#top 10 mando episodes ARGUE WITH THE WALL!!!!!
thefrogdalorian · 3 months
I rewatched Guns For Hire tonight and I forgot how funny the droid chase on Plazir-15 is.
These poor people are just enjoying their meals in a fancy restaurant and suddenly a Mandalorian in the middle of an intense chase sprints in...
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(I love the way Din holds out his hand apologetically to them... in a world of boys he's a gentleman.)
Then said Mandalorian launches himself through a window to catch the droid...
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No hesitation, just straight away launches himself through a window.
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(And slides along on the floor in a thrilling sequel to #weeeeeeee)
I love knowing that throughout the galaxy there are probably so many people with anecdotes about this one shiny Mandalorian who arrives on planets, causes a ruckus and then leaves without elaborating. Din is truly insane and a nuisance [affectionate] and his hatred for droids is probably infamous at this point.
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