#toh S2A 3 week anniversary
someowlhouseaccount · 3 years
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Inspired by the Lego Eda meme and the fact that I have a Lego collection, in this post I submit to the world my attempt at building real-life Lego TOH characters >:) With my extensive collection, I thought I'd be able to make a fairly good attempt at this, and I guess it's pretty good considering the limitations of Lego piece shapes, colours and prints, but wow do they look... not great in some areas! :D
The most-recently referenced episode for this creation would be.... S2E06 Hunting Palismen.
Before I do a character-by-character breakdown, I guess I should note: I had to completly ignore the character's races when making them out of Lego. This is because, while you can get different skin tones in Lego, there's not many of them and they mostly come in licensed sets (which I don't really have), so I'm pretty much unable to create coloured characters. Therefore I have yellow-washed everyone. Sorry about that, I know it's not great!
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Onto the breakdown...
Lego Luz
Her hair comes from a secret agent guy, and her cat hoodie is now blue and she stole it from Wyldstyle from the Lego Movie
The colours on her shirt have mixed like paint to create solid lavendar. Goodbye, asexual pride flag reference 😔
She has striped shorts, because it was either that or I give her the legs from this guy
Owlbert is now a snake
Lego King
Looks terrifying
Is tall
Has taken the main part of his body from Scratchy of The Simpsons, and his tail from a wolf... Now we know what his heritage is!!
In an attempt to make him look less terrifying, I gave him a teddy bear. I can't say it was a successful attempt though
Even if I did have short dark grey legs to give him, it wouldn't work because the tail is too tall to work with short legs 😥
Lego Willow
...yeah she's not wearing her yellow dress :( She's wearing stuff she stole from a random suburban girl and Jack Skellington instead
She does have flowers though :) Or, alternatively, vines >:)
Lego Gus
His illusion power comes from the ring from Lord of the Rings! That's his little spell circle he uses when he makes mini Guses!
The mini Guses in question are the awesome nanofigure statue pieces!! This one's in silver, they don't exist in transparent blue (yet?)
Lego Amity
She's outgrown her hair, dyed it pink, and added a sparkly silver star. This is... Season 3 Amity??
She's carrying a giant book because 1) this is Amity Blight we're looking at, and 2) it covers the fact that she's not wearing her necklace and that I had to make her leggings and boots a different colour :I
Lego Grom Luz
The moment I noticed the pink tutu piece I knew I had to attempt making her in this outfit!
She has the slicked-back hair too... Just don't look at her from the side because then you'll see that she had to grow werewolf ears in order to get it
She also has the mace >:D
She gets her own, unshared cubicle in my display thing because the tutu is simply too big to put another character beside her :( Ideally I woulda had Willow and Gus get their own spaces, but tutu Luz didn't allow it
Lego Grom Amity
This Amity decided to be a bit casual with her hair this Grom, putting it into a messy bun. Don't criticise her for it, because she's got a lot on her mind tonight, and I do not want to give her the only other green hair piece I have instead.
She borrowed the botttom part of her dress from Patty from the Simpsons, unfortunately
Despite all this, she's smiling and she's gonna have a good night :)
Lego Emira
I only really made the twins because I knew they wouldn't look great, so I thought it'd be amusing if I tried. Why wouldn't they look good, you ask? Because Emira's hair is the back of a lizard!!
Their tunics do look cool though - they came from Jafar from the second Disney Minifigure series
Lego Edric
Like Emira, he wears an elf hat instead of having actual hair on the top of his head. The elf hat comes with elf ears attached, which is cool because they're witches... but it stops being cool when you realise that none of the other witches have these ears, not even their younger sister 😔
Lego Hunter
...he actually turned out pretty gooood 🧐 I wasn't expecting that...
His palisman is Dumbledore's phoenix, Fawkes. Apparently cardinals are associated with phoenixes so that's pretty cool because I can use it as an excuse
His hair is from this dog show guy
His chestplate thing came from a golden winged warrior man
He is a mad but sad boy
Lego Tibbles
Yes I made the fandom's most hated character instead of Raine or someone, anyone else! (I really don't know how I'd attempt making Raine... their hair??? how am I gonna get a hair part in that kind of colour for starters...) I had to though because I had pig ears AND a devil tail, AND a potion, AND tarot cards, so I knew he'd turn out great if I made him!!
And he did turn out great! :D My only complaint is that, like King, he's far too tall
Overall I'm happy with my little project here :) Some parts are awful (the Blight children's hair situation, King's head...), but some characters actually look great I think (Grom Luz, Hunter)!
Making characters out of Lego is actually a running thing for me: I did it for Steven Universe, OHSHC, BNHA, and now this 🤔 I guess that's how I know I'm enjoying a show, if I suddenly decide to make a Lego tribute for it 😅
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someowlhouseaccount · 3 years
Something cool about Lego Grom Amity's hair: it has a clip, so that, like Eda, she can use her hair as a storage unit. Possible objects it can carry include:
the Grom letter for when she's not brave enough to hold it yet
a tennis racquet
a chainsaw
a microphone (for when she's gonna lay down some sick beats)
emotional baggage
a battleaxe
a magnifying glass (for when she needs to find Edric's braincells)
the key to Luz's heart
Eda's Hexus Hold'em cards
a pizza
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Unfortunately, since she re-styled her hair in TTLGR, she has lost this ability. That is why you will not see her do this activity in the show.
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someowlhouseaccount · 3 years
Lilith and Hooty , the BFFs of TOH: Legoed
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Third and final post today: I made a Lego Lilith and also a Lego Porta-Hooty! :D
The Lilith takes her hair from a goth girl, dress base from a Disney villian, and raven crow from a scarecrow guy's hat. I reallllly like the staff even though it's literally four bricks. She turned out great overall actually, the bird just isn't in white unfortunately.
The Porta-Hooty I made as small as possible, so Hooty's eyes and beak are size 1x1. My favourite parts are the drawer and the roof tiles :) The main things I don't like about it are just that Hooty's face isn't a circle, and that the hoses for the straps had to be crossed instead of attached vertically, or else they cover less distance, bend more, and instantly fall off.
Making a Porta-Hooty is a really good compromise over making the normal form of the owl house 🤔 It's still the owl house, it's still Hooty, but far, FAR less complex, which is great because I would never be able to make a full owl house out of Lego even if I wanted to!
For my next post, we return to normal TOH content \o/
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