#toshinori's divine commentary
warp--space · 10 months
That post is for people with quirky interests and hobbies not actual freaks like you who like reverse pedo age gaps
Toshinori: Consider eating shit.
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warp--space · 1 year
Happy Pride!
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borrowed from an anti-- because just because you think we shouldn't be allowed to exist, doesn't mean we're all any less queer. Peace and love on planet earth.
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warp--space · 7 months
“Hey papa, did you and dad ever renew your vows?”
Toshinori nearly dropped the plate he was holding and his eyes flew to Hinata, his twelve year old daughter, who perched suspiciously daintily on the kitchen table.
“...Little shit, didn’t even hear you come in. Should you really be using your powers to sneak up on your parents like that?”
She rolled her eyes. “Didn’t answer my question.”
The villain sighed, going back to doing the leftover dishes. “Technically, every time we get married in a new timeline it’s a renewal of our vows.”
“Okay, but what were your FIRST vows?”
Toshinori thought about it, speaking softly. “... I suppose the first vow I ever made to Rian was that I promised to protect his sister. That was a lifetime before we got married…”
He sighed. “When we first got married… it was as villains, in the bar. I don’t think we ever managed it as heroes… we vowed to support each other in all our endeavors. To never give up on one another, and to never lose the faith we’d built up. To protect each other, and those that followed us, with everything we had. We vowed to remain devoted until the day we were both in the dirt.”
The young girl looked at her feet as they swung back and forth, obviously considering something deeply involved. Toshinori simply shrugged, finishing his chore.
After a moment, Hinata boosted herself onto the counter next to him. “And… you’ll promise the same stuff when you get married again, right?”
“That’s good.”
The older blonde quirked an eyebrow. “Why are you bringing this up tonight? I get that it’s Valentine's day, but you aren't usually this… sentimental about things you haven’t seen.”
She quirked her eyebrow as well, like a mirror image. “Because… I’ve never gotten to be old enough to love someone like you and Dad love each other. There were times where I MIGHT have felt something like that, sure, but… not strongly enough to kill for.”
Toshinori thought, for a second, about pointing out the way she trailed after Midoriya and the miniature Todoroki… but instantly decided he wasn’t ready for that conversation and pivoted. “That’s probably for the best, little flower. Devotion can easily turn into obsession, and I don’t doubt that I'd sound a lot more like a lunatic if it wasn't for my memories.”
She giggled. “Dad’s already suspicious… but I think that he thinks that YOU just really like sunflowers too, and that’s why you always get some.”
“He should honestly be more suspicious about—”
“How you sleep together? How you sit with him in your lap? How you give him googly eyes? How you always make sure our bases have soundproofed Master bedrooms? How you have a budget specifically for—”
The older man grumbled, ruffling the girls hair as she giggled. “Mouthy little shit… Twelve year olds aren't supposed to comment on their parents’ sex lives, Hinata.”
The young girl just laughed, wiggling away. Then, she stopped, looking up at him. “...You know… we should tell Dad more about me.”
“... I agree. But we have to do it carefully. Not just all at once.”
“Aren't you going to ask him to marry you?”
Toshinori blushed. “It’s… not the right time yet. I have a date in mind for a wedding, and if I ask now it’ll be too fast.”
“I mean… that depends on the day, I think.”
The older man froze, heat rising up behind his eyes as he slowly glanced back at the sound of footsteps. There, walking slowly from the kitchen doorway, was Rian. He had obviously just ended his shift at the bar downstairs.
And his face looked as red as the blonde’s felt.
The girl’s eyes darted back and forth quickly, before she slinked down from the counter. “Oh boy! I better go watch TV!” She announced loudly, darting out of the room.
An awkward cough.
Rian fidgeted, looking frantically around the room. “S-so… what day were you thinking of…?”
Toshinori leaned back against the counter, his voice more gruff than he would have liked. “April First.”
The brunette blinked lamely, then looked up. “Why April first? I mean... be a use it's the day you saved me?”
“... Because if enough of our lackeys think it’s a joke, we might be able to keep the party small.”
One beat.
Then two.
Then the younger man burst out laughing, soon joined by his taller counterpart.
“Do you at least have a ring…?” Rian asked shyly, wiping his eyes.
The blonde smiled fondly. “Yes, but since I've had it for three years, we might need to get it fitted.”
The smaller man blanched. “THREE…?”
“The timing never felt right, Kitten!”
“W-well does it feel right NOW?!”
“... If you’ll say yes.”
Rian slowly looked up, his hazel eyes crinkling as he smiled. “...Always. Toshinori... I already vowed to dedicate my life to you years ago... And I don't plan to break that promise.”
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warp--space · 1 year
Selfship opinions ask game!
Taken from an anti, because if you're going to bother putting this shit in community tags, you shouldn't get pissy about the entire community wanting to interact with it.
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warp--space · 9 months
Hi. Ignore this ask if you want, cause I can totally understand if this is something you don't wanna talk about. I'm curious but I respect if you don't want to answer: HOW the HELL did anybody manage to accuse an adult selfship with an adult character of being pediphilic? I've seen antis claim some INSANE things, but "a 25 year old adult selfshipping with an adult character" just boggles my mind. What actual arguments could anyone possibly have to explain how two adults is in any way predatory or pedophilic?
Toshinori: That would be because of something they keep calling "projection". Antis frequently claim that Rian is "projecting" onto me, and is therefore actually wishing he was in his 50s and dating a younger man. The problem there would be that even if that were true, it still wouldn't be pedophilic because then the younger man would still be a fully grown adult.
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warp--space · 10 months
Wow that Anon was uh...on some weirdness with that bs. Seriously? How does this webbed site always find a way to go ''WE APPRECIATE THE THING. WE LIKE THIS THING* :D" and then VIOLENTLY SWING the total opposite to ''BUT WE HATE OTHERS WHO LIKE THING >:(("
(* in this case the 'thing' being ''WE LOVE OLD MEN. WE APPRECIATE OLD MEN FUCKERS")
Anon can miss me with that ''Reverse Pedo'' whackness they believe in, anyway
Top 3 activities Rian and Toshi get up to for the holidays? Any snowball fights? :p too early to be asking still?
Toshinori: *snrk* Tell me about it. And, unfortunately, it is never too early to ask Rian at least about holiday activities.
Top three would be:
Watching The Muppet's Christmas Carol
Listening to his specialized holiday playlist
Drinking Hot Chocolate. Lots of hot chocolate. Milk chocolate, peppermint chocolate, peanut butter chocolate, the works.
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warp--space · 11 months
💛 !!
💛 if s/i were a colour, an animal and a place, what would they be?
Toshinori: color? Indigo. Animal? Cat or fox. Place? A sun room.
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warp--space · 10 months
✋️👅 for the ask game
✋🏻 - Where do you like it most when S/I touches you? Where do you hate it?
Toshinori: Well other than my massive dick, I like when he touches my arms. Whether it's carrying him or just his hand resting there, it feels nice knowing something so fragile is in my arms..... But I hate when the bastard smacks my ass. I'm too muscular to reach back and grab him easily before he runs for it.
👅 - What are some of S/I's favorite flavors or comfort foods? How do you feel about them?
Toshinori: Rian has an inexplicable love for baked potatoes topped with butter, barbecue sauce, A1 steak sauce, and some quite frankly terrifying specially ordered hot chilli powder that most other people can't eat. I feel like stress isn't the only reason he has stomach ulcers.
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warp--space · 11 months
🖤 how do the two of you celebrate holidays or birthdays together?
Toshinori: Just that. Together. We tend to blend our traditions and tastes together during the holidays.
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warp--space · 1 year
Toshinori has good taste
Toshinori: Goddamn right I do.
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