#toying with 'Mascarpone' rn
baylardian-1 · 8 months
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some horse doodles :)
my cringe tf agenda with lil cheese is that they gradually develop draconequus features as they age bc pinkie had all the chaos magic for a hot minute lol
but i dont wanna get too crazy with MIDS til i make the final form
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drarryruinedme7 · 5 years
The lovely @inconsequentialmania tagged me to do this and I’m in the mood rn, so here it is!
Nickname: I don’t have it, it’s simply Ale :)
Star sign: Virgo, weirdly accurate and completely wrong at the same time
Height: 170 cm (Yes we use metres, sjklfjakg)
Hogwarts house: I’m a Ravenclaw and whoever dares to say differently can fight me, also I’m a Slytherin and if you really wanna see my true self I’m a Gryffindor with a side of Hufflepuff. But, seriously, lmao, I’m a proud Ravenclaw. 
Last thing I googled: lol, it’s a site to buy sex toys. (unbelievable, I can be nsfw even when playing tag memes XD)
Song stuck in my head: atm, Thriller by Michael Jackson 
Favourite food: like, ever? Like, I’m Italian, this a hard question. I think lasagne. Or pizza. Lasagne and pizza. Yeah.
Favourite holiday treat: pandoro with mascarpone cream, any day.
Amount of sleep: when I was young I could easily do without sleeping at all. Now I require at least six hours of sleep with cuddles on the side, thank you very much.
Lucky number: 7. It’s always been 7 and then I started shipping Drarry and what a coincidence, right? lol
Dream job: The one I have! I work with little kiddos (0 to 3 yo) with disabilities. 
Wearing: my Ravenclaw pjs 
Favourite song: This is absolutely impossible. It changes with my mood and living situation. Right now, maybe, maybe, Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen. 
Instrument (or Hobby): lol, instrument. Sure, yes, I play the guitar, the cello, the violin, the drums, the- jk, I’m totally shit at music!! But I do love photography and reading, also if petting dogs and try to make plants live in my apartment are hobbies, then that too! 
Random fact: I recently realised I’m bisexual, I like BDSM and my bf recently admitted he’d like to be subbed and my life has had a wild (amazing) turn since that.
Aesthetic: in life? christmas lights, large jumpers, anything yellow or green, snow, cosy cottages with fireplaces, hot steamy mugs of tea, a polaroid, books scattered all around, hugs, fingers brushing, curly curls 
This was fun!! Now you know something more about me ahahah and here, reader, if you wanna do it you can tag me so I see your replies!! Have fun!
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