#tom beats cancer because is important to always remember FUCK CANCER
pollyna · 2 years
Warlock designs them because the kids deserve something nice to remember the whole experience by. It's just a patch but it has two daggers meeting in the middle with a little F/A-18E to complete the scene. Hondo offers to iron them on the jackets and ends up giving a lesson on how to iron things to a group adults. It's pretty funny and the photos Solomon takes are even better. He asks Maverick if he needs his ironed too and he smiles before saying no thank you, I have someone waiting home before leaving the base for a month. His answer isn't really an answer but Hondo has worked with him long enough to know he isn't going to get a much better explanation.
They, collectively, see him at the briefing thirty one days after, all twelve with their patch on the jacket and Maverick's is proudly occupying a spot under the one of his first squadron. He seems relaxed, his skin a little darker and a ring is decorating his left hand, on his fourth finger. The strangest things is that he's smiling and he seems free and light as the wind itself while he walks around the Naval complex. Cyclone jocks that some poor soul finally agreed to marry him and Fitz looks at Rooster for answer he doesn't have. Maverick smiles at them and doesn't answer a single question they have related to his private life but, on the other hand, he has an idea too many on what to do with them now: he talks about a permanent base and of maintaining their formations as permanent. He talks about training them for something new and a little different without going in too many details and to let them teach some of the classes for the new TOP GUN round. He talks and talks for almost an hour straight and not even Cyclone knows what to say to him or how to stop him. Hondo finds it hilarious and the ideas are actually pretty good and they can make it happen for real this time, not as for the others hundreds of projects Mav always has around his mind. At the end they have to reschedule the whole meeting because the Admirals have to study all the new projects and they have to evaluate what is possible and what is not.
Even the office seem different when the whole squad, and Hondo, arrives in front of it. It looks homier and there are so many new photos and books and things that weren't around before. There's a couch on the right side of the room and it's green with a pillow too many on it, but Maverick isn't there. Phoenix is looking at the window, the one she swears he always has closed, when she notice that someone is sitting on banch in a garden she didn't even know they had around. It's two someone's, one of them is Maverick and the other one is a tall blond man who is looking right in his eyes and smiling while he shares is lunch with the Captain. He has a golden ring on his left hand too and when he kisses Maverick their cheeks are a little red and their giggling like little girls and they seem so happy to the point that Phoenix finds herself laughing softly too. Oh, so he's back Rooster says softly and only now she realises they're all watching at the same thing. That's Mav's husband, they were a part for almost two years and before that they were the worst kept secret of the Navy. Everyone is looking back at the garden and Maverick has his husband's face between his hands and they're kissing, and kissing a little more.
A week from that moment on Mav's door and desk the new plates will announce you're in the presence of the Rare Admiral Pete Maverick Mitchell-Kazansky.
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ecotone99 · 4 years
Hi guys, a few of my friends on Facebook pointed out a few mistakes in the first draft of my short story. I decided to post this story again using their corrections. I hope you like it.
War Decision
by Skyler Woods
Jenny Holloway was a New York police officer, but she was also not human. Jenny had a husband and a son, but she adopted them. Jenny's husband knew that his wife wasn't human. He knew about her secret and how she was part of a crime syndicate from another world. Jenny's husband, Tom, knew that his wife used to be an off-world gangster girl who ran from her crime organization past, and was trying to turn her life around by blending in with human society and joining the NYPD.
Jenny loved living her human life. She loved her husband and her son, Zachary. But Jenny had a decision to make. A decision that could possibly cause her to lose everything, including her life. Jenny had powers, but she had to keep her powers a secret so that she could avoid being detected by a crime lord who sent his men to Earth to kill her. Jenny had a dark past. She worked for a ruthless crime boss who ran drug operations and underground gang dealings on her planet. Jenny thought she could run away from the corruption on her planet, but she had to realize that she couldn't run away from anything. Jenny discovered that Earth wasn't as different as her planet. On Jenny's planet, there were still drugs, prostitutes, pimps, crime bosses, and corrupt businessmen. Jenny still saw herself as a woman on the run. She had to live out the rest of her life as a human being and avoid using her powers. Mortius was looking for her. He sent his men out to hunt her down. Mortius was an interdimensional crime lord and Jenny didn't want Mortius to find her. She knew that if he found her, he would kill her for leaving him. Jenny used to work for Mortius. She was his girlfriend and co-owner of his drug cartel business. But Jenny was sick of living the life of a criminal.
It took some time, but Jenny found the courage to pack up her things and leave Mortius. She wanted to live a new life. She found her family. She found two people who she cared about more than anything in the world, which was her husband and son. But now, Jenny had a decision to make and she knew that Mortius would find her and kill her if she made her decision.
"You have to keep your powers a secret or this fucking guy will kill you! You understand what I'm saying?" Jenny's husband, Tom, spoke sharply over the phone to his beautiful, non-human wife. "Think about what you're doing, baby," Tom added with a distraught tension in his voice.
"I have to save this woman's baby. The poor thing died because some crazy motherfucker was spraying bullets and he shot and killed this woman's baby. The mother is crying and I want to do something to help her. This gunman killed her infant daughter and I just can't sit here and do nothing. I want to bring this mother's baby back to life, " Jenny told her husband. While talking to her husband, Jenny was sitting on the hood of her squad car. She could hear her rap music softly booming out of her police car. Jenny liked listening to rap music because it would relax her and helped her do her job. It didn't matter if it was Kendrick Lamar, Drake or Post Malone. Jenny loved every rap star old and new. She loved all kinds of hip hop, and her rap music helped her deal with the stress that came with being a police officer. Sadly, not even Jenny's rap music could relax her, tonight. Hearing her husband's voice over the phone couldn't relax her either. The policewoman was holding her phone and staring at a grieving mother who was down on the ground, sobbing and cradling her dead baby. The mother was surrounded by paramedics and police officers who were trying their best to comfort the young woman. A few minutes ago, Jenny held the woman's dead baby in her arms and she still had the infant's blood on her hands and on her uniform.
"I know that telling you not to resurrect a dead baby sounds heartless. I don't want to sound like a heartless prick, but I don't want to lose you." Tom paused for a minute, taking a deep breath. "I want you to do whatever makes you feel comfortable, but if you resurrect that baby, I know that son of bitch is going to find you. I want you to resurrect the baby, but I don't want you to die."
"I don't think I'm going to die. If he can't find me, then he can't kill me," Jenny softly said to her husband. "Don't worry, baby. I know that what I'm telling you sounds dangerous, but I believe that everything is going to be fine. I don't think he'll find me." Jenny tried to comfort her husband.
"You told me that this guy was a psycho. You told me that if you used your power, you would be exposing your location to him. If you use your power, it becomes a tracking device. You told me that this guy already sent his assassins to Earth and they're looking for you. I'm pretty damn sure he's mad at you for taking his car. You had sex with the guy and then you waited for him to fall asleep. You know guys don't like it when you leave them after having sex with them. Not only did you leave him after sex, but you took his car. You told me that you drove his imported Mercedes to the nearest space airport, you boarded the shuttle and you left the planet. You came to Earth, hoping that you could hide from this asshole." Tom chuckled a little but he only chuckled to keep himself from panicking. "I still can't believe that I married a woman who came from another solar system. I can't believe that my wife was the girlfriend of a guy who's a crime boss from another solar systen. It all sounds like a fucking Hollywood sci-fi movie." Tom couldn't believe what he was saying to his wife. The man had a sense of surrealism and he was also in a state of anxiety.
"I know it sounded like a movie when I was telling you about my life." Jenny giggled. "It was my life and I had to tell you the truth, no matter how unbelievable it sounded. I wasn't sure if you would believe me."
"I had to believe you after you beat up those three men who broke into our house. I'd never seen a woman fight like that." Tom's voice was filled with astonishment. "You didn't even need my help. I knew you weren't human when you beat those guys up in our living room. You broke one guy's nose. You threw one guy across the room. I remembered we had sex that night and you were wearing the negligee I bought for you. I knew that your negligee wasn't bulletproof. Those guys had guns and you disarmed them after they shot you multiple times. They even shot you in the head and you were still standing. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. You handled those guys. You were kicking some ass. Like I said, I'd never seen a woman fight like that. I knew you weren't human. I thought you were an angel at first. You've always looked like an angel to me. I compared you to Taylor Swift, but you're more beautiful than her. I was scared the night you beat those guys up, but I also thought it was sexy watching this beautiful woman handle these guys in my living room." Tom relived the whole experience while explaining how he felt to his wife.
"I beat those guys up and I didn't even have to use my powers. I just used my strength," Jenny said to her husband with an amazed tone in her voice. Jenny thought about how she handled the three men in her house. She thought about how she almost killed one of the men by gouging his eyes out. "I didn't even have to use my powers and I beat those men." Jenny repeated herself feeling an essence of reminiscence.
"I don't want you to use your powers. You'll be giving yourself away. Your former gangster boyfriend from another planet will kill you if he finds you. Those men he sent to Earth will find you." Tom kept taking a deep breath in order to keep himself calm. "We've been married for three years. You changed my life and you changed my son's life. Lung cancer took my first wife away from me. It took Zachary's mother. Zachary loved his mother a lot. He was so depressed after she passed away, and then you came into my life a year later and put a smile on my little boy's face again. I knew that you could never replace his mother, but you've come mighty damn close to being a mother to him. That's why he loves you so much. If you get killed tonight, Zachary will be losing his mom all over again and I'll be losing another wife. I lost Samantha to cancer. Please, I can't afford to lose you." There was a brief silence after Tom gave a speech to his wife. Tom was conflicted. He wanted his wife to use her powers to resurrect a dead baby, but he didn't want her to be found and killed by the most notorious crime boss in the universe.
"I love Zachary," Jenny said, breaking the silence. "I always wanted to be a mother. Zachary's not my baby and I'm not his biological mother, but that never stopped us from loving each other. If I get killed after doing this, I want you to tell Zachary that I love him. Tell him that I loved being his mommy." Jenny hesitated and her voice trembled a little. "I know this sounds morbid, but if I die, promise me that you'll take Zachary to Hawaii. I've been taking him to the beach, but I promised him that I was going to take him to Hawaii. If I don't make it, promise me that you'll take him to the Coral Crater Adventure Park in Hawaii. He wants to go there." Jenny waited for her husband to reply. She wanted to hear his promise.
"I promise, I'll take him to Hawaii. But I don't know how I'm going to tell a six year old boy that his stepmother is dead. After Zachary's mom died I had to tell him what happened and that was hard for me to do. You're going to make me tell my little boy that his mother died all over again? If you use your powers and get killed I'll have to explain your death to Zachary. You know that. I can't do that again. I don't want to put my little boy through that again." Tom pleaded with his wife.
"I love you, baby," Jenny told her husband through a somber half whisper. "Tell my little angel that I love him too and you better take him to that park in Hawaii. You better keep your promise."
"Wait a minute, Jenny! Don't hang up!" Tom fought hard to keep his wife on the phone. He could hear in her voice that she was determined to use her powers to resurrect the dead baby. Tom wanted his wife to reconsider, but he also felt guilty for not wanting his wife to save a baby.
"I have to go now," Jenny spoke slowly to her husband.
"If you use your powers, he'll find you! He'll kill you, baby! You told me yourself that this guy was a cold blooded murderer. I know that a killer is a killer, and it doesn't matter if they're human or not. This guy will kill you and I just want you to stop and think about what your doing."
"I won't be able to save the baby if I stop to think about what I'm doing. I love you and Zachary." Jenny gave her love to Tom for the final time. It pained the policewoman to hang up on her husband while he was still pleading with her. Jenny took her phone away from her ear. She slowly stood up with her eyes fixated on the mother and her dead child. Dark thoughts were flowing through Jenny's mind. At first, Jenny was determined to resurrect the mother's baby, but after talking to her husband, she lost her feeling of certitude. She thought about how her stepson would never see her again. Jenny wanted to approach the grieving mother, but she hesitated. At first, it was her husband who was fearful. Now Jenny became ensnared by her husband's fears. She began to wonder if it was a good idea to call her husband before making her decision.
Jenny was having second thoughts and she hated second thoughts. She wanted to resurrect the baby, but she would be blowing her cover and getting herself killed in the process. Jenny kept seeing the faces of Zachary and Tom. She knew that she would never see them again if she activated her powers. Jenny knew that her crime lord ex-boyfriend, Mortius, was waiting for her to show up on his radar screen. Jenny had to ask herself if she was willing to die. She knew that Mortius would kill her slowly. She witnessed him torture countless victims before killing them. Jenny even had to watch Mortius torture and kill human victims. She knew that Mortius hated people who betrayed him. Working for Mortius meant that you had to be loyal. Jenny broke that loyalty and she imagined what Mortius would do to her once he found her. Mortius was the only one who could take Jenny's power away from her. He could take Jenny's power from her since he was the one who gave Jenny her powers using an experimental, artificial drug.
It was a tough decision to make. Jenny didn't want to lose everything and her husband and son meant everything to her. She thought about her husband telling her how Zachary would be losing his mother all over again. Jenny didn't want to break the little boy's heart. She also didn't want to be tortured and killed by Mortius and his men. However, Jenny also didn't want to see a mother suffering from the death of her baby. Jenny wanted to resurrect the mother's dead infant daughter. She wanted to help, but at the moment there was a war decision going on inside Jenny. The policewoman took a deep breath while wiping her sweaty palms against her police uniform. It took a few minutes for Jenny to make her decision. It was Jenny's final decision and it would either change Jenny's life for better or for worse.
submitted by /u/SkyBruceLee23 [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/2LsLTRQ
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