#told from. tabitha's perspective. only slowly revealed that SHE'S the one that trapped them in the loop
rustystars · 1 year
jabitha romantic psychological thriller. opens with the two of them on the road, driving from town to town chasing mysteries. she drives, he writes. she keeps hitting birds. they're making a map of diners in the area based on how good their milkshakes are. archie's pissed & won't call them. jughead keeps repeating himself. new greasy spoon but the waitress already knows them. blood on the tires. they call & no one picks up. he swears they've been here before. he's better at sign than he used to be. his hands know the movements. there's a star in the sky and they're back on the road. they've been here before. she says she'll handle the birds, just stay in the car, head in your hands. she drags rafael's newest body off the road. they've been here before because they can't leave: they can have a lifetime together in a timeloop, but if he remembers they'll have to go back home. so he can't figure it out. riverdale loses a second for their every hour. rafael's got wings of a bird & a deadline to meet & a comet looming closer, closer. no one notices they're gone so long as they keep on driving. a day infinitum. a lifetime together. so long as she keeps resetting & pressing her foot to the pedal. so long as he never remembers.
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