#took a few liberties in the name of surprise but if anything is insultingly wrong smack me
haunted-wesley · 5 years
Never Saying Goodbye To You; A Flashback Thread | Tai
Wesley wasn’t exactly a rough and tough kind of boy, but crying in the storage closet of an orphanage was a new low, even for him. He’d never been able to stomach change well, and too much was happening too soon. He and Tai were quickly getting older, and the bishops were less and less willing to accommodate them. Tai’s utterly ridiculous growth spurt hadn’t helped their case, either. Any day now they could be kicked out. Tai swore he was working on a plan, so Wes internalized his fears and tried to let his unfailing trust in Tai carry him through this.
That had lasted about a week. Then he was right back to panic; hence, the closet. Arms wrap around knees and he rests his head against them, ragged breath forcefully exhaled. He isn’t sure what even set him off, or if there’d been a trigger at all. Everything was a trigger when you were desperately in love with another male, whilst relying entirely on the same church that condemns you, for food and shelter. He loses himself in the panic for a while, time fading away a little bit.
A scuffle outside the door has Wes’ head popping up, and he hisses when his head smacks against the stone wall behind it.
“I-is that you, Tai?” he calls, ready to hide better if it isn’t him. 
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