#topic ; revon
thepenultimateword · 2 years
Bruh, I honestly feel like I could write a whole book on these two. I thank you kindly for enjoying it so much! It makes my heart all explody😊 🥰
Btw, since there are 4 other Supervillains in this story, (and since this is becoming a little more than a one-time snippet to me) I decided it'll be less confusing if they have names. So Other Supervillain will be known as August Parella from now on. The other three are named Revon Indigo, Belladonna Dirsee, and Elio Grim, but you don't have to worry about them right now.
Part One Part Two Part Three
Supervillain blocked out August Parella’s piercing gaze with a long, slow sip of orange blossom tea. They didn’t need to see him to know that he hadn’t blinked once in the time it took to raise the edge of the teacup to their lips and clink it back in its saucer. He may as well have been holding a knife to their throat.
He couldn’t actually do anything. The Pentacle Truce wouldn’t allow for it, but if Parella ever had a weakness, it was for tough bravado. Even now, he was like a shark someone had suited up in Brioni as a joke, all hungry, toothy smiles and obnoxious sniffing. Indigo would have been suave about it at least, but Parella couldn’t hide his taste for weakness and blood.
“Please,” Supervillain said, “I can have Morgan prepare you a new flavor if this one isn’t to your taste.”
“Nah.” Parella swirled the deep orange liquid a little too carelessly, splotching the white tablecloth with several citrus droplets. “Not much of a tea person.”
“Hm, this isn’t a social visit then?”
“Why can’t it be both?” Parella’s grin stretched wider. Good heavens, Supervillain had thought it once, and they thought it again: you could fit an entire dinner roll in that mouth without the slightest bit of chewing.
The other supervillain rested their ankle on their knee and leaned in closer, taut muscles and hard edges showing through his feigned gentility. A quadratic triangle with his lines and angles measured to rigid perfection.
“There have been whispers. I usually believe anything my people tell me, but for such a personal topic, I preferred a direct source.”
Of course, you do.
Parella’s fixation on Villain wasn’t the only reason Supervillain had selected him as Target #1. The Supervillain had ears and eyes almost everywhere. If he was determined to know something, to own something, there wasn’t much to keep him from getting it. They didn’t need him getting nosy and exposing Supervillain’s flirtation with the truce boundary lines to the others.
“Well, I’m not sure what you want to know, but I’ll certainly try to satisfy your curiosity.”
“Hm.” Parella rested his chin in his hand. “That little bauble, Herokiller. You’re not actually tied up with them, are you?”
Supervillain matched his casual posture, but better. Meeting Parella’s eye-level with a small smile. “We are romantically attached at the moment if that’s what you’re asking.”
“Ah. Then let me take back my earlier language. It just seemed…unlikely.”
Supervillain didn’t have time to ask what he meant before Parella presented them with a new question.
“How’d you meet?”
No lovey-dovey stories. Luckily, this was one part of their relationship Supervillian didn’t mind being truthful about.
“Same as you. They tried to kill me. I think there was a spark. Maybe if you had healing powers you’d have felt it too.”
Parella suddenly frowned. “They got that close?”
Supervillain scoffed. “Close? It was a knife wound. It tickled. What, they didn’t even nick you? I think I’m a little disappointed.”
“My outer eyes saw them before they even breached the gate. I just…waited. And when they found my room…”
Parella stopped.
“Excuse me, you probably don’t want to hear about that, do you?”
It seemed said more out of the sadistic pleasure of wanting Supervillain to imagine, in more exaggerated, gory detail, what had been done than out of real concern.
“I didn’t expect them to get away, I’ll give you that. That materializing power is quite impressive.” They pressed their fingers to their lips with that sick hunger in their wide eyes and habitual smile. They broke out of it suddenly, returning the sharpened gaze to Supervillain. “Better off with you, hm?”
Supervillain found a return smile easily, but something didn’t sit right with them. No matter their excuse, Parella knew this information even without visiting Supervillain. And for as intense as their obsession had been a few weeks ago, they were giving up a little too easily.
The aggressive pound of footsteps pulled them out of their thoughts.
“Hey, Jerkwad!” Villain called seconds before bursting into the parlor. “I’ve been waiting for over half an ho—”
They froze dead in the entryway. All color drained from their face, and for a moment their eyes flicked between both supervillains as if they had just walked in on the kiss of Judas.
“Come, come, Sweetie,” Supervillain said, waving Villain closer. “Don’t be uneasy. Parella is my guest, and all is in the past.”
Villain graced them with a single step. Maybe Supervillain should have been impressed seeing as the villain’s legs seemed desperate to move in the other direction.
“Come now.” Supervillain raised a little out of their seat, caught them by the wrist, moving slowly to give Villain time to prepare for the incoming touch, and pulled them against the arm of their chair. Villain clenched their fists, and the muscles in their forearms corded.
Parella ran his eyes over both of them carefully. “Such a loving address.”
What was he fishing for?
“What can I say? I like ‘em feisty.”
Parella cocked a brow. “I thought you liked them needy and clingy.”
Supervillain forced a laugh, but Parella was more fixed on Villain. He placed both palms flat on the table to rise, leggy body overtaking the smaller criminal by double as he stepped directly in front of them.
“That didn’t heal, huh?” he said, taking Villain gruffly by the face and dragging his thumb down the thin scar line running through their eye. “Did I blind you?”
Villain leaned into Supervillain, but the way they shook their wrist from their hand made it clear they felt caught between a rock and a hard place.
Supervillain rose abruptly and caught Parella by the wrist, squeezing warningly through a cheery voice. “I’d appreciate it if you kept your hands to yourself. After all, Villain isn’t yours to touch.”
Parella smiled. “Of course.” Then to Villain as he pulled away. “How do you put up with such a jealous lover?”
“With a great deal of patience,” Villain mumbled, looking down at the floor.
The other supervillain laughed a little too loudly, then flicked their attention back to Supervillain in an unnaturally quick transition. “I’m having a little party. Food, music, dancing. The whole villainous scene will be there.” He flicked a piece of gold-leafed cardstock from his breast pocket and held it out to Supervillain. “I thought I’d deliver your invitation personally. Bring your ‘romantic attachment.’ Ciao.”
With that, he turned away the threatening blades of his eyes and showed himself out of the room.
“Creep,” Supervillain growled at the empty entryway.
Villain punctuated the insult with a violent hoick of saliva in that direction.
Supervillain frowned. “Did you just— On my floor?”
Instead of apologizing Villain only said, “Why was he here?”
This villain’s attitude was going to be the death of them.
“He came for a visit; I let him in. One doesn’t turn away people they’re supposed to be on good terms with.” They waved the invitation idly like a fan between their thumb and middle finger. “This actually may be our best chance. You saw how hard it is to get into Parella’s home unnoticed. But if we’re invited in, that solves half our problems. I mean, he’s obviously planning something shady, but we’ll just strike first.”
“Oh yeah, let’s just do that,” Villain said, rolling their eyes. “It’s not like the one Parella already thrashed is the one doing the heavy lifting or anything.”
Supervillain took Villain by the shoulders and steered them into one of the parlor table chairs. Villain scrunched their brow questioningly as they cranked their head back to look up at them.
“What makes Parella so dangerous?” Supervillain said like a teacher at the front of a class.
“His eyes. Obviously.”
“So we take out his eyes. With those out of the way, you’re way stronger than him.”
For two seconds, Villain’s mouth parted and they seemed maybe just a little flattered, but an instant later the moment was gone. “And how am I supposed to do that?”
"Explosions, drugs, dust, bright lights. Pick your poison. How is your etiquette?"
"Does that really matter?"
"It does if you don't want to stick out and blow everything. Why don't we add that to your reflex exercises? Now gym, let's go."
"Where do you think I've been all this time!" Villain raged.
They stormed out ahead of Supervillain, leaving the master criminal to read the invitation date. Only two weeks away. If Villain didn't pull this off, they could both be in trouble.
Part Five
Taglist: @epiclamer @appleejuice @livingforthewhump @sink-the-ship
Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! Because I fear bothering people, I only add to the taglist when explicitly asked :)
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