vokinasolarium · 1 year
There Are No Limitations
"With your imagination, all things are possible!" - Neville Goddard
As the operant power of your reality, there are absolutely no limitations for what you are able to manifest with the conscious use of your incredible power. As I've already said a million times, all it takes is self-belief and confidence in your own power to manifest your wildest dreams.
The creation is finished.
It is already done.
Another reality already exists where you have your desires at this moment because there are infinite realities and versions of yourself in existence. It all comes from the amazing truth that you are the limitless creator of your own reality.
Realize this: all things are divinely possible for you as a creator - the existence of the void alone, proves that truth.
◇ Since all things are divinely possible for you within the void state, then all things are divinely possible for you *outside* of the void. With that said, you don't need the void in order to manifest your desires because you are the ultimate master of your own reality and so with that knowledge, you can manifest anything you desire.
In the void, you are the pure consciousness of knowing you are the God of your reality and all things are absolutely possible for you. This is exactly why you do not need a single damn thing other than changing your mindset and believing in your true power in order to manifest your heart's every single desire.
◇ Limitless Power
Your gifted power as the ultimate God of your reality is completely limitless and infinite. Your true form as a creator is God consciousness and that infinite consciousness is unattached to any reality. When you are in the void - you are away from the limitations of the outside world of shadows and you are connected to your true state of "I AM" awareness. As you embody the void state - you become one with your true form of divine God consciousness as a creator without any limitations, negative thoughts, doubts, or limiting beliefs surrounding our manifestation abilities. All things are divinely possible for you as the operant power of your reality in the void state and outside of it because all infinite realities and infinite possibilities already exist in this very moment. There are infinite versions of you experiencing different realities all at once. This includes parallel realities and the realities of "fictional" worlds.
Think of your favorite shows - there's a reality for American Horror Story, The Vampire Diaries, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, etc.
What is deemed as "fictional" in the current "mundane" reality already exists as real and breathing in another reality.
Long story short, absolutely anything and everything you can ever imagine already exists now as another reality out of all the infinite realities now in existence. The possibilities for what you are able to manifest with your divine power are simply endless and infinite. The sky is not even the limit for you. The moon, the stars, and beyond combined are not even close to what you can do with your gift and manifest into your world as the operant power. You are absolutely limitless and divine as a creator in every single sense, it's no joke. You are the ultimate creator of your own reality and with that infinite power - you can manifest absolutely *anything* you desire.
There are no rules and there are no limitations. Nothing is impossible for you.
~ Anything you want, you can manifest it. ~
• A trip to Paris? You can have it.
• Your ideal friend group? You can have it.
• A multi-million dollar mansion? You can have it.
• A record deal? You can have it.
• Immortality? You can have it.
• Supernatural abilities? You can have it.
• Manifesting out of thin air? You can have it.
• An unforgettable and bewitching prescence? You can have it.
• Absolute royal treatment? You can have it.
• Meeting your desired celebrity? You can have it.
• Perfect health? You can have it.
The list is endless, it goes on forever and ever.
It doesn't matter who you are or your current circumstances, you have the power to change your own life and manifest all of your desires. You were born with the power of creation.
Just believe and have faith in yourself as a creator. Acknowledge your infinite power of authority over your reality with confidence and a self-assured attitude.
~ You can manifest absolutely anything your heart desires. ~
There are no limits to your power. Never allow anyone to impose their own limiting beliefs onto you since you are the God of your reality and only you can decide what is possible for you as a magnificent creator. You are the sole operant power of your own reality and anything goes, as long as you don't impose any limits onto yourself because: all things are divinely possible for you. You truly are limitless in your power. I don't care what else anyone tells you or how many skeptics try to discourage you from achieving your desires, you can manifest absolutely anything you want as a creator. You are the operant power of your reality. It doesn't matter what you want, you can have it. Just say the words and it is already yours, it is done.
I don't care if you want to manifest a flying pet tiger with angel wings, I don't care if you want to manifest a plant that grows money every hour on the clock, I don't care if you want supernatural abilities, and I don't care if you want to manifest a shift to a reality within the American Horror Story universe. Just believe and trust in your own abilities as the operant power in order to make it happen. It is done.
As for the people who doubt and shut down the more mystical and supernatural side of the law, the only reason you do not experience supernatural abilities and sightings in your current reality is because we were raised and taught by society that all those things were only make-believe. We were taught and molded to be convinced that anything supernatural related or magical only existed in our favorite movies and shows. Since we have been programmed with those boring assumptions by society throughout our lives from childhood to adulthood, those assumptions hardened into fact and as a result, we don't normally run into any supernatural experiences in the "mundane world" for that reason. By simply changing your assumptions and persisting in new ones for a more exciting and mystical life, the "impossible" will be inevitably revealed to you in the outside world of shadows. The outer world of shadows is whatever you assume it to be.
Consciousness is the only reality and imagination creates reality. Put those two fundamentals together with self-belief and faith in your own abilities to create, and nothing will ever be impossible for you as the operant power. There are infinite versions of yourself with an infinite amount of possibilities that already exist and all these other unseen realities exist within your state of consciousness. All the other realities are currently "dead" and hidden within your state of consciousness and when you change your state, you "bring that reality to life" and experience a new reality in order to match your state of consciousness. In more simple terms, when changing your state, you are able to access any reality you want or any version of yourself out of infinite possibilities and manifest your desires. When you change your state and persist in the mindset of already having achieved what you desire to manifest, no matter what it is you desire - you inevitably experience a new reality to reflect your changed state of consciousness as a result of proving your persisted assumption true.
Infinite versions of you already exist and all it takes to manifest anything you want is to persist in: mentally embodying the confident mindset of somebody who has already achieved your desire and viewing your world from that mindset.
There's a version of you as a multi-millionaire, there's a version of you who is rich and famous with millions of fans, there's a version of you where you have your desired supernatural abilities, etc. The list never ends. Since there are infinite versions of you and all things are divinely possible with your power, the world truly is yours and you can manifest absolutely anything you desire.
There's *nothing* in this world that you cannot manifest. Anything you want, you can have. If you weren't capable of being able to manifest what you wanted, you wouldn't be able to desire your desire in the first place. Your desires are an inevitable promise to you as the master of your reality and all it takes to materialize everything you have ever wanted is to change your mindset and persist in the assumption of their achievement with a maintained attitude of confidence and self-belief in your power as a creator. There are truly no rules and no limitations to your power. As Neville Goddard once said, "you can assume anything into being in this world-".
"Claim it; It will respond." - Neville Goddard
Are you convinced of your power yet? No?
Let's keep going
• Want a million dollars? You can have it.
• Your absolute dream partner down to every detail? Love, it's all yours.
• Want Samantha's abilities from Bewitched? You can have it.
• How about a luxurious private jet? You can have it.
• Travel through time? You can have it.
• You want to master lucid dreaming? You can have it.
• Want to manifest a fictional character? You can have it.
• Riches and fame? You can have it.
• Mediumship abilities? You can have it.
• Pyrokinesis? Go get it.
Do you get it now? You're truly limitless.
"Nothing is impossible to you." - Neville Goddard
I don't care what it is you want or how "impossible" it may seem. You have the power to manifest whatever it is that you want.
Do not doubt yourself, you are infinitely powerful.
Everything you have ever wanted and more, you can have it all.
Whatever you want, you can have it.
It's yours, it is already done.
Just persist in knowing with self-belief and confidence that it is already a done deal.
"Can I manifest...?"
Yes, yes you can.
You already know what to do, so what are you waiting for?
You want it? Go get it.
"Rest in the assumption that you are already what you want to be, for in that determined assumption you and your infinite being are merged in creative unity, and with your infinite being all things are possible." - Neville Goddard
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vokinasolarium · 1 year
The most powerful vaunt for knowing you're god.
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I am the god of my own reality and when I mean god I'm really GOD. Nothing is out of reach for me. Nothing is impossible for me. Nothing is illogical for me. I always get what I want. I am limitless. Like I literally have zero limits TF? Others might put conditions on what they want but not me since I always get each and every one of my desires no matter how impossible they may seem to an ordinary person. I only need my own validation. I am my own conformation. I don't look outside for validation since I know exactly what I want and that I already have it. I don't question anymore if something is possible or not because I know whatever I can imagine is not only 100% possible but also easily achievable within the speed of light. I can literally just think of what I want in the vaguest terms and my subconscious already knows what I want before I could say anything it's already manifested. My faith and my confidence is unshakeable. I always have an unshakeable sense of self. Nothing and no-one could make me question my abilities not even my own mind. My faith in knowing that I'm the only dominating force in my reality is immense and unstoppable. Doubts, fear, failure, limitations, things like that don't exist in my reality. Even if I do have a doubt it is some random thought because I already have everything I want and I always get everything I want all the fucking time. I win every single time so failure isn't even an option for me. No matter what whatever I want is a guarantee because it's literally a law. Nothing could even faze me anymore. Instant appearance change? Done. 10,000 crores in my bank account? Done. Army of simps? Done. Ideal career? Done. Magic and superpowers? Done. 'fictional' characters? Done. Being master at void? Done. Like everything is just so so easy and effortless to get. There is no such thing as too big because everything is equally easy to manifest. You know why? Because I'm the only one on the pedestal. My power cannot be described in words, I'm immensely powerful. I want it I got it. I don't have to fear anything's only good things happen in my life. I know no matter what I am 100% deserving of each and every one of my desires and I'm destined to have it. I don't give a fuck about what other people think, I come first. I am my own priority. I am the main character of my life. I believe in my own supremacy. It feels good to know that I'm such a master manifestor. Isn't it wonderful?
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vokinasolarium · 1 year
Reality is free-flowing. Reality is fluid. Reality is not dense. Reality is formless because I AM reality. Reality is not dense, it has the consistency of water forming itself to appear as something that's not permanent. Ice when frozen is still water, it melts. The same way, seeming 'external' circumstances and mind activity dissolve when SELF stops paying attention to it and instead pays attention to the character and reality SELF desires. Every moment is completely new; by completely, I mean COMPLETELY. Beliefs and thoughts the ego has at 09:55:06 is completely destroyed and recreated at 09:55:07. (I am using time to demonstrate a point as time is also an illusion that I, as Self, created). Memory creates the illusion of continuity. The ego believes that its events in life are linear, when in fact, there is no difference in eating food then leaving the restaurant and eating food and experiencing your own birth the next moment. Self decides what it wants to experience at every given moment, no matter how illogical it sounds to the conditioned mind. This is why I said reality is free-flowing; it is effortless, it has no form. The form is what you think and believe it to be.
Are you going to let go and believe in ME? I AM the way.
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vokinasolarium · 1 year
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JT, 2023 VMAs
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vokinasolarium · 1 year
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vokinasolarium · 2 years
Less victim more fucking empowerment. This week is about not getting stuck in old programming, that stale old story you’ve been telling yourself that makes you feel anything less than a queen has no place in your mind, in your life, in your energy field. This is week is about power moves. Managing your time, looking like a baddie, at your very best each fucking day. No longer doing things by the halves. Your food and meals are pre-thought, your social calendar is exciting you, and you are finally doing those Pilates classes you promised yourself you would do. Your Spotify playlist got you ready to take over the fucking world. That’s the energy. All the thinking about life has finally transitioned into action. This is your new fucking start. A fresh, clean canvas. Don’t paint your life with an old brush, pick a different one and start fucking painting the life of your absolute dreams. 
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vokinasolarium · 2 years
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vokinasolarium · 2 years
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vokinasolarium · 2 years
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vokinasolarium · 2 years
No weirdo formed against me shall prosper
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vokinasolarium · 2 years
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vokinasolarium · 2 years
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vokinasolarium · 2 years
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vokinasolarium · 2 years
stop trying to find yourself and start creating yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!
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vokinasolarium · 2 years
I love how The Untamed gave us two POV’s of Lan Zhan when he had caught Wei WuXian on the edge of the cliff:
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Strained expression, face red, struggling, hair flat
Wei WuXian vision:
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pained but beautiful expression, makeup on point, hair flying in the dramatic wind, gorgeous, stunning supermodel, framed by his sword 👌👌👌
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vokinasolarium · 2 years
I love how The Untamed gave us two POV’s of Lan Zhan when he had caught Wei WuXian on the edge of the cliff:
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Strained expression, face red, struggling, hair flat
Wei WuXian vision:
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pained but beautiful expression, makeup on point, hair flying in the dramatic wind, gorgeous, stunning supermodel, framed by his sword 👌👌👌
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vokinasolarium · 2 years
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Sun Yuhong 孙玉宏
picture resolution 1344 × 1868
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