What are the things that we need to look for when buying a used tractors ?
You should go beyond simply kicking the tires if you're looking to purchase a used tractor. There are several telltale indications to watch out for even if it's not always simple to tell if tractor maintenance has been ignored. 
To assist you in finding a dependable, well-maintained tractor, I've provided a walkthrough and a helpful used tractor inspection checklist.
Check the ROPS first. Modern tractors almost universally feature roll bars, however some older tractors don't. Ask the vendor if the ROPS was taken off a newer model tractor if it's missing and if he still has it.
If the tractor has a roll bar, a seat belt is required, and you must wear it. There shouldn't be a seat belt if there isn't a roll bar. 
Safety switches are located throughout the tractor in various locations. Check the PTO, transmission, clutch, and brake pedals. Safety switches prevent the engine from starting unless the transmission, PTO, and brakes are engaged and in neutral.
Examine the tractor's exterior for dents, rust, and painted-over areas. The tractor may have been in an accident or just suffered from neglect if it is in poor condition. Which implies that it might also not be mechanically sound. Repainting is not an issue if the sheet metal is in good condition but the paint is missing. 
Next, check the tires. Hey, I never said we wouldn't do that. 
Verify the tires for uneven or excessive wear. Check for tread depth, damage, and repair hints like plugs or patches. Even though replacing  tires can be expensive, bad tires don't always have to be a deal-breaker. After spending money on a used Agricultural Tractors For Sale in Auctions , you need to know if there will be any more significant expenses down the road. 
Make sure the engine is turned off before sticking your hand inside and trying to move the fan blades to check if everything is stable. To ensure everything is secure, make sure to check the belts as well. 
Examine the fluids.
Open the hood when the engine has cooled and checked all the fluids.
Remove the radiator's cap. Verify that it has coolant and is free of floating oil. 
Examine the engine oil. Check the level using the dipstick to make sure there are no water beads on the stick. If the oil hasn't been changed recently, it should be black.
Verify the hydraulic and transmission oil. You may need to run your finger over the dipstick to check the level of hydraulic oil because it ought to be nearly clean. When you check the fluids, keep a rag close at hand to wipe your hands.
steering-pump power. Check the fluid level after unscrewing the cap. The majority of new tractors lack a separate
You may learn a lot about how the tractor has been used by examining the wear and tear on the clutch and brake pedals. The operator likely enjoys riding the clutch and/or brakes, which will reduce their lifespan, if the dimples and paint on the pedals are worn down.   
It's time to turn it up. Start the tractor, lock the brakes, and confirm that the transmission is in neutral. Check the smoke when the Tractors Online Auctions  has had a chance to warm up. Is it clear, black, blue, or white? Engine issues may be indicated by the color of the smoke.
If tractor smoke, then
Best case: clear. Nothing is wrong if you only notice a tiny puff of exhaust smoke before it disappears.
White - The head gasket may be faulty, or there could be water in the fuel system.
Oil is being burned by the tractor in blue. This can point to a pricey problem. Either the rings are worn or there is an internal problem.
Black - Usually an air or fuel issue, and usually a quick, inexpensive fix. Most likely clogged, the air filter has to be changed.
After starting, if the tractor continues to belch smoke, it can be a sign of anything more serious.
Verify that everything functions. Verify the headlights, dash lights, and flashers. create that anything that should flash, light up, or create noise actually does so.
Raise the lift while turning the steering wheel.
The steering wheel should turn freely and smoothly if it has power steering. If the fluid trembles or tremors, there may be an issue with the fluid or a low fluid level. The suction screen, filter, or pump could possibly be having issues. 
Lift the lift lever next. It's in good shape if it comes up neatly and smoothly. If it trembles, there can be a fluid issue within or a problem with the lift.
Examine the brakes.
Put your right foot on one of the brakes, place your foot on the clutch, and change into low gear. Release the clutch slowly. The tractor should not move thanks to the brake. Apply the second brake after that. The tractor should be able to be kept in place by both brakes.
You can simultaneously assess the clutch's functionality. The clutch is slipping if the engine doesn't alter and you can't feel the tractor struggling to drive. 
An hour meter that displays the tractor's usage history can be found on the dashboard. It could be challenging to read. The marks on the glass could be worn or blurred. This is a typical feature of a secondhand tractor, but it's still vital information. You should be able to see the timer running while the motor is running if the hour meter is still functional. If you don't see that, you won't know how "used" the tractor actually is, and you risk buying a dud.
You can make a much wiser investment of your hard-earned money when you know what to look for when purchasing a second hand tractor. You can print off and bring along this checklist for inspecting old tractors. 
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