#toplander x sublander :)
deliciouskeys · 2 years
Somewhere Up Above [Homecest]
If only Doppelganger had been savvy enough to roleplay Mirrorlander instead adoring!worshipful!fan cosplaying as Homelander, they’d still be alive. And gotten some.
“Like what you see?”
Homelander freezes on hearing his own voice behind him. When he finally turns, he blinks in disbelief at the sight of himself squeezed into the cheap black lingerie the real Madelyn would probably never have deigned to wear.
“Oh don’t tell me you don’t find me attractive. There’s nothing as pathetic as self-loathing.”
Homelander’s mouth is so dry he can barely get the words out. He gulps, embarrassed that his voice stutters as he says what his mirror image wants to hear. “I-I do. I like what I see.” Does he really though? He’s too afraid of what will happen if he admits that he’s somewhat repulsed by what’s probably coming next.
“Of course you do, you lonely little slut, you’ll take any love you can get, even if it’s just from another version of you.” The mirror image approaches him and Homelander strains to stay still and not step back. “Nobody else will really love you like I can, after all. Now, get down on your knees and suck me off.”
Homelander doesn’t even hesitate, drops to his knees on obedient autopilot, and pulls up the hem of the black lace teddy, hands slightly trembling. His mirror image is completely soft. He glances up and immediately regrets it, because all he sees is his own face, twisted into a cruel sneer, staring down at him.
“Do you suck at blowjobs as much as you suck at every other kind of sex?”
Homelander shakes his head vigorously, even though he’s never sucked cock before in his life, he’s bound to be bad at it, and he’s going to get an earful about how bad soon enough. It’s just his own cock at eye level, but it looks different from this perspective, unfamiliar and intimidating. Its softness is mocking him, his mirror version so skeptical of his talents that he can’t even get excited in anticipation. Homelander wishes the lingerie was long and wide enough that he could just pull it over his head. It would feel better to hide from the cold judgemental gaze above when he’s doing this.
He takes the shaft in his hand and starts stroking, craning his head down and gently sucking on the balls. At least he knows what he likes, and that’s a start. He hears his own voice moan somewhere up above but doesn’t look. When Homelander takes his mirror version’s cock in his mouth, it’s downright soothing. It’s not all that different from sucking on Madelyn’s fingers. The cock is larger, and warmer, and heavier on his tongue, of course, but it’s not bad. There’s a salty, heady flavor he’s not used to, but he closes his eyes, accepting it as his own, and just continues to suck, trying to tease the underside of the head and the slit on each pull backward.
He’s in a groove, one could even say he’s enjoying this, but he’s snapped out of his rhythm and can’t avoid glancing up when his mirror image brushes his hair back and traces a thumb along his eyebrow.
“Look at yourself. Ready to suck dick at the drop of a hat. That’s all you’re ever going to be, at this rate. Just talent. A whore. You’d probably suck Stan Edgar off if he asked you to.”
Homelander starts shaking his head before realizing he’s going to need to let the dick in his mouth drop out to protest and say “No, only you.”
His mirror image shakes his head and Homelander can’t stand the look of disappointment in his own eyes. “You’re not a good liar either. You’ve got no spine, nothing but a pretty face going in your favor. A pretty face Stan Edgar can offer every senator who wants to jizz on it or sit on it, just so Vought gets the political moves they want.”
His mirror image starts jacking off at a quick pace. Homelander doesn’t have time or presence of mind to decide to move away before jets of come get painted across his eyes, cheekbones, lips. Wiping it away gives him the brief opportunity to discreetly get rid of tears that started to form before his mirror image notices that he’s crying.
“Would you let me fuck you if I asked?” his mirror image asks.
Homelander shrugs, and moves his head in a way that’s noncommittal between a nod and a negative headshake. He doesn’t know what the right answer is anymore.
“Would you let anyone else fuck you?” This question is easier to answer and Homelander decisively shakes his head.
“Then why do you let Vought make Stormfront their new golden girl? Why aren’t you figuring out a way to get rid of her?”
“I am,” Homelander says, dismayed that it’s very obvious that he’s crying from the way his voice shakes. “I’m just thinking about how to go about it.”
“Glad to hear, sport.” His mirror image cradles his jaw, tilting his face upward from the downward angle Homelander keeps wanting to assume. “You’ve still got cum in your hair— don’t forget to wash it out before anyone else sees you.”
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