🎃 Halloween Costume Contest 🎃
Results (and more?)
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"Welcome back, audience of Fontaine and from afar. We've seen our contestants taking these matches to... another level. But only one from each round shall head to the next. And they are-
She was caught off guard when someone pulled her up, like a cat being picked up from the street.
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"So you're this God of Justice they're talking about? I didn't know spoiled brats can become gods now."
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"You don't treat a god like this! Who are you anyway?! You're not even a participant here!"
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"Please don't hurt her, Viral. We're not here to cause trouble. Anyway, Bronya apologizes for the sudden intrusion. We were told to take care of this event from here to ensure that it'll proceed smoothly and safely.
Also, please ignore them for a moment while Bronya announces the winners according to the statistics."
â–º Round 3, Game 1
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"First, the traveler Maya (from this blog), currently disguised as the Hydro Archon, won this round. Therefore, she'll proceed to the next round while her opponent, Maroon (@lawain-dimensional-heroes) will be joining other contestants in what they call the redemption bracket."
â–º Redemption Bracket - Round 2, Game 1
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"Bronya didn't expect that the Void Herrscher (@stalwartembers) will be part of this event and even won this match. While Bronya suspects that Herrscher would cause trouble at some point, she'll set aside her judgement and allow her to head to the next.
However, the other contestants, Oliver (@totalintersectiongroup) and the extraterrestrial being named Thel (@brothers-of-war) won't be proceeding to the next round.
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"That is all for now. You may expect to see us more in the next matches to aid the facilitators of this event. And yes, even the idiotka beastman will join us."
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"The fucking hell?! I only agreed to take you here. Not to--"
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"O-Oh, you're not so positive on the whole competition too, huh Bronya...?"
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🎃 Halloween Costume Contest 🎃
Results and Announcement
(mun note: updated roster)
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"Greetings once more, my beloved audience. I can already hear your pleas to announce the results of our recent matches. We have witnessed how passionate our contestants are about their outfits. But of course, only one shall proceed to the next round from each match.
Thus, I shall cease the wait and declare the winners!"
â–º Round 2, Game 4
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"My, this is quite an unexpected result. While we've seen our magical girl, Tsukine (@lawain-dimensional-heroes), in her talent for disguises, it appears that her opponent, the Black Rock Shooter (@stalwartembers) exceeded a vote. Thus, this mysterious girl is the winner and shall proceed to the next round.
Do not lose hope yet, dear Tsukine. I can already see that you'd be able to rise up again in our redemption bracket."
â–º Redemption Bracket - Round 1, Game 4
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"As for our redemption bracket, looks like the... sailor boy, Oliver (@totalintersectiongroup) also won this round. C-Congratulations! You'll also proceed to the next round. For Mr. Akeboshi (@multimuse-citadel), we appreciate that you've joined this prestigious event. We hope that you've at least enjoyed staying with us."
â–º Aaaaaand ANNOUNCEMENT!
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"I would also like to declare a very important announcement to all of you. First is... the roster!"
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"What you're seeing right now is the current lineup for the next round. We had to realign some of these matches to... avoid certain conflicts. And yes, there will be a round wherein there will be three contestants facing each other in the same match. Isn't this more interesting?
Speaking of contestants, there will be another guideline that I believe they'll like. To our remaining contestants, each of you will be allowed to have a companion to join you in each match. Your partner will also be in a costume, whichever you prefer.
Of course, it is not required. You may still choose to compete on your own accord if you are a solo performer. Either way, this will spice up the contest more, no?
That's all for me now. I hope we see each other again in the next match~"
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🎃 Halloween Costume Contest 🎃
Round 1, Game 8 final result (for rea!)
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"Thank goodness, someone has at least one vote more. But no matter. I shall now declare this person, known as Black Rock Shooter (@stalwartembers), as the winner of the final preliminary game. You can now proceed to the second round.
And as for you, Oliver (@totalintersectiongroup) I believe? For the sudden intrusion without proper registration and for the attempted damage of property, you shall be dis-"
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"He can proceed to the redemption bracket. He deserves a chance after all!"
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"Wait, that's not how the rules of this event work. Do you want him to be officially added to the roster?"
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"Why not? It wasn't mentioned in the rules. I was about to say the same to our alien friend, but he already left before I could ask him if he still wanted to participate."
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"F-Fine. We shall have him included in the redemption bracket. With that being settled, that concludes the preliminary round of our Halloween Costume Contest.
Please wait for the next announcement for the next round."
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🎃 Halloween Costume Contest 🎃
Round 1, Game 8 result (?)
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"No. No, no. This can't be happening. We can't just finish this with a TIE!"
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"I don't think it's that bad. That simply means both of them won."
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"But... *sighs* I suppose we shall extend this until the poll actually ends. If it's still a tie, both of them shall proceed to the next round."
Voting has been extended until it reached the 24 hour limit
(@stalwartembers @totalintersectiongroup)
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🎃 Halloween Costume Contest 🎃
Round 1, Game 8
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"Welcome, once more, to the last game of the preliminary rounds. We only have one last match left and the second round shall begin afterwards. Now as for our contestants in this game..."
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"Hold on. Only this girl named Black Rock Shooter (@stalwartembers), is the only contestant left? Certainly an odd name, but more importantly, there should be another contestant that she'll face with."
She had to check on the list again. But it is what she read. There is only one participant left who has yet to finish their first round... or is it?
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"The party already started without me? I'm not too late to join, right?"
This boy (@totalintersectiongroup) suddenly barged in through the entrance and into the stage. His gaze shifted to the girl in black suit.
Also, he's holding a chainsaw. That's... just part of the props, right?
"Hello, big sis! Are you gonna be my playmate for this game?"
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"H-Hey! You don't just gatecrash in here! You're not even a participant here- No! Don't start the counter yet!"
Unfortunately, the counter started on its own and it seems that it identified this eccentric kid as the other contestant.
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🎃 Halloween Costume Contest 🎃
Redemption Bracket - Round 2, Game 1
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"Greetings once again, people of Fontaine and those from afar. We've reached the second batch of the redemption bracket. We shall witness how these contestants redeem themselves in this contest once more. But this is not like the previous matches as there will be 3 contenders who shall compete with each other with their grand costumes. And they are-"
She took a quick pause when she realized the names of some of these participants. Better not cause another scene in your own event, Lady Furina.
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"Ah... We have Sirin (@stalwartembers), Oliver (@totalintersectiongroup), and... Thel (@brothers-of-war). N-Now, it might be a coincidence that they are... mysterious in their own ways. Nevertheless, we shall see which among them shall proceed to the next round.
And so, the voting will now commence!"
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🎃 Halloween Costume Contest 🎃
Redemption Bracket - Round 1, Game 4
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"Now, as we also proceed to the redemption bracket. I shall once again introduce you to the contestants for this match."
And as she checked, her expression went sour for a moment. But since the show must go on, she couldn't just display her displeasure at one particular name included in the list.
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"A-Ah... As I was saying, we have here Subaru (@multimuse-citadel) who shall be... competing with this young sailor Oliver (@totalintersectiongroup). I presume that they have made preparations for this round with the costumes of their choice.
Thus, we shall now commence the voting!"
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🎃 Halloween Costume Contest 🎃
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"Greetings to all again. I would like to thank everyone for staying with us throughout this event. The participants, the audience, and our organizers helped us make it more successful than we initially thought despite the conflicts in the midst of it. This event won't make it this far without all of you.
And now, for the awarding proper, I would like to call the following people on stage:
3rd runner-ups
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Maroon Nanada
Tsukine Johou (@lawain-dimensional-heroes)
Lyney (@hcttrick)
"Many of us were amazed at their performance in the previous round and even I was thrilled to see more. Despite not making it to the last round, I believe they still deserve the proper recognition.
As discussed by us organizers, each of them will receive one million mora and a free pass to the Royal Hot Springs, as permitted by the Electro Archon herself. We also have extra passes if they want to include their companions."
2nd runner-up
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Sirin (@stalwartembers)
"While I understand that she may not be friendly in first approaches, she has her own charm and made it to the last round. I believe she is not what she seems to be in first impressions. As she was able to reach the championship round, she also deserves better recognition.
She'll also receive two million mora, a free pass to the Royal Hot Springs, and another free ticket to the Opera House to watch any upcoming performances."
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Lumine (@luminexhotaru)
"And I would like to congratulate our traveler once more. She, along with her companions along the way, made it all the way and proved herself victorious throughout the rounds.
So as the champion, she'll be receiving five million mora, a free pass to the Royal Hot Springs, another free ticket to the Opera House for any of the upcoming performances and-"
A large crate was seen from above, being carried by a couple of drones. As it dropped on the stage, it revealed its content. Gems. No, primogems! But aren't they supposed to be digital though?
"I see that her other prize has arrived, as provided by one of our guest organizers. Our traveler will also be receiving 50 thousand primogems, as indicated here. While I may not be certain where they can be used, I believe she knows where she can use them."
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"I would also like to mention other participants who also deserve to be recognized in this contest. and they are..."
Special Mentions
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Rin Kagamine (@lawain-dimensional-heroes)
Thel Vadam (@brothers-of-war)
Black Rock Shooter (@stalwartembers)
Mario (@hxroic-wxlls)
Maya (@starredvisions)
"They all did great during the mid-rounds and made the contest itself more interesting. As agreed by us organizers, each of them will receive 500 thousand mora and a month's supply of Fonta.
Also, we won't forget our other participants who were able to join in this event."
Other Participants
Oliver (@totalintersectiongroup)
Subaru Akeboshi (@multimuse-citadel)
Kiana Kaslana (@stalwartembers)
Ruby Rose (@ancientforged)
Daniel Miller (@tiredstudents)
"I'd like to give my deepest thanks to them. And because of that, they'll still receive something. Each of them will also get 20 thousand mora and a month's supply of Fonta."
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"That's all for everyone. I hope we all see each other again in the event. We can now all enjoy ourselves in this party."
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It's been a long while since I made separate blogs for my muses. Though I've been adding other muses here as guest muses especially when there's a RP event.
So after some time, I've been thinking if I should make this a multi-fandom RP blog, basically adding muses from @totalintersectiongroup to this blog. The other blogs I have can stay as they are for now.
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