pasteldreame-blog · 8 years
"Don't make me feel any colder. Time is like a clock in my heart." This line means something specific to me.
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pasteldreame-blog · 8 years
I have the most disturbingly thorough dreams.
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pasteldreame-blog · 8 years
I projected! Actually, I just came out of it.
I sang Mykonos in my kitchen. There was a guitar being played somewhere… There were people I didn’t recognize sitting lined up by the cabinets… It was like they were listening to me. The sunlight was so bright that it filled the entire room. I sang the entire song. Sometimes I coughed or had to stop because it was difficult… It was difficult to…? Something.
I sensed that it was nearly time for me to start getting ready for work, though, so I had to leave.
The night before last was scary, but this morning is beautiful.
Thank you, Creator ;;
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pasteldreame-blog · 8 years
I ask to wake again and see the day star.
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pasteldreame-blog · 8 years
I need to sleep.
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pasteldreame-blog · 8 years
I just had the worst fucking astral travel of my life.
Not a dream. So not a dream.
My head is still throbbing from all that slow-mo running I was doing. Why do I even bother to run during these things? Haha probably because that’s the normal thing to do when you’re scared for your life.
I’m still feeling. I’m still shaking… shit.
Idk if I can talk about it.
It… Probably was a dream first. My mother was there. I had pasta for dinner, but sometimes I do this when I find myself in stressful or annoying dreams.
I was sitting on a deck full of people staring down the end of a gun. This guy was ready to getting ready to kill himself and they were trying to convince him not to.
Then this one IDIOT said, “I understand it’s your choice, though.”
The guy freaked and shot everyone!
Shot everyone point blank, dead in the forehead.
I was so scared that I started running.
And something started chasing me. It kept saying behind me as I ran, “Come back! Come back! Come back!”
And the whole time, my head was just pounding. I could feel it. I was on the third floor of some apartment building, it was sunny. I could see the grass below. The walk stretched so far, and there was an elevator at the end on the left somewhere, but people where falling to the ground in front of me as they took a bullet to the face.
“Come back!” I just kept hearing it…
Nonono… Fuck.
I’m never going back. Not to that place.
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pasteldreame-blog · 8 years
Hips and thighs.
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pasteldreame-blog · 8 years
Exercise on a cool day is great.
Exercise on a cold, sunless day is the best.
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pasteldreame-blog · 8 years
Aaah... I’m hungry ;;
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pasteldreame-blog · 8 years
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pasteldreame-blog · 8 years
I cry like once every eighty years.
Actually, it’s more like wailing, like a fucking banshee or something.
It’s disturbing and people who hear me generally tend to think I’m getting brutally murdered and start running either to or away from my vicinity in fright.
And it’s gross and ugly, so I usually hide my face.
I worry about people worrying about me wailing like a banshee as I wail like a banshee.
And then I feel embarrassed, guilty and proceed not to “cry” for another eighty years.
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pasteldreame-blog · 8 years
Cosmo Sheldrake is really cool. I’ve been listening to Moss, Rich, and Pelicans We for two hours DD;
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pasteldreame-blog · 8 years
Projected around my room again
Tried to go into my closet, but couldn’t. So, I just sat on the bed and touched the walls for a while.
Not long after that, I fell into a long and gruesome dream about a series of deaths that occurred a week before some party was supposed to happen. I don’t really think much of it considering the horror novel I picked up before bed.
Still, pretty chilling stuff.
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pasteldreame-blog · 8 years
The thing about never reaching out to fandoms is that you can quietly enjoy the content on your own.
My completion of Zen’s route marks the end of my Mystic Messenger journey… As Jumin might say: Adios.
Zen, that friggin unicorn. His route shattered a lot of the expectations I had for him. Not gonna lie. I judged his character mightily in every other route.
I was kind of moved.
Zen is like a new species of pretty boy.
I hope this doesn’t become a lasting trend. I’m usually on point about these kinds of characters.
Sad characters>>>>>narcissistic characters
I’m conflicted.
Anyway, I’m tired and I feel like dealing with Zen took a lot of my energy lol
I’ll talk about it tomorrow…
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pasteldreame-blog · 8 years
Ugh tomato soup is so good. I could probably eat a whole can lol
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pasteldreame-blog · 8 years
I just want to return to my quiet little corner here on Tumblr with no writing restrictions, sudden chat rooms, no expectations and a free outlet for my random bursts of creativity. Facebook and a lot of the people there give me too much anxiety.
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