#today she got us a card and a keychain each and we did just dance as well JASJDDAKDSBJ
c00kietin · 4 months
sorry for no art, today was just really nice and I honestly was too distracted to draw :')
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kaynamiteineurope · 7 years
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Day 4: I Touched Juliet's Boob...And All I Got Was This Lousy Thigh Allergy I started today with foot pain (what else is new?). Over the past few days, my feet have transformed into swollen, sore, pieces of over-tenderized meat attached to my also swollen and bug-bitten ankles. It's delight with a side of ful. Getting my suitcase down the spiral staircase of doom was a bit easier than getting it up, although the entire time I was worried I'd trip and fall face-first into the railing or floor and die. Maybe I'd get stung first by the scorpion I saw on the staircase the first night, too. Who knows. And then we followed Natasha's walking directions to the water bus stop at the Rialto Bridge, which got me in a cold sweat from lugging my suitcase, but which was infinitely easily than the initial walk to the hotel because we'd gotten pretty good at navigating the Venetian streets by the end of our time there. We had to get help at the ticket machine, and then were ushered into the water bus to take us to the train station. Here we waited about 50 minutes or so for our train to Verona to arrive. So, it's very important to this story that you know that Natasha and I (because we were so excited for Verona and all the fantastic pictures we were going to take there) both wore dresses. I wore a long, maxi-style Grecian one and she wore a shorter one. The day before our flight out, Mom and I stopped at R.E.I. to see if they had certain things and O stumbled upon this little deodorant-style stick called "for her" which is supposed to stop the painful rubbing situation that happens when a lady's thighs aren't toothpicks therefore her thighs rub together as she walks. It's annoying as hell--especially when said lady wears a dress and is going to be walking all day. Sooooo I bought this and both Natasha and I used it that day. As it would turn out, I am allergic to the stuff. So not only did I get the chafing associated with my worldly thighs saying hello to each other, but I also got giant swollen red splotches about the size of a football on each of my inner thighs (because, of course, after I initially put it on and I thought "oh, I don't think it's working. Maybe I should add more." Because yeah. When really it wasn't working because I was ALLERGIC). This proceeded to make me do something I like to call the penguin waddle. Basically it's the my-feet-hurt-and-I-also-can't-let-my-burning-thighs-of-doom-touch-each-other dance. So it involves bending your knees, walking on the small portion of your feet that doesn't scream in agony whenever you take a step, and walking in super wide waddle steps. I'm basically a supermodel. All this in mind, our first stop of the day was a bakery that sold a Verona specialty, a type of cake made with almond and powdered sugar with a flaky, Baklava-type exterior. We saw it in the window on the way over to our hotel. SIDEBAR: Suitcases on the streets of Verona are literally the worst ever. It made me miss all of the bridges of Venice. At least then the streets were made from brick tiles and not cobblestones. Yes, I thought I loved cobblestones from afar. They're pretty. I can't help myself. But they're actually the literal worst. They kill your feet--even through shoes and insoles--and they make your luggage wheels get stuck every three and a half seconds. If you ever visit Verona, here is my advice: Backpack it. Get one of those hiking backpacks that fits all of your stuff right up in it. Or use the buses (HAHAHAHAHA. Don't use the freaking--and I don't mean "freaking"--buses. More on that in the Day 5 post). Make sure you don't have to pull anything around on the streets. I mean it. You'll hate yourself. Anyway, this pastry/cake thing looked delicious, so we wanted it. The shop owners didn't speak any English (which was a lot more prevalent than in Venice), so we motioned our way through the entire transaction with a bit of amusement. At first, they thought Natasha's card had a chip (it didn't), so a lady sitting in the shop (possibly the shopkeeper's daughter?) helped her, but then she kept swiping it the wrong way, which was amusing. Afterward when we got the receipt, we realized that it was actually nearly a 20 euro pastry. Wowza. So, we've been enjoying that ever since. We took it back to the hotel and scarfed down a bit before heading out for the day--officially. First stop: Castelvicchio. Only a five (or less) minute walk from our hotel, Castelvicchio was one of the things I was looking forward to most on our visit to Verona. The Tower of London was my absolute favorite thing about visiting London 6 years ago (wow, time does really fly by!!), and this castle looked super similar, with a moat around the brick building, intricate accents, dungeon-like areas, and the works. We didn't end up going inside the building itself (which is now a pay-to-visit museum), but we walked inside to the courtyard to take some fabulous pictures and then walked around to the adjoining bridge to take even MORE amazing photos (seriously...see above!), which are some of our favorites to date. Once we had our fill of the river from the bridge, and were done goofing off with the photos, we started off north into the city further to see what else on our jam-packed list we could cross off. We went through a pretty beautiful arch--now used for a walking and bike path along the streets--and then sat down to reapply sunscreen and look at our map (offline Google Maps on Natasha's phone--hoorah!). We didn't stay down long, however, and kept trudging down the street. SIDEBAR: Verona's streets aren't always labeled. Thankfully, their street signs consist solely of the names of famous tourist attractions along with an arrow to its direction, so you can base your explorations after that. As it pertains to find a particular street, I hope you're good at counting the number of streets you had to pass first on your map. Second stop: The Piazza Bra. The first thing we stumbled upon was the Piazza Bra (Much like Venice's version of Campos). Unlike our original notion of this piazza (we thought our research said it was a cultural hotspot with lots of local shops, etc), it was basically just an entire square of restaurants with a few open-air vendors set up with super tourist-y things to sell (Verona magnets, mugs, T-shirts. Made in China scarves, etc). It was a bit of a let-down, to be honest, but the buildings were beautiful and the statue and fountain were pretty, so that made up for it. Third stop: Juliet's Balcony Further down the street from the Piazza was *dreamy sigh* Juliet's Balcony. A must see on any good Shakespeare and romance lover's list, it's rumored to be good luck to touch the breast of the metal Juliet statue in the courtyard beneath her balcony. While Natasha and I find this tradition to be cheesy and kind of unamusing, we took the tourist-y photo, but also took another, nicer picture with Juliet's statue (all of which we had to do by coming back around dinner time when the crowds had died down more). We managed to get some good shots of the balcony though while we were there that morning, and walked through the gift shop to see what they had. Have you ever seen a metal boob keychain? Well, now I have. Because apparently that's the height of romance now.
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illnessandinjury · 7 years
Multiples of 2 for the ask meme thing~
How can I win your heart?Are you happy with where you live?Thank you for the ask, sweetie!
2.)Do you ever get “good morning” texts from anyone?
I get good morning texts from both my boyfriend and my girlfriend!
4.)Do you find it easy to trust others?
For some reason - yes. I kinda hate it tbh, but I will overshare my whole life story with literally anyone. There are some very few things, though, that only the closest people to me know.
6.)You’re drunk and lost walking down the road; who is with you? 
So when I drink, I only drink with a special select few people. So either my three very close friends whom I drink with, my mother, or either or my partners.
8.) Are you close with your dad? 
Sadly not! I did used to be very close with him until he got remarried to a literal Satan incarnate. Now, when I text my dad, I can almost guarantee she’s the one replying and then deleting the messages before my dad can see them - sooooo
10.) What are you listening to? 
Right now - I’m just listening to the storm going on outside
12.)Do you like hickeys? 
Not really? I’m asexual, so it’s more-so like, “Why are you sucking on my skin, stop it.”
14.)Is there someone who continuously lets you down? 
My brothers :’^)
16.)Do you always answer your texts? 
I do! I always feel bad if I don’t respond hahaha.
18.)When was the last time you talked to one of your best friends? 
I just had a conversation with my best friend from highschool about my possible engagement!
20.) What was your last thought before you went to bed last night? 
Honestly, I don’t know. I usually try and imagine illness/injury fanfiction in my bed before heading off to sleep?? So probably that??
22.)Do you believe what goes around comes around? 
I do, actually! Karma plays a big role in the Wiccan faith!
24.) Is there someone you wish you could fix things with? 
Nope! I’m a burden barer and I don’t let go hahaha
26.)What colour is the shirt you are wearing? 
Pastel Pink and White!
28.)Is anyone ignoring you right now? 
30.)Would it be hard seeing someone else kiss the last person you kissed? 
The last person I kissed was my boyfriend - so if it was my girlfriend kissing him, I wouldn’t care no! Some random girl on the street though? I might me a little miffed haha.
32.) Are you mad at anyone?
Mmm, not really, no!
34.)How old will the last person you kissed be on his/her next birthday? 
It was my boyfriend, as mentioned above, and he will be 22!
36.) Do you have any summer plans yet? 
OKAY SO YES I DO. In August (counts as Summer, shut up, let me have this moment) I am going to be quitting my shitty factory job, then my girlfriend is flying over from NORTHERN IRELAND to shitty ol’ OHIO. All three of us are going to go on my family vacation to Florida for a week, and THEN after she goes back home - I’ll be going to college!
38.) Are you keeping anything from your best friend(s) now? 
I mean - there are things that I probably won’t tell them ever tbh. I DID however tell them my kink when I was very drunk once and they were like “Oh, that’s interesting.”
40.)Have you ever regretted kissing someone? 
My ex :’^)  I regret that whole relationship tbh.
42.)Are you available? 
Like what kind of available? To get pasta? CERTAINLY. To date? No - I’m very happy taken by the two loves of my life
44.) If you had to get a piercing (not ears), what would you get?
Okay, so I’ve had A LOT of piercings, but the only one I’ve kept was my septum. I miss my Medusa piercing a lot - so I’d say if I had the chance I would get that done again!
46.) Do you regret anything? 
48.) Did you ever lose a best friend? 
So I had a best friend in highschool, and she left when we were going into our Sophomore year and then when I heard back from her only about three years later - she was married, had two kids, and lived in Germany.
50.) Why aren’t you pursuing the person you like? 
The only person I’m not pursuing that I like are fictional characters.
52.) Do you still talk with the person you LAST kissed? 
Everyday! He’s actually going to be coming home in a couple hours!
54.) Did you get any compliments today? 
I actually got a lot at work today, because I dyed my hair and cut my bangs. My TL thought I was a new associate so there’s that hahah. Also, my girlfriend showers me with compliments on the HOUR soooo - yes! I did! And if you, reading this, didn’t??? WELL GUESS WHAT YOU LOOK GREAT AND I LOVE YOU.
56.) Do you own anything from other countries? 
I mean, I’ve orders some anime figures from Japan - does that count? Hahhaha. I would also say a keychain my girlfriend sent me of her own art - and the little card she sent with it!
58.)Where have you lived most of your life? 
I have lived out the entirety of my life in Ohio.
60.) Have you ever played Spin the Bottle? 
62.) Who do you text the most? 
Probably my girlfriend - I would say she ties with my boyfriend, but not really considering he and I live together, and she lives across the ocean hahaha.
64.) What’s preventing your current boyfriend/girlfriend from going back to their ex? 
Well, my for my boyfriend? I am his first and only girlfriend - so um.. nothing. And my girlfriend - I guess I’m just too amazing -flexes arm muscles-
66.)Is the last person you kissed younger than you? 
Nope! Older by 2 years!
68.)Are you happy with where you live? 
NOPE. I am moving into a new house in a couple weeks, which will be super nice because it’s gorgeous! BUT I still hate Ohio, and honestly would just like to move out of the United States.
70.)Are you a monogamous person or do you believe in open-ended relationships? 
Lololololo. If my previous answers didn’t answer this already, I don’t know what will hahah. I am in a polyamorous relationship - so DOWN WITH THE MONOGAMY. Just kidding - monogamy isn’t bad!
72.)What do you most like about making out? 
I don’t like it, hahah. Too much saliva and messy-ness. I like continuous kisses though! Just no more than like.. five.
74.) When you kiss someone for the first time, is it usually you who initiates it or the other? 
Hmmm, I’d say it’s about 50/50 tbh!
76.) Who was the last person you talked to last night before you went to bed?
Technically, my girlfriend over text! But then my boyfriend came to check on me, woke me up, and told me goodnight?? SO LIKE?? BOTH???
78.) Had sex with someone you didn’t know their name? 
Buddy... I am a virgin hahaha.
80.) Would you get involved with someone if they had a child already? 
Ehhhh?? Probably not?? I don’t like kids hahaha.
82.)Do you tell a lot of people when you have a crush? 
IF I HAVE A CRUSH ON SOMEONE - LITERALLY EVERYONE AROUND ME IS GOING TO KNOW. I will stand up like a preacher at church and be like “you see this cute motherfucker? i have a crush on them.”
84.) Last time you slow danced with someone? 
Uhhh - I think I slow danced with my boyfriend one morning while making breakfast like a month or so ago?? But like at a DANCE? Probably my senior prom hahaha.
86.) How can I win your heart? 
Be a cat.
88.) What were you doing last night at 12 AM? 
SLEEPING because I wake up each morning at 5:30am.
90.)Have you ever gotten back in touch with an old flame after a time of more than 3 months of no communication? 
This is a fucking weirdly specific question??? But no, I haven’t.
92.) Do you prefer to date various people or do you pretty much fall into monogamous relationships quickly?
So I’ve been in a relationship with my boyfriend for 4 years, and then my girlfriend came along and I’m like “CAN I DATE HER PLEASE” and my boyfriend was like “sure go for it” and I was like “YEEEEE” but I wouldn’t date more than two people at a time tbh.
94.) Name four things that you wish you had! 
A lot of fucking money, a job I loved, a house right on the beach, and endless cookie dough.
96.)Have you ever kissed 2 people in one day? 
98.)Ever meet anyone you met on Tumblr? 
I met my girlfriend on tumblr, hahaha. THIS tumblr, actually. BROUGHT TOGETHER BY KINK
100.)Anybody on Tumblr that you’d go on a date with? 
My girlfriend, hahaha. I could see myself going out on a friendly pizza date with a ton of you other kinksters though.
102.) Are you too shy to ask someone out? 
At the moment? No. In general - yes!
104.)Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you babe? 
106.)Do you flirt a lot? 
To the people I’m already dating - yes. I am a flirt master with them hahaha - or at least I think I am. I’m probably really bad at it hahahah.
108.)Have you kissed more than 5 people since the start of 2012? 
110.) If you could kiss anyone who would it be? 
Time to get gay - I can’t wait to kiss my girlfriend tbh??? Like, she lives so far away and I JUST WANNA SMOOCH HER.
112.) Does someone like you currently? 
I mean, geez - I hope both my partners like me hahaha. Also, there is this forklift driver at work who is SUPER into me.
114.)Do you like to be in serious relationships or just flings? 
116.)Are you happier single or in a relationship? 
I am most definitely happier in a relationship tbh. I am a super dependent person due to my history - and I really, REALLY hate being alone!
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