#to which these are some of the traits wolves are known for: their intellect & the desire to protect their pack - their family
bloodline-rpg · 4 years
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❝ Praying Lord, you got to help me, I am never gonna sin again. Just take these chains from around my legs. ❞
The social workers told him over and over that it was an accident. That he couldn’t have known. But Lucas was never able to erase the image from his mind, of his brother’s body, sinking into the water, how dark it had been, and the image of him finally floating to the top. He was only six. Lucas eight. Lucas was sure he should have known better. He did know better. But they were prone to childhood games, competition, sibling rivalry and every now and then, Lucas’s got the best of him. All he’d wanted to do was push him over, down to the ground so that Jake would stop poking at him. He hadn’t realized how close to the edge they were, how easy it would be for Jake to fall, and how hard it would be to find him in the water. 
Jake and Luke had been in and out of foster homes for most of their life. They never knew their parents. They’d heard their mother was out there somewhere, but that they’d been surrendered by their father’s mother upon his death. The foster home they were at when Jake died was on a large, wooded property, with kind enough foster parents who were quick to send Lucas away after the incident. That was when Lucas was brought, by a worker he’d never met before, to a place called The Washington Compound. He was introduced to a man who explained to him that he was a werewolf, that his parents must have been wolves, and that by killing his brother, he had triggered his werewolf curse. Very very early. 
On top of being grief-stricken, lost, angry, and frustrated, Lucas was far too young to be dealing with the perils of transition and the switch to life as a wolf, especially in a place wound as tightly as Bran’s Washington Compound. But he was taken under wing by a man named Reed. Reed had kind blue eyes and a daughter, just four years older than Lucas. She was beginning to learn about transition too, as her body grew into its own and they bonded over that, together while Reed helped Lucas try to understand what to do with his anger. 
For a few years it was okay. Lucas struggled through h is anger and confusion, got his first lashes, learned that he would grow to be a soldier. Some days he liked the purpose, other days he was terrified of what he was capable of, and each full moon, his mind felt clouded with rage and anger he couldn’t shake. He was sure his wolf was a monster. Lucas’s teen years became a mess of other things. He ran from the Compound more than once, tried to go back into the normal foster system, spent time homeless, trying to engage with kids his own age, only to get into fights he couldn’t control. And each time, he’d feel the darkness again, and he’d return, back to Reed and Ellery and try to gain understanding before it all fell apart again. 
When the witch hunts started, Lucas was wondering somewhere near Portland, trying to get away from life as a wolf and all the darkness that came with it. He was attacked on the street by two men who suspected he was a wolf. And Lucas beat them until they were both dead. That was the last time he’d ever left the Compound. After that, he became determined to get his impulse in control, to find out what was wrong with him, why the wolf part came out so easily, why he didn’t seem to have the control other people did. He speaks of his struggle with as few people as possible, not wanting to draw attention and get turned away. Because the truth of Lucas’s life is that he loves his family, he loves the pack, and he respects the witches. But he doesn’t trust himself.
At first glance, Lucas is a normal young man. He’s a little more quiet than outgoing and not exactly an intellect. But he’s street wise, observant, and clever. He shares Reed’s tendency toward passion and having some issues with discipline and authority but he also tries not to push himself into circumstances that might make him snap. Each full moon, Lucas confronts his deepest fear, which is what he’s capable of, and the impending terror that one day, he could break those chains. Even when the other wolves mocked him for not running free after nearly twenty years as a born wolf, Lucas didn’t do it. The last thing he wants is to take yet another life, and that makes the prospect of the war they’re in and what will be asked of him even more terrifying. 
Related bios: Reed Jackson, Ellery Jackson 
Species/Family info: Werewolf
Faceclaim: Peyton Alex Smuth
We may consider alternate faceclaims for this character
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romera-rp · 5 years
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BOUNTY #1: Here Fishy, Fishy—Oh, Fuck
DETAILS: Captain Crinklechip of the great seafaring, treasure hunting ship The Watercarriage has requested temporary crewmembers to join him on a brief expedition. They will set sail out of Arx and go north to where Captain Crinklechip lost many of his crewmates to a large chuul guarding a shipwreck. His goal is to eradicate the threat for his own future ventures and for the community’s safety, then explore the shipwreck, and finally return to shore to relieve the temporary crew he hired.  REWARD: 400 gp and 20 lbs of salted fish.
Hidden Details:
This chuul has developed a strategy for dealing with interloping ship crews. It hoists itself onto the shipwreck, the section above water, and grabs crewmembers with one of its pincers while beating at the ship with the other. If crew members fall victim to the chuul’s grapple (escape DC 14 (athletics or acrobatics)), they must resist the paralytic poison of its tentacles (DC 13 constitution saving throw). 
It will be obvious that the chuul is highly protective of the shipwreck it resides in and will target those closest to the wreck. However, the chuul is also especially interested in magic users and with its Sense Magic trait it will be able to target magic users specifically. 
If you succeed in defeating the chuul, the Captain will request your help in the exploration of the shipwreck. In the submerged section of the ship there will be clusters of slimy yellow-green eggs adhered to the walls and floors. On close inspection, you will be able to tell that the eggs are in perfect health and mere days away from hatching (DC 13 nature check). 
Beyond the chuul’s nest, in the old captain’s quarters, is the chuul’s hoard of trophies. The armor and weapons of its victims, piles of gold coins, chests of jewelry and fine fabrics, and an alarming quantity of skulls delicately and artistically stacked. The brains are all missing, but you won’t be able to find them. If you have a keen eye, you might also spot a Medallion of Thoughts in a broken drawer (DC 17 investigation check). 
In the section of the ship above water there are yet more piles of riches. Entering the room of treasure the floor will give way and drop any invaders into the bowels of the ship unless your instincts prevail (DC 16 dexterity saving throw). The floor below has been made into a pit of spikes using jagged pieces of bone (3d6 piercing damage). Here are the bodies belonging to the stack of skulls. 
Claimed by: Avriel Glynwarren & Jakoby Searyn
BOUNTY #2: Partier? I Hardly Even Know Her! Wait… 
DETAILS: Lady Flora has requested a committed, kind, but brutally efficient adventurer to go and collect her twin brother, Fauna, from his spiral of debauchery and debasement. He hasn’t been home in weeks and has only been spotted leaving and entering taverns, parties, and people’s residences. He’s squandering his inheritance, says Flora, as well as his intellect and his capabilities. He, in all likelihood, will be inebriated and unwilling, but she has requested his return to their home on the outskirts of Runswick. She insists that he must return in the next three days. She suggests any willing adventurers visit Lord Horcryn’s next party. She’s sure he will be in attendance.  REWARD: 60 gp. 
Hidden Details:
Fauna will be drunk and visibly sick when he is located, but not belligerent. He’ll also be wearing a very small lampshade as a tiara and wielding a silver candlestick. He looks, and acts, like he needs a bracing hug and a meal instead of being strong-armed anywhere. 
He’ll offer you a bag of gold to get him food and a new shirt because he is missing his shirt somehow (found on a DC 17 investigation check) and will try and bribe you into leaving him at Horcryn’s party. If you suggest you go and get food, or a shirt, he’ll follow after some persuading (DC 14 persuasion check).
You may take Fauna’s gold as well as the silver candlestick if you’re subtle (DC 16 sleight of hand check). If caught trying to take these things from him, Fauna will become upset and break down into sobs that can only be comforted by a gentle hand (DC 13 persuasion check). 
Fauna might begin to sing operatically if there is any lull in the conversation. 
He’ll reveal, tearily, that his mother’s funeral is in a few days and he’d been hoping to be drunk through it so he would not have to attend. If you’re so inclined, you can convince him to attend the funeral sober in any number of ways (DC 18 charisma check - either deception, persuasion, or intimidation). 
When you reach their home, Flora will be waiting up for him and will pay you. If Fauna has agreed to attend his mother’s funeral, she will also give you a Ring of Swimming that belonged to their mother.   
Claimed by: -  Leonidas Belgrave & Ione Seseri
Bounty #3: A Runswick Werewolf in Myrefall
DETAILS: Both the Runswick and Myrefall city guard have put out a bounty for a criminal by the name of Blaid Wilkson. Known previously throughout Myrefall as a petty thief and troublemaker, Blaid has had a warrant of arrest issued for his capture many times before. However, the situation has taken a serious turn as now Blaid has fled Runswick and appeared in Myrefall, where he appears to be trying to recruit people into his pack and turning people into werewolves. It is currently unknown just how large his group has grown, but both city guards urge extreme caution when going after Blaid and his pack unless any well-meaning adventurers end up cursed with the same lycanthropy.  REWARD: 700 gp. 
Hidden Details:
After asking around and finding many in Myrefall unhelpful, what can only be a member of the Thieves Guild approaches you and tells you that the werewolves are hiding out in an abandoned home on the outskirts of town. The Thieves Guild does not like competition and wants the werewolves gone. They will give you a common healing potion and a silver dagger. 
You will find the gang of werewolves deep within the abandoned house. Several traps have been laid in the halls and if you make too much noise (Failing a DC 14 stealth check) the wolves will be alerted and attack you. 
There are three werewolves, one of which seems to be more unsure than the other two. She can be persuaded to abandon the other two and fight alongside you if she feels she can trust you to help her out of the situation (DC 15 persuasion check). 
If you are bitten and contract lycanthropy (Failing a DC 12 constitution saving throw), you will have to find a cleric who can cast the Remove Curse spell, or be plagued with this new condition. 
If you defeat all the werewolves you will find a small hoard of stolen goods in the back room of the house. The most interesting things that can be found are the Tools of Truth, thieves tools that provide a +1 when a secret is told during lockpicking, and a potion of Animal Friendship. 
Claimed by: Mareona Elitihne, Thalra Hylune, Efrain Crayhorn
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lavendervcined · 7 years
LITRIU headcanon dump from her old blog 
♡ : Does your muse have any birthmarks or scars they get embarrassed about others seeing?
This one’s a tough one because the answer is simultaneously yes and no? She’s not exactly shy about her body, unless you’re attempting to TOUCH, in which case there’s a whole other set of problems.
She’s covered in scars, large and small. A life like a Ranger’s, it’s gonna happen. There’s a large imprint of teeth on her hip, which is from a wolf during a spat while she was first training her abilities with animals. You have to end up as ‘alpha’ in every beast’s mind for them to respect you. This doesn’t mean abuse, or intimidation, it means respect and partnership. Well, that one wolf didn’t feel like giving respect. Problems, however? Yes.
There’s a long score from a knife down her chest, from shoulder to hip along the right side that she’s not a fan of. The scar wentHYPERTROPHIC, making it red and incredibly different from the rest of the skin along her body.
Most other scars are very faded and hard to discern, between her many freckles and tattoos. (tattoo headcanon wip)
Birthmarks? There’s a line that looks a lot like an arrow on the back of her neck. She’s not embarrassed of it, but she very rarely shows it off, usually leaving her hair unbound and loose.
even if you can’t see one of the pack, they’re there. one or more of the beasts is almost always NEAR the ranger, lurking where they can’t be seen if they’re not outright at her side. she’s earned their loyalty, and that’s how they show it.
ambushing her is rarely a successful tactic.
litriu keeps her hair very long. it’s her only point of vanity, the only thing about her appearance she takes a lot of pride in. due to the risk this can pose in a fight, she tends to braid spikes, either metal or bone, into the locks, to make a nasty surprise for anyone who tries to grab her by it.
headcanon meme -- Friendship, Celebration.
Friendship is difficult, for the Ranger. She knows she’s abrasive, and it’s hard for her to let go of her anger at times to connect to people. When she does try, it’s generally either hesitant, and awkward, or blunt and direct, depending on who it’s with. Being soft, being vulnerable to another person in any capacity is enough to make her at least slightly anxious- but she is willing to try, more than some would expect.
Her friends are everything for her, and she would kill for, and die for, anyone with that title in her mind. Litriu considers friends part of her Pack, end of story. They’ll often find gifts left for them- wood carvings, amulets, or something that might be of personal value, that Litriu will never address having given to them or not, avoiding any broach of the subject. She’s gruff to most people, but there’s a noted lessening, a warmth that’s usually absent towards those she’s deemed a friend.
The elvhen warden isn’t one for big celebrations. She’s more likely to leave in the midst of one, before anyone can even notice she’s gone. However, little celebrations, between friends, or spur of the moment things?
A thrilled tackle at a successful mission.
A whoop of laughter at something well done.
After the Archdemon’s death, once she woke from the final blow, you bet your ass she tackled every single one of her companions, whether they were close or not.
But that big celebration in Denerim? She probably only stayed as long as she absolutely had to, and then vanished to a rooftop somewhere, to rest, and think everything over.
One without the other leads to a massive lack of balance, and the possibility of not being able to get anywhere well, but she would admire wisdom more than ambition. Ambition is easily twisted to something dark, and dangerous. Just look at Howe. Wisdom, even in a person without ambition, can be used, to help, or to hurt- but hopefully the former.
It is INCREDIBLY hard for Litriu to say ‘I love you’ to anyone that’s not one of her Pack. She doesn’t know how to be soft, a lot of the time, though she tries. Litriu shows her love, more than she says it- in soft smiles, in companionship, and in showing the loved ones the things she finds incredible in this world. It’s in how she’ll defend them from anything, till her last breath. It’s in how she watches them, especially when she thinks they’re not looking.
She could never, ever say it without meaning it.
Litriu is very attuned to magic and spirits, due to how much time she’s spent around mages, and within the Forest of Shadows (the meta for this will come later, I swear). She can feel magic in the air, when it’s been cast, though is never able to discern the type, or the caster.
As for spirits- all things have them. The most prominent example of her skill for this is how she knows, when wild places accept a person, or not, when she ‘hears’ the forest sing for someone, or it goes silent as they walk.
Litriu is a person who is as strong as dragon bone, unbreaking even under the harshest of circumstances. It seems, at times, that she can bear anything, and that it won’t touch her, beyond the grave, angry exterior she always seems to have. Her sharp tongue and her daggers can handle most problems she faces, and if they can’t, she can usually reason out a different tactic, and execute it. This strength was borne of the fact that she is not the kind of person who knows how to give up, or to lose.
She’s closed. It’s so hard for her to connect to people, after the Blight, and it’s worse after Amaranthine. Even when she wants to, there’s a hesitation, a wariness, and it’s all surrounded by her anger. She doesn’t know how to get close, and in a lot of cases, she doesn’t feel the desire to.
Softly states: in my personal canon, Litriu DOES find a cure for the Taint, and thus is able to cure herself, and any Warden who wishes it at this point tbh. She understands that the Wardens are necessary for Blights- and she doesn’t want them disbanded or destroyed, but believes that it shouldn’t be a death sentence, not always. Were there another Blight in her lifetime, there’s a serious chance that she would undertake the Joining again.
Litriu enjoys learning about the habitats of the world, and the stars more than almost anything else.   ( Aside from any information on animals she can. ) If she meets a muse with knowledge on these subjects, whether they know the same things or different, once he warms up, she’ll be asking questions, and debating- or, even sharing her own knowledge.
She still enjoys learning about anything she can, honestly. The share and spread of knowledge, to her, is an INCREDIBLY important thing.
Litriu loves to carve things out of wood. Little pieces of stories, symbols. She’ll often leave them to be found by the next person, or give them to people she cares for as tokens. She’s been doing it since she was 13, so at this point she’s rather skilled at it.
Sometimes she’ll lay stones into the carving, if she’s feeling particularly artistic.
For the most part, Litriu doesn’t eat meat. She’ll do fowl, like quail, chicken, turkey or duck. Fish, she’ll eat as well. But everything else, she’ll refuse for the most part. It can be a little hard to eat the beasts you talk to. She doesn’t begrudge anyone else eating their meat, or hunting, she just wants no part of their spoils herself.
Fun fact! Litriu’s Hogwarts house is Gryffindor, and her patronus is a greyhound.
Litriu will take almost any tactic to avoid killing animals, being who and what she is. When and if it becomes unavoidable, or if one of her own animal companions is killed, she will take the time to give them funeral rites, speaking to the spirits and the bodies with as much respect as soldiers give to their friends who have fallen. If she doesn’t have the time to do it at the moment the fight ends, she will return to do it as soon as possible.
Litriu tends to compare everyone she sees to animals, after a brief period of observation. It’s almost never an insult, as she sees the good in all beasts, and less so in the two-legger varieties of people. It’s a compliment, in her own way, but she’ll very rarely voice this comparison- only if she actually trusts the person in question.
The former Warden is incredibly curious, and has a heavy desire to learn about almost everything she encounters. She likes to have discussions that provoke thought, she likes to read and learn, to observe and watch to learn that way too.  As she’s gotten older and more ornery, this trait has been somewhat buried, but it still exists. 
Litriu is best in hand-to-hand or bladed combat. She works with a dagger and a short sword, or no weapon at all. She has a fighting style derived from watching wild animals as they fought, on top of the training she received both while with the Dalish and with the Wardens. She has a style of fighting similar to the fox she is named for- darting, and rapid movements, in and out of an opponent’s reach, and dealing a blow every time she saw the chance.
Depending on her foe, she’ll change on the fly, and has been known to mimic wolves, mountain lions, or vipers.
If ever disarmed, she’s not afraid or unable to use her teeth, if it comes to it.
The ‘Ranger’ class was sorely overlooked, I felt, while playing dragon age, and so I fleshed it out and conceptualized it myself a great deal, when I developed Litriu. Rangers in my canon can bond to any animal, and can in their own way, communicate with them. Animals bonded to a Ranger increase in intelligence, and strength, depending on the beast.
This is what explains Litriu and her Pack,the bonds they share, and the level of intellect they have.
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