out of the fire with baby dragons on her shoulders, or naked out of the fire where she burned the Khals, who are certainly presented as though they deserve it.
But Daenerys is not really about saving other people or making the world better. She wants to rule because she has experienced powerlessness and never wants to experience it again. She was abused by her older brother, Viserys, who basically sold her into sexual slavery so he could get an army to invade Westeros. After she was sold to Drogo, she was dependent on him for her safety, and though she came to love him, when he died she was told she had to go to live with the other former khaleesis in Vaes Dothrak, the city of the Dothraki, and that she’d never be able to leave again once she arrived there.
Instead, she took control of her own destiny. The magical awakenings of her dragons gave her power, and once she had it she knew she’d never be abused or dependent or sold again. Ever since then she’s been seeking after power, first in Qarth and Astapor and Meereen and among the Dothraki and then, ultimately, in Westeros. She wants power for herself, not for others. She wants to be seen as a great ruler, but in the books it is clearer that this is out of a desire to be loved rather than out of a desire to help people. She WANTS adoring crowds cheering her name. That’s what she’s after. That’s why she’s doing this. So when she tries to act as a good ruler, it’s more because she thinks that’s how to get what she wants: power and adoration, than because she’s genuinely trying to “break the wheel.”
This is a really important point: the fundamental thing Daenerys wants is to be powerful enough that no one can hurt or control her again, and to be loved by the people she rules over.
Not convinced? Think about her list of titles. Everywhere she goes, and any time she gives anyone an audience with her august presence, she either recites, or (more often) has someone (usually Missandei) recite her long, and ever growing, list of titles. “Daenerys Stormborn, mother of dragons, the unburnt, breaker of chains…” yadda yadda yadda. Yeah, folks. This is not normal. While it’s certainly true that kings and queens often had lengthy titles, the whole list was only used on the most formal of occasions. Dany clearly takes pleasure in hearing the full list of her titles and accomplishments read aloud at every opportunity. It’s grandiose. More than that, it’s megalomania. She wants everyone to know how great and powerful she is, and how much her followers love her.
Indeed, one of the things the show has tried to highlight in the final season is her frustration that the people of Westeros do not love her. They hardly know her, and to them she’s a foreigner at the head of a foreign army of Unsullied and Dothraki, who are both culturally very different from the people of Westeros. But rather than give people time to come around to her, she is frustrated that there are no adoring crowds here. That moment, when she flies over the Dothraki and rallies them to cross the sea with her? That moment, when the people of Meereen greeted her as their “mother”? Nothing like that has happened here. She thought maybe she’d get that once she helped defeat the army of the dead. When she didn’t… when the people of the North were grateful but still did not love her (in keeping with their reputation as being notoriously wary of outsiders), she was upset.
Because she’s not trying to free people or make the world better except when it serves her goal of building her own power and securing the absolute love and adoration of those she intends to rule. The books do a better (though still imperfect) job of setting this up, though they haven’t clearly shown what direction she will take as a leader. But the show does try to tell you this about her. It’s just that this narrative is overwhelmed by the legend that the visual spectacles, from her emerging from the fire with the dragons to her standing on the decks of the ships sailing for Westeros in the end of season 6, have built for her: a legend that she genuinely is a messiah, a savior, and that her intentions are good and pure.
When you really look at her this way — that she is someone who wants power so she is never vulnerable again, and that she wants and expects the people she rules to love her absolutely — her behavior this season starts to make more sense. She is threatened by Jon because the Iron Throne is the ultimate guarantee of her security and independence; when she is the absolute, uncontested ruler of the Seven Kingdoms she will never be vulnerable to exploitation the way she was at the start of the story. She sees Jon’s potential claim as a threat to this; she will not share power with him (the most obvious solution) because she would not have that security of total power and total independence from anyone else.
And when her forces attack King’s Landing — the city built by her ancestor, Aegon the Conqueror, on the place where he first landed in Westeros 300 years earlier (hence “King’s Landing”) — she doesn’t just want the people there to surrender to her. Before the battle, she talks about how the people of Meereen rose up against their masters when she attacked the city. This is what she wants to see happen here. A Targaryen Queen has returned to the Targaryen city to drive the usurpers from the throne! Why did they not rise up? Why did they not proclaim her their Queen and storm the Red Keep in her name and hang Cersei from the walls?? This is what they should have done, as far as she’s concerned. They should greet her as a liberator, not a conqueror. They should join her fight, not surrender to her.
They. Should. Love. Her.
And they don’t.
So her claim to the throne that she thought would give her the power she needs is threatened by Jon, and the city — her family’s city, the symbol of all they lost and all she was trying to take back — will cower in fear before her but will not love her. And so she snaps.
And she always had it in her to do this. She has repeatedly fed people to her dragons when they’ve crossed her. She has repeatedly in the past burned her enemies alive, from the Khals of the Dothraki to Randall and Dickon Tarly. She has been cruel, even vicious, before. It’s just that the show presented those acts in ways that allowed viewers to believe the people she was being cruel to deserved it.
Until now.
Daenerys is a wonderful character. She is complex and charismatic and she’s strong and she’s a survivor. But she’s not the benevolent savior she wants people to see her as, and she’s not “good”. She is, and always has been, capable of evil. You just had to be willing to see it, and to look past the spectacle.
Could the show have done a better job with this? Yes, it could have. But the seeds were always there
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farklelucas · 5 years
all about the lesbian sea pirate
ahsjdkflg okay im gonna do the first section above the cut and the rest under
send me an oc and some numbers pls!! | here are my ocs!
Section 1 - About:
1. Briefly Describe your OC: Appearance, personality, role in a story, etc..
okay so!! hana is half-japanese, half-german, she’s got short/spiky black hair and fucking Huge brown eyes. she’s the protagonist of a thus-unwritten pirate love story and i fucking love her. she’s superbly socially awkward (doesn’t get customs like politeness or like asking before doing things asdjkfl), she’s a Romantic romantic, she loves sword-fighting, she was raised by her father (alongside three older half-brothers, though she was chosen as the heir to his ship which hmm pissed two of them off), she’s very much butch/tomboy, she loves adventure and sailing so fucking much, uhhh yeah her.
2. Briefly describe their backstory/childhood
like i said, she was raised by her dad, who she idolizes, along with her three brothers on the sea; she never knew her mother, because her father told her that she died giving birth to hana (or did she….? hm. maybe hana’s dad is just shitty?). she was always super excited to play and go on adventures and fight, especially with her three older brothers (only one of whom actually like. liked her.), and by the time she was old enough to hold a sword, her dad taught her how to. eventually, her dad became ill, and named hana, who was only 16, his successor. her two eldest brothers planned a mutiny to overthrow her, killing the other brother who protested. hana fought them but they escaped with half her treasure, promising to come back and kill her, and she’s spent the past six years seeking them out to defeat them.
3. Describe their family life and friends.
i mean i pretty much nailed her family, but she’s very close to all the crew. i’ll give you a quick rundown: there’s caspian, her first mate/quartermaster (grew up on the ship with her, an orphan who was stolen in one of the raids, searching out his lost family but is also a big time goof), dover, her “advisor”/sailing master (wise, lazy, arrogant, bitchy, basically her pseudo-father because her father was usually off being captain), darya, her gunner (slutty bisexual aromantic queen, runs the artillery AND the under deck gambling ring, always drunk, loyal to a fault especially to hana), and zarya (we’ll get to her later ;)) and the other lower-ranking crew members.
4. What is the world they come from like?
hmmm very mystical and mysterious, very “pirates are bad and suck and we dont like them even though they’re not usually bad” but. you know. hana is still an outlaw of the land. there are mermaids and sirens and cracken and curses so it’s better to assume that if its magical it exists.
5. Are they original or exist in a certain fandom?
6. Are they an introvert or extrovert?
extroverted babey
7. Greatest fear?
being unable to sail but also, later on, (SPOILERS) being arrogant and greedy and malicious like her father
8. What’s their sense of humor like?
honestly just fucking. stupid. she probably likes puns and like dirty jokes.
9. Favorite pieces of fiction or genres they enjoy?
i dont think she can read???? but her third eldest brother bourne would usually tell her princess stories and she liked those
10. Favorite music genres?
folk ig
11. Describe their vision of a perfect spouse, if applicable.
a tall, beautiful, kindhearted woman, who sees past the pirate savagery and sees her heart beneath; a woman who can rule the sea alongside her and knows how to handle her and keep her in check. (looks at zarya meaningfully)
12. Largest regret?
not being able to save bourne
13. Something your OC would say?
my quote for her in her bio is “what am i without adventure?” but i also imagine her saying to zarya, “you are more celestial than the stars, my love, and twice as beautiful to behold.”
14. Whats their morality like?
technically lawful good but could be a roulette wheel depending on the day
15. Would they live in a city, rural area, or suburb?
oof none but if she had to probably rural
16. Which actor would you like to portray your OC? (Or a voice actor)
sjskdldldl my face claim is jen ruggirello
17. Sexuality? Gender Identity?
lesbian baby!!!!!
18. What inspired you to make this character?
honestly?? probably a lack of rep in romance and adventure novels. i just love her!!!
Section 2 - If…
1. If they existed in another decade, what would they wear? (Asker can choose what decade) (Bonus points if you draw them!)
hmmm ill pick… current day tbh, and i imagine lots of overalls and baggy sweaters!
2. If they were in a RPG, what would be their class?
i have to imagine somewhere between paladin and a fighter, im not sure which.
3. If they received a large amount of money no strings attached, what would they use it for?
i honestly think she would just. go into the nearest village and buy all the local hungry children bread. like she wouldn’t horde it or spend it on herself. she has everything she needs.
4. If they competed on a competitive TV show, how would they approach to winning? (the “mean” one, the one who makes friends, the one who’s there for fun)
hm… i honestly dont even think she would think about it like that dkdkflfl. probably the charming one, the leader, the adorkable one.
5. If they could change one thing about their past, what would it be?
i think she would choose to keep in contact with her mother. not necessarily live with her, because then she wouldnt have her first love which is the sea, but just like. talk to her. know her better. go see her every few months. write her from different ports about their adventures.
6. If you met them, what would they do?
i would honestly probably be so fucking charmed by her. shes got that way about her, a leadership quality you can’t shake, even if shes really incredibly awkward too.
7. If your character exists in another series’ world, what would they be doing/look like?
i kind of imagine her in harry potter as like. this half blood gryffindor who’s So Gryffindor it hurts. on the quidditch team, always screaming about house pride, everyone loves her. and then she goes and falls in love with this muggle born slytherin and shakes the whole school dkdkkrklr
Section 3 - Other:
1. What other OCs would they get along with?
oh… i think it’s kind of cheap to say jack, because they’re both pirates, but honestly i think they’d get on like a house on fire. other than that… definitely michael minkus, who would make an epic first mate, and lucy stilinksi-hale, who she would probably wanna smash.
2. What’s their singing voice like?
bad. comically bad. she tries to sing to zarya sometimes and zarya locks her out of their room.
3. Take a personality test as the character. Post results.
okay so ive already taken a couple for her in the past (ex: gryffindor, entj, the motivator, etc.) so im gonna take a completely benign one off buzzfeed and post the results. so if she were a song off of thank you next she would be “bad idea” skskkdkd
4. What would be their fighting style in a fighting game like Mortal Kombat, Super Smash Brothers, or Street Fighter?
to outsmart her opponent, think two moves ahead of theirs just like in real life. jokes on her no one else is ever thinking skdkkfkfl
5. What are some mannerisms/quirks?
putting her feet up on tables, walking into rooms without invitation, holing up in her cabin for days working, smirking instead of smiling, smoking, docking in random cities for the thrill of adventure, wearing her blouses nearly completely unbuttoned, just taking things and enforcing sharing bc. she’s always shared everything with everyone naturally and she doesnt know to ask djdkfkfk
6. Describe their favorite meal.
honestly she’ll eat anything but just like. a Nice leg of mutton and a glass of beer. that’s it. that’s the dream.
7. What do they do when they’re bored?
her favorite activity is to randomly attack caspian and have impromptu sword fights with him, but she also loves stargazing and telling stories to the town children.
8. How do they express love/affection for someone?
honestly she’s very. nuzzley. soft. like a little kitten. also waxes poetic. at least romantically. platonically, shes usually like a dad friend sjdkkrlr. like im talking “attaboy” and punches on the arm. pep talks. dad voice. the whole nine yards.
9. Most embarrassing thing that could/has happened to them?
honestly, she’s not easily embarrassed ever. i think she’s kind of just like meh over most things. the most embarrassing thing that could happen would be losing the respect of her crew. she would hate that so much.
10. Make a portrait sketch of them!
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steroidusr · 6 years
etrian odyssey III part 1: prologue
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holy shit, it's eo3
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As if tacitly admitting it, the Senatus ruling over Armoroad have invited explorers to their city. The invitation drew throngs of eager explorers who gathered to traverse the undersea maze. But none of the throngs who came to challenge that maze were strong enough to master it. The impenetrable ruins came to be known as the Yggdrasil Labyrinth, and its legend spread further... You yourself are an explorer who has heard its legend and now sail to Armoroad to investigate. Your only objective: to challenge the Labyrinth and win fame and fortune. Your hour is at hand!
i love that the whole plot of eo games is "explore this, get rich and famous"
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so the first place we can go is the explorers guild and-- ok that looks a little glitchy nds emulation is hard
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"I'm here to supervise all the explorers who find themselves in our fair burg. Here's a little something I give every new guild for signing up."
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the gradient text box looks cool (he also gives us a cross script, a resolve script, and an offense script. i'll get into what those are for later)
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"Think hard, because that name may be known someday across the seven seas. It all depends on you."
[i held a vote on our guild name and the channel chose “The Troll Slaiyers”, but that’s too long so i went with just “Slaiyers”]
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absolutely not but the people have spoken
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"Well then, step two is registering explorers in your guild. You'll need to hire a few folks, but it's up to you whether or not you want to become a member too." At the Explorers Guild, you can register explorers and organize your party. Choose your favored classes from the list and form a party of up to five explorers.
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you can talk to npcs in town too
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"Even experienced warriors get swallowed up by that Labyrinth every day... If you've come here as weekend warriors, I'll be straight with you: hit the beach instead."
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we can choose up to five characters to bring along at a time i should add: characters in the front row take more damage from phys attacks and are more likely to be targeted, so it's better to put characters with high defense/vitality there
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[and this is the party the channel voted on]
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"Oh, but before you go, let me explain one more thing. It’s about the documents I just gave you along with the guild certificate... Smart explorers actually read them carefully. If you don’t feel like it, just throw them away... But if you hope to go all the way in the Labyrinth, you’d be well-served giving them a look."
In this game, powerful abilities called Limit Skills can be used by up to five party members. Limit Skills can be learned by obtaining documents with the skill details written in them. Gather various Limit Skills and use them well to make your time in the Labyrinth easier.
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and then we're sent back to the main town screen, only now all the facilities are available to us. we could go to the senatus first like the guildmaster suggested, or we could check out the other places in town...
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...and then youre immediately kicked back to the town screen. >:(
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"Then you’d best remember this: You stand in an assembly hall of the Senatus, Armoroad’s government. And I am she who wields the Senatus’ authority to manage explorers such as yourselves. This is where so-called explorers’ skills are tested to sort the true warriors from the cowards. If you want to be recognized as true Armoroad explorers, accept the mission I issue you now."
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Carry out these missions to gain various rewards and advance the game’s storyline. Select ”Accept mission” from the menu to see the details.
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so there are a few things we can do here. "accept mission", like the game said, lets us accept missions from the senatus. "report results" is how we report completed missions
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"report discoveries" lets us log monsters we've encountered and item drops we've won from battles. materials we get from gathering points are logged in the item compendium too. "talk" is self-explanatory:
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"Just don’t get lost in the assembly hall on your way here!"
anyway, you have to accept the senatus' mission before you can go into the labyrinth, so let's do that
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"The guard there will have more details for you. Look to him before you proceed. Ah, but you must have parchment first, eh? Here is the blank map given to explorers. Use it well."
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when she said we have to draw our own map, she wasnt kidding--a big part of the game is drawing a map of each floor on the bottom screen (...uh, i guess it's the "right screen" here) floor tiles are filled out automatically, but you have to draw in the walls and other details yourself
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NOW we're free to go into the labyrinth ...but we're not going to yet. actually, doing so now would be a really bad idea
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......because we still need to buy equipment
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"In that case, welcome to Napier’s Firm. We carry all the weapons, armor, and tools you’ll require. Here at our Firm, the customer is God. We’ll spare no expense for those who line our coffers. Though that is conditional on you participating in a transaction. No window shoppers, please."
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you start out with 500en (short for "ental"), which is just barely enough to get your party equipped
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(i start by buying shuro's sandals for everyone) ...it says theyre made of shuro tree leaf, so i have a feeling the name shouldve just been "shuro sandals", as opposed to implying there's a dude named Shuro or whatever
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i also buy an absurdly expensive shield for homare, because she needs a shield to use her tanky skills, and this is the only one available
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aaand we're broke
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"Skilled explorers have few qualms at parting with their money. Stinginess never saved a life. All things depend upon money. Your finances dictate whether you master Yggdrasil or die penniless. Remember that. So then, what can I get for you?"
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alright, everyone's all equipped. we could go into the labyrinth now, but im gonna check out the rest of town first just to get it out of the way
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"Not only can you spend the night here, we have doctors to treat your wounds, too! So, is this your first time in Armoroad? Isn’t it awesome? Those clear seas! Those blue skies!"
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we're gonna be seeing a lot of this place
"stay" lets us, obviously, stay at the inn. this fully heals the hp/tp of all (alive) party members. it also passes the time a bit, allowing you to stay at the inn until either the next morning or until nightfall
"treatment" lets us revive dead or petrified party members (later games had dead/petrified party members heal automatically when staying at the inn)
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"store" lets us put excess items in storage. this can be pretty useful because we have limited inventory space (and multiples of the same kind of item dont stack)
and "save" is, of course, the most important option of all:
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anyway, we're not actually gonna stay here, because there's no need to. also we're totally fucking broke, in case anyone forgot i mean, we WILL stay here, eventually. but not right now.
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ah, so youve heard about us...
"They call this the ocean city, ’cuz so many people from across the seas wind up here. I bet you’d enjoy taking a walk around town before you go down into the Labyrinth."
good idea! let's do that
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"Well, welcomes to you! This is the Butterfly Bistro, and I am the owner here! Once you finish the mission that the old lady gives all the newbies, I can give you work. ...Until the then time, have some drinkings and chattings with the other explorers here!"
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this is where you can accept quests, which are sort of like... mini-missions. tbh there wasnt much reason to do these in eo1 and eo2, cuz the rewards werent too great, but in eo3 they give you exp too, so it's worth it to do as many quests as you can
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anyway, let's talk to this dude
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(bar patrons dont have character portraits, unfortunately)
"I’m Wolfram, a troubadour. I’ve wended my way from the far north all the way to this ocean city. I’ve been here a long time... I may have a few words of advice about challenging that place."
(troubadours were a class in eo1/eo2. theyre bards, basically)
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what should we ask him about first?
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"Her sobriquet of the Porcelain Princess comes from her pure, white shining skin... Her voice is like music from the harps of the goddesses; radiant enough to tame monsters! But even the goddesses wouldn’t linger in her presence for having to compete with her face... She is Princess Gutrune, a lovely goddess of Armoroad in her own right! Her visage is the stuff dreams are made of... Though, mind you, I’ve never seen her in person. Each successive princess in Armoroad is named Gutrune. I’ll tell you the reason... later."
what should we ask next?
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"A free city of clear skies and white clouds, an endless sea, and a vibrant, eclectic culture!
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"...But freedom can’t exist without order. This country does have a royal family. Sadly, the modern royal family has been reduced to mere figureheads... Ah, but who then governs Armoroad? The aristocrats of the Senatus, led by a fearsome old crone! Consider her to be the true power behind Armoroad. You’ll most certainly meet her yourselves. There’s more to Armoroad’s royal family than that, but... Let’s leave that for another time, hm?"
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the calamity, AKA the backstory
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"But around 100 years ago, the center of Armoroad was suddenly swallowed by the ocean! Afterwards, the rippling waters became tidal waves... The gentle breeze gave way to earthquakes. Armoroad’s advanced technology was sunk, which ended diplomatic relations with nearby countries. It’s been a long road to recovery for Armoroad, but even today, it’s nowhere near what it once was... Not since the Calamity. If you ask anyone here, you’ll get nothing but a stony silence. Then again, that’s just because no one knows exactly what went on 100 years ago! It wasn’t all bad, mind you. After the Calamity, a Labyrinth was revealed, drawing explorers here. Though the Senatus had other reasons for gathering explorers... But that tale can wait for now."
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I've Had Enough Of This Guy
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"...Ah, but I jest, I jest. Come again, explorers, if you wish to hear my stories."
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we have better things to do..... such as talking to the barkeep instead
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uh... we're... working on it...
"...Ah, you are just heading out? You may want to gather info before you go in there. Oh, by the by the way, what’s the name of your guild? ...Slaiyers? That’s cool! I will make sure to be remembering it. I am hoping to do a lot of business with you, Slaiyers!"
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alright, there's just one last place i want to check out before the FIFTH STRATUM
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"You’ll need permission from the Senatus to go on voyages, so you should seek that out first."
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...well, that was pointless
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time to FINALLY get this show on the road
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