#too lazy to get a side blog so im advertising my roleplay on main
wariowaretrans · 7 months
The year is 2400. The Romulan Star has collapsed,
and taken with it the Romulan Star Empire. The great boogeymen of the Alpha Quadrant have been scattered to the winds, and their formerly iron borders are now segmented into three interplanetary states:
- The Romulan Republic, nestled a ways into Romulan space, a quasi-Federation Council government of Unificationists and progressives who are more than happy to work with the Federation and Starfleet.
- The Romulan Free State, a loose alliance of supernova survivors, colony worlds, and border states. They keep to themselves, and generally expect the Federation to do the same, but as long as you aren't waging war in their borders you're free to do as you please. The Federation is happy to exploit this policy grey areaa...as is what remains of the Tal Shiar.
-the "Romulan Empire", highly conservative isolationists. They have made more explicit the fascism of the empire, and patrol their section of the former Neutral Zone with a rigor bordering on bloodthirst.
Into this tangled web of intrigue, uncharted space, and sworn enemies, Starfleet has sent the U.S.S. Saraswati- a gorgeous Sagan class cruiser, fully equipped with colony support replicators, a vehicle fabricator, and....four completely empty decks.
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The official explanation is that space has been reserved for oncomers during the expedition. The rumor around the dry dock is that Starfleet can't find a full thousand people willing to serve under the Saraswati's new Captain- the last member of the Maquis to be repatriated into Starfleet, the woman the Cardassians call the Butcher of Volnar, alleged war criminal Captain Clementine V Hind.
Exploring the uncharted areas of the Neutral Zone, bringing resources to neglected colonies, boldly going in the backyard of the Alpha Quadrant...it's the explorer's dream job. But is the Starfleet rank and file willing to face down Romulan supremacists under the command of a woman who spent the last three years in mandatory treatment for a shot at that dream job?
Currently the Saraswati has a Captain, an XO, and Chiefs for Engineering, Science, and Security. There are loads of postings still to fill- Helm, Ops, Tactical, Head Chef, Medical, Ensign Who's At All The Bridge Meetings For Some Reason...
Well, are you?
The U.S.S. Saraswati
is a discord RP using a combination of live sim and logs. The live sim format means every two weeks or so, everyone in the sim (who can make it) is in a thread in the sim for about two hours or so, roleplaying their hearts out, moving the plot forward.
In between those two weeks, feel free to log like crazy in whatever format you want. Script, trading paragraphs with a crewmate, weird poetry, go at it.
All that is required of you is this: be 17 or older and bring your best self! Join the Saraswati today, and explore the unexplored at your leisure!
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