#to the restaurant forgetting utensils and me not realizing until I’m sat at the park
escapewriter · 4 years
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Meet Again
pairing : sunwoo x reader
genre : slight fluff, angst
type : oneshot
wc : 2.2k
main masterlist || tbz written masterlist
read this if you would like to request something
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Looking outside the window of your apartment, you thought about how much your life has changed after you moved. You had to leave Seoul, your friends, your family, and everything you grew up with, but what stung the most is having to leave your best friend, Sunwoo. It was hard to leave him on your last day in Seoul, but it was also the most memorable. He took you to the arcade you both went to everyday in middle school, bought you ice cream from your favorite shop, went to the forgotten mall on the other side of town that you both spent most of your high school days. He took you down memory lane as a way to remind you that everything will be there and wait for you to return. But if you’re unlucky, not everything will wait.
You looked at the letter you wrote in your hands, debating on whether or not you should send it to Sunwoo. You both have been sending each other letters due to the bad internet connection you had. However, after months of waiting for a letter to arrive, Sunwoo had stopped sending. You on the other hand, continued to send in hopes that he would eventually reply. You thought maybe he was busy and didn’t have time to write, so you kept your head up and relied on the false hope you had created.
It wasn’t until three months had passed when you realized that maybe Sunwoo just didn’t want to send you letters. Maybe he was tired of you or thought that you would never return. Truth is though, you probably never would go back unless it was necessary. But the reason you’re conveniently sitting in a plane that is heading to Seoul right now is because your boss requested that you complete a project for him in Seoul. Maybe it was your chance to talk to Sunwoo again.
You only had one week in Seoul but only had to work five out of the seven days. Your boss knew that it was your hometown, so he gave you an extension to your stay there.
Throughout those five days of working, you had stayed with your parents, catching up with everything in their lives as well as yours. They had also participated in writing letters to you instead of texting, the only difference is that they made time for it. They knew about the situation with Sunwoo, for they have seen him around the neighborhood often, but they shouldn’t be the one to tell you what was going on in his life.
You were eating dinner and talking with your parents on what you should do for the next two days you would be staying here. “Have you seen Sunwoo lately? I’m sure he would like to know that you’re in town.” You chewed slowly, staring at your plate as you thought of what to say. “I don’t know, I haven’t seen him in so long.”
Both of your parents watched as you transitioned from your fast eating to a slow tempo. You sighed and placed down your utensil, “I know what you both are thinking, but my feelings for Sunwoo have faded. Plus, I’m not even in the city or country anymore, so even if he liked me, it wouldn’t work out.”
They smirked at you, “We said nothing about your feelings dear, but we do believe that you should go and see him.” You huffed in frustration, knowing full well that the feelings you have for Sunwoo in high school will always stay with you. Even if he hasn’t written to you in so long and you haven’t seen him, your feelings never faded.
You sat in the same booth of your favorite ice cream parlor that Sunwoo took you to on your last day in Seoul. You looked outside the window, watching everyone pass by on the street and seeing people enter and coming out of stores. Across the street was a small restaurant that you were unfamiliar with, seeing that it had opened while you were gone. You watched the place pack with people as time went on, but what caught your eye was the familiar head of your best friend, holding the door open for someone.
You know you shouldn’t assume anything, but after seeing them kiss his cheek, your heart shattered. You looked away, not wanting to see him with someone else as you drank your ice cream float.
What you didn’t notice is that he looked around and in the window of the ice cream shop, he saw you. He felt his heart beating out of his chest, his eyes only focusing on the side of your face, but getting pulled away by his significant other. Maybe he was hallucinating.
You decided you would roam the streets of Seoul instead of seeing Sunwoo, for you had lost all hope you had and were only left with a broken heart. You went to all the same places he had taken you to, remembering all the memories you had made with him and that they’re all still here waiting for you. All of it waited except for one. You don’t blame him though; people grow and move on.
You were again at the dinner table, but your parents were not present as they had to attend work matters. You ate silently and thought about what you had seen today, but your mind kept going back to the ice cream shop. You wish you could forget it all and just move on like he did but you couldn’t. It made you feel so frustrated with yourself because you can’t control your feelings and you wish you could so then you wouldn’t be in this sort of predicament.
You stood up after hearing a soft knock on the door. You opened it, expecting to see your parents but was met with Sunwoo standing with a bouquet of flowers in his hand. You stared in shock at him, surprised that he showed up at your front door.
“You think I didn’t see you in the ice cream parlor?” No words left your agap mouth as you stood there. You swallowed the lump in your throat, trying to rack your brain for an answer, but you just stared at him. “Are you not gonna say anything? You thought you were just going to come here without telling me?” If this happened a few months ago when he was sending you letters, you would have laughed at how he looked; holding a bouquet of flowers while saying those words to you in a harsh tone. But time continues to move and so have you and Sunwoo.
“Honestly, Sunwoo,” You took deep breaths, trying not to feel so nervous and to help calm your shaky voice, “I thought you forgot about me.” You looked into his eyes, seeing the regret and hurt behind them, “You haven’t sent me anything for months. I figured you were busy, and you are. You’re in a relationship and I’m happy for you, so I won’t blame you for not being able to send me anything.
He watched your eyes as they would move from his to something else around him. He was at a loss of words too. “When do you leave?” You opened your mouth, telling him that tomorrow was your last day here, “Save that day for me, okay?” He handed you the bouquet, a rush of deja vu hitting you at full speed, but this time it felt different; it felt like time was stopping for you two.
You nodded your head as he took a step back, “I’ll pick you up, we’ll have a good day tomorrow and I’ll explain everything, okay?” You smiled softly, the pounding muscle in your chest being heard in your ears. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Sitting in Sunwoo’s car, you inhaled the familiar scent and looked out the window. You watched the people and the stores you passed by, knowing where you were going just by the route you were taking. “Are you taking us to the mall?” He smiled and nodded, “You know me too well.”
You laughed softly, turning up the faint sound of the radio and softly sang along to it. Sunwoo tapped the wheel softly to the beat, but also to debate if he should spark up a conversation. You beat him to it though, “So, how has your relationship been going so far?”
We broke up. “It’s going good. Why do you ask?”
“Well, when I saw you two the other day, you both looked so happy together.”
I wasn’t happy with them. “Haha yeah, I guess so.”
You glanced at Sunwoo, the frown on his face making it hard to ignore the tension in the car. You sighed, knowing you had to talk to him about what’s bothering him sooner rather than later. “Sunwoo, pull over.” His eyebrows shot up in shock, “What? Why?”
“Just pull over.”
He pulled into a parking lot and parked. He turned off the engine and looked at you, “Why am I pulling over exactly?” He nervously laughed and looked down at the space between the two of you. “Tell me what’s on your mind. What’s bothering you?”
He had an internal battle, debating on telling you how he’s felt for so long, or just making something up and putting the blame on you — he went for the latter. “I’m just irritated because you didn’t tell me you came home.” Your mouth fell open, disbelief that he’s actually mad that you didn’t tell him you were in Seoul.
“Are you kidding me Sunwoo? You’re mad at me for not telling you I’m in Seoul when you’re out here and can’t even bother to take a small amount of time out of your day to write a simple letter to me.” He scoffed, knowing where this is going to end, “I can’t always make time for you, I have a life—”
“And I don’t?” You looked at the side of his face, too stubborn to look into your eyes, “I can’t believe you Sunwoo. You know if you wanted to stop sending letters, you could have just told me.” You opened the door to the car, his head snapping to you, “What are you doing?”
“I’m going home, I don’t want to spend my last day in Seoul with you if you’re going to act like this.” You slammed the door and stormed away, calling one of your parents to come and pick you up.
Sunwoo sat in his car, staring at the wheel as he thought about how he should have just told you how he felt and what he did the day he saw you at the ice cream parlor. After he went inside the new shop, he wasn’t like himself and his date knew that too, which obviously led to Sunwoo breaking up with them. It wasn’t fair that he goes out with someone, pretending to be happy with them, when his heart belonged to another. He had to tell you before you leave.
You can’t imagine yourself in these types of situations where the protagonist chases after their prince or princess in an airport, yet here you are. You had hugged your parents goodbye, walking to check in your luggage, but was stopped by a hand holding you back.
You looked at Sunwoo who was panting and out of breath. “Please, just give me five minutes.” You nodded and led him to a seating area and sat down, waiting for him to talk. He wiped his hands on his jeans, trying to get rid of the nervousness before he spoke.
“I know yesterday was so bad and I didn’t mean anything I said back there.” He paused and looked into your eyes, sighing as he softly smiled, “My relationship, I ended that day I saw you.” Your eyes widened as you looked anywhere but him. “I broke it off because it wasn’t fair for them to be in a relationship that didn’t have any true feelings. It was fake.” He paused again, mentally preparing for his confession. His eyes gazed into yours and he took one of your hands into his, “When I say fake, I mean that my feelings aren’t directed towards them, but towards you.”
The butterflies you felt in your stomach erupted like a volcano, the feeling of euphoria overtaking your emotions as you smiled at him. However, you looked around as you heard your flight number echo in the intercom, causing your smile to drop and look back at Sunwoo who had a smile on his face. “Don’t worry. This time, I won’t ignore my feelings and I’ll make time for you.” You frowned, not wanting to leave him again like the first time.
He brought his left arm up, cupping your cheek as he rubbed his thumb against your soft skin, “Go, or you’ll miss your flight.” You both stood up, his other hand still locked with yours. You pouted, “I’m going to miss you Sunwoo.” He smiled softly, pulling at your hand as he brought you closer for a tight hug. It was the first hug you both had since you saw each other, and it felt amazing.
“I’ll be here waiting, until we meet again.”
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lordsicheng · 7 years
A Different Tomorrow: Pt. 2
Hwang Minhyun x OC
g: angst, slice of life
summary: being someone who only went home twice a month as a teen until your early 20s, you never fully believed in a second chance at life, nor did you even believe in love. once you meet a young man near the park, your whole life could possibly turn into 180
w!: prostitution (only mentioned, not shown/written in action), profanity, mildly suggestive
You scrunched your face as you slowly woke up and turned over to the other side to see Minhyun run around the small living room. Confused, you slowly sat up and scratched your head while looking at him in a hurry. He sat on the sofa to put on his socks and saw you wake up, making you rub your eyes to clearly see him
“Oh, did I wake you up?” he asked, still putting on his socks
“N..no… not really.” you groggily reply
“I’m almost late for my first class and I have to go. My classes end by 4 but I have work from then on until 10, so if you plan on leaving just put the key under the mat outside the door.” he smiled and hurriedly put on his shoes
“Okay…” you sighed, still looking at him while he grabbed a glass of water and gulped it down
“Wait, do you actually trust me enough on leaving your house key to me?” you asked in wonder as you slowly moved to the edge of the bed and put your feet on the floor, Minhyun smiling as he turned to look at you before going out the door
“I have a good feeling.” he chuckled before closing the door and running off to school, you only able to look at the door in confusion of what he just said
“He has a good feeling about me…?” you rubbed your shoulder and stood up to go to the kitchen, feeling hungry as soon as you opened the fridge to only see side dishes inside
“Doesn’t he cook?” you mumbled, grabbing a glass and filled it with some cold water in a pitcher from the fridge. You opened the cabinet to see a couple of packs of ramen, sighing and grabbing one of them as you started heating some tap water you put inside a kettle by the stove
You ate while watching TV, amazed by how much news you’ve actually missed for the past weeks since you haven’t really properly watched any television nor cared for anything that had been happening around the area. You checked your phone and saw a text message from your mom, ignoring it without even reading it first. You gulped the last bit of the ramen on the small bowl and smiled a bit, satisfied with what you just ate. You walked to the washing machine and grabbed your clothes, eyeing them as you noticed you haven’t really changed clothes in a week and you didn’t want to go home just to get some new ones.
“I need to buy more clothes…” you thought as you looked around to find your bag, remembering that you only had 10 dollars in your wallet. You sighed and put your hand on your face while thinking of what to do to get a few bucks for a full outfit, turning your head as you eyed the small keyboard Minhyun owned, your lips forming a slight smirk as you thought of something to do
“Finally!” you cheered as you went out of the music instruments shop as you had a little over 200 dollars on hand, putting them in the pocket of your purse as you were relieved that the owner bought Minhyun’s keyboard for it being apparently limited edition, which he also gave extra for being so
You turned your head to find the bus station nearby to go and buy some new clothes, maybe even a few new makeup and skincare products when you find good ones at where you were headed to
You stood in front of Minhyun’s apartment with arms full of bags, eventually crouching down to get the key under the mat. But you didn’t see the key and you saw a small hint of light from inside the room, realizing Minhyun had been already home. You looked at your watch and it was already past 10, covering your mouth from gasping loudly and immediately standing up
“I hope he likes pizza….” you mumbled, looking at the box of pizza you also brought since you wanted it as a midnight snack while you crashed at his place again. You gathered your courage to slowly turn the knob of the door and opened it slowly, seeing Minhyun on the sofa already in his house clothes while watching some TV
“I’m home…” you said as you slowly went inside and closed the door, dropping all the bags to the side and grabbing the box of pizza, putting it on the coffee table in front of Minhyun, who just turned a little to look at you
“Good to see you.” he smiled as he scooted to the side and patted the seat next to him, offering you to sit next to him. You did and just looked down, biting your bottom lip
“Have you eaten?” he asked as he looked at you
“I have… but I brought pizza in case I- I mean we get hungry.” you let out an awkward chuckle and turned to look at him
“I like pizza. Thanks. But I also brought some food from the restaurant I work at.” he stood up to get the small bags on the small dining table and situated them one by one. You noticed how all of the food looked as if it were cooked at home, and you suddenly missed the taste of eating homecooked food
“Shall we eat? I’m getting a bit hungry.” he snickered, making you nod immediately
“Alright, let me get some bowls and some utensils.” he said as he walked to the kitchen, making you sigh a bit as you felt all the guilt from selling his keyboard rise up, but you didn’t want to tell him yet unless he mentioned it, so you just kept quiet
“Let’s eat!” he said with glee as he opened up the small tupperwares and started grabbing some food, also opening the box of pizza as he chewed on some kimchi. You could only look down and slowly grab the spoon as you tried to reach for some of the food he brought, making him wonder if anything was bothering you
“Are you okay?” he tilted his head to your level, you slowly raising your head to look at him
“I’m okay.” you nodded
“No, you’re not. I can tell something is wrong.” he squinted, your heart suddenly beating faster
“Oh! Now I know! We don’t have cola! Hold on, let me order through phone from the convenience store next to the building.” he chuckled and grabbed his phone from his pocket, dialing the number immediately and ordering four cans of cola
“Four cans?” you raised a brow
“For tomorrow, if you’re still staying over.” he smiled as he put his phone to the side and went back to eating
“I…” you looked down, your hands shaking
“Shh, eat. You need to eat!” he pouted and grabbed a few spoonfuls of rice and some kimchi to put it on your bowl, making you widen your eyes and look at him
“Is that enough?” he asked, and you nodded immediately as you grabbed your spoon and started feeding yourself
“That’s better. You look cute when you eat.” he grinned as he continued eating, making you suddenly feel shy
“Oh, and let’s save the pizza for later. We can watch a movie tonight if you’re not sleepy yet.” he said in between chomps
“Don’t you have school or work tomorrow?” you looked at him in curiosity
“I don’t have weekend classes and it’s also my day off from work.” he nodded, hearing the doorbell ring and standing up as soon as it did. He opened the door and immediately paid the delivery guy and put the colas on the table, opening yours before he put it next to your bowl
“Good thing the cola is still cold, it feels more at home.” he laughed as he sat back down and continued to eat, you only able to look at him and slowly smile at how hospitable his ways were even though you were a complete stranger to him
Minhyun turned on the TV as soon as you came back from your shower and sat on the sofa next to him, changing the channels while also scrolling through his phone while looking at the schedules for movies to be played that night
“Hmm, looks like it’s only horror and romance movies tonight.” he mumbled before turning his head to look at you
“Which one do you wanna watch?” he smiled
“Horror. I can’t really relate to romance movies.” you shrugged
“Horror it is.” he changed the channel and you saw that Death Bell 2 was on TV, widening your eyes as you hated that movie especially that it was a school setting. Minhyun saw your expression changed and held in his chuckle, turning his head to look back at the TV
“You chose horror, so we get to watch horror.” he said while crossing his arms
“I’m not scared, really.” you crossed your arms, trying to get your mind off of the movie. You suddenly remembered you still made a mistake towards Minhyun, and guilt again slowly crept up in you as you thought of the consequences you were to face if he found out
“You seem to have bought a lot of new stuff. I haven’t shopped in a while, are there any good sales?” he asked as he eyed your paper bags of things you bought earlier, making you turn as well to look at them, wanting to punch yourself for forgetting on putting them by the bed to hide all of it from him
“Ah, yeah… sales are good. But not all stores are having sales.” you nodded as you turned to look at him
“Hmm, maybe I can go shopping tomorrow too. Wanna go with me?” he grinned
“Sure…” you smiled, still feeling the guilt rise up
“Minhyun…?” you slowly said, making him look at you again with a smile and a raised brow
“I… you know… um, I kind of…” you rubbed the side of your arm
“What?” he said as he put his full attention to you, making you miserably ashamed
“I sold your keyboard because I really needed money and I know it was wrong and I made a huge mistake and I swear I’m going to find a job even if it’s part time to pay you back because I know the keyboard meant a lot to you and I’m so sorry for being stupid and selfish but I swear I had no bad intention of ever touching your things it’s just that I-“ you suddenly stopped after talking so fast, making Minhyun enlarge his eyes a bit, almost taken aback from your words
“Please talk to me, Minhyun…” you pleaded, taking a deep breath. He shortly just gave a short chuckle and smiled, moving closer to you as he pat your shoulder
“It’s fine, really. I can get another keyboard when I save enough. If you needed money, you should have told me and I would have lent you some. But again, it’s fine. We can’t do anything about it anymore.” he nodded as he looked at you, making your eyes water a bit
“How can this… be okay to you…?” you faintly said as you looked at him
“There are things worth to be understood of, honestly. And I learned to be more patient because of that.” he smiled as he leaned back on the sofa and looked at the TV
“Minhyun, I made a mistake…” you sighed
“But it was a mistake that you didn’t mean to do. So it’s okay, I forgive you.” he pat your shoulder once more before standing up and walking towards the kitchen
“A-are you sure?” you stood up and looked at him
“Yes, really. Also, are you gonna use the washing machine tonight? I need to wash some of my clothes.” he smiled as he turned to look at you again
“No…” you slowly shook your head
“Great, thanks. Looks like the movie’s over. You can sleep ahead if you want.” he nodded
“Is it okay?” you asked
“I figured you became really tired from shopping, so you can take some rest now. I’ll clean up everything and just do the laundry. I’ll try to be quiet.” he snickered while walking towards the bathroom to gather his laundry, you slowly walking to the bed and lying down as you curled up and covered yourself with the comforter, Minhyun smiling at you as he walked out of the bathroom after a few minutes before continuing on cleaning up the place
“I’m sorry…” you thought loudly over and over again in your head, putting your hands on your temples as you suddenly felt a huge weight over your shoulders being lifted
It felt nice, saying sorry, apologizing, admitting your guilt
It felt great, even better than being able to spend money, better than having sex, better than alcohol
It felt amazing, to know that you were strong enough to admit your own fault and be responsible
“I’m sorry…” you whispered, smiling to yourself
“Hmm?” Minhyun asked as he thought you called him, making you slowly peek through the comforter, only showing your eyes as you looked at him
“I mean, good night.” you smiled under the sheets
“Good night.” he smiled and chuckled before continuing on cleaning up, you not able to hide your wide grin as you slowly covered yourself under the sheets again before drifting off into dreamland
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