#tomorrow i will. present silly meeting and go to pt and get a little treat and then hopefully set up new phone?
geneticcatalyst · 1 year
resurrected again ❤
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readbeneaththelines · 5 years
Captured Moments Pt. 2
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A/N: You are an artist given the chance to work with BigHit Ent. as their Creative Art Director. Getting to spend time with BTS, you form a friendship with them. But With Namjoon, could it grow into something more?
Characters: Namjoon x Artist!Reader
Warnings: The Fluffiest Fluff, and soft Namjoon
Word Count: 1960
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Look at that adorable smile! Crd to the original owner of the gif!
The weekend passed in a flurry of packing, moving, and setting up the new place. Come Sunday afternoon, you were settled and unpacked. You walked around, taking in the mixed feelings of apprehension and anticipation. Settling into your new bed, you set your alarm for the usual five a.m. Tomorrow your next chapter started. Tomorrow a new life would await you on the other side of your door. 
You hadn’t planned on being so nervous that you would be ready almost an hour ahead of schedule. Looking out your window, you saw the beginnings of life starting to come awake as a new day dawned. You chose to walk to work, packing your bag with your favorite supplies and slipping your shoes on, headed for the door. The air was still cool on your skin, so you wrapped your paint splattered hoodie tighter around you. The short walk cleared you of any jittery nerves. By the time you got to the building, life was picking up pace, people already coming and going from the front doors. Inhaling deeply, you put one foot in front of the other and walked in. Jisoo greeted you, your new ID tag in hand. “Welcome, Y/N. Are you excited for your first day?”
“Yes, thank you. I can’t wait to get started, though I think today will just be getting situated.” She stopped walking, looking at you in surprise.” Well if having two meeting back to back, and getting a synopsis of what has been considered, as getting situated, then yes.” You choked on your coffee, a bewildered look as your expression. “Two meetings, already?” 
“Yes. One with the other staff in the art department, and then one is with Bangtan Sonyeondan. They spent the weekend coming up with ideas to present to you today. I hope that you are ready.” You swallowed hard. “Ready as I’ll ever be, I guess.” 
You approached the conference room, not sure what was waiting for you on the other side of the frosted glass doors. “Good luck, Y/N. I will see you later today.” Before you could answer, she was gone, her heels clicking rapidly on the tiled floor. You laid your hand on the handle, closed you eyes and stepped inside. You came face to face with Namjoon, Jin, Jimin, Hoseok, Yoongi, Taehyung, and Jungkook. They all rose to their feet, and bowed in greeting. “I thought we were dropping the formalities? A friendly hi will do the trick from now on, agreed?” They all flashed their signature grins and instantly you felt at peace. You took a notebook from your backpack, and you sat down between them. The next hour was spent going over their ideas. The concept they were striving for associated with learning about who you are and acceptance of that. Each one had their own image of what that meant to themself. 
When you were done, you had an outline set up for each member.
Jungkook: Accepting the inevitability of growing up while still holding on to your youth
Taehyung: The view of life through a lens, how others see you versus how you see yourself
Jimin: grace and beauty. How dance can tell a story without a single word being spoken
Yoongi: a journey from suffering to finding peace. How life can come from the darkest place
Hoseok: the fight to work through doubt and come out shining in the end
Namjoon: the power of nature and learning and how it molds you into who you become
Jin: Inner strength, doing something that you never did and finding strength as you persevere.
You re-read the thoughts you had down, making mental notes of what each one brought to your imagination. You thanked them for their time, standing as they left. “Hey, Y/N. If you have time later, the guys and I were planning on going to dinner after practice tonight. Would you like to join us, maybe go over you own thoughts?” Namjoon, fidgeted with his hands as he waited to walk out with you. “That would be great, if you don’t mind me intruding. I know you all get very little you time.” He shook his head, “Really, we are all looking forward to what you come up with. One of us will pick you up later, is that okay?” You agreed, telling him you would get your address to him sometime later. Just as you were about to walk out, the next meeting with the art staff was getting ready to start. Turning on your heel, you entered again. The staff you will be working with were just as eager as you were to get started. You told them what you had gathered with in the last meeting, making more notes as they gave you suggestions. The meeting ended well, everyone in agreement that you all would get started tomorrow morning. 
You were exhausted and hungry come lunchtime. You headed for the cafe, your stomach growling audibly. You waited on the elevator, lost in thought about what was already forming in your brain. “Going my way?” a chipper voice interrupted. “Oh, hello Taehyung. If your way is the cafe, then yes. I’m starving after this morning.” The elevator chimed, and he held the door as you entered. “I heard namjoon invited you to dinner tonight. I can’t wait to see what you have come up with.” 
“Well, right now, all my thoughts are jumbled up here.” you pointed to your head. He tousled your hair before speaking up. “Well, I guess I will just have to wait then.” you both made small talk as you walked to the cafe. Friendly faces waved as the both of you walked to the counter. “I’ll have the pork belly and ramen, please.” You ordered, then told Taehyung to go ahead with his order. “My treat.” you whispered. “I’ll take seven teas, two vegetable ramen, one pork belly ramen, a steamed rice, and three sushi specials.” You gawked at his order, blinking as the cashier rang up the orders. “It’s on the house, silly.” he winked and gave you a nudge. You helped him carry the orders up to the rehearsal rooms, the sounds of feet stomping and voices echoing down the corridors told you that you were close. Taehyung pushed the doors open with his foot, giving you enough time to step in. 
“Ahh, Y/N! Welcome. Here let me help you.” Jungkook hurried over, taking the packages from your hands. Hoseok and Jimin were finishing up some choreography. You stood amazed at how in synch they were, the concentration showing in every move. Hoseok’s move were calculated, precise and exact. Jimin’s moves, on the other hand were fluid, flowing from one move to another without breaking the invisible thread that held them together. Put together, the differences complemented each other, making the sequence fit like a puzzle piece. As the music ended, you turned to face the others, excited yet tired smiles greeting you. “What do we owe the pleasure of having you join us?” Yoongi asked as he came from the sound room. 
“Oh, I just helped Taehyung bring the food up. You two were amazing. The way each of your individual styles melded together, contrasting yet complementing each other. It was truly an honor to see it in the making.” You helped them put up a table, handing out the food as they grabbed their drinks. “Well. I’m off. I have to get to work. I guess I will be seeing you all later tonight, if the offer is still on the table.” They nodded, mouths full of food. You saw yourself out, looking down the hall and trying to guess which direction you should go. Venturing out, you walked a distance before realizing you had gone the wrong way. Head down, you turn around, only to bump into someone. “Ooff, I’m so sorry.” you bowed deeply, afraid to offend whoever you just ran headlong into. 
“The elevator is this way.” Namjoon told you. “Namjoon! I am so sorry! I didn’t see-” His laugh set you silent. You looked at him, confused by his reaction. “I saw you go the wrong way, so I thought I’d help you out.” You stood up, noticing embarrassingly that you were still bowed over. “Thank you. I have a feeling I will get lost in this place a few times before I get the hang of it.” He waited patiently for you to compose yourself before taking off down the other direction.
“I am really looking forward to what you will have panned out with what we all told you today. I could just imagine those tiny wheels turning at full speed in that head of yours. You lit up everytime one of us told you what we thought. I find it fascinating that you seemed to already know what you want to do for each of us. I must say, I am a bit jealous.” 
“Jealous? Of what? Namjoon, you are brilliant in your own right. You have a way with words, a way that draws people to you. The way everyone stopped talking yesterday when you spoke. You can mesmerize people just by speaking. You voice is soothing and soft, kind. Like a teacher that loves what they do. You can tell it when someone had that kind of passion.” 
“Like I see in you when you were writing your own thoughts down?”
“Well, yes, I guess. A person filled with passion for something can see the same in others who carry that fire within. It’s like a mutual flame that is passed around, feeding each individual what they desire.” You had come to a stop, not thinking that you were just standing, face to face with The Kim Namjoon and having a deep conversation.
“You understand. Nice. Well, anyway, here you are, Jin will pick you up at your place tonight, around eightish, if that’s not too late.” He handed you his phone, telling you to put your number in. You quickly tapped out your name and number, hitting save before handing it back to him. “Thank you for guiding me in the right direction, I’ll see you all later. Tell them all bye for me.”
You stepped into the elevator, pressing one for the first floor. As the doors closed, you waved bye to Namjoon. Just as you reached the first floor, your phone chirped, alerting you to a new text. Pulling up the screen, you saw you were now part of a group text between the men of BTS and yourself. The first message popped up.
Joon: Here we can communicate easier
          Hope this is okay
Hobi: Hi Y/N! See ya later!
Jin: I'll be there at 7. 
Yoongi: Another group chat? Oh sorry, wrong group :)
Jungkook: *waves*
Jin: Hey! See you tonight Y/N
Tar hyung: :) hi there, yes another chat group!
You couldn't help but laugh out loud at them. Jisoo, looked up as you passed. You waved as you passed by, tapping away on your phone.
Y/N Artist Extraordinaire: Thanks for the name! I will be ready at 7. Thanks again for the invite. Ttyl
You closed the screen, heading for your private studio.Entering this space was like entering a haven for you. Here you could let your guard down, think out loud, doodle, or whatever you needed to do in order for you to get in the mindset for whatever project you had. You turned the bluetooth speaker on and pulled up your playlist. Tchaikovsky was on the menu for today. The music carried you, filling you with a comforting and soothing melody. Pulling the notepad out, you sat at your desk, sketchbook and graphite pencils at the ready. 
@min-shookga-yoongi @beautifulseoulliar @agustd-suga-yoongii @astronomyturtle @aspaceformyself @dreamyoongi @holy-yoong i@trashkazuya @maxinaptak @micky1518 @rosiemilas @karri570 @xjamlessparkx
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