#toalth zebepi
Whos the most likely 2 get drunk? My bets on xellic
Xellic actually can’t get too drunk because of a heart problem! If he decides to drink at all, he’ll have to be very careful! The ones most likely to get shitfaced on a Friday night are Cammel and Toalth, actually!
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{Mod S swooping in for a sec to show off this I made for the post below. Couldn’t reblog the thing with the photo ‘cause mobile sucks. But yeah there’s that. That’s all. Mod S out. ✌}
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toalth what is your favorite love novel to read?
PT: oohhhh, I can’t choosE!!!!PT: onE oF my dEFInItE FavouRItEs would havE to bE ‘In whIch thE lowblood lovE IntEREst contracts a lIFE thREatEnIng dIsEasE and has to tRavEl to a FaR away placE to sEEk mIRaclE tREatmEnt and Falls FoR a hIghblood who Is way out oF thEIR lEaguE’!
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Ooooooh!!! 23 Toalth!!! He's my fav!!!
PT: I’m youR 'FavE?’ I’m honouREd to bE thIs!PT: and I pREFER aFFEctIon. cuddlEs aRE thE bEst!
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30 for Jester and Toalth
Question 30: If your character was forced to eat one thing for the rest of their life, what would they choose and why?
PT: sand. thERE’s a lot of sand, and It doEsn’t tastE all that bad.
SJ: I’m surprised by that choice. Then again, I’m sure mine would make some people question as well. I’d choose small fish. I’ve always liked it, even when you add some sauces on it or on the side. Heh. -smiles-
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yo Toalth why are you dating such a scrawny little thing? Come on man you can do better than him
PT: hE’s a lot moRE than a scRawny lIttlE thIng. and It’s not lIkE anyonE ElsE Is gonna datE mE (gEt REal lmao), lEt alonE anyonE ElsE who’s as cutE as hE Is. so…
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Toalth OMG YOU'RE SO ADORABLE!!!!!1!! Like, whyyyyyyyy?
PT: huh? you thInk I’m ‘adoRablE?’ huh. thanks. can’t ExplaIn why, though. gEnEtIcs aRE vERy confusIng.
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