kurthummel-anderson · 9 years
You’re Here With Me (Private: Dart)
WHO: Kurt Hummel/Darren Criss WHEN: 25th May WHERE: W Hotel, New York City WHAT: In hopes of giving Kurt something to look forward to in spite of everything going on, Darren invites him to NYC. 
‘Mother cannot guide you Now you're on your own Only me beside you Still, you're not alone No one is alone, truly No one is alone‘
Kurt’s fingertips danced along the edge of the balcony railing as he walked alongside it.  Blue green eyes roamed over the glittering faces of buildings all stretching up like jagged fingers towards the sky trying to claw away the clouds so the stars could come out and play.  How late was it?  He had no idea but he wanted to be outside on the balcony patio of a hotel room that was larger than any apartment he ever stepped foot in.  Not to mention so lavishly decorated that he couldn’t hardly take in the sight of it without fear he’d accidentally reach out, touch the wrong thing and add a rather pricey souvenir to Darren’s already astronomical tab he had to be racking up.  But it was beautiful.  Kurt had that word on repeat when he first walked through the doors and took where he’d be staying in with a gaping mouth and a set of eyes the size of dinner plates.  New York City stretched as far as the eye could see and he let the sight of it swallow him, his thoughts, and his heart up because it felt like she’d been waiting for him even if he didn’t quite belong in this version of her.  She didn’t discriminate against oddities that weren’t supposed to be on this planet.  No, instead she opened up her arms and took him in regardless.  Just like she had the very first time he set foot on the pavement he’d later call...home.
‘Sometimes people leave you Halfway through the wood Others may decieve you You decide what's good You decide alone But no one is alone I wish.. I know..  ’
He was home and in spite of his world being so messed up?  Breathing in the air and watching the lights blink off and on across a sea of concrete, steel and glass?  Brought a certain level of peace and calm that only New York Could bring.  Enough that, he let his mind trail off.  Flashing bits and pieces of a day spent taking it all in and dragging poor Darren all over the place as Kurt practically scoured the whole city trying to see anything and everything like he’d never been there before.  Home.  And he wanted to be in every part of it, see it, and feel it seep back into bones that longed for it again. Now that he’d been along for this long with Darren going off to do whatever it was he had to do? Even if Kurt wished he might’ve been able to stay longer, he understood and Darren had already done so much for him making yet another request wasn’t only unfair, it was flat out rude.  Kurt’s voice and the city were one in the same within a heartbeat.  Both were tangling together like they’d never been apart as he sang along with the first song that came to mind smiling softly between the words at this or that wandering thought or random sight his gaze lingered on. Pausing to lean up onto his bare tip toes and look down at the street so far below, Kurt jutted his tongue out between his teeth and held tight to the trailing.  Long limbs gracefully hoisted himself carefully up until he was sitting on the concrete ledge with his stomach pressed against the bar, legs dangling over the edge of the balcony and arms crossed over the cold steel that held him in place.  Steepling his fingers against the iron, he continued on with the song once he was settled in place feeling the breeze against his feet and legs through the cotton of his pajama bottoms, humming a few bars before he gave into the lyrics again fully unaware that he might have company watching.
‘You are not alone Believe me No one is alone, No one is alone Believe me Truly You move just a finger Say the slightest word..’
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tofjacob-blog · 9 years
Little birdies told me that Kurt is hot for the dude playing him. Or was it the dude playing Blaine? Anyhow...would be both interesting.
Word around the blogasphere is that Kurt loves himself more than anybody else, so with that in mind, I think you might be right, at least about Chris. After all, my sources tell me he has only gotten freaky between the sheets with one person before, so if he wants to do a little exploring, that would make a lot of sense. His hunky husband did it once before, so what’s stopping him? Kurt, care to comment for the readers?
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hrhchristopher-blog · 9 years
Text ✉️ CrissColfer
Chris: You'll never guess what I just found.
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kurthummel-anderson · 9 years
Don’t tempt me if you don’t mean it. You have no idea how homesick I've been.
Come with me to NY.
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kurthummel-anderson · 9 years
Kurt: Darren?
Kurt: are yuo awake?
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kurthummel-anderson · 9 years
Text ✉️ Darren/Kurt
Kurt: I hope it is okay for me to send this?
Kurt: Good luck tomorrow. Knock them out of their fishnets, platforms and glitter eyeshadow. You're going to bring the house down.
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kurthummel-anderson · 9 years
This Is Just Weird (Private: Darren/Kurt)
WHO: Darren Criss/Kurt Hummel
WHEN: Night Of Darren’s Arrival At Chris’ House
WHERE: The Kitchen?
WHAT: Unable to sleep, Kurt goes to the kitchen and finds he’s not the only one with the same problem.
Sleep wasn’t an option.  Not with the idea that he was laying in bed next to Blaine while now two people who were their carbon copies but not but were (yeah it made his head spin, too) were in the house.  The familiar weight of Blaine behind him was warm and comfortable, Kurt snuggled back into the arm around his side holding his back loosely against his husband’s chest. Attempting to drift off by listening to the slow, quiet breaths behind him proved not to work and left him staring out the window past the blinds at a palm tree’s shadow swaying about.  Yep, okay.  Nothing was going to work.  Holding his breath as he gently slipped from Blaine’s arm before he turned around and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek mouthing the words ‘I love you’ as he backed up to the edge of the bed and stood in a slow-motion speed.
A wince sucked the cool air of the room through his gritted teeth and Kurt pulled up the edge of his shirt to check out his side.  The bruises were fading but they were still there enough that if he moved the wrong way, a pinch that he’d rather avoid reminded him to take it easy until the muscles worked loose. Rolling his eyes, more annoyance at the pain than the pain itself, Kurt shook his head and crept barefoot out of the room.  Silent footsteps carried him down the stairs, the hallway and into the kitchen where he planned on grabbing some milk to heat up only to come to a dead stop when he noticed he wasn’t the only one up for the night.  Folding his bottom lip between his teeth, he watched the profile of the guy he’d lingered in the background sneaking glances at before he disappeared completely after his arrival.  Dealing with Chris and seeing him was easier.  Seeing the man who looked like the man he loved and adored? That was just way too strangely unsettling in his brain, not to mention stomach.
Kurt debated on just returning back to bed, throwing the covers up and forcing himself to sleep.  Instead, his gaze darted across Darren’s face and he lifted up a hand flicking his fingers in a barely there wave.  “Uh.  H-Hi,” he whispered before his mouth felt too dry to talk and ran along the roof of his mouth to wet itself again. His hands dropped to his sides and his fingertips took to toying and burying themselves into the pockets of his pajama bottoms.  “I’m just getting something to drink and I’ll leave you to do..uh..whatever it is you’re doing down here at this time of night.”  Was his face hot?  Was he freaking blushing at himself or at the situation or how he could scarcely talk at first?  Oh hell. Not now.
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