#tobias x cassidy.oo1
philcscphies · 2 years
who: @xallmywolvesx — tobias min
Min sibling time had been a staple of the Min household for as long as Cassidy could remember. It had started as a way to draw a young Cassidy out of their shell, but had steadily become one of the things she most looked forward to throughout the week. It wasn’t as if Cass didn’t see her older brother on a frequent basis — they lived in the same house, after all —but the time that was specifically devoted to them just hanging out was special. Not that she’d ever say that to him. Toby would never let them live it down if Cass even hinted at the fact that her brother was the most important person in their life.
“Hey Toad,” Cassidy greeted as they plopped on to the couch. She leaned over and flicked him in the center of his forehead. “No offense to your cooking skills, but I ordered pizza. And it’s my turn to choose the movie, so we’re watching Insidious. You’re welcome.”
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