#top gun sleepover 🍿🥂💅🏻
bradshawsbaby · 2 years
Okay, friends, I’m posing a sleepover question for all of you while I go get some ice cream! Anyone ever try Long Drink? Miles co-owns the company and I want to try it 😂
I’m down so bad for this man it’s not even funny 🤪
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bradshawsbaby · 2 years
Happy sleepover! This is the same anon as before with the headcannons for you being friends with Mav before he and Rooster are taking again-
Anywho have another one I’ve been thinking of-
Going off the last post, where you have Roosters kid and whatnot…flash forwards a couple of years and now you have a cute little toddler.
Rooster’s still doing his thing and every now and then he leaves for missions and breaks all of your hearts because your kid is still young enough to not understand what this really means, but just old enough to know that when Rooster gets a mission it means daddy goes away for a while 🥺
It becomes a thing now that Roosters a dad, but he always asks Mav to watch out for you both while he’s gone. Of course Mav usually hangs out with you and your kid (Your kid absolutely adores Mav) So far- you’ve only had to call him twice for an emergency, once when you went into labor and the other when you thought you may have lost Rooster.
Of course he panics when you call him out of the blue in the middle of one of Roosters deployments. You’d talked to him yesterday and everything was fine, but he tries to call you back and gets nothing except your voicemail. But this morning he just can’t get a hold of you.
So just as he gets ready to drive over to your house- you show up at his.
“Rooster was supposed to go today for career day at preschool-“ is all you get out between almost crying because you forgot, or because little Goose is crying missing Rooster.
So Maverick does the only thing he can think of- he goes into Goose’s preschool and takes Roosters spot for career day, enthralling all the little kids with story’s about being a pilot and his job while also telling all the kids about Goose’s dad and why he couldn’t be here today.
When Rooster gets home he can’t stop laughing at the idea of Maverick being stuck in a preschool with all the little kids- but Maverick just gives him shit and compares it to training the Top Gun Pilots 🤣
I’m going to start calling you ☠️ Anon because I think you’re trying to kill me 😂
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bradshawsbaby · 2 years
i have a blurb idea if you are taking them . dad! rooster and reader take their kids to disneyland. The rest you can make up . I’m not that good at coming up with ideas to write about
Super cute! I made it Disney World since I’ve never been to Disneyland, hope that’s okay! Also, I referred to the children I created in my “Rooster As A Father” series.
“Daddy, I can’t see!” four-year-old Lydia whimpered, her ice cream cone melting in her little fist as she stood on her tip toes, trying to spot Cinderella’s Castle through the crowd.
“Lyddie, it’s a fireworks show. You’ll be able to see them up in the sky,” six-year-old Goose told his little sister, pointing up in the air.
“But I wanna see the castle!” Lydia replied, starting to cry.
It had been a long, hot day and the kids were exhausted. You and Rooster had taken them on their first trip to Disney World, which had been great so far, but could also be pretty tiring for the two of you as well. After the fireworks show, you were looking forward to getting back to the hotel and crawling into bed. Your one-year-old son, James was already fast asleep in his stroller.
“Don’t cry, baby, I’ll make sure you see the castle,” Rooster said in a comforting voice, pressing a kiss to the top of your daughter’s head and lifting her up onto his shoulders.
“Thanks, Daddy!” Lydia chirped brightly, her tears drying up immediately.
Your little family watched the fireworks show in awe, Goose slipping his hand into yours and resting against your side as Lydia clung to Rooster.
It was only after the show was over and everyone started making their way towards the exit that you realized Lydia’s ice cream cone had melted all over your husband’s head.
“What?” Rooster asked, noticing the way you were trying to mask a laugh.
“Nothing,” you told him, shaking your head. “I’ll get you some wipes once we get to the car.”
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bradshawsbaby · 2 years
why do I have the feeling with your Rooster imagines that the first time he glances at future Mrs Bradshaw,he casually says "oh look,that's my wife "😍💍😍
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bradshawsbaby · 2 years
TGM spoilers: I don’t think people talk enough about the comedy between Mav and Rooster as they snuck onto the enemy base and hangar. Rooster was awks af and I found it so endearing 😭😩
I feel like I’m the only one who ever laughs in the movie theater during that part! But it’s so funny! The way Rooster whisper-shouts Mav’s name and is then just like, “Okay, guess we’re doing this.” And his adorable little waddle while he’s running behind Mav 🥹😂
I also think the scene where the enemy pilot is signaling to them is hilarious. Rooster’s like, “What does that mean? What does that mean?” and Mav is all, “I have no effing clue” 🤣🤣🤣
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bradshawsbaby · 2 years
I feel like Hangman and Phoenix hooked up and neither will admit it was the best ever they totally have history
I mean, they would make a very gorgeous couple 😍
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The little hug they have at the end is super cute, too.
Uh oh, am I totally becoming a Hangman x Phoenix shipper? 😂
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bradshawsbaby · 2 years
out of all of the TGM characters, who do you think has the best game 🤔👀
I’d like to say that it’s Coyote or Payback or Hangman, but I think we all know the truth.
It’s Bob.
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bradshawsbaby · 2 years
i love the idea of Bradley having Goose and Carols anniversary tattooed on him. i feel like when he got married (once he finds the perfect match for him) he’ll get their anniversary on the other side
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bradshawsbaby · 2 years
Happy sleepover! How do you think Rooster and co. would celebrate Father's Day?
Oh, my heart! Okay, so first of all, I imagine that Father’s Day is a really tough day for Rooster for obvious reasons. When his mom was alive, they would visit Goose’s grave every year and just spend hours sitting and talking to him. Carole always made sure to tell Bradley lots of stories about his dad, especially on that day ❤️
After Carole’s death, Bradley continues the tradition, but now he visits his parents’ graves on both Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. If he’s traveling on those days, he always makes sure to have flowers delivered to their graves. He still talks to his parents all the time, no matter where in the world he is.
Once he becomes a father, Rooster’s wife and kids completely dote on him on Father’s Day. They make him breakfast in bed and the kids make him homemade cards and gifts. They’ll usually spend the day at the beach or the park as a family. And Rooster always makes sure to tell the kids stories about their grandfather 💙
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bradshawsbaby · 2 years
I know that Lewis said Bob didn’t drink or curse in more of a “this character is very pure” way but I like to entertain the idea that Bob is just a straight edge hardcore dude. He has a ton of tattoos but he gets them where they can be hidden by his uniform. Also 10/10 fits the stereotype of plain looking guys going the hardest in mosh pits.
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bradshawsbaby · 2 years
rooster’s casual f bomb was perfect and hilarious as well
From my understanding, movies with a PG-13 rating are only allowed one F-bomb. I must say, TGM truly used theirs flawlessly.
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bradshawsbaby · 2 years
I’m very late to the miles teller train but my god when I found out he was married, I was def punching the air LOL as if there was ever a chance that I’d meet and pull him 💀
Not me crying over the video Keleigh posted on Instagram of her and Miles dancing together the night before their wedding…
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At least Miles has an iconic wife who fully supports all of us loons thirsting after her husband 🤣
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bradshawsbaby · 2 years
happy sleepover! idk if we're taking bob asks but how do we think this man would react over you curating a whole spa night for him after a long mission?
Um, Bob is the sweetest man on the planet and would be the most loving, appreciative boyfriend/husband ever!
Seriously, he does not stop thanking you when you do even the smallest things for him, like packing his lunch in the morning. If he came home from a long mission to a whole night of pampering, especially pampering from you, he would probably lose his mind.
He’d definitely tell you that you didn’t need to go to all that trouble for him, but it would mean so much to him that you did. And as soon as he finds the opportunity to return the favor, he totally will. Bob will have you covered with your favorite bath bombs and face masks 🧖🏻‍♀️🛁
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bradshawsbaby · 2 years
i’m gonna go out and say Hangman probably doesn’t have any tats cause he’s got kim k vibes of “why put a number sticker on a Bentley”
Rooster: i wouldn’t be surprised if he got a rooster and a goose while he was drunk and sad one time. it’s probs hidden cause he thinks people will think it’s stupid but he’s learned to live/love it.
Phoenix probs has one that’s small and meaningful and only her (possible hangman) know what it is and the meaning
+ had to throw a little hannix in there
Oh, Hangman 🙄😂
I was actually thinking that I wouldn’t be surprised if Rooster had some sort of tattoo in honor of his parents 🥺
I could see Phoenix having one, too! Maybe in a spot that only Hangman would be able to find 😉
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bradshawsbaby · 2 years
If Bob was to get married do you think he would want the wedding to happen immediately or he would wait a lot of months because he wants to enjoy being engaged for a while
I think that Bob would want to put a ring on it as quickly as possible 💍
He doesn’t strike me as the kind of guy who would want or need a long engagement!
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bradshawsbaby · 2 years
happy top gun sleepover!! 🥂🛩
what's your favourite part of the new movie and why?
Do you mean besides….?
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Haha, but in all seriousness, I love the emotional scenes. The scene between Rooster and Mav where Rooster demands, “Why did you stand in my way?!” always has me like 😭😭😭
Rooster saying, “Talk to me, Dad?” Forget it, I’m a goner.
The sweet reunion between Mav and Rooster at the end? I cry.
Honestly, my favorite scenes are all the ones with Rooster 😂 Not only does Miles give a fantastic performance, but it was inevitable that I was going to adore Goose’s son.
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