#top sights in lisbon
lucids · 14 days
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Meteor flies over Portugal and Spain May 2024.
Pics on post:
4th pic from top, location: Spain
5th to 12th pics from top, location: Portugal
Last pic: "An illustration showing the different colors of fireballs and the chemical that they indicate (Image credit: Robert Lea (created with Canva))"
Meteor Occurrence:
"The meteor was confirmed by European Space Agency (ESA), who caught the fireball with its cameras in Cáceres, Spain, at 6:46 p.m. EDT (22:46 UTC) on Saturday (May 18). The ESA confirmed that the fireball was a piece of a comet that rocketed over Spain and Portugal, traveling at around 100,000 miles per hour, or about 65 times as fast as the top speed of a Lockheed Martin F-16 jet fighter. The ESA added that the meteor likely burned up over the Atlantic Ocean at an altitude of around 38 miles (60 kilometers) over Earth."
In this post:
Pictures of meteor phenomenon.
Two articles about meteor, one from Space.com science site.
Various videos from Twitter / X of meteor moving through sky.
Comments from people regarding meteor sighting, listed near end of this post.
Disclaimer: I found pics in post online so not sure which country images were seen from in first three pics, however the video links below of the meteor occurred in Portugal.
Note: this is a temporary post, it will be up for a short time.
Videos of Meteor from Twitter / X links:
Neutralious @Neutralious One of the coolest videos from the meteor yesterday in Portugal. https://x.com/Neutralious/status/1792236608298615064
Nova Portugal @NVPortugal
[English translation:]
A meteorite lit up the sky of Portugal 🇵🇹 with a sparkling blue last evening to the surprise of the inhabitants who were outside at the time of its passage.
Thousands of Portuguese people shared their reactions to the event on social networks.
Just In: Meteor spotted in the skies over Spain and Portugal.
This is insane.
Early reports claim that the blue flash could be seen darting through the night sky for hundreds of kilometers.
At the moment, it has not been confirmed if it hit the Earth’s surface however some reports say it may have fallen near the town of Castro Daire.
Other reports say it was closer to Pinheiro.
Sarah Smith @Defundmedianow
Here’s another view!
@tylerduran21 Here’s another point of view of the meteor from somewhere in Portugal, look how bright it lights up the night sky. https://x.com/tylerduran21/status/1792000073963905442
[Why are they speaking Russian in this post some ask, some Portuguese people say there are many Russians and Ukrainians, and other people (either traveling or living in Portugal) who speak Russian. Some say to those not use to hearing Portuguese it may sound Russian to them.]
"The street signs are form A1 highway between Lisbon and Porto. [In Portugal]"
andre tsestsiv @AndrijCesc92184 They really speak Russian in the video, but it's really in Portugal, I stopped the video and zoomed in on the banner, it says Porto Aveitas.
Svetlana @October292022 Answering your question, there are many Russians living or traveling in Europe, and lately many Ukrainians, who happen to be Russian speaking.
Svetlana @October292022 It's in Russian. She is asking ‘what is it? What is it?’ But she could be Ukrainian, the way she pronounced it.
Inspire Zone InspireZoneoff
How it starts breaking up in the earth's atmosphere
[This video used as example of how meteor may break up, it is not the actual meteor recently seen.]
Moriba Jah @oribajah This is a human made object … space debris reentry
Rajesh Khurana Rajeshk69683789 Quite likely turns to dust before it hits the ground . Alternately some larger remanent could hit the ground as well . We have to wait
Dr Vicky Harris @DrVickyHarris That’s def some old space station or similar falling back to earth. Not the Spanish meteor. Looks so cool tho.
kal Norwood @kwood3131 This could be space junk re enter the atmosphere. Old satellite etc.
Headlines from Articles:
Space.com - "Bright green fireball lights up the skies over Portugal and Spain" https:// www.space.com/meteor-green-fireball-spain-portugal-may-19-2024
"Blue Meteor streak across Spain and Portugal: Bright blue fireball flashes across sky in Spain, Portugal"
"Comet Fragment Explodes in Dark Skies Over Spain and Portugal"
"Comet fragment lights up sky over Spain and Portugal 'like a movie'"
"Pitch black sky turns blue in Spain and Portugal as meteor crosses." https://www.hindustantimes.com/trending/pitch-black-sky-turns-blue-in-spain-and-portugal-as-meteor-crosses-netizens-share-videos-101716099523108.html#:~:text=In%20Spain%20and%20Portugal%2C%20a,of%20this%20awe%2Dinspiring%20event.
General Info:
"Where did the meteor hit in Portugal? At the moment, it has not been confirmed if it hit the Earth's surface however some reports say it may have fallen near the town of Castro Daire. Other reports say it was closer to Pinheiro. News and media organization Nova Portugal also shared footage of the fireball taken from various locations"
"What is the blue fireball over Cádiz? A comet fragment lit up the skies over parts of Spain and Portugal overnight - as one person said witnessing the blue fireball 'felt like a movie'. The European Space Agency (ESA) shared a video on the X social media platform on Sunday which it says was captured by its 'fireball camera'."
"What is a blue fireball? The type of material that composes the meteor will determine the color we see on Earth as it shoots across the sky. According to NASA, meteors containing magnesium can create a blue-green light like those across Western Europe saw over the weekend."
"What is the difference between a meteor and an asteroid? So, what's a meteor? Well, let's start with a meteoroid. A meteoroid is a small piece of asteroid or a comet, typically pebble-sized, but could be a little smaller or a little larger, and often created from a collision. When a meteoroid gets close to the Earth and enters the Earth's atmosphere, it's called a meteor."
Portugal and Spain Time Zones:
"Is Portugal in the same time zone as Spain? If you live in Portugal and you want to call a friend in Spain, you can try calling them between 6:00 AM and 10:00 PM your time. This will be between 7AM - 11PM their time, since Spain is 1 hour ahead of Portugal."
"Portugal changed its time zone from WET (UTC+00:00) to CET (UTC+01:00)."
"Spain has two time zones. Spain mainly uses CET (UTC+01:00) in Peninsular Spain, Ceuta, Melilla and the plazas de soberanía. In the Canary Islands, the time zone is WET (UTC±00:00)."
Comments from video link posts:
Kevin M. Nelson @KevinMNelsonUSA They usually burn up, even when they look close. Epic thing to see though.
MiddleMaga.com @StucknDaMid Real life force field. [Always knew this, been thinking and saying this for years.]
Christopher Kardos @chriskardos Yes but not always…they could also explode overhead like Tunguska, Chelyabinsk…
horseninja @NELoughren One of the videos has it starting to break apart so that would also be my guess it broke up in the way down but I do love the color of this one.
Kathryn webster @Kathryn04244403 Of course if you ever go to Meteor Crater you know some are big and get through. Luckily they are few and far between and our oceans are the most likely places hit.
mikey @xrsvlt Meteor ≠ Asteroid
Moonyeezy @moonyeezylegend Why does it stay lit after in the middle only? wtf is that?!
Medusae Fossae @GeoTeachEon A meteoroid enters Earth’s upper atmosphere (Mesosphere), it is heated up due friction forces from the air. Gases around the meteoroid are heated up, thus makes the meteor glow brightly. Meteors appear in different colors, depending on the chemical composition of the space rock.
@moonyeezylegend Nice, great explanation. I was thinking that but still a little weird to witness. I imagined it was debris that was just the right temp and pressure to sustain a flare like effect.
Mystic Marmot @mystic_marmot Just a guess, that bright flash is where it has hit the denser part of earth's atmosphere and built up pressure enough to flare, and will continue being brighter for a while afterwards.
UnioniseToSurvive @mapgie Debris burning
B-Layne @btbaldwin25 The way night turned into day for a split second.
Tzolkin @tzolkinway I only saw the light (at midnight in Portugal) but 5 minutes later I heard a big explosion. [Could not find any follow-up online regarding it hitting land, maybe meteor broke up before hitting Earth, maybe a cover-up or not yet wanting to mention where it hit? Only read via an article from Space.com that it disintegrated over the ocean.]
SamWise @Feni__Sam There different colors happen when different elements are burning up. The colors are below. In this video, it was likely Magnesium. Violet (calcium) Red (atmospheric nitrogen and oxygen) Orange-yellow (sodium) Yellow (iron) Blue-green (magnesium)
Jontom Jontom2017 Blue-Green is copper. Magnesium burns with a very bright white flame. The meteor will be multi element though. Red would also denote high nickel content which is common in meteors.
[Space.com article above, the images of different colors of meteors says this one is most likely Magnesium material.]
Janet Montgomery archaeojan Strontium is red too - used in red fireworks.
Dopamine Feign @JellyN2Jam I’ve seen two neon green ones in last 2 years (not of that magnitude but still fascinating to see) while running at 4-5am. Much smaller so it looked like it was moving much slower. I think the color tells what the object is made of.
Fen @FenXVX And I would assume so. I remember doing the experiment in science classes where you change the color of flames by burning different metals so I assume it’s a similar situation.
FloridaMan.eth @votefloridaman Same month as the Aurora borealis Why are all these once in a lifetime events happening so close to each other. Makes you wonder if the solar eclipse was a warning.
Paul F @brain_of_jfk None of what you mentioned happens once in a lifetime.
@KrahenHexe The solar eclipse was forecast for hundreds of years. Nothing unexpected. Meteors happen every single day; most are extremely small, and our atmosphere very nearly always protects us from damage.
Fen @FenXVX This happens between 10 and 50 times a day. They’re not always that big but I did see one just like this around 2012ish. Except it was neon green.
nadiapr @TheNadiaPR The Aurora happens all the time. Same with meteors (aka shooting stars).
Epoch Inspired @EpochInspired One of the best auroral displays I have ever seen… photographed during the NASA LAMP rocket launch in Fort Yukon. https://x.com/EpochInspired/status/1792339865599906063
Wine, Weather, Music @wineweathrmusic Total eclipses happen about every 18 months. Auroras have been seen in the south before (‘81, ‘89). also see Carrington Event of 1859. Meteors happen constantly.
Brick Suit @Brick_Suit While this is a meteor, a more accurate description is the word "Bolide". I don't get to say bolide very often. Bolide!
Bolide - definition:
"A large meteor : fireball; especially : one that explodes."
"A large meteor which explodes in the atmosphere."
"An especially luminous meteor (sometimes exploding) synonyms: fireball. type of: meteor, shooting star. a streak of light in the sky at night that results when a meteoroid hits the earth's atmosphere and air friction causes the meteoroid to melt or vaporize or explode."
4 notes · View notes
wardenparker · 2 years
Starting Over - Chapter 12
Marcus Pike x female reader Co-written with @absurdthirst​
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Recently arrived in Texas and only slightly removed from his divorce, Marcus finds himself smitten with the women at the housewares store that is helping him furnish his new Austin condo. It becomes a more complicated situation than he could have expected, but Marcus has never been one to shy away from a challenge when love is on the line. ✨This fic takes place *before* the events of The Mentalist.✨  
Rating: Teen Word Count: 10.1k Warnings: *Blanket warnings for this fic will include divorce, past abusive relationships, deceased mothers, father issues/family trauma, unplanned pregnancy.* Cursing and food mentions, unplanned pregnancy, pregnant reader, Marcus being shamelessly flirted with, *Lisbon Alert*, fluff everywhere,  Summary: Everything’s coming up roses in the wake of Amanda’s departure from your lives, and a trip to the farm comes with a sweet surprise. Notes: We’ve finally caught up with the plot of the Mentalist in the very last chapter! Marcus deserved better than the way Teresa Lisbon treated him, and hopefully the epilogue will show that he’s gotten it. 💗✨🥰
Ch 1 ~ Ch 2 ~ Ch 3 ~ Ch 4 ~ Ch 5 ~ Ch 6 ~ Ch 7 ~ Ch 8 ~ Ch 9 ~ Ch 10 ~ Ch 11
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“Pike!” Section Chief Russell is a generally upbeat man, or at least relatively upbeat for a lifetime member of the law enforcement occupation, and when Special Agent Marcus Pike walks into his office on Monday morning his expression is downright jovial. “Sit down, son. I’m glad to see you.”
“Sir.” Marcus nods respectfully, nervous even though he knows he’s innocent. The accusations have been withdrawn but it could still leave a mark on his service record. Sometimes people were nicest before they delivered a crushing blow.
“I’m sure you’ve had a hell of a week, so I won’t poke the bear, but is everything all right at home now?” Russell’s own office is probably not far off from what Pike’s will look like in thirty years: photos of his family set in frames given to him by his wife and pieces of art by his grandkids displayed with honor. If he’s honest, that’s probably where his soft spot for Marcus Pike comes from. The younger agent is like a glimpse into his own past. Although Pike might have more good sense about him, which is one of the reasons that this whole domestic violence nonsense had seemed to come from so far out in left field.
There’s a small sigh of relief, shifting in the fore-mentioned chair to get comfortable. “Yes sir, fortunately, after retracting her slanderous allegations, my soon to be ex-wife signed the divorce papers and there will be no mistakes by the lawyers this time.”
“Good.” Russell picks up his coffee mug, draining the last of his second morning cup. “The new Mrs. Pike is well? Baby’s good?” The full explanation of everything that was going on at home was something Pike had given privately when news of the pregnancy came down the pipe, and Russell had been a little gobsmacked but shrugged his shoulders. To each their own, he always says. And Pike had plenty of his own.
“Very good.” Marcus nods, unable to stop himself from giving a soft smile. Even though Andrew had stayed until this morning, the spare room was officially starting to look like a nursery. No traces of Amanda were left anywhere in sight.
“Good.” Leaning back in his chair, Russell surveys his young agent with an appraising eye, seeming to take one last look before he decides to go ahead and say what he planned on saying this morning. “I’m sorry you were out of the office for a few days, but a few people wanted to nose through your business, and I wanted to make sure that there wasn’t a drop of ink out of place while they did.” The older man’s face betrays a wider smile, and an unmistakable expression of pride. “You’ve been on a short list in Washington for a few months now, and as of this morning, you’re at the top of it.”
He knows the shock on his face is clear, eyes widening, as he takes in the older man’s words. He’s looked up to him as a mentor over the short time he’s been here. “Sir— I, thank you for the consideration.” He gushes slightly. “It’s an honor.”
“Marcus,” Russell chuckles, a little charmed by the earnestness on Pike’s face. “I haven’t even told you what the short list is for. It could be Archives for all you know.” Not that it ever would be. Pike has an excellent arrest record and a high conviction rate. He’s as good in court as he is on the street.
He flushes slightly, aware that he might have jumped the gun. “I would take it if that was what was offered.” He tells him honestly. “My fiancée would love nothing more than to move back to D.C. She attended college there and it’s where we are planning to get married there.”
“You would hate the Archives.” Russell’s amusement turns into a full laugh, and he nods as he leans forward in his chair again. “There’s a task force being assembled to have our Art Crimes division collaborate with Interpol and Scotland Yard. It would be a lot of desk work and a lot of travel. But?” He waves one hand as though indicating a world of possibilities. “Do well and it becomes a promotional fast track.”
Marcus’s brows raise and he nods, aware that it’s essentially being groomed for a Director role. “I understand.” He tells him. “A task force could revitalize the close of Art Crimes cases.”
“I’ve already put in my recommendation.” And he stands by it, using the time that Pike was out of the office on the outlandish domestic charges to pull up the young agent’s record and make sure everything is spotless. “I don’t know what role you might be offered, or how soon, but I’ll let you know as soon as I hear something.”
Understanding that he’s being dismissed, Marcus stands and holds his hand out to his boss. “Thank you for your guidance and leadership.” He tells him. “I have learned a great deal about being an agent from you during this time.”
“It’s been my pleasure.” Russell isn’t looking forward to losing his best agent, but he is proud to see Pike doing well and stands to shake his hand. “One more thing,” he remembers, wondering how this was a thing he forgot. “They’re doing a little renovation on our bullpen for the next week or two, so we’re sharing office downstairs. We’ll be using the conference room for interviews, so you can set up in there.”
“Yes sir.” Marcus nods and turns to walk out of the office, nearly floating on air he’s so excited. The idea of going back to D.C. had been a distant dream and he’s thrilled he can possibly make it a reality sooner than he ever believed possible.
The kitchenette downstairs is full to bursting, four other agents all bustling around making coffee and grabbing muffins including another member of his team. Isabel Cortez is making small talk with three women Marcus barely recognizes when he walks in. “Pike!” She calls his name, relieved to see him after a couple of days of no word from Russell’s office. “You came back to us!”
“I’m back!” He grins at her, always happy to see the cheerful agent. “What’s been going on?”
“We’ve got the interview for the gallery shooting in a half hour.” That’s not the good news, but it’s the work news, so Cortez makes sure she mentions it first. “And we have lovely new floor mates.” This is the good news, and she introduces the other agents easily. “Fisher, Wylie, and Lisbon. They have accepted our peace offering of muffins this morning, so now we’re all friends.”
“Nice to meet you.” Marcus smiles at each one. “Marcus Pike.”
“Nice to meet you.” The agent named Fisher puts her hand out to shake Marcus’s, and Lisbon gives him an extremely unsubtle once over before stepping forward to shake his hand as well. “I don’t recall having run into you before.” She says, offering him a small, flirtatious smile.
“I’ve been out of the office on personal business.” He offers, not elaborating on things beyond that. “But I’m here now.”
“You certainly are.”
“Ladies,” Cortez laughs, barely managing not to roll her eyes. “He’s engaged with a baby on the way, let’s let the man get back to work, huh?”
Marcus bites his lip to keep from chuckling at the disappointed expressions on their faces while the agent called Wylie looks oblivious. You would find that funny, although you will also tell him that they have every reason to be disappointed. “Speaking of working….” He glances around. “Where are we setting up?”
“Grab your coffee,” Cortez nods to the counter behind agents Fisher and Lisbon. “And I’ll show you the conference room.”
“Ladies. Gentleman.” Marcus nods and skirts around them to get to the coffee pot. He’s stopped making coffee at the house out of consideration for you.
“That’s a damn shame.” Lisbon mutters to her colleague on their way down the hall to the bullpen a few minutes later. “I’d climb that tree in a heartbeat.”
Fisher chuckles, agreeing with her. “He’s attractive and he seems nice.”
“You’re so polite about it.” Teresa laughs it off as they walk down the hall together, putting Agent Pike on the unattainable but fun to look at shelf in her mind and moving on.
Greater Rochester International Airport is just big enough to feel busy, but as you and Marcus step out into the sunlight of the parking lot of the car rental company to get into the little Ford Focus that you’ll be using for the weekend, it is abundantly obvious that the folks around here move at about the third of the pace of Austin. The twenty-year old snapping her bubble gum at your hands the keys to Marcus with a smile even though the reservation was under your name, and you roll your eyes in amusement as he hands them directly over to you. “It’s not too far,” you tell him as you climb behind the wheel. “Twenty-five minutes of country roads and we’ll be right as rain.” The visit to see your father is fast on the heels of Amanda’s departure from your lives and you honestly can’t remember the last time you felt so relaxed. The only worry is how your father will react to you already being pregnant, but since the ring is already on your finger you figure even a traditionalist like him will have to concede.
Marcus nods and shuffles the bags in his hand. “Are you happy or nervous to see your dad?” Marcus has his own reservations about meeting the man who he had both asked to marry him without getting permission and knocked up. Your father might have some strong feelings about it. “Hopefully he likes the gifts we’ve brought.”
“He’ll love them.” The collection of barbecue dry rubs and packets of various pickling spices that you and Marcus had put together will be right up his alley. You just wish you could have brought him a bottle of Texas whiskey as well. “I have to admit, I’m happy to be home for a couple of days. I know but the time we’re ready to leave I’ll be more than happy to retire from farm life again, but this will be nice.”
Laughing, he opens the trunk of the car and starts loading bags in. The two of you hadn’t traveled heavy, but there was plenty between you. “I’m interested in seeing home.”
“The cute little farmhouse that begot your cute little fiancée?” You joke, once he’s situated in the passenger seat beside you. “The best part of the whole place is my mother’s garden.”
“I take it your father cares for it religiously?” Marcus had a house plant once. It died a pitiful death, and he’s never tried again so he has no clue how to care for a garden.
"He does his best, and I check in on it whenever I'm home." You nod, turning over the rental car's engine and heading for the highway. "I always...I put out a vase of flowers every morning while I'm there. Like Mom used to."
“That’s good.” Marcus smiles and reaches over to rest his hand on your thigh. “I can’t wait to see that.”
The drive is quick, passing easily as you point out various landmarks or the sites of old memories to him along the way. Twenty-five minutes later exactly, you're pulling up in front of an old-fashioned farmhouse at the end of a long gravel driveway. Its white paint is chipped and worn but the shutters are the same warm red as the roof and door making the whole place look picturesque and inviting. "Home sweet home," you grin at Marcus when you park the car.
Marcus frowns at the two trucks in the yard. “Eric?” He asks, nodding towards them. “You said he still works for your dad?”
"Yeah." The bumper sticker of an angry red-and-blue-striped cartoon bee emblazoned with an M on its chest is faded but proud in the back window beside a sticker for the Buffalo Bills and one that reads Support Your Local Farmer in bold white lettering. "James Monroe High Redjackets." You explain, pointing out the first sticker. "I don't know who made that up but it's the weirdest fuckin' mascot."
“I’ve heard of Yellowjackets, but never a Redjacket.” He jokes, feeling a little nervous about meeting the dad and the ex in one go, but he owes you after the shit you put up with from Amanda. “I love you.” He murmurs suddenly, reaching for your hand to squeeze. “Your dad is going to love me by the end of this visit. I promise.”
"I have absolutely no doubts about that." And you don't, really. Your father may be a little bristly with new people but the only people he actually actively dislikes are the rude and ignorant. Marcus is neither of those things. Slipping your hand into his, you bring his knuckles up to your lips and dust a few kisses across them. "You ready to do this?"
“Of course.” Scoffing, Marcus shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly. “I’ve been in a standoff with a murderer, how hard can meeting your dad be?” He asks and then widens his eyes dramatically. “Shit, but I had a gun then.” He jokes.
"Yeaaah," you pat Marcus's leg with your other hand, smirking until it turns into an all-out laugh. "This time Dad has a gun, but you have the ultimate shield. You're giving him grandbabies."
“Very true.” Marcus concedes. “Plus…maybe the fact that I’m rich will help?” He is still getting used to that fact, the idea of using the trust fund, but it doesn’t bother him like it used to. He will use it to make sure that he gives you the best life possible. “Maybe I’ll buy him a tractor. Farmers love tractors.”
"I have a feeling that that factoid might piss off Eric more than it would help with my Dad." The two of you climb out of the car and you huff slightly, soothing your belly automatically with one hand as you straight up. "Just be yourself, baby. That's all you need to do and I promise everything will be fine."
“I just don’t want your relationship with him to suffer.” That’s what Marcus worries about the most. If his father-in-law didn’t care for him, he could live with that. He’s a grown man and knows sometimes people just don’t like each other. But the last thing he wants is to affect your relationship.
"I think you're worrying more than you need to." You try to reach for your own bag but get a dirty look from Marcus for the brazen audacity of thinking he would ever let you handle your own carryon. "Come on," you laugh, shaking your head at him. "We should be just in time for lunch."
“Okay.” Marcus makes sure the only bag you are holding is the one containing the gifts. That is fine. “You should be hungry. You haven’t eaten in two whole hours.”
"Har har har." Rolling your eyes at him as you climb the two steps to the porch, you stick out your tongue like the very mature adult that you are. "Go ahead and tease the pregnant lady about her snacking habits and then see if you get any tonight. I dare you."
“Wait.” Marcus comes to a dead stop. “You mean that’s on the table here?” He asks in wide eyed wonder. He had expected to be told hands off under your dad’s roof.
"I mean we should probably keep the volume down to be respectful, but yeah. I don't see why not." It's not like you and Eric hadn't lived technically in sin in this house for almost an entire year. There isn't any reason you can think of why you shouldn't be able to indulge with your fiancé over the weekend.
“Shit.” Marcus shakes his head. “I’m sorry baby. I know I’m starving.” He shoots you a grin and a wink.
"Well I can't have you starving for affection." You pull him close for a quick kiss - alright, two - before knocking loudly on the front door and barging directly inside. "Dad! We're home!"
Marcus follows you inside, shuffling bags and setting them out of the way as he hears footsteps coming from the kitchen. Wanting this to go as well as he possibly can, he turns towards the sounds and watches as your father moves into view.
“Sunny?” You hear him before you see him, your father’s deep voice ringing through the house easily, and grin when he strides through the kitchen doorway. “Well I’ll be damned girl, look at you.” He huffs, and anyone who didn’t know him would think he was annoyed. But that’s just how he sounds. “You look happy, Sunshine. Give your old man a hug.” It’s about the easiest request you can think of, even if your father is a full foot taller than you and it still makes you feel like a little kid to have to reach up to him in tip toes. At least, for now, you chose loose enough clothes that your belly isn’t immediately on display. He would have said something. “Dad,” you pull back from your father and turn to smile at your fiancé. “This is Marcus.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir.” Marcus offers his hand, immediately taken in a very firm grip. Part of him thinks that it might be a test of strength but another part of him thinks that it’s just your father’s handshake. “She has been looking forward to this trip.”
“She doesn’t get home often enough.” Your father contends, surveying Marcus carefully before letting his hand go. “I guess I have you to thank for getting her back. Come on in, kids, we were just making lunch.”
Deciding that leaving the luggage in the entryway is the best course of action, Marcus follows you as you follow your father through the hall. Glancing at pictures on the wall that he will want to study when he has the chance. It’s obvious that they are pictures from when you are younger and he can’t wait to see them.
“Look at what the cat dragged in.” There is a younger man standing in the kitchen, tan and blonde with bright blue eyes and broad shoulders, wiping his hands on a kitchen towel. There is a pot of soup on the stove and a cutting board laden with the ingredients for grilled cheese on the counter behind him, as he is obviously ensconced in everyday life here. “Hi Eric.” You’ll be civil, friendly even, because if what your ex means to your father in terms of the family farm - but any feelings you had for this man beyond passing cordiality have long since dried up. “Um— Eric, this is Marcus. My fiancé.”
Eric's eyes widen slightly in surprise. He hadn't actually expected the fiancé to be real if he was honest with himself. Your father had said something about a man, but he hadn't thought it was as serious as you had said. Recovering, he wipes his hand on his jeans and holds his hand out to Marcus. "Eric. Ex-fiancé." He chuckles.
"Except this time there's a date and a venue that doesn't involve milking cows between the ceremony and reception." You mumble, shaking your head. "So what is it that you do, son?" Your father has gone to retrieve a pitcher of iced tea from the refrigerator and two more glasses. "Sunny here didn't give out too many details. Was it...law enforcement?"
Marcus lets go of Eric's hand and nods, shuffling slightly. "Yes sir, I'm with the FBI." He explains, wondering if they will be uncomfortable at the mention of federal law enforcement. Sometimes people are wary of any of the alphabet agencies.
"FBI?" Handing off two glasses of tea to you and Marcus, your father raises an eyebrow at you. "You really couldn't stand small-time anything, could you, Sunny?" "It was a coincidence," you take the glass easily, nudging Marcus toward the kitchen table so you're not all just standing around awkwardly. "He came into my store to buy furniture after he moved to the city, and I helped him pick some things out."
"She was a lifesaver." Marcus corrects with a small laugh. "Everything in my condo she helped pick out, beyond a few paintings."
"I'm kinda wishing I had talked you out of the leather sectional now that I'm living there," you joke, poking at Marcus a little as you sit down at the table. "I end up sticking to it whenever I fall asleep in the living room."
"We will be glad we can just wipe it off." He reminds you, smiling slightly at the upcoming mess and destruction of furniture that all kids seem to bring with them.
"She's a fairly tidy girl, I think you'll be alright." Eric is back to the business of making sandwiches, adding then one by one to a large pan. "No...uh..." Shaking your head, you reach over to thread your fingers through Marcus's and sit back in your chair. You definitely hadn't planned on doing this in front of Eric, but maybe it's worth it to get around what would otherwise be a gossip storm. "We have, uh...we have one more thing we wanted to announce. And then you can resume the interrogation."
Marcus squeezes your hand in reassurance. He had told you that he would tell your father, but you had insisted you wanted to be the one. “We are really excited.” He adds, wanting him to know that he is happy for the baby.
“More announcement than that you’re getting married?” Your father raises an eyebrow as he sets bowls of soup down at the table. “You kids running off to Vegas for this wedding or something? You can’t be in any kind of trouble with an FBI fiancé, right?” “Nobody’s in trouble, Dad.” You hang on to Marcus’s hand to steady yourself, but the fact is you’re so happy about everything finally going well that you know you’re beaming. “I’m pregnant.”
Marcus watches at Eric’s interested face falls -obviously not happy with the the news - turning to watch the cogs in your father’s head turn as his frown furrows his brow. Not the most enthusiastic response, but he knows it’s a surprise to him.
“But you said that you got engaged two weeks ago, Sunshine.” Watching your father put the pieces together is making your stomach flip - and it’s not the baby moving around that making you green around the gills. His frown is fully formed as he eyes your oversized shirt, and his gaze is disapproving where you were so sure he would be excited. “H-how…how far along are you?” “Twenty-two weeks. I’m due in December.” Gently smoothing one hand over your loose clothing reveals your noticeable bump, and the smile on your face is watery with happy tears. “We—we just found out last week. We’re having a boy.”
"I am fully aware that this is a shock and seemingly sudden." Marcus adds. "But I want to assure you that we have been nothing but thrilled to be preparing for the baby and expanding our family." He levels a look at your father - man to man. "I understand that you might be upset at me, and I deserve it. But I love your daughter and I want nothing more than to provide for and spoil her and our coming children."
“Sudden’s sort of an understatement.” Rubbing at the back of his neck, your father leans forward in his chair and surveys the pair of you carefully. “You know you don’t have to marry this man just because he gave you a baby, Sunny,” he reminds you slowly. “You can come home and I’ll take care of you and my grandson myself. Things ain’t like they used to be.” “Daddy.” It’s your turn to frown, but you understand that it’s coming from a place of care and concern even though it might not sound like it. “I love Marcus so much. I would have said yes to marrying him even without the baby, and we’re excited to be parents. We’re going to have a big family and bring your grandbabies up to visit as much as we possibly can. This is a good thing. All of it. I promise.”
This isn't going so hot. Marcus squirms, only comforted by the fact that this is what you want. "If she had chosen to not be with me, I still would have made sure that both your daughter and my child never wanted for anything." He promises, knowing that it would have broken his heart, but he would have done it.
That seems to mollify the older man slightly, and your father looks back at you with a slightly softened expression. “You’re happy?”
“You love this man and you trust him?”
“More than anything.”
“Well shit.” One fist pounds the kitchen table exuberantly as your father leans back on his chair with a wide smile on his face. “I guess we’re having a party then.”
Thank God. Marcus blows out a silent breath of relief. Eric is still frowning, and he knows the man had hopes that you would come to your senses and come back home - to him. Marcus had just ruined that plan for him. He hates it for him, but you weren't going to ever give him that fantasy anyway.
“Barn party?” You grin at your father, knowing exactly what he’s thinking and he nods. “Mom used to throw barn parties with her friends.” Squeezing Marcus’s hand, you can give him sort of a quick outline of the kind of thing your father is talking about. “It kind of became town tradition. Anytime somebody has some good news they want to share, they call around and invite everybody over to eat and drink all night in whoever’s barn is hosting. We play music and the kids bring games. Everybody brings food. They’re a very casual way to have a lot of fun.”
A potluck in a barn." His brow raises, but he's not judging it. "I think that would be fun." He offers, smiling at you. I'll help in whatever way you need me to."
“You want to show him around town, Sunny?” Now that you’re father has decided that he accepts the situation, he’s all in - only regretting the fact that your mother isn’t here to celebrate with you, too. “I’ll make you a list of things to pick up for tonight and you can spread the word?” Of course he’ll make some calls as well and start setting up, but he needs to be at the farm to do the work in between chatting. “Congratulations.” Eric murmurs, not meaning it for a second as he puts the plate of sandwiches down in the middle of the table. “Jim, I’m gonna go and check on that bit of fencing in the east end of the pasture. I’ll meet you for the afternoon milking.”
Marcus frowns slightly at the man quickly walks to the door and opens it. Turning to you and sighing softly. He wonders if he should go talk to the man, or if it would make things even more difficult.
“Let him adjust.” You squeeze Marcus’s hand gently before turning to the food in front of you. The baby is basically keeping you in a constant of hunger lately and you’re not going to lie - your dad’s vegetable soup is comfort food. “He’s had a bomb dropped on him…I’ll go and talk to him before the party tonight.”
"Okay." Marcus doesn't like it, but there is nothing he can do. You and Eric have history and he respects that. "Your soup smells wonderful." He compliments your father. "She's been looking forward to some comfort food. The baby's been giving her a bit of a time with foods that don't agree with her."
“Her mother had a world of trouble.” It had been a part of her decision to only have one child, ultimately. That your mother’s pregnancy had been so difficult. “I swear by the time she was six months along there were only about five things she could eat without having trouble.”
“Oh good, so this is hereditary.” Despite rolling your eyes, you shoot Marcus a grin. Any difficulties you might be having are well worth it as long as the baby is healthy.
“As hereditary as your hair and eyes and smile.” Your father nods. He always liked to point out how much like your mother you look and since her passing it’s made you feel just a little bit closer to her memory. “So Marcus,” he doles out sandwiches and takes a sip of his tea. “What sort of work do you do for the FBI?”
Marcus sets the sandwich down and gives his full attention to his future father-in-law. “I work in Art Crimes.” He explains. “Stolen, copied or plagiarized famous works. Mainly working with museums to recover works from the black market.”
“So no drug dealers or gun runners or anything that’s going to make my daughter a young widow.” Jim nods his head. “Good. Not that I don’t have respect for those people, but my concern is for Sunny.”
“I won’t lie and tell you that there is no danger with my job.” Marcus tells him honestly. “But I will do everything in my power to come home to her everyday.” He promises. “And, while it’s a small consolation, if something happens to me, she will not be a bereft widow.” Before his father had left, he had the attorney’s draw up a will that would be iron clad and provided for you and any and all future Pike-ettes. Everything he had would go to you and there was no way anyone could contest it. Not even his father.
“Planning for the future important.” Jim nods solemnly, face momentarily drawn. “Everyday I had with her mother was precious. Lizzie was barely ever sick a day in her life besides being pregnant and getting cancer. You just…you never know what can happen.”
“I am very sorry that I never got a chance to meet her.” Marcus murmurs softly. “My own mother died when I was 17 from cancer and it was the hardest thing I’ve ever gone through in my life, I can’t imagine if it was the woman I love.” His hand grips yours tightly wanting to suddenly demand that you go to every doctor’s screening available without fail.
“And we’re not imagining that now.” Holding onto Marcus, you squeeze his hand back reassuringly. “I’m fine, the baby is fine, everybody is good and we’re not worried.” In fact, since Amanda left, the only dark spot in your days has really been work. Even your morning sickness is starting to let up a little.
He smiles, picking up your joined hands and kissing the back of it softly. “All I want.” He promises you, not worried about showing affection around your father. He won’t grope you in front of the man who had helped create you, but he wasn’t going to hide his feelings for you.
“So,” he smiles, glad to see a bit of natural affection between you. There should be, between spouses. “When’s the wedding?”
“October 11th.” You brighten at what is easily one of your two favourite topics of conversation. “It’s a Saturday, and a long weekend, and Marcus and I will make sure that you have your own room at the hotel for as long as you want to stay. I know you don’t like to be away from the farm for too long, but we’ll take care of everything. All you have to do is show up and walk me down the aisle.”
He knows you will be heartbroken if your father claims that he can’t leave. He hopes that he won’t, but he also wants to make sure it doesn’t happen. “If necessary, I’ll be happy to hire workers to make sure that everything is running smoothly while you are gone.” He offers.
“Eric can mind the place for a few days. He and Ginny can hold down the fort.” He looks to you with a tilt of his head. “Long as you don’t mind your cousin missing your wedding in favor of your old man being there?”
“Ginny? Seriously?” Though you sound incredulous, you do nod. “I didn’t think any of Aunt Corinne’s kids ever went in for the farm life. That’s great, though. I’m glad you have good hands to help out and not just the seasonal guys.” Soup spoon back in hand, you lend your bewildered fiancé a grin. “Aunt Corinne is my mom’s sister. She and Uncle Rob own a cheese shop in town, and I thought all of their kids worked there too, but I guess not.”
Marcus hums, intrigued by the idea of a cheese shop. “I can see not wanting to work for the family business.” He quips, thinking about himself.
Your father catches Marcus’s tone and looks over at him. “What business did you leave behind to fight crime, then?”
“My father runs a technology company.” He tells your dad nonchalantly, as if it’s not a big deal.
“Hmm.” Though he doesn’t know why, that wasn’t the answer Jim was expecting, so he just nods. “Not everybody’s cut out for the same things are their parents,” he acknowledges, pointing at you. “My girl did everything we asked of her, but she just wasn’t happy on the farm.”
“I completely understand.” Marcus nods, not going into why he didn’t want to follow in his father’s footsteps. “Running HP wasn’t my idea of a future. So I made my own path.”
The company name doesn’t register in your father’s mind, and he nods as he pushes his clean plate away on the table. “And the two of you together?” He asks instead. “You have a path together?”
“I think we do.” Marcus smiles and kisses your hand again. “I have told your Sunny that I will fully support anything she wishes to do, even if she would like to be a stay-at-home mom. Or become a powerhouse in the hospitality business.”
“Good.” When Jim nods this time, he pushes back from the table and picks up a notebook and pen from the sideboard nearby. A few moments of silence gives him a chance to jot a few things down, and after briefly reviewing the items he hands it over to you. “You kids head into town and pick up some supplies,” he tells you, digging into his back pocket for his wallet to get you a credit card which you immediately refuse to take. “Invite whoever you want while you’re in town, I’ll make a few phone calls myself. Tell ‘em 6:30.”
Marcus watches as your father kisses your cheek and then heads out the same door that Eric had left through. “Well that went okay, I think this means that he approves?” He asks, gesturing to the list of items to get for the barn party.
“I thought he’d be thrilled immediately and even I didn’t expect a party.” You haul yourself up from the table and give Marcus a kiss before you start to gather empty plates and glasses from the table. “Want to help me load the dishwasher before we go? Downtown isn’t big but I’ll get to show you all my old haunts.”
“Baby, you sit down.” He huffs. “You can point to where things go.” He knows you can do things for yourself, but he also knows you might get a little sick after eating so he wants you to let your food settle.
With Marcus following your direction, the kitchen is quickly cleaned up and you’re grabbing your purse from the entryway where you left it before you head back out to the rental car. “So, is it as quaint as you were expecting, so far?”
“I think that it’s charming.” Marcus looks over at you and grins. “I can see our kids running around out here.”
“Soon enough.” One hand on your belly makes you hum and return his smile. “First stop is Aunt Corinne and Uncle Rob’s shop. She’ll riot if she’s not the first to know about the party.”
“I can understand that.” Marcus grins at you and reaches over to cover your hand with his. “Family needs to be told first. And I’m curious about this cheese shop.”
“You looked at me like I was crazy when I went off on cheese knives and graters the day we met, but I come by it honestly.” The drive into town isn’t too bad, just average country roads that you’ve seen a million times but Marcus can’t enough of. The hand-painted East Rochester Cheese Co. sign above the retro-looking shop front on the corner of Main and Elm is an East Rochester institution since Uncle Rob’s father opened the place in the early 60s. Now they proudly sell cheeses made on your family’s dairy farm from freshly milked cows that get pampered more than any pageant queen. Aunt Corinne works the front counter while Uncle Rob handles the deliveries and stock, and puts his accounting degree to work on the books, and their sons do every job in between. It’s a full family operation, right down to your cousin’s kids colouring at a table in the corner when you walk in.
“Wow.” Marcus whispers as he walks into what he can only describe as a cheese haven. Every kind of tool and cheese board is stocked on the shelves and there are cheeses he’s never even heard of written on a board as a specialty.
“Saying the cheese course of our wedding dinner will be the most important plate was not an exaggeration.” Being back in such a familiar space with Marcus by your side is so relaxing that you actually sigh happily, right before a screech of “Sunny!” goes up from the doorway behind the counter and the blur of a short woman all in blue and white bolts out from around the counter to squeeze you in a crushing hug. “Careful!” You laugh, prying your aunt off you. “You can’t squeeze as hard as you want to right now.” With a grin at Marcus, you add: “Baby on board.”
To say that Corinne’s mouth drops open would be an understatement. Pulling back quickly and glancing from your stomach to your face and then finally over at Marcus. “Oh my God, what did your father say?” She breathes out in shock.
“He said ‘party at 6:30’.” You grin, reaching for Marcus’s hand. “Aunty, this is my fiancé, Marcus.”
"Fiancé." She hums in approval, looking Marcus up and down and the small grin grows wider. "You landed yourself a good looking man, Sunny." She tells you with glee. "You look natural together, unlike the last one you were with." She's not certain if you've told Marcus who you were with and she won't try to rock the boat by speaking out of turn.
“Aunt Corinne was never a fan of Eric’s.” You explain, offering Marcus a shrug that barely contains an accompanying smirk. “Clearly.”
She huffs and rolls her eyes. "Yeah and I hope to hell he doesn't turn his eyes on Ginny."
“Just because he wasn’t right for me doesn’t mean he can’t be right for someone else.” Pulling your father’s list from your purse gives you a little bit of focus and you squeeze Marcus’s hand again reassuringly. “We wanted to tell dad about the baby in person, and it was a good excuse to show Marcus where I grew up.”
“Of course.” She smiles at Marcus. “He should know where you get your crazy from.” She winks with her joke and looks over the list. “I’ll bring the cheese board of course.” She insists. “No need to put in an order. We will make sure it’s spectacular. A welcome to the family thing.”
“Can I talk you into putting an extra block of dill Havarti in with whatever you bring over?” You’re practically salivating looking through the case and Marcus grins at your enthusiasm. “It’s Marcus’s favourite and the baby is very into herbs.”
“I was actually thinking about bringing a fondue fountain.” Corinne shoots you a grin. “I have a new model I want to test out. How does that in dill Havarti sound?”
You nearly groan, realizing you’re salivating at the thought only a second later. “You’re a genius, aunty,” you promise her, with all the sincerity you can possibly muster.
“Anything for my favorite niece.” She gives you another wink, not mentioning that you are her only niece, and her eyes slide down to your stomach again. “How far along are you, hun?”
“Twenty-two weeks. Due in December.” With Marcus beside you at the counter, you’re suddenly wishing you had blocked out an entire day of this trip just to sit and eat cheese and see your family. It’s so much nicer to visit when there’s something happy to celebrate and right now you have double the happiness. “I’m just hoping he’s not late, so he doesn’t lose his birthday to the holiday season, ya know?”
"I'm sure you would never let that happen, even if he was a holiday baby." She doesn't miss the reference to it being a boy and she's practically shaking in giddy happiness. "You let me know what you are doing for a baby shower and I'll either be there or we will throw you one here."
“We’re not planning on doing anything big.” Having talked it over, you and Marcus had decided that getting everyone together for the wedding was more important than trying to do an additional shower, especially with that being busy time for you at work and everything. “But the wedding is going to be in October, and that’s really what’s more important to us.”
“You’re going to be a beautiful bride.” Corinne suddenly gets a little watery eyed and leans in for another hug. “I wish your mother could have seen it. Happy looks good on you.”
“Thanks, aunty.” You squeeze her shoulders tight, appreciating how easy it is for your family to see that you truly are happy. The ease with which they’re accepting Marcus makes everything more exciting on a level you hadn’t anticipated. “I’m, um…I’m going to wear her jewelry in the day. There are a few things in my jewelry box that were hers and I thought it would be a nice way to have her there.”
“I have her veil.” Corinne announces. “She - it had a small rip in it, from when you used to play with it as a little girl. Then she got sick and it became unimportant.” Her sigh is heavy and laced with the sorrow of a sister who had lost her best friend. “But I did fix it and packed it away for you. If you want it.”
“Hmm.” Your lips twist and you raise an eyebrow at your aunt in amusement. “Weird how that offer never happened when I was engaged to Eric.” Even Marcus has to laugh at that, although he politely stifles his while you and Aunt Corinne have an all-out giggle. “I would love that, aunty. Thank you. Any way we can have our mothers with us, we want to. That is, um…Marcus lost his mother as well. Younger than I did. So we’re trying to find ways to carry them with us that day.”
“I’m so sorry.” Corinne turns to Marcus and reaches out to hug him fiercely. “I know that there is nothing I can say, but I am sorry.”
“Aunty, we should get going on this list.” More hugs all around, and you reach for Marcus’s hand again. “We’ll see you tonight?”
“Of course.” She laughs and shakes her head. “I don’t want an angry pregnant lady because I didn’t bring the fondue.”
Nothing is forgotten that night, and it seems like the entire town has turned up to meet the man who managed to tie down the wandering farmer’s daughter and see if the rumoured baby bump is for real. Gossip spreads fast in small towns and everybody on Main Street today caught at least a glimpse of you and Marcus walking hand in hand between stores. The barn has overflowed out into the nearest pasture and every table has been piled up with food and drink. A few people came with gifts or morsels of long-standing family advice, and your cousins even showed up with sound equipment to be able to play music that’s far better than what happens when Stuart and Eddie from the hardware store have one too many and decide to reminisce about their high school band. Citronella torches keep the bugs at bay and the kids have been playing games for hours while their parents and older siblings dance and eat. It’s…well, it’s the most perfect engagement party you could ever ask for.
“Wow.” Marcus can’t believe this is the same barn he had walked into hours ago. “They manage to put together a party quickly.”
“It helps when everybody is allowed to pitch in,” you tease, seeing as Marcus hadn’t wanted you to overdue anything and wanted you to take it easy during setup. You had compromised by staying just in the barn while he brought you everything that needed to be set up on the tables.
“This is what you wanted.” He realizes this now that he sees how much you love it. You hadn’t wanted to be married here, but you wanted this. Your community celebrating your happiness.
“I feel like we’ve been haunted for months.” It’s silly to admit, and probably sounds stupid to have it said out loud, but as you sway with Marcus on the makeshift dance floor it makes perfect sense. “We can finally breathe. Breathe and laugh and be excited about the future without having to look over our shoulders. And that is cause for celebration.”
“Yes it is.” Marcus decides that right now is the perfect moment to tell you. “The lawyers called while you were in the house peeing.” He grins at the fact that you go to the bathroom every twenty minutes like clockwork now and strokes your back to soothe you when you tense up at the mention of the lawyers. “The court date has been moved up to next week. So the divorce will be final sooner than we hoped.”
“Oh, thank god.” The sigh that escapes you is audible, like air leaving a balloon. “It’ll all be over…”
“I know.” His lips brush over your cheek and find your lips. “I can’t wait to marry you.” He promises.
"It feels like it's taken forever to get here even though it's only been a few months." You don't let him get far, stealing another kiss before he straightens his back again. "Bet you weren't expecting to be married again and be a father within a year of moving to Texas."
“Not at all.” He shakes his head and gives you a smile while reaching up to cup your cheek. “I came to Texas believing I was starting over.” He murmurs softly. “But what I really did was find the life I am supposed to have, the woman I’m to spend the rest of my life with.”
"I love you, Marcus Pike." Turning your head ever so slightly lets you kiss his palm, and you smile again the warmth of his skin. "And I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."
You may have gone a little overboard. A lot overboard. In the weeks since Amanda had invaded your workplace, even Marcus’s reinstatement, the trip to the farm, and the divorce and haven’t been able to smooth over the cracks in the rose-tinted glow of how you used to look at your job. Maybe it’s your second trimester talking, but long days standing on cement floors getting yelled at by entitled people who no sense of humanity or manners just isn’t something you can take anymore. It used to be something you took with a grain of salt, but the fact is – you never intended to be in retail for the rest of your life, and working for a corporation that gives you no room to accommodate or stand up to customers as the situation calls for it has finally run its toll on you.
Which is why, as you hustle around the kitchen at the end of Marcus’s workday, the entire place smells like Thanksgiving. It’s Marcus’s favourite meal in the whole world and since you’re basically going to tell him tonight that you want to quit your job, you thought he deserved his favourite foods. Hopefully you won’t be unemployed for long, but for now? For now, this is sort of your peace offering for telling him you might be a housewife for a while.
Marcus pulls up at the house, grinning to himself when he sees your car. Reaching over into the passenger seat to pick up the flower bouquet he had stopped to pick up on the way home from work. “Babe...” Marcus groans when he opens the door and smells the mouthwatering scent of dinner. “I’m home and it smells delicious in here.” He drops his keys on the table in the entry way and shuts the door behind him.
“Turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, cornbread and sausage stuffing, green bean casserole, and Brussels sprouts with bacon and pearl onions.” When you pop out from around the corner wearing an apron over your oversized t-shirt and leggings, you offer him a proud smile. “Everything is homemade except the apple pie. I suck at baking pies.”
“You didn’t have to do that.” Marcus protests because he feels like he should, not because he’s not appreciative. “But I am going to make sure that I rub your feet tonight longer than normal.” He walks over and drops a kiss on your lips before he offers you the flowers. “These are for you.”
“I wanted to. And they’re beautiful,” you hum, barely letting him pull away before you’re stealing another kiss. “What’s the occasion?” There are decorative vases in certain favourite spots in the house, but only recently have you actually been able to put flowers in them. You never did before for certainty that Amanda would destroy any buds outside your bedroom.
“Well, we closed our case today and I also have some other news that we need to celebrate.” Marcus murmurs, not wanting to give it away too quickly. “We can talk about it during dinner.”
“Everything’s pretty much ready, I just have to get the sprouts out of the pan.” Nodding toward the kitchen, Marcus followers you and – as you expected – immediately starts bringing things to the table. “We’re going to be eating leftovers for days, but I didn’t think you would mind.”
“My favorite kind of meal.” He loves when you can make enough to have leftovers for a few days. Some of them had made him extremely popular in the break room when he heats them up.
“There might be more of it to come soon.” There’s just no way to know, and you hope that he really meant those times when he assured you that he wouldn’t mind if you wanted to stay home with the kids.
“That sounds great, babe.” He murmurs, reaching into the fridges to grab the bottle of sparkling water so he can mix it with the raspberry lemonade. “But don’t overwork yourself.”
“I won’t.” That, you can promise him. In just a minute more you’ve fully loaded the dining room table with the traditional feast and you’re handing Marcus a plate to load up while you pour drinks. “So. Case closed?”
“Case closed.” Marcus shakes his head. “Jane was right, as much as I hate to admit it.” He hadn’t particularly cared for the consultant, even though everyone had sung his praises. He seemed like he would be a good con man - which he apparently was for years.
“Do you have to work with them again?” You don’t so much mind that apparently some of the female agents thought Marcus was attractive – because obviously you agree – but you know he didn’t care much for their consultant.
“I can tell you with certainty that I’ve worked my only case with them.” Marcus hums happily, a little pleased smirk on his face.
“Is your floor done already? That was fast.” It’s only been a bit over two weeks – you expected it to take a lot longer than that with how long he says the government contractors always take. “That’s exciting. You get your desk back.”
“Actually….” Reaching over, Marcus takes your hand. “There’s something I need to tell you.”
“You look excited.” Carefully putting down your fork, you reach over and close your other hand over his. “Did you get something big? I mean I’m not hoping somebody got hurt or anything, but you’ve had a couple of long cases. Did you get a break in something?”
“I found out today that I’ve been selected to lead a task force that will work with Interpol and Scotland Yard on Art Crimes.” Marcus tells you. “In D.C.”
“No!!” Squeezing his hand in excitement, you’re practically propelled out of your chair and throwing your arms around him, babbling incessantly in between kisses to his cheeks and lips. “Baby, that’s— that’s amazing! That’s huge, and it’s so fast! I’m so, so so proud of you, Marcus. You work so hard, baby.”
He soaks up your affection like a sponge, happy that this has happened. Kissing you back and caressing the now very obvious baby belly that has grown over the past few months. “The only thing is…they need me there in a month. Five weeks at most.” He sighs and looks up at you. “If you want to take your time, I can go out there ahead of you.”
“No way in hell.” The proud tears in your eyes are threatening to spill over, and you sniffle them back with one more kiss before pulling back a little to look him in the eyes. “Work never got better even after the Wicked Witch left, honey. I’m still dreading every shift and coming home in tears, and it’s not because of the hormones. I— um, honestly? I was going to talk to you about wanting to give notice. I want to get back into hotels. So…this is actually perfect timing for a move.”
“Quit.” Marcus tells you immediately. “Give notice, walk out, whatever you need to do baby.” He reaches out to take your hand. “You know I will support whatever you want to do however I can.”
“I have the perfect excuse without needing to get into things now.” More than anything, you had dreaded knowing you would feel compelled to explain yourself. To give a reason why you no longer enjoyed your job. “But my amazing fiancé getting a huge promotion is all the reason in the world. I’m so proud of you, baby. Your own task force? That’s enormous.”
“I know.” He blows out a breath and looks nervous for the first time since he’s been given the news. “It will be a lot of work, especially at the beginning.”
“And you’re going to be incredible.” You have nothing but the utmost faith in him and you know it’s well founded. “I’ll tell them two weeks when I go in tomorrow and then we can be in DC as soon as you need.” The idea of that far-off, theoretical DC move suddenly being imminent is nothing but exciting for you.
“I’ll need to call my father so he can give the tenants notice.” Marcus tells you, before he gives a grin. “He showed me the house. You’re going to love it.”
“What’s it like?” So far all you knew was that it was a Victorian, but past that it could be absolutely anything.
“Dad sent me a link.” He pulls out his phone. “Apparently the trust has a page dedicated to the contents of the trust. They updated photos after doing some minor repairs.”
You scoot your chair closer to his at the table as Marcus punches in a password, so the two of you can look together. “Oh wow…” As soon as you look at the view from the front gate, it’s like it was built just for the two of you. The all-brick construction was probably intended to keep the house cooler in DC’s warm weather, but now it combines with the shoulder-height wrought iron gate surrounding the property to create an impressive historical facade. The garden seems to extend all the way around the sides, too, and includes a few fruit trees from the look of it. But it’s the dogwoods framing the entrance to the driveway that you really love. “I don’t even care what the inside looks like,” you joke as Marcus scrolls through the pictures. “It’s gorgeous.”
“I don’t think my father has ever owned an ugly house.” He admits, remembering how nice his house with his mom had been. He had wondered for years why he had obviously spent so much money, but had always written it off as guilt. “It will be modernized as much as design will allow too.”
“Holy crap, it has six bedrooms?” Glancing through the facts listed alongside the photos, you see a construction date of 1893, six beds, eight baths, and that central air was somehow installed in the historical home in the time since that became possible. “If it has a library I’m going to cry,” you tell him, starting in on your dinner with a laugh.
“Baby….” Marcus shakes his head and looks at you in delightful exasperation. “There’s a study – which is basically a library.” He flicks his thumb and takes the photos to the large study with build in bookshelves.
“If you ever can’t find me,” you look him in the eye very seriously. “I am either in the garden, or in my library. Goddamn, it’s sexy just saying it.”
“We will have to get very comfortable lounge chairs for you to curl up in.” Marcus muses with a grin. “And make sure we’ve got plenty of books to read on those rainy or snowy days.”
“I hope the fireplace is functional.” The ornate fireplace built into one wall of the study just cries out for a snowy day family cuddle pile featuring all four Pike-ettes. “Six bedrooms means each of the kids has their own room and we still have a guest room for when one of their grandfathers comes to visit.”
“That works even better than I ever could have imagined.” Marcus admits, knowing housing prices are outrageous for larger homes. He had anticipated children sharing a room at the least.
“We got lucky.” And you know exactly who to thank for it, considering Andrew explicitly put his childhood home aside for Marcus years ago. “I just hope the tenants that are there now are really okay with us moving in. I know Andrew said they had been looking for someplace smaller now that their kids are moved out, but this is short notice.”
“If they need longer, we can always stay in a hotel until they are ready.” Marcus smirks at you. “I don’t mind having you pampered for a little bit with room service and maybe spa treatments.”
“I guess we won’t have to worry about flying to DC for anything before the wedding.” Dinner is great, but now everything is great along with it and you feel like you’re buzzing in your seat. “But I think we should scale back the honeymoon. I doubt you’ll be able to get two whole weeks off with a brand-new task force.”
Marcus shakes his head. “I’ve already been assured that all my leave that already has been approved is rolling over.” He assures you. “I asked when I was told.”
“Well damn.” The smile on your face couldn’t possibly get any bigger, or it would just split you in two. “Got any other good news for me, while you’re at it? Did you go out and get a puppy on the way home and you’re just hiding it in your jacket?”
“No, I thought we would pick out a puppy when we get to D.C.” Marcus winks at you. “After the honeymoon so we don’t give the pup separation anxiety.”
“I’m never going to sleep again.” And yet? That doesn’t sound bad at all. Not when it comes on the heels of a happy family and a brand-new life that’s everything you ever wanted.
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My Masterlist!
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kiruthikablogs · 3 months
Best travel destinations to visit 2024
Top best places to must to travel :
Bhutan: Land of Happiness: Nestled amidst the majestic Himalayas, Bhutan beckons with its enchanting landscapes and vibrant cultural heritage. As one of the world's happiest countries, Bhutan offers travelers a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the tranquility of Buddhist monasteries, hike through pristine mountain trails, and witness traditional festivals that celebrate the rich tapestry of Bhutanese culture.
Croatia Adriatic Gem: With its azure waters, picturesque islands, and charming medieval towns, Croatia continues to captivate travelers seeking a Mediterranean escape. From the historic city of Dubrovnik, known as the "Pearl of the Adriatic," to the idyllic islands of Hvar and Korčula, Croatia offers a perfect blend of history, culture, and natural beauty.
Japan: Land of Contrasts: From the bustling streets of Tokyo to the serene temples of Kyoto, Japan is a land of captivating contrasts. In 2024, travelers can discover the country's rich cultural heritage, sample delicious cuisine, and marvel at the beauty of cherry blossoms in bloom. With the upcoming Tokyo Olympics, Japan promises to be a vibrant destination filled with excitement and cultural festivities.
Peru: Land of the Incas: Home to ancient ruins, breathtaking landscapes, and vibrant indigenous cultures, Peru offers travelers a journey through history unlike any other. Explore the iconic Machu Picchu, trek through the Sacred Valley, and savor the flavors of Peruvian cuisine in Lima, known as the gastronomic capital of South America.
Iceland: Land of Fire and Ice: Renowned for its otherworldly landscapes, Iceland is a paradise for nature lovers and adventure seekers alike. From the dramatic waterfalls of Gullfoss and Skógafoss to the steaming geothermal springs of the Blue Lagoon, Iceland's raw beauty never fails to mesmerize visitors. In 2024, travelers can also witness the awe-inspiring spectacle of the Northern Lights dancing across the Arctic sky.
Australia: Land Down Under: From the sun-kissed beaches of the Gold Coast to the rugged beauty of the Outback, Australia offers endless opportunities for exploration and adventure. Discover the vibrant city of Sydney, snorkel the Great Barrier Reef, and embark on an unforgettable road trip along the scenic Great Ocean Road.
Portugal European Gem: With its charming cities, picturesque coastline, and rich cultural heritage, Portugal is a hidden gem waiting to be discovered. Explore the historic streets of Lisbon, wander through the vineyards of the Douro Valley, and relax on the sun-drenched beaches of the Algarve. In 2024, Portugal's warm hospitality and laid-back charm await travelers seeking an authentic European experience.
Morocco: Gateway to Africa: Immerse yourself in the exotic sights, sounds, and flavors of Morocco, where ancient traditions blend seamlessly with modern influences. Explore the bustling souks of Marrakech, wander through the labyrinthine streets of Fez, and embark on a desert adventure to the Sahara dunes. With its vibrant culture and diverse landscapes, Morocco offers a truly immersive travel experience.
New Zealand: Land of Adventure: From rugged mountains to pristine beaches, New Zealand is a playground for outdoor enthusiasts and adrenaline junkies. Discover the breathtaking landscapes of Fiordland National Park, hike the legendary Milford Track, and experience the thrill of bungee jumping in Queenstown, the adventure capital of the world.
Greece: Cradle of Civilization: Step back in time and explore the ancient wonders of Greece, where mythology comes to life amidst stunning archaeological sites and sun-drenched islands. Discover the iconic Acropolis in Athens, sail the crystal-clear waters of the Aegean Sea, and indulge in delectable Greek cuisine overlooking the Mediterranean sunset.
In conclusion, the year 2024 promises a wealth of exciting travel opportunities for adventurers of all kinds. Whether you're drawn to the cultural heritage of ancient civilizations, the natural beauty of remote landscapes, or the vibrant energy of bustling cities, these ten destinations offer something for every traveler seeking to make unforgettable memories and embark on a journey of discovery.
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paramedicabroad · 3 months
Monastery of the Hieronymites and Tower of Belem in Lisbon
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Welcome to Lisbon, where history comes to life amidst the charming streets and iconic landmarks. Today, we're diving into the rich heritage of the Monastery of the Hieronymites and Tower of Belém, two UNESCO World Heritage sites that stand as testaments to Portugal's glorious past.
In 1983, the Monastery of the Hieronymites and Tower of Belém were collectively designated as UNESCO World Heritage sites, recognizing their outstanding cultural and historical significance. As icons of Portugal's Age of Discovery, these monuments serve as reminders of the country's pioneering spirit and global influence.
Nestled in the picturesque neighborhood of Belém, the Monastery of the Hieronymites (Mosteiro dos Jerónimos) is a masterpiece of Manueline architecture, named after the Order of Saint Jerome who inhabited the monastery. Its intricate façade adorned with delicate carvings and elaborate sculptures is a sight to behold, drawing visitors from far and wide to marvel at its grandeur.
Standing proudly on the banks of the Tagus River, the Tower of Belém (Torre de Belém) is a symbol of Portugal's maritime heritage and a masterpiece of military architecture. Built in the 16th century as a fortress to defend Lisbon's harbor, the tower boasts a unique blend of Moorish, Renaissance, and Manueline influences, making it a true architectural gem.
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Stepping inside the Monastery of the Hieronymites and Tower of Belém is like stepping back in time, as each stone and every detail tells a story of Portugal's illustrious past. From the monks who once walked the cloisters of the monastery to the sailors who manned the cannons of the tower, the echoes of history are palpable in every corner.
Visitors to Lisbon can immerse themselves in the city's maritime legacy by exploring the Monastery of the Hieronymites and Tower of Belém. Wander through the cloisters of the monastery, admire the intricate details of the Manueline architecture, and climb to the top of the tower for panoramic views of the river and beyond.
Throughout the year, the Monastery of the Hieronymites and Tower of Belém host a variety of cultural events and exhibitions, offering visitors the opportunity to delve deeper into Portugal's rich history and heritage. From art exhibitions to music concerts, there's always something new to discover in these historic landmarks.
Preserving the Monastery of the Hieronymites and Tower of Belém for future generations is a top priority for Portuguese authorities, who have implemented rigorous conservation measures to protect these iconic landmarks. From restoration work to environmental monitoring, every effort is made to ensure that these UNESCO World Heritage sites remain intact for years to come.
Ready to embark on a journey through Lisbon's storied past? Plan your visit to the Monastery of the Hieronymites and Tower of Belém today and immerse yourself in the rich history and culture of Portugal. Whether you're a history buff, an architecture enthusiast, or simply someone who appreciates the beauty of the past, these UNESCO World Heritage sites are sure to captivate your imagination and leave you longing for more.🏰🇵🇹
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atotaltaitaitale · 4 months
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One last sight as we climbed all the way to the top of Lisbon highest hill to check out Castelo de São Jorge.
Human occupation of the castle hill dates to at least the 8th century BC while the oldest fortifications on the site date from the 2nd century BC. The hill on which Saint George's Castle stands has played an important part in the history of Lisbon, having served as the location of fortifications occupied successively by Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Romans, and Moors, before its conquest by the Portuguese in the 1147 Siege of Lisbon. Since the 12th century, the castle has variously served as a royal palace, a military barracks, home of the Torre do Tombo National Archive, and now as a national monument and museum.
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driftwork · 7 months
once a long time ago when a helicopter flew over the plains, a plain that had occasional hills on which towns were built, far above this particular hilltop on which a town stands, Mont’io. A farmer from the plains below who by chance looked up towards the sky above the town was shocked to see and then hear the helicopter flying noisily above him, circling the hilltop town. Even now in those quiet moments when the sound of machinery is almost absent, the sight of a helicopter flying over a valley, or coming into land on the top of a building in the city fills us with wonder. As when one emerges from the clouds over Lisbon, the clouds swirling as its blades create vortexes of air, generating lift, if you are on the helicopter beneath it the city vanishes as it flies north-eastwards. Then flying over London, Paris or Osaka it makes the skies vibrate with expectation passing by what are familiar landmarks, a tower perhaps the Eiffel, Tokyo or the Shard, it takes the city with it, removing the city from time, expanding the horizon and taking it back into memory, to the moment when you became exiled, unable to see the places we grew up in again. The helicopter over Farringdon street overlays the noise of the city and reminds you that you know so little of the spaces which the helicopter has been tracing its socio-political line of stratification. Are you allowed on helicopters with your contract? Perhaps you should ask… The numbers and the corporate logo on the underside of the helicopter do not contain any obvious meaning, asignfying you think. The message vanishing into the endless line of messages struggling to infect your imaginary. These messages have taken on the status of cosmic messages as they escape the planet and communicate with others in space. The name printed on the side of the helicopter is no longer a brand of things for sale, they are things anyone in the multitude may meekly, passively buy and consume, but not you as you are not allowed to travel. Watching the helicopter coming into land we imagine every detail of the passengers and crew, the uber-rich-shiny-people, celebrities, well dressed, the men in expensive suits, the woman in city clothing, the bags and brief cases carrying the discreet technologies of the day, will they fly to a heliport in the outer suburbs or continue on a longer trip to the mountain passes in the north where they will explore the bodies of their fellow passengers. Perhaps they’ll have to land a short while after leaving to drop off a dead passenger with its bags and the unanswered phone still ringing in its pocket…
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notesonartistry · 1 year
Hello as someone who is very well travelled I have a question for you?
Which of these cities would you rate top 3 to visit
london, manchester, dublin, paris, berlin, amsterdam, brussels, barcelona, lisbon, rome
Asking for a friend dreaming about eras europe
Ooooh, it depends to an extent what you enjoy doing and when you'll visit. If you're dreaming of Eras Europe then let's assume summer. I'll also assume you've never been to any of them before.
I haven't visited Lisbon, Berlin or Amsterdam (I want to visit all 3 in the order I wrote them). I was supposed to go to the Lover show in Lisbon and I'm still bitter because it looks like an amazing city with gorgeous architecture.
Barcelona is one of my favourite cities - nice weather, cool architecture and parks, beaches, delicious food ... mmmmmm! And of course footie! What more could you want?!
Dublin is great fun too, lots of pubs if you like a night out. The city is pretty, the people are very friendly and there's lovely outdoors stuff to do (a higher chance of rain than some other cities though!).
London and Paris have something for everyone, and they're cities that I think everyone should visit at least once. There's cultural stuff, touristy things and so many beautiful parks. I loved Paris (especially the Sacre Coeur). They're both quite expensive though.
Rome, I've only been to very briefly, but obviously it has loads of cultural stuff too. Who could say no to all the historic sights, nice plazas and yummy food!
Brussels has cool architecture and squares too, and tons of range in beers and chocolates to try! It's also super connected for exploring other towns/cities.
Manchester has been redeveloped a lot since I visited and it has a great nightlife. I don't think it lives up to some of the other cities you listed, but it's a long time since I was there.
I failed spectacularly at choosing a top 3, sorry anon! In fact, I nearly added extra cities that I love! But maybe my info helped you think about which is best for you. Cost might also be a consideration.
I think this ramble of a post probably demonstrates my 'problem' with travelling - there's too many good places ... but on the plus side, hopefully that makes it more difficult to make a mistake in choosing!
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Top 10 Countries in Europe for Tourists
Europe, a continent bursting with history, culture, and tantalizing cuisines, is a haven for tourists. But with so many countries to explore, where should one start? Let's dive into the top 10 countries Europe for tourists that should be on every traveler's European bucket list!
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Ah, France! The nation of love, wine, and delectable pastries. France has much to offer to every kind of traveler.
The City of Love: Paris
Who hasn't dreamt of standing atop the Eiffel Tower or wandering through the Louvre? Paris is a mesmerizing blend of history, fashion, and culinary expertise. Have you ever heard the phrase, "Paris is always a good idea"? Well, they weren't kidding!
French Riviera's Enchanting Coastline
Beyond Paris, the south of France boasts stunning coastal towns like Nice, Cannes, and St. Tropez. Crystal blue waters, golden sandy beaches, and world-class festivals – what's not to love?
When you think of Italy, what comes to mind? Pizza, pasta, or perhaps the Leaning Tower of Pisa? But there's so much more to this beautiful country.
Rome's Timeless Ruins
The Colosseum, Roman Forum, Pantheon... Rome is like a living museum. Walking its streets feels like time-traveling back to the glory days of the Roman Empire. Have you ever wondered how it feels to walk the same paths as ancient emperors? Rome gives you the answer!
Venice: The City on Water
Imagine floating down serene canals with a singing gondolier. Venice is pure magic. Bridges, waterways, and historic buildings create a unique experience. And let's not forget the delicious gelato waiting around every corner!
Spain is a fiesta of flavors, sights, and sounds. It's a place where passion meets tradition.
Festive Barcelona
From Gaudi's architectural wonders to the lively La Rambla, Barcelona offers a unique blend of modernity and history. Tapas, anyone?
Seville's Flamenco Beat
The heart of Andalusia beats to the rhythm of flamenco. Seville offers sun-soaked plazas, historic palaces, and a vibrant nightlife. And did I mention the mouthwatering churros?
The cradle of Western civilization, Greece offers sun, sand, and ancient history.
Ancient Athens
The Acropolis, Parthenon, and ancient ruins remind you of Greece's grandeur. But Athens isn't just about the past; it's a buzzing city with a vibrant street culture.
Santorini's Sunset Magic
Cliffside towns with white-washed buildings overlooking azure waters — Santorini is postcard-perfect. Have you ever wondered where the best sunset in the world might be? Many say it's right here!
The underdog of European travel, Portugal is a hidden gem waiting to be discovered.
Historic Lisbon
With its cobblestone streets, historic trams, and delicious pastries (hello, pastéis de nata!), Lisbon is a delightful mix of old and new.
The Douro Valley's Wine Trail
Rolling hills, terraced vineyards, and world-class wines make the Douro Valley a must-visit for every wine lover. Fancy a glass of port in its birthplace?
From history-filled cities to breathtaking landscapes, Europe offers an eclectic mix for every traveler. Whether you're looking for gastronomic delights, architectural marvels, or beachside tranquility, Europe has it all. So, where are you headed next?
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Thursday 22 August 1839
4 ½
11 ¾
fair but dull morning F61 ½° at 4 ½ am very much rain in the night – uncomfortable bad so small – but good linen as everywhere – bill the most moderate we have had only 3 dollars rigs.  off at 5 22/.. very pretty road here about Tibble lake and pretty picturesque cottages on it and forest and pretty breaks in it – Barkaby at 7 55/.. not good looking to sleep at but apparently 2 houses as last night – one where the servants slept and cooked and for common travellers, and one where we slept and next to us the landlord and his wife, and then Gross and Grotza a few little cottages scattered about here Barkaby = have left the forest but it is here woody and pretty tho’ no sight of the lake – clouds very dark – but now (at 8) a little sun – pretty foresty drive with cottages and some better houses – hops looked well never saw so large a plot in Sweden before about 12 x 15 rows at about a yard distance each plant – at the lake very pretty at 8 5/.. and turn right, and broad road – at 8 35/.. enter the outer gates and custom house officer comes with us to the hotel Garn – at 8 ¾ enter the 1st street Drottningsgatan [Drottninggatan] and at 9 (walked along the street) at the hotel Garni – very lucky – excellent rooms at
August Thursday 22 30 Dollars banco per week – a drop or 2 of rain at 8 35/.. – breakfast at 9 40/.. coffee and bread and butter and our own gooseberries – out at 11 ¼ to 1 ¼ - sauntered past up our own street to the palace and along the quais to the floating vegetable market fish market etc. – great deal of shipping – moored  to the quai one vessel close to the side of another – sails spread – very pretty – the waters and islands wooded hills, or rising slopes of buildings and the tout ensemble very imposing and beautiful – saw the Åbo Russian steamer Menzikoff lying along the quai – Disappointed on arriving with our Drottningsgatan [Drottninggatan] (Queen’s street the best in Stockholm) – the shops make no shew and the street looked a poor one for the best – but its effect is good looking up from our Hotel Garni at the bottom, to the rising part of the street at the top, closed by a little green hill with 2 or 3 trees at the top – or looking down from the top to the bottom as we entered – Do not much like the exterior of the palace – do not like the wings, nor the carriage road like incline-planes up to the premier étage – the waters islands, quais – very beautiful – what shall we see exceeding this water approach to Stockholm – except Constantinople Naples Lisbon? – Had the girl that speaks French – sent for Andrew [Bergland] – sat reading Handbook – ordered dinner at       out at 2 55/.. at St. Catherines’ church at 3 40/.. having stopt twice – at 2 stations, tables, in the garden of a caffé, one above the other for the beautiful view of the town, its islands and waters – St. Catherines’ a large stone built whitewashed church with one of the largest handsomest churchyards I ever saw – it is entered by 3 or 4 gates each opening into an avenue of fine
August Thursday 22 old trees (Elms?) – we were 10 minutes – winding our dark way up to the copper covered cupola at the top of the steeple – but out toil was amply repaired – Stockholm was at our feet, one of the most beautiful panoramas imaginable – a handsome town of 80,000 inhabitants, among peopled islands and winding waters, with wooded slopes and everything that scenery requires – the huge quadrangular looking palace is preeminent over all – about ½ dozen or more church steeples towers spires and domes, and several imposing long lines of building (artillery) cavalry, infantry, barracks – cadets school – hospital etc. etc. besides a long line of houses for naval officers on Skepps Holm (pronounced Ships’ holm – holm signifies island) and a range of red wooden gable ended ship-sheds for the government shipping – the park the Kings’ wooded Deer-park is a pretty feature in the landscape – the Lake (Malar [Mälaren]) to the west and the Baltic to the east (parted only by the sluices or locks, the bridge over which we had passed on our way to St. Catherines’) narrow and looking like broad beautiful rivers studded with shipping – 5 frigates and a brig on the Baltic close to the town we saw the King go on board the largest (30 guns?) we were in hope to have seen him on his return but were a few minutes too late – his visit on board must have been short – a salute of several guns was fired on his going on board we also saw a Götheborg [Gothenburg ] steamer arrive – home at 5 35/.. dinner
August Thursday 22 at 6 ¾ - soup beef à la mode, potatoes fricasseed, 2 ears instead of the veal I ordered, and beignets de pommes – very meagre dinner for our 2 selves and 2 servants – A- and I ate up the rest of our Helsingborg cheese and our gooseberries – some time asleep – some time reading Handbook then till 9 ¾ wrote so far of today – the rain held off – fair and fine day but dull F
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I know some people are new to the world of gossip but gossip pages like Page Six, gossip magazines and websites have been around for-ev-er. People are not suing them. DM is a new player and really democratized the way info gets collected and reported which has ushered in a new era but it’s similar to when gossip moved to the internet. Sightings and gossip could be put out there and go wide really quickly. Celebs lost control of narratives but it’s now been 20-30 years of that. DM has her disclaimers that it’s all hear say and nothing can be confirmed. Don’t you think you’d be hearing about a lot more lawsuits against all gossip vendors if there was a half way solid legal leg to stand on in court? It wouldn’t be a viable business if people were being sued. For something that people “hate” and “don’t believe” it really seems that this fandom is absolutely obsessed with DM and devouring every word she says. I’m terms of the young women, I guarantee no one outside this fandom cares or will remember. At most they’ll be like “oh Chris Evans finally made it to the dates women half his age part of his life. 🙄” and move on. Even this fandom loses their mind over it but then he shows up somewhere in a tight tank top and suddenly amnesia sweeps the fandom. Truth is, he did start interacting in a traceable way with women in their early 20s over the last 12-18 months after not doing it publicly before. Including New Years, Vegas, mutual follows and the hotel in Lisbon, there’s enough smoke that legally that jump is not completely unfounded.
If DM keeps in posting, It means She can.
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maxcartravel · 19 days
Indulge in Luxury: Range Rover Sport Rental in Porto and Luxury Car Hire in Lisbon
Exploring the scenic landscapes of Porto or wandering through the charming streets of Lisbon is a dream for many travelers. To elevate this experience to a whole new level of luxury and comfort, consider opting for a Range Rover Sport Rental Porto in Porto or indulging in luxury car hire in Lisbon. These two vibrant cities offer a myriad of sights and experiences, and what better way to navigate them than in style and elegance?
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Exploring Porto with a Range Rover Sport Rental: Porto, with its stunning architecture, historic landmarks, and picturesque riverfront, beckons travelers from around the globe. Navigating its winding streets and hilly terrain is made effortless with the commanding presence of a Range Rover Sport. Imagine cruising along the Douro River, with the wind in your hair and the panoramic views stretching out before you. With a Range Rover Sport rental in Porto, you not only travel in comfort but also make a statement wherever you go.
Luxury Car Hire in Lisbon: As you make your way to Lisbon, the vibrant capital city of Portugal, the allure of its colorful streets and rich cultural heritage awaits. From the historic Alfama district to the trendy neighborhoods of Chiado and Bairro Alto, Lisbon is best explored at your own pace and in utmost luxury. Opting for  Luxury Car Hire Lisbon in Lisbon allows you to immerse yourself fully in the city's charm and elegance. Whether you're heading to a fine dining restaurant or venturing out to discover hidden gems, a luxury car adds an element of sophistication to your journey.
The Convenience of Rental Services: One of the greatest advantages of opting for rental services like Range Rover Sport rental in Porto and luxury car hire in Lisbon is the convenience they offer. With a simple booking process and flexible rental options, you can have the vehicle of your choice waiting for you upon arrival. Moreover, rental services often provide additional amenities such as GPS navigation systems and roadside assistance, ensuring a hassle-free experience throughout your journey.
Experience Unparalleled Comfort and Style: Traveling in a Range Rover Sport or a luxury car not only enhances your comfort but also adds a touch of prestige to your trip. Whether you're traveling solo, with a partner, or as a group, these vehicles offer ample space and top-notch amenities to cater to your needs. From plush leather interiors to state-of-the-art technology features, every aspect of your ride is designed to provide unparalleled comfort and style.
Indulging in a Range Rover Sport rental in Porto or luxury car hire in Lisbon is the epitome of sophistication and convenience. As you embark on your journey through these captivating cities, let the allure of luxury elevate your experience to new heights. For the ultimate in comfort, style, and convenience, visit maxcartravel.com and book your luxury rental today.
For more information on this topic, see our website.
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gokitetour · 1 month
Top 5 Beaches in Portugal that takes your breath away
Portugal, renowned for its stunning coastline and picturesque beaches, offers visitors a plethora of breathtaking seaside destinations that are sure to leave a lasting impression. From the rugged cliffs of the Algarve to the golden sands of the Lisbon coast, Portugal's beaches are as diverse as they are beautiful. Whether you're seeking secluded coves, bustling resort towns, or dramatic rock formations, Portugal's coastline has something for everyone to enjoy. Join us as we delve into the natural beauty and scenic splendor of Portugal's beaches, uncovering the hidden gems and must-visit destinations along the Atlantic coast. Whether you're a sun-seeker, a water sports enthusiast, or simply someone who appreciates the beauty of nature, Portugal's beaches are sure to captivate and inspire you. So, pack your sunscreen, grab your towel, and get ready to explore the stunning beaches of Portugal that take your breath away. Whether you're looking for relaxation, adventure, or simply a chance to connect with nature, Portugal's coastline promises an unforgettable experience for beach lovers of all ages.
Here are some beaches in Portugal that take your breath away.
1. Praia da Marinha: Known as one of Portugal's most exquisite beaches, Praia da Marinha is situated in the Algarve area. It's not surprising that Praia do Marinha is frequently ranked among the best beaches in the world, given its breathtaking limestone cliffs, golden sands, and crystal-clear blue seas. In addition to exploring the untamed coastline and taking a boat excursion to see the breathtaking rock formations and secret sea caves, visitors may unwind on the beach.
2. Praia da Rocha: Known for its colourful ambiance and breathtaking surroundings, Praia da Rocha is a bustling beach located in the thriving resort town of Portimão. This large beach provides lots of space for swimming, sunbathing, and water sports. It stretches for more than a kilometre down the shore. In addition, guests may tour the neighbouring ancient stronghold of Fortaleza de Santa Catarina or take a leisurely stroll down the bustling promenade, which is dotted with stores, eateries, and bars.
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3. Praia do Carvoeiro: This lovely beach, renowned for its striking cliffs, golden beaches, and crystal-clear seas, is tucked away in a little fishing community on the Algarve coast. Swim in the serene waters, unwind on the protected beach, or explore the waterfront's colourful fishing boats and charming seaside eateries. Boat trips are offered to people looking for adventure to explore the sea caves and grottoes in the area.
4. Praia da Falesia: This famous beach in the Algarve stretches over six kilometres and is known for its golden beaches, clean blue seas, and striking red cliffs. There is no shortage of room on this large beach for beach activities, lengthy walks down the sand, and sunbathing. At the top of the cliffs, visitors may also enjoy swimming, snorkeling, or just relaxing and soaking in the amazing sweeping views.
5. Praia de Benagil: Conveniently situated next to Benagil Village, Praia de Benagil is well-known for the Algar de Benagil, a spectacular sea cave. This breathtaking natural wonder has a sizable aperture in the ceiling that lets light into the cave and reveals the azure waters below. By boat or kayak, visitors may reach the beach and cave, where they can swim, snorkel, or just take in the breathtaking sight of this unusual geological feature.
Also Read: Sri Lanka visa
The beaches of Portugal offer an unparalleled opportunity to experience the beauty of the Atlantic coastline in all its glory. From the dramatic cliffs of the Algarve to the tranquil shores of the Lisbon coast, Portugal's beaches are diverse, stunning, and sure to take your breath away. Whether you're seeking relaxation, adventure, or simply a chance to soak up the sun, Portugal's beaches provide the perfect backdrop for unforgettable moments and cherished memories. With their golden sands, crystal-clear waters, and breathtaking vistas, these coastal gems offer a slice of paradise for visitors from around the world. As you plan your trip to Portugal, don't forget to apply for your Portugal visa to ensure a smooth and hassle-free journey. Once you arrive, be sure to explore the many stunning beaches that the country has to offer, each promising its own unique charm and allure. So pack your bags, grab your sunscreen, and get ready to experience the beauty of Portugal's beaches firsthand. Whether you're lounging on the sand, exploring hidden coves, or catching waves in the surf, you're sure to be captivated by the natural beauty and splendor of Portugal's coastline.
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arianasblogs · 1 month
Blog 11: Future Travels
As a passionate traveler, I'm constantly planning my next trip, and Japan and Portugal are at the top of my list of places to see. Every one of them presents a different fabric of experiences that appeal to my passion for both lively beach life and ingrained heritage.
Japan: A country where cutting-edge innovation coexists peacefully with age-old customs. I see myself meandering through Kyoto's tranquil lanes, lined with golden pavilions and cherry blossoms that capture the delicate beauty of spring. Tokyo's neon-lit skyline and busy Shibuya Crossing offer a striking contrast. The Meiji Shrine's serenity, however, provides a spiritual haven amid contemporary modernism. My hunger for travel is stoked by the prospect of experiencing real sushi, touring the storied castles, and maybe seeing Mount Fuji at dawn for its breathtaking scenery.
Portugal: In the meanwhile, I can't help but be drawn to its sun-kissed cliffs. Particularly alluring are Lisbon, with its quaint trams clattering along streets with mosaic tiles, and Porto, where the aroma of aged port wine permeates the air. I see myself enjoying platters of freshly grilled sardines, finding secret beaches, and lounging under the warm Algarve sun—all of these activities imbued with a carefree, Iberian pleasure.
My dreams about Portugal and Japan serve as a reminder that the world is a fascinating tapestry full of amazing sights, sounds, and flavors just waiting to be discovered. I intend to incorporate these two rich cultural experiences into my own trip in the near future.
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jaydeemedia · 2 months
[ad_1] Cosy bars, majestic castles and timeless architecture make Lisbon a cool and entrancing city. Our 3-day Lisbon itinerary puts it all together, so you have time to savour it all. By: Paul Healy | Published: 16 Apr 2024 span box-shadow: none !important; filter: brightness(1) !important; ]]> Lisbon is cool. As a city unrestrained by convention, Lisbon is bursting with personality. Beside majestic architecture housing Portugal’s famous blue tiles, flea markets hum to the murmur of curious browsers. Re-purposed industrial areas give it an edge for artistic expression, while timeless monasteries captivate with beguiling designs.    Windy lanes climbing up and down narrow streets hide tiny bars serving simple tapas and local wines. Live music spills from open windows; the wistful warbling of fado fills squares with an inexplicable yearning. We’ve visited Lisbon several times, and this itinerary captures everything we love about this alluring city. From the best local areas to the top tourist spots; exquisite galleries to the coolest street art; glorious castles to quirky shops. And of course, pastel de nata. IN THIS GUIDE 3-DAY LISBON ITINERARY DAY 1 São Jorge Castle, São Vicente de Fora, Graca’s Campo de Santa Clara, National Palace, Cathedral DAY 2 Antiga Confeitara de Belém, Jerónimo’s Monastery, Museu Coleção Berardo, Padrão dos Descobrimentos, LX Factory, Santa Catarina DAY 3 Tram 28, Praça Luis de Camōes, Praça de Principe Real, Miradouro de São Pedro de Alcãntara, Elevador da Gloria, Igreja de São Domingos, Convento do Carmo LISBON MAP | ABOUT THIS ITINERARY We’ve put this itinerary together after several visits to Lisbon. It has been designed to minimise the travel time between sights and you can follow most of this itinerary on foot. The map below is organised by each of the 3 days. >> DAY 1 – ALFAMA & OLD LISBON Alfama, perched up on the hill, is a maze of alleyways winding between grand historic buildings. There are sweeping views over the city and the sea, similar to some of the vistas in Porto. We always have a great time simply ambling around the area but here is a recommended route. SÃO JORGE CASTLE Start your 3 days in Lisbon at São Jorge Castle, high on the hill in Alfama. It was once a Moorish castle, but little remains from that period and most of it has been rebuilt over the years. The small museum could do with some improvements, but the views over the city from the rambling walls are excellent. Castelo de São Jorge / Skip-the-Line Tickets SÃO JORGE CASTLE CHURCH OF SÃO VICENTE DE FORA Grab a quality coffee at Copenhagen Coffee Lab and Bakery, before entering the Church of São Vicente de Fora. The church itself is decent and worth a look, but the monastery and cloisters next door are incredibly impressive. Blue tiles, protected by vaulted ceilings, shimmer on the white walls. The atmospheric side chapels have tombs adorned with skulls with a cloaked statue standing guard. Igreja de Sao Vicente de Fora / Check current opening times. SÃO VICENTE DE FORA GRACA’S CAMPO DE SANTA CLARA After the church, head over to Graca’s Campo de Santa Clara, where a massive flea market, Feira da Ladra, covers the streets (Tuesday and Saturday). It sells everything you will never need: old rotary phones, broken mannequins and pre-loved vinyl. The market is great for people watching and you may even pick up a bargain. LUNCH There are plenty of atmospheric places to grab lunch near the market, we loved Tabernita for the traditional Portuguese dishes. FEIRA DA LADRA NATIONAL PANTHEON In the afternoon, enter the striking Panteão Nacional. Originally built as a church it now houses monuments to the great and the good of Portuguese history including a shrine to Vasco da Gama who brought massive wealth to Lisbon. The entrance ticket allows access to the roof with excellent views of the city. From the upper terraces take in a birdseye view of the
marble hall. NATIONAL PANTHEON LISBON CATHEDRAL Next, stroll the tightly packed twisty streets of Alfama. Head past the cute stores and tiny bars to Miradouro das Portas do Sol observation deck for more views. Drop down the hill to the castellated fortress that is Lisbon Cathedral. The Romanesque Lisbon Cathedral dates back to the 12th century. With an imposing facade and two bell towers on either side, it rises like a medieval fortress from the old town.  The view from the loft was the highlight for us. LISBON CATHEDRAL PRAÇA DO COMÉRCIO Finally, leave Alfama and stroll down towards Praça do Comércio. The harbour-facing plaza is one of the largest in Portugal and the most beautiful in Europe. It was completely remodelled after the earthquake and today it’s the seat of the Portuguese state departments. The large ornate square an excellent photo opportunity, but we’d suggest avoiding the restaurants around the square. PRAÇA DO COMÉRCIO FADO + EVENING In the evening head to Bairro Alto. Grab a drink on the steps at Meson Andaluz. Then, choose from the daily changing menu of local dishes at the tiny but charming Taberna da Rua das Flores. Later in the evening, Tasca Do Chico offers an intimate great value fado experience. One block north, cool jazz drifts out of Páginas Tanta. At Portas Largas a mixed young crowd can be found enjoying live pop music. If you can’t decide, just go to all three. There’s no entrance charge and the drinks are cheap. DAY 2 – BELÉM & WEST LISBON The seafront area of Belém lies to the west of Lisbon city centre. Come here for engrossing architecture, the epicentre of modern art in the city, and the best pastel de nata in Lisbon. ANTIGA CONFEITARA DE BELÉM Take tram 15 to Belém and begin the second day of your 3-day Lisbon itinerary with coffee and pastel de nata (Portuguese custard tart) from Antiga Confeitara de Belém. Yes it has become a large tourist institution, but the pastel de nata is still the best in town. JERÓNIMO’S CHURCH AND MONASTERY After breakfast head to Jerónimo’s Church and Monastery. The remarkable vaulted ceiling of the church is held aloft by intricately carved stone pillars, illuminated by beams of light cascading through colourful stained glass windows. The tomb of Vasco de Gama – the first person to sail around the Cape of Good Hope and therefore enable Portugal to build an empire – takes pride of place. The church is free but we recommend paying to go into the monastery. The cloisters are magnificent and the view of the church from the upper choir is not to be missed. JERÓNIMO’S CHURCH AND MONASTERY MUSEU COLEÇÃO BERARDO End the morning at Museu Coleção Berardo, Lisbon’s best modern art offering. The permanent collection is well-labelled and offers a history lesson in the development of modern art. The temporary exhibitions have an excellent reputation, it was one of our favourite experiences in Lisbon on our last visit. MUSEU COLEÇÃO BERARDO BELÉM TOWER & PADRÃO DOS DESCOBRIMENTOS Cross the street and peer up at the tower of Belém. The climb up to the top is not really worth the wait, so we’d suggest skipping in and strolling along the seafront to find a spot for lunch. After recharging, pass by Padrão dos Descobrimentos, the photogenic monument to Portugal’s navigational prowess.   PADRÃO DOS DESCOBRIMENTOS BELÉM TOWER LX FACTORY Head toward the city on tram 15, but before you get there, jump off at LX Factory, an old textile factory that has been converted into a modern and creative space under the railway line. There’s some excellent street art on old factory walls, indie shops, a very cool bookstore and some of the best coffee in town. It’s a great place to hang out and relax. SANTA CATARINA Hopping back on tram 15, spend the evening in the quaint neighbourhood of Santa Catarina which sits on top of a hill. A drink at Noobai Café offers views over the water. To get here it’s a steep walk up the hill or you could take the fun way and ride up on Eleva
dor da Bica. LX FACTORY DAY 3 – BAIRRO ALTO, BAIXA & CHIADO The central area of Lisbon is an eclectic mix. Narrow alleyways crisscross grand shopping streets, dilapidated ruins sit next to striking hotels, and music wafts through open doors and windows. It’s a great part of the city. TRAM 28 On the last day of this 3-day Lisbon itinerary, get an early start (to avoid the queues) and head to Praça Martim Moniz to board Tram 28. This tram twists and turns up the hilliest, narrowest and most scenic lanes in Lisbon. It loops around Alfama, across the centre of town and back up into Chiado. PRAÇA DE PRINCIPE REAL Jump off the tram in Chiadom explore the shops around Praça Luis de Camōes and then head north into the tightly packed narrow lanes of Bairro Alto. Check out the various new concept stores around Praça de Principe Real before lunch at A Cevicheria. Sit at the counter under a giant octopus, and admire the chef preparing mouth-watering fish dishes. MIRADOURO DE SÃO PEDRO DE ALCÃNTARA After lunch check out the view at Miradouro de São Pedro de Alcãntara, which we think gives you the best view in the city. Then make your way down to Rossio and Baixa. You can either take the Elevador da Gloria tram or walk down the path alongside the tram tracks to inspect some of the coolest street art in Lisbon. IGREJA DE SÃO DOMINGOS You now find yourself in Rossio and Baixa – newer Lisbon neighbourhoods, built after the earthquake of 1755. Explore the squares and statues making sure you call in at Igreja de São Domingos. This atmospheric church suffered damage during the earthquake and was burnt down in 1959. The roof was destroyed and has been rebuilt but the walls bear the scars of both events. IGREJA DE SÃO DOMINGOS CONVENTO DO CARMO Skip the long queues and only average views of Elevador de Santa Justa and take the free supermarket lift to Rua Garrett. It’s less glamorous, but just as effective. Stroll the shops before visiting Convento do Carmo. The convent was damaged in the earthquake, and now only towering arches reach into the sky. The chapel at the back contains a strange mix of fascinating artefacts: tombs of the famous, a 2nd-century Egyptian sarcophagus and most interestingly, two mummies of Peruvian children. BAIRRO ALTO For the final evening, grab dinner at Artis Bar in Bairro Alto. It has a great local wine bar atmosphere and tasty dishes at decent prices. It’s also perfectly positioned for people spilling into the streets as music wafts in the air. CONVENTO DO CARMO WHERE TO STAY IN LISBON Lisbon is a relatively compact city, but it’s still a good idea to stay as centrally as possible. We recommend staying in Baixa/Chiado, Bairro Alto or Alfama. All these neighbourhoods ooze the charm that makes Lisbon the city that it is. They’re all centrally located allowing you to get an early start in the morning, and a late night in the evening. BUDGET CASA C’ALMA Casa C’Alma is a beautifully decorated B&B with a small, friendly vibe and a big continental breakfast. It’s located in a lovely neighbourhood about 1 mile from the city centre with plenty of restaurant options nearby. BOOKING.COM MID-MARKET CASA BALTHAZAR The modern, self-catering apartments of Casa Balthazar are bang in the centre of town, yet exude a relaxed chilled-out calm. The views are superb but upgrade to the Jacuzzi Terrace room for spacious luxury with landmark views. HOTELS.COM / BOOKING.COM UPMARKET MEMMO ALFAMA For an emphasis on design with all the latest gadgets, it’s hard to go past Memmo Alfama for your Lisbon stay. Although surrounded by some of the best attractions in Lisbon, it will be hard to leave the rooftop bar and pool with sweeping views over the Tagus River. HOTELS.COM / BOOKING.COM HOW TO GET AROUND LISBON Lisbon has a comprehensive public transport network including trams, funiculars, buses and a metro. A Navegante Card is a quick and easy way to pay for all your travel. The ca
rd costs €0.50 and can be charged with individual tickets, a day pass (€6.40 / £5.95 / $7.90), or with a balance of up to €40 to use as pay-as-you go. Cards can be purchased and charged at metro stations or small stores displaying the Navagante sign. However, the best way to get around the city is to walk. This Lisbon itinerary puts all the sights and experiences in the right order, so you don’t have to spend too much time between places. BEST TIME TO GO TO LISBON The best time to visit Lisbon is during the shoulder seasons of March to May and September to October. Over this period, the temperatures are generally comfortable and there are fewer visitors. You might also snap up a bargain with accommodation places slightly cheaper over this period. As with most European destinations, summer is the peak season when both the temperature and visitor numbers are high. In winter it can be wet and windy, although in Lisbon it’s rarely uncomfortably cold. WHAT TO BOOK BEFORE A TRIP TO LISBON Most attractions in Lisbon don’t require pre-booking and we wouldn’t recommend getting too much in advance so you can leave your itinerary flexible. If you’re visiting during peak times, you may want to book ahead to beat the queue especially São Jorge Castle and Saint Jerónimos Monastery. SAVING LISBON CARD With access to 23 museums and free tram passes, the Lisbon Card is a very cost-effective way to see the main sights in the city. Cards can be purchased for 24, 28 or 72 hours. HOW MUCH TIME IN LISBON? Most of the main sights in Lisbon could be seen in 2 days. It’s a relatively compact city with good local transport so getting between all the main attractions is efficient.   We have provided a 3-day Lisbon itinerary because this allows you to see all the impressive historical sights and enjoy some local experiences. It also leaves a little time to wander the streets and soak up the atmosphere.   Lisbon is one of our favourite cities in Europe. It’s charming and easy; beautiful and interesting. Yet the nightlife is pumping, the wine free-flowing and the locals friendly. So, you could easily spend up to 4 or 5 days visiting Lisbon, especially if you added a day trip to Sintra, which you could either do on your own or join a tour.   TIPS FOR VISITING LISBON Firstly, read our guide to the best things to do in Lisbon which covers all our top highlights in more detail. TRAM 28 TIPS Getting on board Tram 28 at Praça Martim Moniz can be painful as queues are often long. Get their early or walk to the next stop at Rue Palme and hop on there. Tram 28 is a wonderful Lisbon experience but a pick-pocketers delight, so keep an eye on your stuff. STREET SELLING The whispers of “Hashish? Cocaine?” on the streets of Santa Maria Maior is part of a well-known fake drug annoyance embraced by Lisbon. Simply say “no thanks” and move on, in most cases, you’re just rejecting flour or crushed up bay leaves. AUTHENTIC FADO Fado is a moving experience in Lisbon, but the best never gets advertised or promoted to tourists. If you hear it wafting from a packed bar, but there are no signs, this is the place to check out. TOURIST RESTAURANTS Lisbon has grasped the concept of the tourist restaurant. If you want a local dining experience, gravitate towards places without English menus, and avoid places with people hassling you out the front. MIRADOUROS Always take the opportunity to collect the views at a miradouro; they’re a great place to hang out and Lisbon’s array of roof tiles is stunning. Some of the best are: Miradouro das Portas do Sol Miradouro da Graça Miradouro de Santa Catarina Miradouro de Senhora do Monte Miradouro de Monte Agudo MORE PORTUGAL READING ANYWHERE WE ROAM ISREADER-SUPPORTED When you buy through links on our site, we may earn a small affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. You can also shout us a coffee. Thanks for your support – Paul & Mark. INSTAGRAM | FACEBOOK [ad
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home-decor-design · 4 months
TOP 20 places in Lisbon you need to visit
Original, charming and making you fall in love at first sight - all this is about him, about Lisbon. Tourists from all over the world come here for an unforgettable holiday and vivid impressions. We will tell you about the most interesting places in Lisbon that you must see in order to be guaranteed to get this experience.
Belem Tower
In Lisbon you simply cannot pass by this miracle on the Tagus River. The Belem Tower was erected in honor of Vasco da Gama's legendary expedition that opened the route to India, and today it is a favorite place for Lisboners and tourists and an excellent choice if you want to admire the river. Photo by Francisco Aragao Opening hours : October-May - from 10:00 to 17:30, May-September - from 10:00 to 18:30. Entrance ticket price : – €8. St. George's Castle “The Cradle of the City,” as the locals affectionately call the ancient castle of St. George. According to historical data, a fortress existed on this site since the 5th century BC. The fortification of the West Goths, the royal palace, the prison and the arsenal - the history of the castle will not leave anyone indifferent. Opening hours : The castle is open to tourists from 09:00 to 18:00 from November 1 to February 28 and from 09:00 to 21:00 from March 1 to October 31. Ticket prices : €15 per adult.
Palace of Queluz
Do you want to see how the Portuguese monarchs and court nobility lived? Then go to the Queluz Palace, in the outskirts of Lisbon. Its interiors are literally filled with works of art - paintings, statues and more. And after you’ve seen enough of the luxurious apartments and halls, be sure to take a walk in the park located around the residence. Photo by: iurbi Opening hours : from 09:00 to 19:00. Ticket price : €9.50 (€8.50 for pensioners, €7.50 for children under 18 years old).
Museum of Ancient Art
You can learn about the history of Portugal in color by visiting the Museum of Ancient Art. In addition to the usual paintings (Bosch, Durer, Velazquez), there is a rich collection of gold and silver objects from both Portuguese and foreign masters, as well as many exhibits from India, China, Persia and Japan. Opening hours : Tuesday–Sunday – from 10:00 to 18:00. Ticket prices : €10 per adult. Basilica da Estrela “Basilica of the Star” (as its name is translated) is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful buildings in Lisbon. Built in the Baroque and Neo-Gothic style, this snow-white beauty amazes with its openwork, seemingly floating architecture, and from the terrace that encircles the central dome and bell towers, a magnificent view of the city opens. Photo by Jaume & Joan Teruel Free admission.
City Museum
If time does not allow you to get acquainted with at least the basic facts from the history of the Portuguese capital, but you really want to do this, then the Lisbon City Museum is your lifesaver! Its collection covers the time from the Paleolithic to the present day, and the exhibition is arranged in such a way that its different parts are dedicated to the most striking features of the region. Opening hours : Tuesday–Sunday from 10:00 to 13:00 / from 14:00 to 18:00. Ticket prices : €9.
Maritime Museum
Lisbon wouldn't be Lisbon if it weren't for the sea. It is the sea (or rather the ocean) that played a significant role in the history of the city, so it is worth taking time to visit the Lisbon Maritime Museum. It will be interesting for everyone! The museum's collection includes about 17 thousand exhibits: naval uniforms, maps, globes and, of course, ship models (some life-size). Photo by Julio Rojo Eyaralar Opening hours : every day from 10:00 to 18:00. Ticket price : €7 (full).
Calouste Gulbenkian Art Museum
That rare case when a private collection gives odds to the most “cool” state museums. Based on the collection of the richest oil tycoon, the museum is a real treasure trove. Canvases by world-famous masters (Rembrandt, Rubens, van Dyck, Gainsborough, Renoir, Monet), ancient artifacts from Egypt and Mesopotamia, ancient jewelry that is hundreds or even a thousand years old - here everyone will find something to look at for hours. Ticket price: €12.
Puppet Museum
Well, if you get tired of the abundance of artistic treasures, it’s worth visiting the Lisbon Puppet Museum - the only one in the country dedicated to puppets and puppet theater. This is where you can be transported back to your childhood! Here, under one roof, dolls from different countries and eras are collected: Vietnamese, Portuguese, Thailand, India and even Africa. Some exhibits “entertained” the public back in the Middle Ages. And after viewing the collection, you can make your own doll in a circle that works for visitors, or learn how to manage ready-made ones. Ticket costs : €7.5 - full.
Museum of Costume and Fashion
To immerse yourself in the life of the Portuguese (and not only them) from different eras, it is worth going to the Museum of Costume and Fashion. What does life have to do with it, you ask? And despite the fact that it contains not only an impressive collection of clothing (men's, women's and children's), but also home textiles, household items, accessories and much more that made up the lives of people centuries ago. Magnificent dresses of the 17th-18th centuries, embroidered with gold, dresses and suits of the 20th century, children's clothing and toys - you can wander endlessly in the halls of the museum! Well, you can finish the tour in the botanical park around the museum. Ticket price : €7. Azulejo Museum First, it’s worth clarifying: azulejos are clay tiles, painted and covered with glaze (something like tiles). This is a traditional decorative material in Portugal and Spain, which came there from Arab countries. Today, for example, azulejos adorn the Palace of the President of Portugal and the exhibition hall of the Carriage Museum. Well, the museum is worth a visit, if only because it simply has no analogues - apart from Portugal and Spain, azulejos are not produced anywhere else. Photo by - tilesoc_org_uk Here you can wander endlessly, looking at the intricate paintings on tiles from different eras (the oldest are from the 15th century), and also learn how they are produced and painted. Opening hours : Tuesday–Sunday from 10:00 to 18:00. Ticket price : €8.
Church of Santa Engracia
This temple attracts attention at first sight: a snow-white building in the Baroque style, topped with a dome, against the backdrop of terracotta roofs and the blue sky - the view is simply impressive! The church is famous for the fact that it took almost 300 years to build, and even with interruptions; the domes of the towers are not finished even today. And its main feature is the magnificent view from the observation deck of the dome. Photo by Marc Heurtaut Mafra Palace Another pearl of Lisbon is Mafra Palace. True, it is located in the suburbs, but it’s worth the time to travel. The palace is the largest in the country (no joke, its area is equal to the area of ​​ten football fields!), but it is not only the size of the building that attracts tourists. The magnificent interiors of the former royal residence, the elegant appearance of the palace and, of course, the famous bell towers with a hundred bells.
Palace and park complex Quinta da Regaleira
This estate with a quaint palace and park is also located in the vicinity of Lisbon. But it's worth the time to travel. This magical castle (there is no other way to say it!) was built according to the plans of its owner, millionaire Antonio Monteira in 1910. The building is made in the Gothic and Renaissance style, surrounded by a lush garden with intricate paths, and in its very center lies the mysterious Well of Dedication. Photo by Agusyer Follow Opening hours : November-January - from 10:00 to 17:00, February, March, October - from 10:00 to 18:00, April-September - from 10:00 to 19:00. Ticket price : €11 (adult).
Lisbon Zoo
Whether you're traveling with kids or traveling alone, the City Zoo is a must-see in Lisbon. One of the oldest and largest zoos in Europe will delight you with the diversity of the animal world, and the recreation park will delight you with the pleasant coolness of its shady alleys. Ticket costs: €27.50 (adult), €17 (children, 3-12 years old).
Carriage Museum
Do you want to visit the royal “car park” of the 17th-19th centuries? Then the Carriage Museum is exactly what you need. The museum exhibits a wide variety of carriages from Portugal, Spain, France and Italy. Ceremonial ones, covered with gilding and decorated with precious stones, and modest everyday ones, children's phaetons and pleasure carriages - you can look at this magnificence endlessly! Photo by meteorad Opening hours : Tuesday–Sunday from 10:00 to 18:00. Ticket costs : €8.
Se Cathedral
Also known as Maria Mayor de Lisboa. This temple is remarkable not only because it is the oldest in the city, but also because it stands on the remains of previous religious buildings - a Roman temple, later rebuilt into a church, and then replaced by a mosque, which stood here until the 13th century. Photo by Filipe Barreto You should definitely visit this amazing place, because the cathedral is truly a living embodiment of the history of the city. Admission : free, except that you will have to pay to visit the Gothic courtyard.
Bridge 25 April
One of the twenty longest suspension bridges in the world connects Lisbon and Almada. A delightful panorama of the city opens from the shore, and if you want a view from the water, take bus No. 753 at Marqués de Pombal Square and take a breeze across the bridge.
Rossio Square
The best way to admire evening and night Lisbon is to go to Rossio Square. Photo by: cleofysh One of the main squares of the capital has a truly fabulous look in the light of the lanterns: with a pattern in the form of waves, lined with two-color cobblestones, with magnificent bronze fountains, Rossio Square has its own unique atmosphere.
Funicular "Gloria"
You can feel like a native Lisboner of the twentieth century by taking a ride on the historic Gloria funicular. A funny yellow tram (which, by the way, has been running regularly since 1885!) will slowly take you from Restoradores Square to the city center, and in the meantime you can admire the city streets passing by outside your window. The ticket costs €2. Hint: the funicular makes only two stops - at the beginning of the route and at the end, at the top of the hill, which offers a beautiful view of the city. Read the full article
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hadnewscom · 4 months
Best 10 Activities to Experience in Lisbon, Portugal 2024! - Video-Lisbon, Portugal is an incredible destination filled with history, culture, and stunning sights. If you’re planning a trip to Lisbon in 2024, you’ll want to make sure you have a list of top things to do in this vibrant city. Starting from number...
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