#tpb cliffnotes
cat-alyzing · 2 years
Into the Wild == Important Notes
(Working title- first book of TPB, Rusty joins TC)
Rusty joins TC after he is tackled by Graypaw, this impresses the warriors who come out of the forest and Whitestorm, Lionheart, and Bluestar ask if he wants to join. He does and they go back to camp.
Bluestar announces his joining and Longtail taunts Rusty, who then leaps at him and does quite well with his collar snapping off in the end. This convinces Blue and she named him Firepaw. Just after this Ravenpaw comes into camp and announces Redtail’s death.
He explains how it happened. Their patrol was attacked by RC cats at sunningrocks before collapsing. Tigerclaw comes into camp after him dragging the body of Redtail who he says was killed by Oakheart who he murdered in retaliation. Graypaw explains Starclan to Firepaw at the deputy’s funeral, Lionheart is made deputy after and makes Darkstripe Dustpaw’s new mentor.
On his first day of training Lionheart and Tigerclaw watch over him and Graypaw. He is shown the borders, landmarks, and the other clans. It is the night of the gathering so by the time they get home Bluestar, Sandpaw, and Dustpaw leave to go to the gathering while Firepaw and Graypaw stay behind in camp.
Two moons have passed and Firepaw is on his first solo hunting patrol, he misses his vole and attacks the cat who messed him up before realizing it’s Graypaw. They go on a walk and spot a fox as well as a SC patrol. Graypaw goes back to alert Bluestar and Firepaw follows the scent of a rogue when he finds Yellowfang. She attacks him but loses as she’s starving and sickly, Firepaw spares her and feeds her some prey. But when found he is scolded by Bluestar and Yellowfang is taken back to TC camp to be treated for her wounds and illness.
When back to camp Yellowfang tells how SC took over WC territory and cats worry they will come after TC next. Bluestar officially takes Firepaw as her apprentice and Tigerclaw objects but she shushes him. He is punished by being told he’d care for Yellowfang while she was in their care. A while passes but at last he is freed from his punishment. Fire, Gray and Raven are assessed on their skills and pass but while hunting he finds Smudge and tells him about his new life. Tigerclaw catches him and when they come back he tells Bluestar who asks Fire if he’d like to go back to his softer life but he declines. The three apprentices are chosen to go the the gathering.
At the gathering he is told about the ancient clans by Lionheart, Ravenpaw tells what happened at sunningrocks and notably it’s pretty diffrent from what Tigerclaw said, Tiger overhears this and is visibly angry. Finally the gathering starts. Brokenstar demands the other clans let SC hunt in their grounds, Crookedstar aggress but Bluestar doesn’t give a answer. He then tells about a dangerous rouge who TC presumes is Yellowfang and they decide to get rid of her. Firepaw runs ahead to war her and he does but soon after Tigerclaw and Darkstripe attack her tho Bluestar breaks it up. She tells of Brokenstar’s demands and they should prepare to fight, but she need to go to the moonstone with the apprentices.
Firepaw has a dream about fighting cats. Finally Bluestar, Tiger, Fire, Gray, and Raven go to the moonstone. They rest and hunt as they wait for nightfall. While going into the cave Tiger turns around and flees from fear, Blue and Fire get there but when she awakes she demands they go back to camp right now. They leave swiftly, meeting Barely on the way who warns of dogs so they go a different route but are instead attacked by rats. Blue loses a life, Tiger blames Barley but after asks her how am by she has left where she says she has just four lives left
As they get back to TC they see SC attacking the camp. Yellowfang defends the nursery from Blackfoot, Rosetail and Lionheart die in battle but eventually SC flees. Tigerclaw is appointed deputy and Ravenpaw suggest he had something to do with Redtail’s death. But Tiger overhears and Raven gets panicked. When a meeting is called Yellowfang is made a permanent TC member and Tigerclaw suggest their is a cat in their ranks who helped SC plan the attack, as well as appointing himself and his friends as Bluestar’s bodyguards.
A bit later Spottedleaf tells Firepaw about the prophecy she received. Bluestar and Tigerclaw take Fire, Gray, and Raven for battle training where he forgets to tell Bluestar about Ravenpaw. When they return to camp Ravenapw is missing and him and Graypaw are worried Tiger and Co did something to him but he returns smelling of SC. Worried he says that Tigerclaw made him hunt in SC territory before telling them that Tiger was the one who killed Redtail at sunningrocks after the previous deputy had killed Oakheart.
Just after this Brindleface has her kits (Ash, Fern, Tulip, and Elder). Bluestar reveals she actually only has two loves left. Frostfur’s kits go missing and no one can find them only to find Spottedleaf’s dead body and Yellowfang to be missing. TC suspects Yellowfamg took the kits and killed Spottedleaf but a harsh storm breaks out and the cats can’t go after her. Bluestar sends Firepaw to go after her and he brings Graypaw and Ravenpaw with him. As they get away from camp Firepaw suggests Ravenpaw leave the clans for his safety, suggesting he got live with Barley and when they get back to camp he’ll tell Tigerclaw that he’d died somehow.
The rain stops and him and Graypaw track Yellowfang who is actually tracking the kits scents herself. She says Clawface took them and Brokenstar has been taking kits and making them warriors far too young. A TC patrol approaches and they hide but after making a plan to rally against SC they come out and convince the patrol that Yellowfang is innocent. Yellowfang arrived with three SC elders who want to overthrow Brokenstar. They plan a open attack on the SC camp to take back the stolen kits.
The cats raid SC. Brokenstar flees worn his supports being Clawface, Stumpytail, Tangleburr and some silver tabby. Frostfur’s kits are found and rescued. Nightpelt assumes the role of leader and Yellowfang decides to stay in TC.
The party returns to TC and Yellowfang explains her innocence and why she was banished as well as the crimes Brokenstar commited. Firepaw says Ravenpaw died, and Whitestorm says Fire and Gray fought well. The two are named Fireheart and Graystripe and sit vigil all night but are watched closely by Tigerclaw.
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f4liveblogarchives · 4 years
Fantastic Four Vol 1 #160
Mon Aug 19 2019 [09:52 PM] Wack'd: FANTASTIC FOUR VOL 1 NO 160 [09:53 PM] Wack'd: We've got a new logo,
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[09:53 PM] Wack'd: And new intro text
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[09:53 PM] Wack'd: Definitely feels like we're aiming for a clean slate here [09:54 PM] Wack'd: So apparently this issue takes place Valentine's Day 1974 [09:55 PM] Wack'd: Which is weird because it's July 1975 [09:55 PM] Wack'd: Anyway Ben is fighting some Conan-looking guy with throwing lightning bolts riding a dragon. Arkon the Magnificent, he calls himself. [09:56 PM] Wack'd: Apparently he was last seen in Avengers 84. One of yours, @Bocaj [09:57 PM] Wack'd: Wow, what a dick
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[09:58 PM] Bocaj: Oh gdi Akron is back [09:58 PM] Wack'd: Not a fan, I take it [09:58 PM] Bocaj: He keeps trying to kidnap earth women to make them love him [09:59 PM] Wack'd: Arkon teleports Ben away so some kinder pedestrians help Alicia flag down a cab [09:59 PM] Bocaj: https://thebibliomancer.tumblr.com/post/156631324064/essential-avengers-avengers-84-the-sword-and [09:59 PM] Wack'd: OH MY GOD IT'S THE SAME CABBIE SUE FREAKED OUT BACK IN FANTASTIC FOUR #1
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[10:00 PM] maxwellelvis: He's got like, the exact same shtick as that Sean Connery-looking dude from Power Girl, but without the charm. [10:00 PM] Bocaj:
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[10:00 PM] Bocaj: "Fuck you Arkon and the horse you rode in on" was the 84 takeaway [10:00 PM] Wack'd: Good to know [10:00 PM] Wack'd: Also interesting to note we're...kiiiiinda floating the timeline here? [10:01 PM] Wack'd: The Mole Man encounter was still 1961 [10:01 PM] Wack'd: But the comic is about a year and a half behind realtime [10:02 PM] Wack'd: It finally happened. Ben finally dropped a pop-culture reference I had to Google
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[10:03 PM] Wack'd: (Oh also he's back I guess) [10:03 PM] Wack'd: Bendix's a character actor from the 40s and 50s. Died in 64, further cementing Ben as "the old one" [10:04 PM] Umbramatic: oh, huh [10:04 PM] Wack'd: Ben's appearance in Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur is starting to make a lot more sense [10:04 PM] Wack'd: His entire shtick there is being an out of touch old man [10:05 PM] Wack'd: OKAY HERE WE GO [10:05 PM] Wack'd: Alicia realizes the Ben she saw spoke more like Reed [10:06 PM] Wack'd: Which means this is Reed from that other universe way back in #118, presumably [10:06 PM] Bocaj: ffs [10:06 PM] Wack'd: I mean I'm assuming Thing!Reed appears in Two-in-One on occasion [10:07 PM] maxwellelvis: Not yet [10:07 PM] Wack'd: But for us, this is a hell of a callback [10:07 PM] Wack'd: Ahhh okay [10:07 PM] maxwellelvis: He doesn't appear until well past my TPB. [10:07 PM] maxwellelvis: So this is his first return. [10:08 PM] Wack'd: The cliffnotes is there's a reality where Reed got rocky and Ben got stretchy [10:08 PM] Wack'd: Hahahahaa, Reed says he's gonna ask the Avengers if they know Arkon [10:08 PM] Wack'd: Apparently they have an information trading agreement [10:09 PM] Bocaj: This will be good [10:09 PM] Wack'd: Thor: Verily, fucketh that guy, for real [10:09 PM] Bocaj: Hee [10:10 PM] Wack'd: Anyway Ben calls Crystal and asks to borrow Lockjaw [10:10 PM] Wack'd: Lockjaw is apparently a big fan of Ben's and is over there in a heartbeat [10:11 PM] Wack'd: But no time for that. There's capitalism to attend to! [10:12 PM] Wack'd: Why does this guy look like a Disney's Mr. Toad gijinka
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[10:12 PM] Aleph Null: he isn't an anime person tho [10:13 PM] Wack'd: Humanization then, fine, whatever [10:14 PM] Wack'd: Lockjaw's just a TARDIS, huh
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[10:15 PM] maxwellelvis: Let's just hope he doesn't get one of his spells when he sees the Fantasticar, this guy. [10:15 PM] maxwellelvis: "FLYING MOTORCAR!" [10:16 PM] Wack'd: Ben arrives at what he thinks is Thing!Reed's castle but is actually a Universal Horror AU [10:16 PM] Umbramatic: lockjaw is a good boi [10:16 PM] maxwellelvis: Before the Super Hero Squad Show did a similar concept, I see. [10:16 PM] Wack'd: Ooooooh okay [10:16 PM] Wack'd: This is the right universe [10:17 PM] Wack'd: Fantastic!Ben and Sue act like he's there Reed [10:17 PM] Wack'd: The Universal Horrors were just robots, though to what end I have no idea [10:18 PM] Wack'd: Oh hey in this 'verse Reed successfully cured Ben [10:18 PM] Wack'd: Of stretching and flaming [10:20 PM] Wack'd: Ooooooh
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[10:20 PM] Wack'd: I see now, this is an *Inferno* thing [10:20 PM] Wack'd: What will happen if Reed sells out [10:21 PM] Wack'd: Hehehe corporate guy is named Mr. DeVoor. Subtle [10:21 PM] Umbramatic: :novore: [10:22 PM] Wack'd: Yep, called it
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[10:28 PM] Wack'd: Going to call it here because the next nice round number is five issues away and I don't think I can make it that long [10:29 PM] maxwellelvis: Good place to hold up for the night
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