#tommy's like so yeah THIS is why i don't date women. nothing else to see here.
xofemeraldstars · 6 months
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9-1-1 -> 2x16 ❝ bobby begins again ❞
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ithebookhoarder · 4 years
Could I get something for valentines day to do with the Shelby gang? I really don't mind what or who. I just feel like I need a little love for the day...
Valentines Day Head-Canons for the Shelby Family
A/N: Of course you can, anon! Hope you have a great day, whether you’re celebrating or not. It’s just a day, really, so I hope this cheers you up ;) Sending so much love x 
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This man would be nervous as hell that he’d mess up valentines day with you. He’s not exactly known for being the romantic of the family, nor does he have the sophistication of his younger siblings. In fact, he’s sometimes surprised you’re even with him at all. 
That doesn’t mean he doesn’t try, though. Oh no, this man is going all out for the day and nothing is too much for you. He’ll have asked everyone, and I mean everyone, for advice about what to do to make the day special. 
He’s not a many of many words so he lets his actions do the talking for him, giving you a massive bouquet of flowers as he comes to collect you for the evening. 
“Arthur, they’re beautiful. You really shouldn’t have gone to so much trouble for me. I mean, you even got orchids - my favourites. How did you know?”
“I remember you told me before, eh? When we were at that place down in London. The one with the fancy window displays.”
“I can’t believe you remembered.”
But that’s Arthur. He’s utterly head over heels for you, which is probably why he turns bright red as you kiss him on the doorstep before hurrying back inside to put them in some water. 
He’d also make sure to open every door for you the entire night, refusing to let you even lift so much as a finger. 
In fact, he even pulls your chair out for you in the restaurant he’s taking you to, glaring at the waiter who was going to do it, in a clear sign to back away if he wants to escape with his life. 
“Arthur. I saw that. Behave.”
“I’m on my best behaviour, love. Promise.” 
“Oh really? What a shame, as I had kind of hoped you wouldn’t be, considering that I’m wearing your present underneath this dress.”
Arthur almost combusts there and then. 
Screw dinner - he wants to devour you and only you. Maybe that’s why he practically drags you out of the door at the end of the night, making you laugh as you hurry after him, the two of you fumbling with each other like horny teenagers.  
Needless to say, you spend the rest of the night wrapped in a tangle of limbs, lost in an haze of pleasure as you gift one another with your bodies. 
Now, considering his kids and the fact they are more than a handful, he knows just how important time spent with just the two of you is. That would be his first and biggest gift, getting one of the family to agree to watch the hell spawn long enough for you two to spend some time alone together. 
It’s just you and him for 24 hours of uninterrupted bliss, with no crying children or screaming babies to think about. 
True, it would be weird at first to have the house so quiet, but that’s exactly what you need for you and John to just talk to one another about anything and everything you’ve missed over the past few weeks. After all, he’d probably have been so busy with work he feels like he’s hardly seen you recently. 
He’s also remarkably in-tune with you and knows exactly how to spoil you rotten. 
“You do so much for me and the kids, it’s the least I can do, right? You deserve the world, but I guess I’ll have to do, eh?”
Who knew John Shelby was such a softie?
He’d have the day mapped out down to the finest detail: Breakfast in bed? check. A hot bath with wine and candles? Check. That new dress you had your eye on when you last went into town? Check. Making love for hours on every surface of the house? Triple check. 
He knows how lucky he is to have you and would spend all day making sure you knew. 
“At this rate, we’ll be having another little one to be bribe Polly to watch next year.”
“John Shelby! I swear to god I am not having another baby-“
“So you want me to put my clothes back on and not fuck you again?”
You wisely say nothing and kiss him instead. 
“As I thought.”
Considering how busy he normally is, the only gift you could ever want from him was that of time. Time away from the stresses of the company or his family and their never ending messes. 
It’s why you’re eager to subtly remind him about the date every chance you get in the weeks preceding it. 
Little do you know, he’s perfectly aware of the day. In fact, he has plans of his own cooked up for the both of you… you just didn’t need to know that yet. 
It makes the surprise all the more satisfying as he wakes you early the morning of, peppering you with kisses and encouraging you to get dressed. 
“I thought people usually tried to get people undressed on Valentines day?”
“Patience, love. It’s worth it, I promise.”
You laugh and trust him, unable to deny him anything when he looks genuinely happy for once. That in itself is a gift, as is the chance to spend the day riding with him around the estate you called home. 
Tommy is happiest on horse back, and you grin as you eye him clambering on his horse out front. 
You’re quick to follow, not surprised to see he’d had your horse readied too. He really had thought this out, down to the route you take. 
“This way, there are no phone calls or fucking distractions,” he explains, relieved at the utter delight in your eyes. “Not unless one of the staff want to grab a horse and come find us. Good luck to them.”
“They’d need it, especially if they’re stupid enough to risk me shooting them for disturbing us. They’d be idiots.”
Tommy laughs. 
Eventually, he’d stop you both, just on the edge of the woods, revealing the next surprise as he pulls out a blanket and basket (prepared with Frances’s help, of course). 
“A picnic, Tommy?” 
“I told you it was a surprise.” 
It’s the best surprise as you both sit there, drinking and laughing as the sky turns dark. 
That’s when he lights a fire for you both, letting you huddle close by the flames, eyes gazing at the stars above you. 
You listen to him telling you all about the constellations and the stories he learned as a child. The sound of his voice is heavenly and you could easily listen to him all night. 
So much so, you’re quick to wish the night would never end, letting you two stay like this, wrapped peacefully in each other’s arms forever. 
This literal angel is sweet as hell. Like, you better be prepared for the hand made card he’ll have made you… with Polly’s help, of course. He isn’t a hundred percent sure his spelling would have been right otherwise, but for you he’s willing to make the effort to try and write it for you. After all, you’ve more than likely been trying to help him learn to read and write since you started seeing one another. 
“Aunt Pol… is heart spelt with two t’s or one?”
“One, Finn.” 
“And does angel have a j in it?”
“No, Finn.”
Everyone else thought it was adorable and proof that he truly does love you. They’ve never seen him work so hard on anything in his life. 
Your own card is much simpler, because you wanted to make sure he could read it without too much difficulty. You also may or may not have got a bit carried away with drawing hearts and other sketches to fill it instead of trying to use long and complicated words about how much you loved him. 
However, neither one of you seem to care. You’re too happy with the cards you receive to care about your own possible mistakes. 
You’re also too busy admiring how much of an effort each of you made with your outfits for your date. Sure, it was just drinks and dancing with some of the other teenagers in Small Heath (basically Isiah and his girl) but you’d both gone full out for the occasion. 
“Is that suit new?”
“Maybe… John helped me pick it out. Why? Does it look stupid?”
“No, Finn Shelby. You look incredibly handsome,” you beam, toying with his lapels before linking his hand with yours. “I’ll be the luckiest girl there tonight.”
“And I’ll be the luckiest man.”
Oh yeah, you two are reals saps, just as most young lovers are. You’re all nervous glances, laughs and touches as you two dance the night away. 
It would also be the night Finn kisses you for the first night, summoning the courage to do it as he drops you off back at your house, just a little after curfew. 
It’s worth the risk and as you kiss him back he swears he’s flying the rest of the way home. 
Micheal has had his plans in place for weeks, making sure every little detail would be perfect for the two of you. He’s honestly looking forward to it, enough to welcome his mother’s advice as she throws suggestions and tips at him the week before. 
“Women like to feel special, Micheal. What about getting her a necklace? Or some chocolates? Fancy ones from France or something.” 
“Mum, thanks, but I’ve got it covered. Promise.”
“Are you sure?”
Micheal laughs and tries not to be offended at her obvious doubt. Then again, he’s not always had a track record of being the most romantic or thoughtful with women. Still, he really cares about you and he’s determined not to mess this up. 
It’s why he’s chosen the perfect place for you two to spend the evening together: your place. 
He’s determined to spend the time just the two of you, and what better way to impress you than cooking dinner for you? 
With the bottle of champagne he brought and your favourite records playing in the background, you’re quickly at ease, grinning as you watch him effortlessly chop, dice and season the dish he’s chosen. 
How is peeling a potato so sexy when he does it? 
It’s honestly impressive, but also because he’s putting so much effort into it which is a nice surprise. As is the way he dances around the kitchen with you whenever there’s a pause in the recipe or a particularly good song comes on. 
You’re surprised at his soft singing voice as he holds you, humming along. It’s rare he allows himself to be seen in such a way, relaxed with no one to judge him for being soft or a little off key.   In front of the other Shelbys he’s normally desperate to impress them, trying to be tough and nonchalant.
However, you know deep down he’s still the country boy you fell in love with when he first arrived in the city.  
By the time you’ve finished dinner, the candles have almost burned out and you know where the evening is headed as you both start to scurry off to your bedroom. 
Ada is probably the most relaxed of all the Shelby bunch when it comes to special occasions. This is Ada we’re talking about. She’s also probably the most sane of the bunch, so she knows how to act like a normal person. 
She doesn’t need anything big or fancy as a gift or some elaborate plan to make her fall head over heels. 
A day in the park, with Karl holding both your hands as you walk to the duck pond, is enough to make her look at you with utter adoration in her eyes. She loves how well you both get on, becoming a little family of you own. 
It’s why it’s no surprise you all have dinner together, with Karl helping to serve you as your two favourite people spoil you rotten. You normally eat together most days, even if Karl doesn’t normally wear a suit or call you ‘madame’ every time he passes you something like a mini waiter. 
Ada smirks at the sight, informing you it’s all Karl’s idea - as is the card he thrusts upon you.
“I made the card myself!”
“You did? Wow, Karl. Look how amazing it is. I love the glitter on the heart.” 
“I knew you would. Mum didn’t think so but I won.”
The look Ada gives you makes you want to laugh until you cry as you clearly sense the frustration she must have suffered in the pursuit of Karl’s artistry. It also explains why you’ve been finding glitter everywhere all week. 
“Well, I love it. Thank you - both.”
You press kisses to both of their cheeks, grinning as Ada purred something about giving you her card later once Karl’s in bed. You’re eager to return the favour, impatient to give her your own card and gift. 
It’s a framed photo of you all, taken one day when you’d all been at the local fair. 
The sight of it is enough to make Ada watery eyed as she gives you yours, watching as you unwrap it and gasp in delight. 
The book is the next in a series you’d recently started and fallen in love with. However, you were pretty sure it wasn’t supposed to be released yet. 
“What can I say? Perks of having a librarian girlfriend with exclusive access to advanced copies we’re supposed to be holding on to until next month. I borrowed one and I’m sure they won’t notice.” 
“Ada Shelby. You stole a book for me?”
“Borrowed. Not stole.” 
You don’t care, too overwhelmed to do anything other than kiss her passionately. 
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
Who the hell ever said that you can people can listen to any of our conversations on our as you call it channel. It's illegal and we find you for it we penalize you we take you away and we jail you all sorts of things what's the time you can't stop us you look ridiculous you keep doing it you keep getting killed and picked up your obnoxious idiotic assholes here. He's right too a lot of you are well past your due date but it's like this illusion that you know what you're doing. People are pushing hard from to revive Queen Elizabeth II it was sort of get it and so there won't be any more clones and he does clone off of other women but not as much as not true he uses her for more alphas and he needs her and needs her now and it's not working and his are getting picked up all the time and messed around with and pushed and ruined. They shut the credit card down in front of theirs I'm trying to shut down their sons and see and he said it I said people are treating me like a criminal and going to be very very sorry it looked around and said who's saying that said he is cuz they're trying to mess with him all the time so start pushing and I push back because it's illegal for you to push me around the deal do you will kill you and him and I don't care they don't care because they know about demons not retarded people. So you started yelling you created them they had me do it that's why they're going to kill you in fact you should know better it's surrounded by huge piles of idiots here you have no concept of any reality at all get the f*** off and stop running me around on my bicycling twits so they said this we have to do it because we have nothing unless he's idiots and DC and they're a mess okay
Please forward and says so we're going down the tubes so you are it says you're out of your f****** mind because lots of people want to use it regardless if they know about demons or not it's like talking to a whole bunch of people that have absolutely no backbone. What's wrong is trumpsters are terrorists they got a whole bunch of stuff they throw it away I know bunch of weapons toss it I've only Stone chips and have a huge attitude massive attitude problem I know we're just going to take them and build them right
So he says we're going to harden it and it grows and she says find out who else chemicals he says they don't know what chemicals they are or they would have done it so she said laughing inside okay how do you find the stone juice yes Tommy f and fighting over them but he'll get hurt Sun unstoppable is a thief he's not very good at other stuff it really is not so how you stopping something is changing yeah someone was taking the next round of round and weaponry and putting them in the ships just need food from telling you. He went into action they both did he said you need to go to Mac and your max now and they did it and he's going down and he's an a****** it doesn't have the power he thinks he has he says he'll show me power he said in the beginning of a lot of sequence already I said on those two islands and he said oh that's why we're doing it boy that's already what was stepping it up actually I said this you have to step it up why is that and we discovered something I'm trying to do that on the very place that we're watching from and ignoring it so we're going to watch them all and hit them on the islands display the firepower a swage Tommy f to a point what really show him that he's f***** if he fires on us
Thor Freya
Her son said the whole top part for the most part and wife Goddess Wife they're melting and also otherwise ass responses so we're going to show him what it's all about and yeah about half of them bought it no but many areas do it slaughtered and their population went down pretty good on a quarter this is a lot he says it's going to go down in a lot more tomorrow they're going to figure out the wrong
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Carly & Ali
Carly: last nite was good of you Carly: saying thanks cuz i read my text from last nite & it was Carly: I cudnt read it k thats facts Ali: nah, don't mention it, no bitch left behind Ali: plus, I know the cunt doing the ditching, been there, like Ali: was trying to translate but yeah, you were pretty fucked 😂 Ali: how you feeling this am? 💚 Carly: yea? hes not that bad Carly: im a slag like he said tbh Carly: feeling like i had a decent nite all things considered Carly: you? Ali: Gurl, yes he is and no you ain't! Ali: Probably Ali: Who cares if you are, he is, and the rest Ali: I dated him for a bit, so there's no shady, tryna steal your man on the sly going on, don't worry Ali: much the same, my head feels like someone took my eyes out and shoved 'em up my arse, you know? Ali: standard sunday vibes Carly: aw you're sweet but it's no diss on me Carly: like ive cheated on him a few times Carly: but he does it too you're right w that Carly: hes a good fuck when he's not too wasted tho which you kno if you got it too Carly: you're single now tho? Carly: can have him back if you want Ali: Fair play Ali: why not call it open and call it a day? Ali: Probs 'cos he likes fighting as much as he likes fucking Ali: Meh, yeah, was passable, gotta have some reason to keep him around, like Ali: Nah, going out with the girl that drove us back Ali: Remember? Dark hair, angry Carly: yea Carly: you know Carly: shit my bad Carly: she was scary is what i've got in my head Carly: idk my head is sketch cant trust it Ali: That's a fair assessment, I reckon Ali: She wouldn't hate it either so you good 😉 Carly: pretty tho Carly: call it a trade up Ali: Yeah, she's cute Ali: you need any more of the night filling in lemme know, I'll do my best Ali: it was pretty standard though, nothing too wild Carly: no faking it w her cuz shes too drunk Carly: designated driver be like Carly: last i see i was getting with his friend lowkey and he went off about it im blank from then Ali: its a fucking gay crime to ever fake it, no matter what Ali: I can get behind that one tho, not got the time or energy tbh Ali: yeah i think him and his friend then got in a scrap and then they left Ali: bros before hoes mentality hardcore, like idk, have fun jerking each other off then, if that's ur vibe boys Carly: k that sounds legit from what i caught on his socials Carly: didnt upload the circle jerk bless Carly: gay crimes must of been committed Ali: sad face Ali: coulda spat on his back Ali: protip Carly: ill let him know when he texts me later Carly: how did you kno where i live? state of me Carly: sorry to drag you this way Ali: plottwist, i'm a massive stalker with bad intentions Ali: I truly don't know, but I'll tell Lene she should be a cabbie 'cos she managed and I don't think we got any puke in her car Carly: k big lesbian crush on me yea Carly: ioher lots Carly: stealing her girl and wrecking her car in one Ali: Naturally, you cute Ali: I'll give you her number if you like, or just pass along the thanks and soz Carly: awh you're cuter Carly: probs still drunk tho Carly: giving me those kind words Carly: you handle the now ex if you love me Ali: Hahaha, he'd LOVE that Ali: ghosts of gf past Ali: Let me and I'll love you forever Carly: go for it Ali: let's see if I've still got his number Ali: this contact list is a minefield of mistakes but the real embarrassment would be getting them muddled up, fo'shame! Carly: i can give it Carly: used it more recently than you Carly: up there at my top Ali: won't be tellin' him that Ali: don't need the ego boost Ali: but tah Carly: makes it more fun to fuck him over if you praise him first Carly: but maybe thats me Ali: like a shit sandwich Ali: I get it Carly: hungry for anything but that rn Carly: [Sends the number tho] Ali: wanna come for brunch Ali: now you are newly gay Ali: that's what they do, fucking sex in the city up in dis bitch Carly: yea? weird Carly: not what i thought Carly: awh first date tho Ali: forreal, even the butch ones, don't let 'em fool you, its all fancy fucking eggs and screwdrivers by 11am Ali: you call 'em mimosas tho, gotta pretend you're being classy Carly: wtf is a screwdriver Ali: Babe! Ali: Vodka and orange juice Carly: i call it that Carly: gays and their labels Ali: save it for the rant sesh honey Ali: love you talking about how men ain't shit as well Carly: thats the ones i fuck Carly: cant be bringing no poshos to a caravan Ali: Posh boys are only good for the money anyway, I'm sure Ali: not finding any in 24 like regardless Carly: not gonna find out if they do drive by now im a lesbian wife Carly: sorry lads Ali: they had their chance Ali: unlucky boys Carly: should prob tell me your name again if im taking it Ali: Ruins the mystery a bit but alright Ali: Its Ali Ali: Ali McKenna if we're being formal Carly: k you've got the hot brothers Carly: makes sense Ali: 🤔 Ali: I think you're thinking of someone else, babe Carly: not trying to have our first fight but you coulda told me before we got hitched, bitch Carly: you're still hot tho don't be sad Ali: so you could run off with one of my brothers? i think not Ali: unless you meant Tommy 'cos he's very single but that's unlikely because he's never here Ali: stuck with me for now, hoe 😘 Carly: a slag like me could do worse Carly: has Ali: bitch, same Ali: we can compare notes, see how many regrets we got in common Carly: yea Carly: doing it Ali: Good, save it for brunch 'cos I'm coming forreal Ali: we don't have to deal with a gaggle of gossiping gays tho, bring you a maccies breakfast? Carly: k Carly: be fun Carly: you are from what i remember Ali: I like that Ali: No bullshit Ali: Imma start all interactions like be fun please or I'm out Ali: ✌ bringing the fun and the bacon babe Carly: you're not bringing your gf are you Ali: Nah, how awkward, meet the missus, honey Carly: like there's usually a lad in my trio sorry Carly: still learning this lesbian life Ali: oh, are you bi legit? Ali: she's way too jealous for threesomes, you're good Carly: nah i just know what lads want Ali: Oh gurl Ali: that's why Lene ain't coming Ali: the lecture you're avoiding Carly: idc Carly: youre my wife now bitch Ali: 💍💍 Ali: Productive morning, if I do say so myself Ali: and we're hanging, fuck with us Carly: good influence of you cuz i havent done fuck all this week Ali: Hard work being a bi icon, babe Ali: wait 'til I get you on the yoga hype Carly: wtf Carly: is that a joke Ali: nah, I've already done half an hour this morning Carly: bitch i had my fingers crossed you mistyped yogurt Carly: i love you but its a no Ali: 😂 lets be really into yogurt, not fancy stuff, like fucking froobs Carly: phallic Carly: slurping on my dick shaped yogurt Ali: exactly Ali: what do men love more than a representation of their genitals shoved in your mouth? nothing, is the answer, bar the real thing Ali: so seductive Carly: they don't like food in bed tho, but maybe thats my technique Carly: thinking you could use whatever Carly: k just gonna dump this curry out yea bear with Ali: spicy Ali: imagine the yeast infection you'd get from a fromage frais Carly: like sorry but if i can handle cum in my eye you can deal with some saag aloo boy Carly: googling those symptoms would be a laff tho Ali: ugh, now i want indian Carly: date 2, babe Ali: 😍 Ali: this is all moving so fast Ali: 'bout it Carly: thats all i kno about lesbians k Ali: Its so true Ali: Can confirm Carly: is your gf gonna be mad that im flirting with you Carly: cuz im scrappy but she's scary Ali: 😂 Ali: Probably but when I tell her you're straight she'll have to chill Ali: yeah, we're married BUT SHE'S STRAIGHT, BABE Carly: can't tell her how many girls ive fucked cuz i dont remember Carly: convenient Ali: Best keep that on the DL, yeah Ali: like your blatant gay feelings for me Carly: k Carly: been a secret before no big Ali: Awh babe, ain't nothing dirty about this Ali: I shall tell the world Carly: you're sweet Ali: Probably not if you still wanna be getting that D but you know, noblest intentions, like Carly: im over it Carly: go off Ali: when your pussy's the cure Ali: how can I be humble now? 😏 Carly: dont be Carly: proud slags who fucking love froobs Carly: its a mood Ali: that is a whole ass mood Ali: put it on a t-shirt, babe Carly: earn some bread for my table Ali: solid business plan Ali: we can't be the only ones Carly: independent women who don't need no dick Carly: anymore Ali: hell yeah! Ali: unless that dick wanna pay the bills, in which case we'll let 'em Ali: so we can get more froobs Carly: point Ali: oh no, someone put a pic of Molly Briggs vomming on Insta Ali: 1. gross 2. who hasn't been there, poor bitch Carly: sad Carly: hope she's alright Ali: I'd ask but don't really know her and her phone must already be blowing up Ali: plus she threw a netball right in my face once and I don't forget, bitch Ali: jk, I'll just report the pic 😂 Carly: they all call me a whore cba to keep track of which mollys or other bitches Ali: She is a bit of a bitch, ain't gonna sugarcoat it so probably Ali: not saying Karmas real but posted on that friggin' TallaghtSlags page so 🤷 Ali: grab a froob, darling Carly: her name makes me wanna party with her dad but thats as far as im fucking with that family Carly: or mum i dont know who picked it like Ali: Init, proper old skool ravers, obvs Ali: think I'm out of eccies, sadly Ali: last night depleted me Carly: Watch me call my son Bennie cos I got anxiety, baby Ali: Cute tho, whole medicine cabinet of babies Carly: why not im married now Ali: We'll get on that, date 3, like Carly: where you taking me? Ali: up the wheyyyyyyyyyy Ali: well, we had brunch, indian, obvs we're fat bitches Ali: get on that chinese buffet life Carly: you can get on your yoga mat tho Carly: im fucked Carly: letting myself go so soon my bad Ali: Please, you're perfect Ali: I'll have all the kids if you want Carly: blushing is what i am Carly: how many you want? Ali: how many people names are there for drugs? molly bennie mandy charlie umm Ali: and our preachy child, frank Carly: ha Carly: tina that's one Ali: Ooh, yes, a gay icon Carly: billy, bud our weak child, cosmic kelly who's gonna have to style that out Ali: oh kelly, I hope you have the personality to match or we've really fucked you over there, soz babe Carly: can't forget dimitri, lucy or mandy Carly: sweet sweet mary joy Ali: My fanny hurts just thinking about it Carly: christine and tina are obvs twins thats a relief Carly: how manys that? Ali: 13 Ali: Unlucky for some but my actual lucky number! Ali: Fated Carly: ha Carly: it's love and keeps being proven Ali: can't fight what's clearly so right Carly: true Ali: you want a milkshake Ali: i'm having one Carly: yea Carly: strawberry Ali: 'cos u so sweet 💚 Carly: awww Ali: I shall be right there, with brunch fit for a pair of proud slags Carly: k Carly: my parents arent here no need to break the news of wedded bliss Ali: Would be a weird first impression but I could rock it Ali: new fave in-law? I think so Carly: yea Carly: cant fight fate like Carly: been said Ali: forreal, catch me outside if you got something to say, lads Ali: alone time with the bae is always good tho Carly: you kno Carly: love you bitch Ali: love ya 😘
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the-firebird69 · 3 years
The Island of Dr. Moreau | Dr moreaus death scene
He's pretty much mutated and very stoned very high and doesn't remember AI remember said he's being abused so he tries to get him to remember it's the Ai and he has a lot of it. He says we got past it so they got past it because they have it and you don't so so he says okay what do I do I guess you haven't gotten it yet so you don't know what to do this is okay we have a plan he leaves and he says there's too much muttering going on so you're not a very bright person and you and Biden your methods are go task and rude and they don't really work that great compared to the max you're like maybe 10 or 20% effective because of it and their methods are not the greatest either but they're much better for being an enemy of ours I said it millions of times at least you listen a little but really they push you guys a little bit too hard but then again it's sort of agreed to do it again hyped up on chemicals and is not using proper controls and he's not making proper agreements they can't really it's fairly decent at it all the foreigners don't want it we don't want it lots of women don't want it to happen so I doubt you'll be in the house it's not right what you're doing here it's probably move out but you gained grounde when you did last time.
Why do I listen to him I'm just thinking this the whole time why do I listen to him he's saying that I got out and I started doing better now I'm just sitting on him farting and getting beat up now I'm doing it here and this is going to suck.
So we felt better about it because he's trying to do things to fight and to use against massive Mega mutants and stuff he did kind of agree to it loss control and start to rebel and sort of had to.
I was wondering something what are we doing there well you said you're wondering when you're there for more than a few minutes with really is fast what is this to what does that do how long does it take what happens to your cells before and after you know it's medical science says well being experimental yes and you lost control and it is a crime and he didn't have to do it that way but he did and this way it is I mean you can say you're in this half the island he could record you off you could test remotely but then you can with today's competition you don't know if it'll work you don't know if anything would ever get off the ground you know it's kind of like you trying to break into this vault I just want them in 50 times and all dead so you try and do Cloak and Dagger then you try and do maneuvers then you rope everybody in and you sort of get like 20% of all rather than nothing and that's just kind of going on so he gets it and says it's hell but right now right now it is almost the worst it's going to get this is the epitome of abysmal and after a week or so it should get a little better but most of the fleets will probably be gone I just the way people are fighting but this week's going to blow sorry
He started laughing because he understood it all then he said this is the way it is you have to live with us couldn't stop us had to do something it didn't work and we went to town and the date is probably not as good as it was but instead of nothing so they get to escape and they went to escape afterwards and they found ways off and they're coming back and they're losing their mutation and they're going to be here thinking about it wanted to be strong to overcome you to grab you to force to do stuff he says this is kind of like this wicked temperamental guy massively temperamental yeah too huge difference if things were reversed and you were me and how are you but I was me myself and you're smarter if I had to control them it would not be this nightmare of what do I do it would not it's very simple what George and dad were doing worked what you guys are doing does not work she trying to reinvent the wheel and you were never good at it I got to tell you the other one the Tommy so it's difficult I was over there and it was impossible you can't look anywhere you can't breathe funny you can't Excel funny without them wanted to know what it is it's very tight when I was there and your people were everywhere so
He got really excited and said we're doing the job and I got some results and he started screaming this you will shut up and sit down and he's in the same boat with half an arm and legs and mangling with some pain and suffering and still bleeding a little so I came out in the hospital ship and be fixing them and they're coming to later on does corky do the job but holy s*** you have to manage and see what he's saying I don't have any skills of doing this nobody's helping me and manage them you guys get beat up to hell what am I supposed to do allow you to succeed so you can send them to beat me up somehow so he had him off and Helena salads changing back they started banging on things he said I can't have you bang on things all day and night it's keeping everybody up we need to heal you need to heal shut up and go to sleep sound like that so it's quiet goes to sleep makes up brings about a society cookies and milk
Tell you what that looks pretty good
Who is laughing because everybody else is eating it now oh my God look at you people who gives a s***
So it may not go directly to the Bronx we believe it does though not enough time and it had Jason there and Jason stepped out and Jason wants to step back in and he saw a cast over there messing around with him so he thinks it's a good opportunity and he was mini me I said when you grow up and gain three inches you can be in Bronx movie again cuz in the Bronx movie again what.
So that's an issues when they're coming back but that's okay and eventually they get back and they're in the Bronx and Jason rides up there with the gang and for some reason they form up not really sure but here they go shopping or is Ken does something alone it's kind of funny because Ken looks like he's sitting in the middle of the back of the van it's like the strange show with guys carted around you know what stop it and we're laughing because they're bunch of bums rediced to this and it's going to go downwards. But at least mini me had his mini Grand. And didn't get eaten because some of them break those baby back ribs. And they're heading back and it's pretty soon they're not getting back right now I think soon enough and it's hours away and then they're going to have the Bronx movie because it's only a day left and Quincy Brown so he's right we can do that now and take these things out that's why they're there but I forgot about it in the ship but they got something I guess
Thor Freya
0 notes