#took me all day gbfhjdnkj
sakurastyles · 6 years
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Salomé Thaís da Silva Arias
@twotiedships honestly idk why anyone’s worried?? she’s just another gold-digging beard ??
Nicknames: Thai, Lo (to her Colombian family), S, Guayabita (to Juanlu)
Occupation: Immigration lawyer
Alma Mater: Received her undergraduate degree from Johns Hopkins University in linguistics and pre-law, finished her juris doctors from Harvard University, currently studying for her masters of law at Georgetown University.
Birthday: June 9th, 1994
Likes: América Latina (especially her home countries, but she’s biased), learning languages, stained glass windows, hand-rolled cigarettes (or spliffs), honeysuckle and jasmine, the pains au chocolat in Paris, the smell of saltwater and/or freshwater, cooking (especially with someone else), old vinyl records, thrift shopping, photography, traveling, museums (d’Orsay in Paris is her favorite), trashy reality TV, Picasso, gold jewelry, hard cider, peach flavored lip gloss, postcards, elephants, horror movies, crucifixes, passport stamps, guys with tattoos, humid climates, tropical fruit (mango, passion fruit, banana, guarana, guava, kiwi), fig jam and brie cheese, androgynous girls, knitting, rap music in other languages (especially French rap), reggaeton, not wearing makeup, public transportation, sand beaches, cobblestones, sunsets, mom jeans, Harry Styles.
Dislikes: Donald Trump (especially his immigration policies), INS / ICE, racism and xenophobia, the far right, jetlag, losing friends, losing her possessions, student loan debt, rips in her tights, red wine, driving, black and green olives in any circumstance, tight clothing, class barriers, being late, brown liquors, winter, motion sickness, long layovers, pretentiousness, social media, running out of film, creepy men, gentrification, scabs (she always picks at them), sometimes her husband.
Faceclaim: Luma Grothe
Ethnicity: Half-Colombian, Half-Brazilian-Portuguese
Nationality: Both a Brazilian and Colombian national, she received her permanent citizenship to the United States following her marriage in 2014.
Born: Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil.
Raised: Medellín, Colombia.
Resides: Washington, D.C., United States.
Languages: Portuguese, Spanish, English, French, can read basic Latin, and she’s recently begun studying Mandarin Chinese.
Romantic Orientation: The only serious romantic relationship she’s ever had was with her husband, so the concept of romantic orientation is still very confusing and new to Thaís.
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Kinks: Daddy play/age play, pet names, dominant partners, choking, spanking, being held down/tied up, marks and bruises, masochism, exhibitionism/public sex, spitting, cum/raw sex.
Marital Status: Married to Caetano Rodrigues
Smokes: Yes (to both)
Alcohol: Yes
Political Affiliation: A registered Democrat, though she’s more far-leftist and radical than her party typically allows (basically a devout socialist/anti-fascist)
Religion: Catholic
Bio: She loves Brazil, adores it even, but something about Medellín will always remind her of home. She doesn’t remember much before Colombia, or the divorce that tore her parents apart, the one that drove her and her mother out of Curitiba and into the home of her tia and primos, family she’d never met before. A place that felt like a whole different world. She never saw her father again, or much else in Paraná, really. The wound’s still far too raw. Even if that singular, crystalline moment, the trauma of losing her father and the idea of what ‘parents’ were supposed to be, still haunts her, Thaís swears that the new family she gained made up for it. She finally had siblings, a brother and a sister, both older, both fiercely protective, and she grew up the way all little girls should - playing football and gossiping with friends and ultimately, happy. Until her mother left. Thaís was beginning puberty when her mother decided to seek work in the United States, leaving her only child with Tia Marlli and Tio Luis. Though she loved Colombia, and the home she had forged for herself there, the longing she felt for her mother never dissipated and she spent the majority of her formative years dreaming about the perfect life she’d be living in America. Unfortunately, despite her best attempts, Thaís failed to receive a visa during high school, though she worked hard at her aunt’s coaching to maintain high marks throughout her education. Instead of worrying about citizenship, she focused on university, and after her acceptance to Johns Hopkins University, she figured the rest would come easily. The culture shock of Baltimore had been a lot to take in at first, and she took a while to adjust and assimilate into American life. Her mother wasn’t all too far away in D.C. either, which helped, though it hurt Thaís to see the struggles she had been enduring, struggles that seemed very different from the American idealism she had envisioned in her head. She coped the only way she knew how - throwing herself into her schoolwork and studying diligently, with the knowledge she had to make a better life for herself, for her mother’s sake. Things at Johns Hopkins seemed pretty dull; until she met Gabriela, that is. Thick as thieves, it felt almost as if Thaís had gained another sister, one to study with and cry over boys with and practice kissing with. She even got to spend a semester studying abroad in Paris. Graduating early was probably one of her proudest achievements, only seconded to her Harvard law acceptance. Though despite her status as a student, Thaís’ status as an immigrant proved far more precocious and fearing the worst, she ultimately married American-born Brazilian hotel heir, Caetano Rodrigues, a relationship of mutual convenience. Thaís finally became a citizen and Caetano could get the wife his parents always demanded of him. Granted, it can be difficult to be with a man one hardly loves, but Thaís can’t complain, especially after he helped pay off her colossal student loan debt. After successfully finishing law school and passing the bar, she began practicing immigration law, representing people like her from countries like her own in a system that continuously puts them at a disadvantage. Much of her work is unpaid, though she doesn’t mind the grueling hours. It’s the emotional labor that’s truly taxing. She’s returned to college for her masters degree and continues to make strives in her career every day. But what she never anticipated was meeting a popstar and falling in love. Her education never prepared her for that.
Location: Her family home in Medellín, Colombia.
Sports team: Either the Brazilian or Colombian national football (soccer) teams.
Music: Is she biased if she says her favorite artist is her cousin/brother, Juan Luis Arias, aka Maluma?? Other than him, she adores other reggaeton artists such as J Balvin and Daddy Yankee, all kinds of different rap (she’s obsessed with Kendrick Lamar), and some random bands here and there too (her favorite is definitely Glass Animals).
Shows: Narcos, How To Get Away With Murder, Lost. Anything that can keep her intrigued.
Movies: She always said Pulp Fiction was her favorite, but lately Coco’s given it a run for its money.
Artists: Picasso, Matisse, Klimt.
Food: Her avó’s cooking.
Beverage: An ice-cold Coca-cola (but it has to be in a glass bottle!)
Color: Green. Any shade.
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