#tony the clock x reader x colin the computer
trashcanfanfics · 2 years
heyy i was wondering if i could request some DHMIS writing?
If possible could i please get some human! tony and colin x reader poly headcanons, just general things like how that relationship would go :D
If not that’s completely 100% a-okay!💕
Had to reacquaint myself real quick omfg
*First off, Colin HATED you in the beginning
*It was Tony who wanted to pursue you first and that made Colin MORE mad because how dare you?!
*HE liked Tony, and he...doesn't hate you as much as he thought he did?
*He guesses that you look okay...and you seem nice....and you don't touch him without warning/permission...
*Okay maybe he likes you a little
*You go around the house, respecting everyone's boundaries and taking things in stride
*They both found this admirable
*Tony, on the other hand, liked you from the start
*He left you flowers and notes (with the time he started and the time he finished writing in the corner)
*It was actually him that organized you, Colin and him to have a private discussion about a poly relationship
*You eagerly agreed, which shocked them both (mostly Colin)
*And things kinda went on from there
*You and Tony regularly get on the others about personal space and respecting everyone's boundaries (for Colin's sake)
*Colin screeches at people who try to bad mouth/get too close to you
*They both hate leaving you alone around the others, especially Paige, they're all so dangerous
*Harry questions your life choices at least once a week
*He's also seen you run from Steak with Colin in your arms and Tony chasing Steak while shouting profanities so...he has a good reason to
*You all bond by sitting and talking about common interests
*Colin is surprisingly the one to get you up and moving in the morning, despite Tony already being up
*You still don't know how he keeps getting into your room
*Tony feels like the den mother of the thruple, but it's really you
*You're the one making sure they aren't at each other's metaphorical throats and when they have arguments, make sure they don't scream
*Overall, invest in some ear plugs and just listen to them ramble and you'll be fine
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