saint-emilion · 2 years
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. 世界初クリーンコスメブランド @oright_official @oright.jp カフェインシャンプー トリートメント 台湾原生コーヒーを超音波技術で抽出したカフェインエキスは髪と頭皮に潤いを与えフケを抑える . カメリアヘアオイル マカダミアカメリアアサイーオイルが艶とコシを作る . オーライトNoゼロトゥースペースト 植物で作られた歯磨き粉 トラタは歯の健康維持 ブナで汚れを取りムクロジは歯石除去ローズマリーアニスグローブスペアミントのオイルで森林を感じる香りで爽快感が残ります . もっと凄いのは 100%再生可能のボトル! 廃棄された植物から作られてる為1年間埋めれば堆肥と分解され また 植物の種も埋め込まれている為土に埋めると二酸化炭素と水に分解されて自然の環境で種が成長しやがて木となります。 素晴らしい!!!! 中身もめちゃ良いの! . . #oright #togethergreener https://www.instagram.com/p/CkW36nZyQGB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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babypalms · 2 years
Marty's Collection of Classic Tunes No. 21 - December 21, 2022
Marty’s Collection of Classic Tunes No. 21 – December 21, 2022
Classic Tunes No. 21 This is No. 21 of the Classic Tunes by Marty. Enjoy. Ref#Classic Tune NamePerformed By21-1Let’s Stay TogetherGreen, Al21-2Foolish MeHarptones21-3I’ll Be Sweeter Than YesterdayHaynes, Reginald21-4It’s A Good FeelingRobinson, Smokey21-5Book Of LoveMonotones21-6In My DiaryMoonglows21-7Last Night I DreamedNite Owls, Nick Addeo and the21-8Wide Hoop SkirtsNutmegs21-9For All We…
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pnwdoodlesreads · 8 years
Queen Quet Marquetta L. Goodwine is a published author, computer scientist, lecturer, mathematician, historian,  columnist, preservationist, environmental justice advocate, environmentalist, film consultant, and "The Art-ivist."  She is the founder of the premiere advocacy organization for the continuation of Gullah/Geechee culture, the Gullah/Geechee Sea Island Coalition.   Queen Quet has not only provided “histo-musical presentations” throughout the world, but was also the first Gullah/Geechee person to speak on behalf of her people before the United Nations in Genevé, Switzerland.
Queen Quet was one of the first of seven inductees to the Gullah/Geechee Nation Hall of Fame.  She received the "Anointed Spirit Award" for her leadership and for being a visionary.    In 2008, she was recorded at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France at a United Nations Conference in order to have the human rights story of the Gullah/Geechee people archived for the United Nations.  In 2009, she was invited by the Office of the High Commissioner of the United Nations to come and present before the newly founded “Minority Forum” as a representative of the Gullah/Geechee Nation and the International Human Rights Association for American Minorities (IHRAAM) which is an NGO in consultative status with the United Nations.  Queen Quet is a directorate member for IHRAAM and for the International Commission on Human Rights.  She represented these bodies and the Gullah/Geechee Nation at the “United Nations Forum on Minority Rights.”
Due to Queen Quet advancing the idea of keeping the Gullah/Geechee culture alive, the Gullah/Geechee Sea Island Coalition under the leadership of Queen Quet, worked with Congressman James Clyburn to insure that the United States Congress would work to assist the Gullah/Geechees.  Queen Quet then acted as the community leader to work with the United States National Park Service to conduct several meetings throughout the Gullah/Geechee Nation for the “Special Resource Study of Lowcountry Gullah Culture.”   Due to the fact that Gullah/Geechees worked to become recognized as one people, Queen Quet wanted to insure that the future congressional act would reflect this in its name and form.  As a result in 2006 the “Gullah/Geechee Cultural Heritage Act” was passed by the United States Congress and signed into law by the president.
Queen Quet is vetted with the United States White House as an Expert Commissioner in the Department of the Interior.  She is also the Chair of the Gullah/Geechee Cultural Heritage Corridor General Management Plan which is being completed by a commission created by the act for there to be a “Gullah/Geechee National Heritage Corridor.”  Queen Quet is also a member of the “National Park Relevancy Committee” and proudly continues to work to protect the environment and to insure that diverse groups of people engage in the outdoors and the policies governing them.  Queen Quet has engaged in several White House conferences on this issue.
Queen Quet has appeared in and consulted for over a dozen films that range from full length action films to historic documentaries.  She has been interviewed by national and international media for television, radio, and print.   She has been seen and heard on programs in Australia, China, Germany, Mexico, the Bahamas, Canada, England, and different countries in Africa.  She also has become the host of “Gullah/Geechee Gwine On Nayshun Nyews” which is broadcast by “Gullah/Geechee TV.”  In September 2010, she spoke before a full house and received a standing ovation at the United States National Press Club in Washington, DC as she educated the crowd on the language and continuing traditions of the Gullah/Geechee Nation.
Queen Quet has won countless awards for being a woman of distinction, for her scholarship, writings, artistic presentation, activism, cultural continuation and environmental preservation.   Queen Quet was chosen as a TogetherGreen Fellow.  Toyota and the Audubon conducted a national search and chose Queen Quet to be a part of this network of environmental conservationists.  As a result, she created an on-going program called “Gullah/Geechee SEA & ME” in which SEA stands for “saving environmental actions” and ME stands for “marine environment.”  This program focuses on intergenerational engagement in learning Gullah/Geechee traditions that are beneficial to the Sea Island environment and promotes engagement in citizens science activities.
Queen Quet’s accolades include the United States Jefferson Award for community service, the Jean Laney Folk Heritage Award for Gullah Advocacy from the state of South Carolina, the inaugural “Living Legacy Award” from the Association for the Study of African American Life & History (ASALH), the inaugural HOTEP Award, the inaugural MaVynee Betsch Conservation Award, numerous Woman of Distinction Awards, the National Black Herstory Award, being featured on the “Wall of Heroes” at the National Wilderness Society headquarters in Washington, DC and on the website of The Citadel in Charleston, SC as a woman of honor.   She has received several Queen Quet Day and “Gullah/Geechee Days” proclamations in various states.   She received the “Preserving Our Places in History Lifetime Achievement Award” from the South Carolina African American Heritage Commission.   The General Assembly of South Carolina also honored Queen Quet with Resolution 1453 for the work that she has done on behalf of her home state and Gullah/Geechee people locally, nationally, and internationally.
She was selected, elected, and enstooled by her  people to be the first Queen Mother, “head pun de bodee,” and official spokesperson for the Gullah/Geechee Nation. As a result, she is respectfully referred to as "Queen Quet, Chieftess of the Gullah/Geechee Nation and Head-of-State.”
For further information and protocol procedures contact:
Gullah/Geechee Nation Headquarters
Post Office Box 1109
St. Helena Island SC 29920
(843) 838-1171
For presentations e-mail: [email protected]
Queen Quet’s proverb that has now gone around the world:
“Hunnuh mus tek cyare de root fa heal de tree.”
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wavepets · 6 years
Réimaginer le pigeon voyageur | Audubon
Réimaginer le pigeon voyageur | Audubon
Illustration: Brandon Ballengée
La dernière pigeon voyageur du monde, une femelle nommée Martha, est morte au zoo de Cincinnati, où elle avait vécu pendant 29 ans. La réaction de l'artiste et d'Audubon Toyota TogetherGreen, Brandon Ballengée, à la disparition de cette espèce est Frameworks of Absence, une série qu'il a créée en découpant et en supprimant physiquement des oiseaux, y…
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jasonesparza09 · 7 years
Post 5: Target Market
As with most auto manufacturers, Toyota targets all market segments with a diversified product mix along with many segmentation strategies. Lexus, which is owned by Toyota, uses demographic segmentation to target higher income consumers by offering a product with higher end luxury options. Toyota also uses loyalty segmentation by offering discounts on your next Toyota car purchase if you’re a current Toyota owner.
  Toyota is also very aware of macro environmental factors and takes the automotive industry impact on the environment seriously. Their Green marketing is extensive and includes an environment report every year showing their impact on the environment including impacts during the production of vehicles and post purchase (Toyota.com). The automaker has also partnered with the National Audubon Society titled  “Toyota TogetherGreen” that has created multiple programs and initiatives for the better of the environment.
 2016 Toyota North American Environmental Report
Corporations that went all out on ‘green marketing’ initiatives
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