#to warm up my ability to draw w/ a tablet
dinerfries · 1 year
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oddly framed redraw
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hockeyauzzie · 5 years
Yisss another tag game my friendssss
Rules: answer the questions, then add one of your own! Tag 5 people to do it too!
I was tagged by @hymanforconsul !! Thnx my friend!
1. Who is/are your idol(s)? 
I don't think I've ever really had any one idol, I have a lot of people I really look up to like my art teacher (not from school), my friends and other school teachers but not anyone I've really idolised.
2. If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go?
Recently I've really wanted to go to Melbourne but since this is anywhere in the world I wanna do a roadtrip through the US/Canada w/ ma frends.
3. What decorates the walls of your room?
I have a spidey/Ferris Bueller's day off poster from supernova (comicon where I live), a NASA poster and a drawing I did of Kyle Dubas. Also my bookshelf with some of my other drawings and random trinkets I have.
4. Favourite colour combinations?
Blue and orange, red and black, purple and blue.
5. What's on the top of you bucket list?
Is a Bucket list like random things you wanna do or like big dreams cos I have some things that are more like tasks that I wanna do like I wanna move out of home and be able to drive to the beach by myself ?
6. Height?
7. Favourite animals?
For some reason my brain instantly went to platypuses (platypi??) but I also think giraffes are pretty cool
8. What's the last song you listened to?
Cheetah Toungue by the Wombats (been on my playlist for over a year now and still slaps)
9. How many what kinds of pets do you have?
I have a border collie cross Kelpie named Cooper and he is a psycho. He can fit two tennis balls in his mouth and will just run and play all day. I love him.
10. Last movie you saw in cinemas?
Either Spiderman Far From Home or Booksmart. Both were pretty sick.
11. Comfort food or favourite food?
Comfort food is for sure a cheeky cake in a mug. But otherwise I'm really loving strawberry season atm.
12. Why did the chicken cross the road?
To get to the other side.
13. Book you're currently reading?
Actually been reading a German book I got from my exchange family last Christmas but it's hella long and probably gonna take me forever to read.
14. Your favourite season and three things you like about it?
Winter: because a) you can drink tea without sweating everywhere, b) you can wear warm clothes and not want to die, and c) soup season
15. You're about to get into a fight, what song comes on as your soundtrack?
I Love It by Icona Pop. I rediscovered it's epicness recently and it's honestly the best song ever.
16. (+1) If you won the lottery tomorrow what is the first thing you would buy yourself?
An apartment or Wacom tablet. Probably both. And then a ticket overseas.
17. (+1) What fictional world would you want to live in?
The year 2015 in Back to the Future. That seemed pretty cool.
18. (+1). If you had to learn a completely new language, what would it be?
Ok I have a lot of trouble speaking a foreign language and not feeling super judged so if I had the ability to do that fine, that would be nice. But a new language I would like to learn would probably be Swedish cos I think it sounds super cool.
19. (+1) If you were a cartoon character stuck in the same outfit forever what would it be?
Probably a cropped hoodie and some cargo pants and converse. Comfy, useful but also stylish?
20. (+1) What is your favourite thing about your hometown?
Honestly I don't love it here that much but I do like the area where I live next to the mountain and the bush that's pretty cool. Also the cultural centre and Westend. Lots of cool stuff in there.
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almaclara · 5 years
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Drawing on glass doesn’t sound fun, does it? So cold, so slippery! Making art or any creating, even birth, is something that for me, happens in cozy, gritty, homey, warm, tactile places, not shiny sterile bright ones. So I was NOT excited about the iPad. My iPad mini was something g I bought unsure if it was something. I would use. But little by little I played with it. First, I ditched the cold, hard stylus and grounded myself by drawing with my finger. Feeling what I was doing made all the difference (OF COURSE— feeling is what we want!!). PLUS it doesn’t matter that your finger is big, because you can ZOOM in when’re you want to make finer details. SECOND, I realized that there were apps with gritty, grainy pencils and brilliant, wet watercolors, chalky pastels, chunky streaky chisel-tipped markers, and tinted and textured papers, so much to explore! THIRDLY IPad drawing is a private space you can set up while cuddled up in bed or armchair, to explore privately, With no elaborate setup or mess No need to organize your massive set of art supplies No clean up No “what if my cat walks across the paint while it’s drying” And the amazing ability to TRY NEW TOOLS TRY NEW COLORS TRY NEW EFFECTS Aaaaaaaaand anything you try and don’t like, you can “undo” and try something else u til you get an effect you like better. I love how a SAFE SPACE like that encourages me to make bigger risks and bolder moves that surprise and delight me. A sense of exploration, DISCOVERY and ADVENTURE AAS well as BEAUTY and MAGIC make life so gorgeous. That’s why I created my ABOUT FACES digital drawing course for tablets/ iPads. You can learn more about it, drop me an emoji and I’ll share the course info link w you. Enrollment is open thru MAY 15 and early bird pricing expires next Monday. 🦋🦋🦋 https://www.instagram.com/lauravolpintesta/p/BwjwZfkgYnf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=hqqb4fqto1h5
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