theninthdoor · 11 months
enhypen kissing styles too please, thank you so much <3
Heeseung || strength, ace of cups: Heeseung likes to hold his partner's face with both of his hands and/or having his fingers all tangled into their hair. His kiss is intense, possessive and slow & steady. He's also big into french kisses!
Jay || knight of wands, strength: He generally always leads the kiss and prefers to dominate it the whole time - I just don't see him enjoying it too much when his partner has the upper hand; it doesn't excite him. He's a very touchy kisser as well; always has his hands running up and down his partner's body.
Jake || seven of pentacles, nine of cups: Pace wise, he's usually a pretty slow kisser. He must really enjoy every second of it, and a kiss that's too rushed or messy isn't all that enjoyable, according to him. He leans in slowly and gives his partner time to show/imply that they really want him to move forward with it. Feeling desired is a big thing for him.
Sunghoon || the lovers, five of pentacles: He tends to adapt to his partner's style and/or preference, I think. He will just go with whatever works best for them; whatever makes the most sense for that particular person + relationship. He's just very intuitive with his kisses, and kind of builds his style based on what he feels and sees in every different connection. However, I do see him taking a more submissive role most of the time - unlike Jay, he's fine with having the other person lead and dominate the kiss.
Sunoo || ace of wands, justice: He's an enthusiastic and passionate kisser. I don't see a whole lot of tongue or messy hair/clothes/whatever. Sunoo is definitely the type to laugh and talk in between kisses, too, and he's overall pretty at ease with fulfilling any role (dominant or submissive). On the other hand, though, I don't think he likes teasing or being teased; they both must play fair.
Jungwon || two of wands, three of pentacles: I heard "he's a precise kisser"…? His kisses are somehow very intricate and attentive. He's all about noticing and appreciating his partner's features and preferences as well. I just see him leaving soft kisses all over his partner's face, on the corners of their lips, on their neck and collarbones, hands, even. Jungwon always makes the other person feel seen, respected and cared for - it's an intimate yet lighthearted experience.
Ni-ki || page of wands, king of swords: I see Ni-ki going between 2 different styles of kiss, depending on the partner or situation. He can either be very enthusiastic, passionate and messy, or serious, direct and detached, in a way. I think he starts out in that lively, passionate way and then turns dispassionate, cold, once he becomes overly self-aware or when he feels like he's embarassing himself by being so expressive and eager.
(Disclaimer: All is alleged and for entertainment purposes only. Based on current energies.)
181 notes · View notes
theninthdoor · 11 months
Hii hiiii for enhypen what members do you think would prefer more of a clingy s/o and which would prefer to be left alone more???
MTL to prefer a clingy s/o
Heeseung || nine of swords: He likes to feel needed. The "damsel in distress" act gets him every time.
Jake || judgement: Jake loves to feel like he's the most special person in his s/o's life, so, yesh, he likes when they are quite clingy.
Jungwon || the empress: He definitely needs to stay close to his partner, so a needy/clingy person is ideal.
Ni-ki || page of wands: Either way is fine with him.
Sunghoon || the hermit rx: He goes through phases, I think. Overall, though, he's more the type of person who needs to be left alone. Both should be quite independent.
Jay || knight of swords rx: Clinginess kinda pisses him off, honestly?? He's not into it, at all.
Sunoo || five of swords: Nope. Sunoo needs to be left alone, too.
MTL to prefer to be left alone
(Disclaimer: All is alleged and for entertainment purposes only. Based on current energies.)
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theninthdoor · 1 year
hi, for enhypen too, who radiates a giver/provider boyfriend vs who might like be the one to be taken care of 🥹🥹
Provider || Heeseung (ace of pentacles - he's more like a 75% provider, not quite 100%), Jay (five of swords) and Ni-ki (king of swords).
50/50 || Sunghoon (two of pentacles).
Likes to be taken care of || Jake (page of cups), Sunoo (the star) and Jungwon (eight of swords - the type to think he's the provider, though… totally in denial).
(Disclaimer: Based on current energies. All is alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
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theninthdoor · 11 months
hi, can i please request an enhypen version of mtl would do well in long distance relationship? thank you :)
Sunghoon || ten of pentacles: I think Sunghoon actually very much enjoys the idea of a long distance relationship, and might have already been in one. It's just the right kind of arrangement for his personality and lifestyle, overall.
Heeseung || the wheel of fortune: He's totally open to trying that out - which I don't think he ever has. He sees the whole thing very positively, actually, and it is very likely to be something that suits his personality and relationship preferences.
Ni-ki || queen of wands: Ni-ki might've already been in a long distance relationship, I believe. He likes it but doesn't love it. (lmao initially I wrote "He likes it but doesn't love YOU"?? what does that mean, Spirit??)
Jake || page of swords: Under the right circumstances, he would do fine. However, Jake does have some doubts regarding the success, stability or longevity of such a relationship.
Sunoo || the fool: Could try, but doesn't view that as something too promising. I just feel like Sunoo would lose interest really quickly in a relationship like that.
Jay || ten of swords: Not at all. Long distance relationships are a big no-go for him.
Jungwon || four of cups: Nope. That's just not something that he enjoys/would enjoy. He needs his s/o closer.
(Disclaimer: All is alleged and for entertainment purposes only. Based on current energies.)
63 notes · View notes
theninthdoor · 1 year
hi, can i ask how would enhypen cope after a breakup?
Heeseung || seven of cups, ten of wands: He would try his best to stay busy. Heeseung would really wanna fill every minute of his days with activities just so he wouldn't have the time or the energy to think about the breakup.
Jay || the hermit, queen of pentacles: Spends a lot of time alone, for sure. Also, I see him seeking his biggest comfort activities, places, people, etc. Jay just needs to ground himself after a breakup.
Jake || the lovers, three of wands: I don't see him ever getting too affected by breakups, to be honest. He seeks company; to stay connected with people - either close friends or new potential partners, even (he moves on quite fast, I think). At that point he might actually feel the need to meet new people in order to get over that past connection.
Sunghoon || ten of wands, ten of cups: I feel like after a breakup he becomes much more extroverted, in a way? Unlike Jay, Sunghoon spends all of his time with other people; he avoids being by himself as much as possible, just so he's not forced to listen to his own thoughts and feelings regarding the situation.
Sunoo || the lovers, nine of swords: He takes it quite hard, honestly, mostly because he always thinks it was his fault that things didn't work out. He's really hard on himself… Given that, Sunoo copes by seeking a close friend or family member that his willing to listen to his thoughts/feelings and give him a good word of advice.
Jungwon || the empress, seven of pentacles: Jungwon might have a very strong connection with his mother or mother figure, and that's whom he looks for to support him after a breakup. Work is also a great way of keeping him grounded and stable, as it reminds him of why he needs to stay optimistic and look ahead to the future (not the past; what has been lost, and all that).
Ni-ki || king of pentacles, seven of pentacles: Work, 100%. He deals very well with breakups, actually, and spending some time in the practice room or in the studio is enough to get his mind off of it. As he sees it, if the relationship didn't work out, it's because it wasn't meant to.
(Disclaimer: Based on current energies. All is alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
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theninthdoor · 1 year
enhypen love life update pleaseee 💖💖💖
Heeseung || five of cups, the magician: Looks like he's single, but not completely alone - as in, he's been talking to some people. He's still not getting into any serious relationship soon, though, as I see him still working on getting over some ex.
Jay || nine of cups, seven of swords rx: A relationship that began as a fun little situationship is growing to something more serious. The Ace of Cups is at the bottom of the deck, which tells me one of them (or both) has recently confessed their true feelings towards the other person.
Jake || king of cups, the hierophant: Jake is dating. He just seems to be chronically in love; everyone could be the one for him (until they're not lol) - this is no different. Whoever he's with right now has his whole heart.
Sunghoon || the emperor, seven of wands: Dating, yet fighting to maintain his independence. The relationship has proved itself to be a lot more trouble than what he was anticipating, and new boundaries might have to be established. Sunghoon wants this to move forward, but he needs his personal space and wishes to be respected as well.
Sunoo || five of cups, ten of wands: He's mourning the end of a connection. I can hear the other person telling him "it's too much trouble, I can't do this". Sunoo was willing to put in all the work necessary, yet that wasn't the case for his partner (or potential partner). He hasn't accepted the end of it, though, and would still give it another chance.
Jungwon || ten of wands, the magician: Jungwon has been talking to someone but, as of right now, he's got too much on his plate for that to be his focus. There's potential for it to develop into an actual relationship, though.
Ni-Ki || ten of swords rx, two of swords: Clearly single. He hasn't dated for a while and has gotten used to it - so much so that he's not even looking for a relationship. It's less troublesome this way, personally and professionally.
(Disclaimer: Based on current energies. All is alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
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theninthdoor · 10 months
hi, can i ask for an enhypen love reading pleasee? thank you sm!
Heeseung || nine of wands, the empress: I think he has been in some sort of situationship for a while now, but it's really messy… Both of them have strong personalities and wills, and compromising doesn't seem to be an easy task here. Even though they like each other a lot, I just think their lifestyles are a little too different - and, of course, if they can't meet each other halfway, this relationship should be difficult to maintain. I get Taurus energy from this person, and perhaps some fire placements as well.
Jay || nine of wands, the fool: Jay is most likely single. I see him talking to someone, but there are no romantic feelings here yet (and, to be honest, I don't think there will ever be… this just feels too "dry"). I believe this person has just been providing him with some support + distraction from everything else that is going on in his life.
Jake || five of cups, six of swords rx: Fresh out of a relationship. So fresh that he hasn't even sailed away completely. With the seven of swords & four of wands at the bottom of the deck, I feel like there must've been a big misunderstanding here relating to someone's "friends". I can hear that familiar "oh, don't worry about X! they're just a friend", you know?
Sunghoon || eight of pentacles, eight of swords: I think Sunghoon is taking a break from a partner. This energy is all over the place, and so I can't tell if they have even talked about a break up or not, even though I see him already accepting that this is going to fail. He's still willing to work on it, but the ball is on his partner's court.
Sunoo || knight of wands, eight of pentacles: He's been going out with someone new. This feels very lighthearted and exciting, and has great potential to manifest into something more solid, no doubt. This other person has strong Earth and Air energy, and I'm pretty sure they're not famous (yet or at all).
Jungwon || three of pentacles, two of swords: He's been having to choose between investing in a relationship or focusing on work, and for now he's just trying to figure out how to move forward. I see him choosing work, but the other person still being understanding and respecting his decision - although, this might also make them lose interest on him & on the relationship. The timing just isn't right for them.
Ni-ki || four of swords rx, four of pentacles: Still single, but a little more open to wander around the dating market. There are a lot of restrictions and resistance from others regarding to him dating, I feel like. If he's getting out there, it's because he's tired of doing everything they want him to, and he's just ready to break some rules - not that he wants a relationship that much; it's more about the freedom thing.
(Disclaimer: All is alleged and for entertainment purposes only. Based on current energies.)
42 notes · View notes
theninthdoor · 10 months
Where does ENHA member prefer/want to live in the future? Also are they city/country side type of,when visualizing future.
Dont knowbif its okay to ask this. Kindly ignore me if ur uncomfortable. Thank you ☺
Heeseung || the world: Most likely the city, surrounded by all of its activity and all kinds of people. However, he might not see himself living in the middle of a big city, exactly, but moreso in some quieter, residential area.
Jay || the hanged man: The suburbs, period. This card also jumped out literally as soon as I went to start shuffling, so his answer is more than clear to me. He wants the peace and quiet of living outside of a city, without having to be too far away from it.
Jake || knight of cups: He's a (isolated) suburbs and country kind of guy, so that might really be where he ends up settling at some point in the future. I hear "clear skies", which I think is what he misses the most when he spends so much time in the city.
Sunghoon || the lovers: Most likely the city, but near water and greenery. Even though he's quite introverted, he really enjoys having access to everything a big city provides, entertainment wise, work wise, etc.
Sunoo || the hermit: The countryside. He wouldn't mind having to travel a couple of hours to reach a big city, honestly. He just wants to live somewhere quiet, peaceful and with nature all around him. I also keep seeing fields and soil(?), which makes me think that Sunoo might wish to learn how to grow his own veggies and fruits in the future.
Jungwon || justice: The city, for sure. He needs to be close to all of the big institutions, services and events. I don't know where he was born or grew up, to be honest, but I get the feeling that he just wants to keep living life as he's gotten used to. Also, he's the member who's most likely to end up living in a super busy, central neighbourhood.
Ni-ki || the fool: I don't think he has made up his mind yet, but, for now, he might be considering someday settling near the beach, somewhere. I keep seeing Malibu in my head, so perhaps something similar.
(Disclaimer: All is alleged and for entertainment purposes only. Based on current energies.)
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theninthdoor · 1 year
what jobs would enhypen have if they weren't idols? 😆
Heeseung || page of swords, two of wands: Music journalism or audio engineering/producing; perhaps a little bit of both, since we have the 2oW!
Jay || the star, death: I think Jay would still be working in the entertainment industry, somehow. He would still be in the spotlight, performing - solo artist or producer are my bets.
Jake || the fool, page of wands: Content creator was the first thing that came to mind, to be honest. He could've settled for a social media influencer-type of job or I could also see him being a social media manager or advisor of sorts.
Sunghoon || two of wands, five of swords: I can see Sunghoon doing some coaching work, but I really can't tell in which field. He could even be a supervisor or be in charge of regulations (establishing and/or making sure people are following them).
Sunoo || seven of wands, two of pentacles: I see a sales representative kind of job? Like pitching a company's/person's product/services to the public or to a client. Could even be something related to finance or investments, with him juggling many things at once and trying to find a way to please both sides (company vs client).
Jungwon || four of pentacles, three of swords: Restauration and/or conservation of something…? I see Jungwon working with either very old or very damaged items and fixing them or giving them a new life. For some reason I also heard "dentist"?? Like fixing teeth, maybe.
Ni-ki || nine of cups, four of wands: I totally see him opening his own restaurant, bar, club or cafe at some point, and having that be his lifelong passion project. This place would be fun, full of entertainment and definitely rich in art and culture.
(Disclaimer: Based on current energies. All readings are alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
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theninthdoor · 1 year
who in enhypen would believe in tarot vs who would think its just for fun?
Just for fun || Heeseung (two of swords), Sunghoon (knight of wands), Jake (temperance) and Sunoo (strength)
Would actually believe in it || Jay (the empress), Jungwon (knight of cups) and Ni-ki (six of pentacles)
(Disclaimer: Based on current energies. All is alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
39 notes · View notes
theninthdoor · 1 year
Niki as a boyfriend please (enhypen) 😍
I thought I had replied to this one already, but apparently not?? I'm delusional, I'm sorry 🤡 
cards: six of pentacles rx, the hierophant, the world
Very traditional; a proper gentleman. Won't let his partner pay for meals or buy him gifts - he'll do that for them, tho! Doesn't mind doing things he doesn't really enjoy, as long as his partner is happy. More of a giver than a taker. Wants to be involved in every aspect of his s/o's life, and will certainly let them in on his. On the negative side, though, it's very easy for people to take advantage of his kidness… he needs to start asking for the same type of good treatment he gives others!
34 notes · View notes
theninthdoor · 1 year
hi, may i ask how do girlgroups perceive enhypen? thank you!!
cards: two of cups, six of swords, the world
Many female idols crush on the Enhypen members - that is pretty obvious to me… lol. All members seem to have a pleasant and welcoming energy to them; they are all very polite and gentleman-like. I also see them being helpful and kind towards others, no matter if they are juniors or seniors to them, and that is well recognized and appreciated. The group itself is very talented, well rounded and particularly great at the performance part of things - gg love to watch them perform and may really look forward to it during awards shows and festivals, for example. Also, they're not too out-there nor do they try too hard to be trendsetters, yet they still manage to come out with exciting and popular concepts/music. They're just a trendy group, no matter what.
(Disclaimer: Based on current energies. All readings are alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
21 notes · View notes
theninthdoor · 1 year
Can you do bad sides/questionnable reading for enhypen as well ? (Like you did for BTS) Thank youuu :)
again... before you read: make sure that you take everything with a grain of salt and put your common sense to good use! no human being is 100% angel; no one is perfect + some of these things we, ourselves, do or think of doing from time to time. still, if anyone is expecting idols to be some sort of perfect demi-gods, the internet might not be for you 💘 also, of course, i’m not claiming anything as facts. feel free to dismiss my interpretations, if you wish.
Heeseung || the devil, page of wands: Uhh… a little manipulative? He knows what to say to push people's buttons. Plus, might take his jokes a little too far sometimes, too. While said joke might be making someone uncomfortable, if he's not yet satisfied with it, he's not gonna stop. What's funny for him often isn't funny for others, and he might fail to notice that. It could also happen that others feels pressured to laugh at those jokes or go along with his antics just so they aren't the next victim. (mind you, I don't think he's malicious with it, necessarily… he may just lack the maturity or self-awareness to recognize what's reaaally happening)
Jay || the temperance, ace of pentacles: Jay might have a hard time stepping out of his comfort zone, and so he tries to mold people into what better fits said comfort zone. If he thinks something is the best of its kind (i.e.: a restaurant or a style of jeans), he will want everybody to have the same opinion or follow his own. Passive-aggressiveness might also be an issue here.
Jake || three of swords, ace of swords: Knows how to hit a raw nerve, and might do it more often than he should. He's the type to remember things/secrets a person has told him and use that against them later on, specially when they have hurt his feelings. Will bring up people's past mistakes, too, for sure… Plus, once you hurt him, he'll make sure you know it and acknowledge it!
Sunghoon || four of wands, eight of cups: Escapism; faking it. Fakes his personality and/or tastes and preferences in order to fit in. Would rather run than confront others over things that have upset him. Might also be the type to say one thing in front of the larger group of people, and then go and say another in private to someone he trusts.
Sunoo || wheel of fortune, ace of wands: Unpredictable. Always looking for the next big thing. He just isn't very commited to stuff, specially if something else more interesting or promising comes up. It may be hard to get him to follow through with an idea or plan - it's a "do it now or you may never actually do it" type of thing. He just loses interest very easily, it seems.
Jungwon || ace of pentacles, eight of swords: I wouldn't necessarily say close minded, but more like… short-sighted? He rejects things/ideas/people too fast upon a first impression, and doesn't give them the opportunity to unravel into something that, perhaps, he'd find really quite interesting. For example, if 7 years ago he found a 12-in-1 shampoo that worked for his needs, in those 7 years he has never accepted any other shampoo suggestion and will shit-talk all other options… you won't get him to change his mind bc, honestly, he doesn't care. It might be better for him and give him better results but, instead of considering that, he's thinking about NOT getting what this 12-in-1 provides for him right now. Besides that, he may also be a little material focused and reject some opportunities in order to focus on work, to save money, or simply because he thinks it's below himself.
Ni-ki || three of swords, king of wands: Lol… he plays the victim very well! Ni-ki knows how to use his acting skills to get what he wants, for sure… Dramatic. Pushy. Hates it when people don't pay attention to him - OR when they don't give him the amount of attention he thinks he deserves. "My way or the highway… unless you wanna hear me whine about it for a month, of course".
(Disclaimer: all readings are alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
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theninthdoor · 2 years
Most to least in enhypen to like the chase? (Doing the chase)
Ni-ki || the chariot: He'll go for it, no problem. Has more than enough confidence, discipline and drive. Plus, it might make him feel rather powerful and "cool", and he likes that.
Jake || king of swords: Very straightforward and determined. Would probably know how to plan things out perfectly to get to his end goal, while always keeping his emotions under control (so to avoid self-sabotaging). If he recognizes a challenge that he would like to conquer, he'll give it his all.
Jay || knight of pentacles: Will do the chase if he thinks it's worth it. He's more realistic about things, and might only put effort into what he thinks could flourish into something solid.
Heeseung || queen of swords: He would go about it in a very logical and careful way. Still very direct and assertive, though, it's just that he doesn't care enough to chase for too long or to take too many risks.
Sunghoon || four of pentacles: Not into it. Won't go out of his way to chase anybody.
Jungwon || the high priestess: He's a rather private and cautious person. Doesn't like to appear or to feel like he's "desperate" to get someone's attention.
Sunoo || four of swords: It doesn't interest him at all. Wants to keep his peace.
(Disclaimer: all readings are alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
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theninthdoor · 2 years
Hi! Can you also do the turn ons/offs for Enhypen Heeseung too? Thank you!! 🤍
Likes/Turn Ons:
cards: the magician rx (nine of pentacles), five of cups (page of wands), the devil
Mean girl vibes… lol. Someone who always presents themselves as very, very polished and classy. A little bitchy, tho. K-drama rich girl type. Someone who knows how to use their charms to their advantage, even if it means manipulating the situation, lying and deceiving others (just enough to get what they want). I think, in that case, he would feel attracted to the nerve and confidence needed to go about things in that way, even knowing that it could backfire. Someone dramatic, almost theatrical in the way they speak to others. Again, I see them conjuring up tears out of nowhere to get their way on something. He'd find that entertaining. A dramatic storyteller - that one that tells stories and you see the whole thing happening right in front of your eyes, with all the emotions and all the details. Someone who's not afraid of being a little vulgar. Cursing? Talking openly about matters such as drugs and sex? (doesn't mean that these are extremely present topics in their lives, though, only that they don't feel ashamed of discussing them!).
cards: the sun, seven of wands, king of swords
Someone who's just that "nice person everybody loves"; someone who's polite and sweet towards everyone for seemingly no reason. Someone who's too in-your-face, loud, laughing hysterically and being all touchy when talking to you. Someone who always seems to be in a good mood - he might feel a little suspicious. A person who's overly honest, and puts all their cards on the table. He would probably think that's a dumb thing to do and he would lose all the excitement to get to know them better (as opposed to it being someone who's more mysterious and private - then he would feel intrigued). Someone who gets all over his business, wanting to know about his personal life, his plans for the future, and wanting to give him advice or share their thoughts on it.
(Disclaimer: all readings are alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
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theninthdoor · 2 years
Hi! Can you also do a reading about Enhypen Jay's turn on/off like Jake's one please? Thank you in advance
Likes/Turn Ons:
cards: the hierophant, ten of pentacles, the moon
A stable, responsible and trustworthy individual. Someone who shows immense amounts of loyalty and gratitude towards their family, how they were brought up, or even towards their culture. A traditional person; those who may value having good education and good manners. Someone who thinks long-term and makes every decision with that in mind; responsibility regarding matters of money; a career-oriented person. Additionally, an individual who has a rather serious approach towards life and presents themselves in a composed and reserved manner; someone who doesn't reveal too much about themselves unless they know the person quite well already.
cards: four of swords, temperance, knight of pentacles
The type of person who's always indifferent towards everything, and never pushes to get what they want; someone who's willing to accept whatever is handed to them, even if it's a lot less than what they deserve. Someone who's scared of rocking the boat. People pleasers; a pushover. Being so calm to the point of becoming irritating. A person who refuses to get involved in discussions, even when others actually really need an extra opinion on the matter at hand and are begging them to say something or pick a side. Those who take too long to get anything done; slow people. Someone who lives the same day on loop, and shows no interest in changing anything at all.
(Disclaimer: all readings are alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
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