tetsuotools · 2 years
i also have a ‘post-hex’ au idea … among many other things.. still working on conceptualizing it because i literally only made it because I wanted to give them all cool new outfits/looks lol
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waxwwing · 4 years
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lunchtime backporch tooldump
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tetsuotools · 2 years
Alright op drop the stormbleeze hcs
hoo boy are you ready I don’t think you are ready
saying I have too many is an understatement. frankly I don’t have enough
i obviously can’t remember all of them but be ready for a long ass dump regardless o7
-lazarus is the type of guy who can keep his composure and is either relaxed or just level headed in most situations but anytime it involves chandrelle it’s over for him (he loses it)
-puppy + kitty dynamic ok
-i feel like I’ve posted this before but chandrelle has “the” smile that makes him crack and it’s less of like. The ingame smirk sprite and much more of a genuine smile yknow
-t4t bi4bi i says what i says
-lazarus had bigass crush on her during SoL but took him a minute to realize. Probably didn’t help that she played along with it/somewhat shared the feelings
-he definitely shunned her a lot during VG , probably tried to throw away his feelings for her but unfortunately for him there was still a little speck of hope that one day they could turn everything around and that’s what got him to open up alittle more at the six pint
-chandrelle couldnt ever reflect on what she did because dumbass vallamir would always say something snarky/make her feel embarrassed (he’s in her brain… lol) so she just kinda sat in her own tears because of it
-adding to the angst, because she was shut up by lazarus so quickly after she tried to reconcile with him she legitimately thought it was over. Then she put vallamir in the Tube and regained the confidence she needed lmao
-therapy for them is just holding eachother for a prolonged amount of time because they needed alot of time to just make up for everything
-i like to think that reginald put lazarus’ sword in chandrelles room because he was sick of seeing the tension and nothing happening so he purposefully put it in there
-there’s a moment of dialogue if you go the long way in the cave during SoL where they have an exchange and chandrelle goes “it felt good to slay a few kobolds though, didn’t it?” And lazarus begrudgingly replies “.. I think you should have left me under that rock this time” and my infected brain takes that as him being so stunned by his silly little girlcrush that he goes into denial mode LOL
-chandrelle is overprotective of him. Not in an unhealthy way but more in a way of just, how she can’t ever lose him again
-touched starved lazarus. that’s all.
-lazarus knows that chandrelle doesn’t like the setting but he’d still much rather be in a sort of rpg kind of world than ever go back to vg. Chandrelle can kind of sense this so she makes sure they never go anywhere that reminds him of that
-lazarus cannot believe that she likes so much he thinks so low of himself that he can’t fathom that chandrelle cares about him that much (at least for a little while)
-lazarus lowkey dreads taking his helmet off because chandrelle always likes to mess with it like she can’t even control it it’s just her instinct to Pet the Lazarus
that’s all I can get out (for now >:] ), thank you for sending this in! Hopefully you enjoy reading some of these, im glad I can finally dump these to people that will listen
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tetsuotools · 2 years
any rust mclain hcs?
for sure ^^ let me rack my brain really quick for the things about the funny old man
these aren’t in any particular order but enjoy regardless
-the fact that he can’t grasp the concept of him being a video game character doesn’t stop him from trying his best to understand everyone’s struggles, like when he’s talking to lazarus even though he can’t really grasp everything he tries his best to understand so he can fit in
-autism be damned my boy can work a grill
-id say he’s like 50s-60s .?!?
-him and rocky and rebecha were/are like one big family im the sense of how much they just hung out together in WW. often times they’d just chat about stuff
-on that note, it took a minute for rebecha to get used to the fact that rust couldn’t grasp the concept of him being a game character but she tried her best to not freak him out too much when talking about stuff
-i think rocky keeps rust calm just by his presence , seeing as how when he slowly loses his grip on things towards the end of his segment he starts talking in rocky’s voice out of sheer panic and what not
-he’s a dog person
-i think he’d end up connecting with weasel kid the most (strange, but bear with me here) mainly because he sort of sees him as like, idk a son? a kid that needs to be protected/taken care of. weird bond kind of thing but rust can talk to him the most out of everyone
-he probably had a motorbike at some point in his life , he seems like the type to ride one around in the apocalypse to me at least lol
-he still doesn’t know why he should hate lionel, even after contributing to his death
-good mechanic but he never finds a time to apply his skills so he never really does it
i definitely don’t have too much to say about him but he’s very much close to my heart( like, literally every other character in this game) so hopefully this works for u anon (^_^*)
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