#togami is always worrying because for thats part of how he shows his love
eggs-can-draw · 1 year
Just though if this from your post,
So like imagine shuichi needs to get mouth surgery and from my experience there’s a lot of blood in like the two hours after
Now imagine his parents driving him home after and shuichi being numbed up starts just water falling blood from his mouth
Now imagine byakuya watching in horror as his son, his boy, his universe, his pride and joy releases blood from his mouth
Now my question is, how do you think he would respond
ok so first things first we're gonna establish where everyone is in the car tm. In the front, we have Kirigiri driving and Togami in the passenger seat, with Naegi and Shuichi in the backseat. (Gonna end up drawing on the last time I had to go into the dentist for surgery, which was like a year ago to get a tooth filled)
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Bitty Bucko is totally out of it from being fresh off the surgery slab so I don't think he'd notice or at least even fully feel it depending on how heavily numbed up he was. Naegi, sitting right next to him, would probably be first to notice. He claims to be the most basic of basic boys so I have to assume he's been to the dentist a normal human amount of times (He's never had braces tho because I will take tooth gap Naegi to my grave) and would just try his best to help Shuichi clean it up.
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So yeah Shuichi gets cleaned up real quick but not long after The Front Seat Duo Tee Em and to prevent Togami from getting them all killed on accident they pull over so he can check on him✨
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Homeboy gets him some water, helps him clean up, then when they all get home Shuichi gets some hot coco and a much needed nap. Togami also took Naegi's spot next to Shuichi so that if it happened again he could help Shuichi out without them having to stop.
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