tomatada-witch · 3 years
hello, can I ask for a future career reading? like possible job, enviroment, challenges etc
Thank you for doing the reading, it helps people and also me a lot. Cause I'm kinda worried about my future career life/path. No one besides me is supporting me the path I want to choose. 💚 -Chi
Hellow there Chi! First of all, thank you/ for asking me to read a spread for you, and I want to apologize for the delay! Before I start reading I just want to say that the best picture would be our family and friends supporting us on the path we choose but most of the time that won’t happen but don’t let that bring you down. It’s not them that have to decide what you want for your life, keep fighting and you will get what you want no matter how many times we fall! Just have faith in yourself, the rest will follow! With this being said-
Let’s dive in, shall we?
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Order of the cards:
Seven of Chalice
Ten of Swords
Nine of pentacles
The star Reversed
Seven of wands Reversed
Well, We have the Seven of chalices and this one isn’t giving me much of a /what is/ your dream job but how do you feel about it? But I will keep writing what comes to mind- So we have the seven of chalices and this one is talking about a lot of opportunities you have to follow this dream or opportunities you have with this job- but the thing is you also have a lot of dreams and illusions and it’s hard to pinpoint what is the reality and what is an illusion. You may pass a lot of time dreaming and thinking how amazing it would be but when it comes to the work you aren’t making anything to archive that. This can happen because you have so many ways to reach there that you don’t know how to reach or you can’t see what path is better because your judgment is clouded. For this job to take place you have to be ready to take action and to fight for it, you will have to commit to it. You might have a great plan on how to make this happen but it’s not that grounded with reality and it might not even work. You might be stuck on the idea phase but when it comes to bringing them to the life you stop. What is best here is for you to see all the options you have, see the pros and cons and even write them down if needed!
Next, we have the ten of swords, which means this will be hard on you. The ten of swords is something that we can’t predict and it’s something you can’t stop. You will feel that the world will or is crumbling on you, you are in pain with the lack of something, and this will bring you down enough to start questioning what you actually like or if it’s all worth it. You might even feel somebody stabbed you and now it’s hard for you to trust, you weren’t expecting any of this but now that you’re here you are completely lost. But not everything is a bad thing, the Ten of Swords also speaks about the final straw, as in yes you went through hell but that is that, you won’t be suffering at least from what brought you down. When this time comes, cry, scream, let the feeling sink in order to move forward, it’s not going to be easy but this pain won’t last forever, you will rise up from the ground and think about what happened and you will learn from this, when this happens you will be more mature and all that you suffered won’t be in vain.
We have nine pentacles. Finally, we can breathe, right? Nine of pentacles is all about pampering yourself after hard work. Right now you finally are stable, this might be the job you were after. You are financially stable and since this card talks about harmony, I think those who didn’t agree with you finally understand you and support you. Tho what brought you here /wasn’t their support/ You couldn’t rely on them so you independently raised yourself up, you trusted yourself, you worked for it and now you can relax and enjoy how far you reached.
The Stars Reversed, Remember the options? In the first reading? Maybe you didn’t go through that well and went with the illusion one where everything seemed right and even though you were happy and content, now you feel tired and exhausted about repeating the same things over and over again, you loved what you did but now something is missing, you lost faith in something, you don’t find motivation. This might not also be about your work but your personal life that is affecting your worth but overall you feel you are disconnected from everything. It is important for you to see what truly matters for your soul and well-being. This can also mean that you should take time for yourself, maybe this job isn’t as bad as you think but you are so tired of doing the same over and over again that you aren’t even taking a breath. You should invest in your soul, in your spiritual needs, from a warm bath, reiki massage, anything that helps you feel relaxed once again
For the last card, we have The seven of wands reversed, so basically, this is reinforcing what the stars reversed said. You are feeling pressured, and tired, you feel everyone now is judging you with your choices because you seem like you can’t handle what you dug down and you are even self-doubting yourself and everything you worked for and you are even ready to give up. This card helps tell you to not give up! You have fought until this point, stay strong and keep close your beliefs because it was them who helped you in your way and no one else! You also may be drawn to criticize yourself and compare yourself to others, don’t, the best you can do is be yourself. You might even feel a lot of people aren’t on your side- well this card also helps you remember that you won’t be able to please everyone and that is ok, it’s your own life, you are the one that has to be happy, so don’t change yourself! What you have to do is rebuild your self-esteem- and work on yourself. And remember to always see if your pain is worthwhile.
Ps: Whenever I have a ...not so good reading, I always say that you can mold your own future independent of what the cards say. They are only here to serve as a warning or guide and it is you to decide on what to do and nothing else. So stay strong, whatever happens, keep moving forward!
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